Herschel Walker Leads Raphael Warnock in Georgia Senate Race In Two New Polls
You can tell that Walker has a chance of winning this race because Democrats and the media are sharpening their attacks on him.

Republican Herschel Walker is ahead of Democrat Raphael Warnock in the race for U.S. Senate in Georgia.
Walker has a slight lead in two separate polls. Confronting his past issues and taking accountability more than likely helped him with Georgia voters.
FOX News has details on the Emerson College poll:
Georgia Senate race tightens as Walker holds slight lead over Warnock, economy remains top issue: poll
Political newcomer and football legend Herschel Walker holds a slight lead in the Georgia Senate midterm race against Sen. Raphael Warnock, D-Ga., while Georgia voters express their concerns for the economy going into the midterm elections this fall.
A new Emerson College poll released Tuesday shows Trump-backed Walker with a two-point lead over Warnock, 46%-44%, in one of the country’s most heated Senate races of the year. Seven percent of voters in the state remain undecided.
While Walker still has the advantage, the race has tightened in the past few months after an April poll from the college reported that Walker was leading by four percentage points.
You can see the details of the Trafalgar Poll below:
New @trafalgar_group #GASen #Poll (8/24-27) shows #Walker w/narrow lead #gapol
47.5% @HerschelWalker
46.7% @ReverendWarnock
2.9% @ChaseForLiberty
2.9% UndSee Report: https://t.co/U7CMEYlIWa pic.twitter.com/zmEa6FW5q4
— Robert C. Cahaly (@RobertCahaly) August 30, 2022
One of the reasons Walker is doing well is because he confronted some of his past issues. Axios reported back in December:
Exclusive: Herschel Walker confronts his mental health, domestic violence allegations
Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker told Axios on Monday that he’s “accountable” for past violent behavior toward his ex-wife and people shouldn’t feel “ashamed” about confronting mental health issues.
Why it matters: The former college and pro football star is confronting his history of mental illness head-on during his campaign for the Republican Party’s nomination, after the airing of some concerns among GOP leadership and voters.
– Walker said he’s “better now than 99% of the people in America. … Just like I broke my leg; I put the cast on. It healed.”
You can tell that Walker has a chance of winning this race because Democrats and the media are sharpening their attacks on him.
Democrats highlight Herschel Walker abuse allegations in new ad https://t.co/tCkYMmGVs3 pic.twitter.com/WeMubDOF5E
— The Hill (@thehill) August 31, 2022
Democrats do not want to lose this seat, but they just might.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Ruby Freeman & Co gearing up for the big push: Extra Ballots under the table? Check. Drop boxes at the ready? Check. Mules in place? Check.
[” not the people who cast the ballots, that matter. Its the folks who count them”] Uncle Joe Stalin
Soviet citizens in the Gulags could not be reached for comment.
“You can tell that Walker has a chance of winning this race”
A Republican in Georgia “has a chance of winning”?
Hershel Walker was a piss poor choice for the Republican candidate. This race shouldn’t even be close.
A wife beater with a history of mental illness is the best Republicans could muster?
Hello Troll
How is the sowing of the discord going?
Any luck yet?
Name call all you want.
Hershel Walker will still be a lousy candidate who is making a close race out of what should be an easy (R) win.
Based on what Troll?
Lets hear your points on why Walker is so lousy and Warnock so good?
As far as close- you mean in polls that are historically biased?
The polls have Walker ahead.
jharp is a troll; he used to be a regular gadfly at PJ Media until they began charging for the privilege of responding to their posts. He’s migrated to this site. He’s not interested in discussion or debate, only trolling conservative sites.
Just a friendly heads-up from another former PJ Media commenter, since 2014. (me)
Mitch? Is that you?
You do know that polls that have a candidate ahead can still be biased against him?
I thought the wife beater with mental illness was the Democrat.
We have to believe Ouleye Ndoye, right?
Awe, this negro has you pissing your pants doesn’t he 🤣🤣🤣
If anything you’d think you Democrats would love someone with a past like this 🤣
As an R in GA I have to agree that Walker was not the best choice from the capability standpoint. This is Trump’s fault. I do wish he would stay out of GA politics. I believe he was responsible for losing both seats in the 2021 runoff. I will vote for Walker and hope for the best. He does have name recognition. If he can muster some effective ads he can probably sway some of the drive by voters.
That photo certainly highlights his piercing intelligence.
I am more interested in honesty. We have been burned by intelligent politicians over and over. Remember that black President everyone said was the smartest ever?
Where to begin? Intelligence is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for good governance. This man is a mental defective. If you follow the news, he is plagued by a string of lies concerning almost every aspect of his life.
Obama was not intelligent. His handlers claiming he was did not make it so. He was merely a low-talent grifter welcomed by a decadent public looking for a black man to worship.
His grades were so poor they were never released. I guess the intelligence services ran out of ink forging so many of his other documents.
Are you speaking about Herschel Walker or Joe Biden?
Or Hillary Clinton, the smartest woman ever and Hunter Biden, the smartest man his father has ever known!!
Not a lick of honesty in that.group.
Wanna bet the election goes into overtime again? There will be a 3rd party candidate on the ballot.
Best thing Walker could do is reach out to Gary Black and genuinely learn how to grass roots campaign in Georgia. He can carry a lot of urban and party line vote, but the back country puts