Anti-CRT Parent Advocate Leaving New York City For The ‘Free State of Florida’
“By this past summer, the answer I had been avoiding was unavoidable. New York City is not savable. Not for a generation at least. Possibly not forever.”
Andrew Gutmann is a New Yorker who went viral in the spring of 2021 for writing a letter to the exclusive Brearley School, where his daughter was a student, protesting Critical Race Theory in the school’s curriculum.
Like many other people in New York City, Gutmann is now moving to Florida.
Gutmann’s letter was a sensation. Here’s an excerpt via the Bari Weiss Substack:
It cannot be stated strongly enough that Brearley’s obsession with race must stop. It should be abundantly clear to any thinking parent that Brearley has completely lost its way. The administration and the Board of Trustees have displayed a cowardly and appalling lack of leadership by appeasing an anti-intellectual, illiberal mob, and then allowing the school to be captured by that same mob. What follows are my own personal views on Brearley’s antiracism initiatives, but these are just a handful of the criticisms that I know other parents have expressed.
I object to the view that I should be judged by the color of my skin. I cannot tolerate a school that not only judges my daughter by the color of her skin, but encourages and instructs her to prejudge others by theirs. By viewing every element of education, every aspect of history, and every facet of society through the lens of skin color and race, we are desecrating the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and utterly violating the movement for which such civil rights leaders believed, fought, and died.
I object to the charge of systemic racism in this country, and at our school.
Gutmann talked about the whole thing on Tucker Carlson’s show. Watch the segment below:
Professor Jacobson covered the story in an extensive post.
Gutmann co-wrote an opinion piece about the ‘Woke Indoctrination Machine’ for the Wall Street Journal. We covered that too.
Now Gutmann is leaving New York for Florida, and he wrote about his reasons for doing so at his own Substack:
Florida Beckons as New York City Sadly Wilts
Today, a mostly personal update.
After two years of hemming and hawing, we decided, like many thousands of others, to relocate from the New York City area to what is now formally referred to as the Free State of Florida. I’d like to share with you why.
For nearly 25 years, my wife and I (and our daughter – now 13) lived in Manhattan. Prior to 2020, we never thought we’d leave. Ever. We loved the restaurants. We loved the culture. We loved trips to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and concerts at the New York Philharmonic. We loved walks in Central Park and explorations of the city’s vibrant and diverse neighborhoods. Perhaps more than anything else, we loved that New York City felt alive, endlessly stimulating, with infinite possibilities for us and for our daughter.
He cites two main reasons for the move. Covid shutdowns and crime:
There was absolutely no reason to panic and no reason to shut down our beloved city. But panic and shut down the city we did. Lockdowns, distancing, mask mandates, school closures. None of which had any scientific justification prior to 2020.
It should have been obvious to any thinking person that our government’s response to the virus – and not the virus – was going to do irreparable damage to New York City. School closures would cause enormous learning loss and long-term mental health damage from which kids would never recover…
Then, in the summer of 2020 came George Floyd and the so-called racial reckoning. Say want you want about the tragedy of George Floyd, but the BLM protests and riots that happened over that summer are a direct result of covid lockdowns. Young people, bored and restless, having been cruelly isolated for months with no school, no playgrounds, no outlets save toxic digital media, were all of a sudden let out of their cages. The virtue of staying home to save Grandma was instantly forgotten. The new virtue was to join the protests and atone for the sins of slavery and Jim Crow. The level of hypocrisy was hard to fathom…
By this past summer, the answer I had been avoiding was unavoidable. New York City is not savable. Not for a generation at least. Possibly not forever.
How many more people will leave New York for similar reasons in the coming months and years?
Featured image via YouTube.
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Great. But how will they VOTE?
I ask the same thing then I see Noo Yawk plates on cars parked at real estate offices here in NE Tennessee.
It gets under your fur.
Back before multi-state CHL in Florida, the locals were seeking out cars with rental car stickers because it indicated that the occupants were likely to not be armed. So here in Oregon, I imagine that the miscreants look for cars with Kalifornia plates because the owner is likely unarmed. I am always amazed at the lengths that people will go to literally “target themselves.” Were I a criminal, I would consider anyone with NY, NJ, and CA (KA?) plates to be fair game. Probably not a good idea to mess with the guy with OR plates, a threatening license plate holder, and bullethole decals on his car, just sayin.
I’d not mess with a Californian either. You may find the one with whom you mess is from the Sierras, the Siskoyous, or the far northern coast. They will fight back against you so hard you won’t know what hit you.
I ain’t from around here. I’m from Chicago. An’ I got this big-ass gun. OK, I’m leavin’.
Back in the late 80s, prompted by a number of incidents in which rental cars were targeted, the Florida legislature passed a bill prohibiting rental cars from being identified as such. Haven’t had problems like that since then.
It is about far more than how they vote, it will be how they act, will they assimilate and become the kind of people who make have made a community desirable?
I primarily worry about how they will vote. The bastards fleeing Cali for Arizona and Nevada have already shifted the politics of both states to “More liberal insanity, please?”
Florida is markedly balanced, as shown by multiple elections since 2000. A few hundred thousand idiot lefty voters can ruin this state just as easily as they did their own.
Does he sound like a Democrat?
Yes. I read an article where he is quoted saying it is a “misconception” to refer to him as a Republican.
I’m afraid the Overton Window has been wrenched so far left that when they’ve lost a NY Democrat, he’ll come South and look around and start voting D again.
The Dims in NY shit their bed, I’d prefer they lie in it rather than coming down here and shitting mine too.
So far, the number of Republicans registering to vote has outweighed the number of Democrats
You can’t trust that. My parents were registered Democrats for most of my life, they voted for the dem candidate they thought least likely to win in the primaries, and voted a straight Republican ticket every where else.
That only reinforces his point.
You can’t do that anymore. You can vote for the guy wearing a shoe on his head, it just brings out more Democrat foor-fetishists to get him elected.
Historically, the South, local elections were dominated by Dems, and usually they ran unopposed in the Election Day elections, so, if you wanted any say in who was elected, you registered Dem so you could vote in the primary.
One would hope that those registering as GOP are not liberal carpetbaggers, but there’s no way to be sure.
It has a long term effect on both states. New York loses a better part of its tax base that other states gain leaving them with the same number of criminals and losers. The burden on government remains the same and the tax burden on the productive people remaining increases. All government services remain the same or increase.
Schools stay open but are less effective, hospitals stay open but have fewer paying patients, fire and police departments do not shrink nor are the courts less used.
As of last November, there are now more registered Republican voters in Florida than Democrats for the first time ever. Current margin is over 275,000.
Does that answer your question?
Not really — as I note above, no matter your politics, in the South, if you wanted input, you tended to register Dem as the primaries were “where shit got done”. And the GOP often did not even field a candidate.
So, while I have long been a libertarian, I’ve been registered Dem in FL for over 4 decades.
All “more GOP” really means is that some people like me have switched. The results may not change at all, or they may shift more to the Dem side as more actual dems are in the election. Think about it. That, and not election fraud, might explain the seemingly inexplicable in the coming elections.
God, I hope not.
Good on him for doing what he feels is right for himself and his family, as well as pointing out why. Also I feel it’s fairly safe to say after reading that he’s not going to be voting dem for the forseeable future.
Well, I don’t assume this at all.
He still thinks it’s his school’s fault. He doesn’t yet see the fnords.
Gutman appears to have a good head on his shoulders, and wants his daughter to have one as well.
The indoctrination and grooming by schools must stop, immediately, but I am sure it will take some significant change at the top, and the Brandon regime and the Democrat communists won’t touch it.
I am sure it will take some significant change at the top, and the Brandon regime and the Democrat communists won’t touch it.
The Brandon regime has followed in the footsteps of the Obama regime, and not only touched ‘it’ (CRT), but adopted it as Gospel to preach as policy throughout the military and all Government agencies. They call it ‘anti-racism’, but it’s nothing but ordinary racism against everyone excepting the ‘protected classes’ who were created in the 1970s as professionally deprived and downtrodden.
All well and good, but, if these Dumb-o-crat transplants to “red” states continue to vote Dumb-o-crat, they are hypocritically perpetuating the same destructive policy failures and obnoxious totalitarianism which caused them to flee their home states. One hopes that Gutman and others like him have learned their lesson about the perils of governance under Dumb-o-crat apparatchiks, but, one has the right to be skeptical.
But they don’t.
Like the Trobriand Islanders, who never made the connection between sex and babies until missionaries explained it to them, the average Democrat never makes the connection between voting for Democrats and living a shit life in 100 different ways.
They view even the most predictable of unintended* consequences of past policies as brand new emerging crises no one could have foreseen, and never make the connection that they arose specifically because some Democrat made good on one of his maniacal campaign promises.
A frightening number of Democrats are incapable of making even the most basic logical steps, such as “when you defund police, you get more crime,” and “when you open your borders to third-world countries, you get more drugs, crime, and disease.”
The biggest fear most of them have is that if they don’t vote for the Democrats who ruin their lives, some Republican would win who hates them for their skin color. Or would tweet viciously at them. Or something. Whatever the Democrat story is on any given day.
When they discover they can no longer survive in their Democrat-controlled area, they migrate elsewhere, never realizing that THEY are the locusts who destroyed it.
*benefit of the doubt
Great article! You can rest assured that such individuals are clearly not going to vote and support the woke agenda
Going to sleep on this point is 100% the wrong thing to do.
I had a friend in law school, a woman from New York. She was thinking about where she would live after she finished.
She said she’d heard people from New York complaining about not being accepted in Texas, but she’d never seen it. I asked her, “Have you found people here to be friendly?” She said “Yes.” I said, “You always will. It’s not being from New York, it’s being rude. It’s meeting someone for the first time, and making fun of their accent.” She looked at me funny, and said “I would never do that.” No, of course she wouldn’t.
She had an accent. Nobody would mistake her for a Texan based on the way she spoke, but she had good manners. She would be fine, everywhere she went.
I met a lot of people in Houston that were from other States. Most of them really liked the rowdy acceptance and independent spirt they found there. I’ve heard that Florida is less sassy, more laid back.
Welcome to Florida. Just remember: we don’t give a damn how y’all do it “up north”.
The answer will be “not forever” if the major financial institutions, which can operate from anywhere in the world, relocate.
It has a long term effect on both states. New York loses a better part of its tax base that other states gain leaving them with the same number of criminals and losers. The burden on government remains the same and the tax burden on the productive people remaining increases. All government services remain the same or increase.
Schools stay open but are less effective, hospitals stay open but have fewer paying patients, fire and police departments do not shrink nor are the courts less used.
those financial institutions have collateral institutions that generate huge local revenue from national business transactions gathered by local government taxes.
He’s right, it’s everywhere, but he’s mostly wrong about why the Saint Floyd riots…
Yes, kids were bored but the left, radical BLM ginned up the usual suspects and the rodeo began
Lots of money was made, hundreds of millions by the race mongers… people were murdered, lost their entire livelihoods and no one, no one, paid for it.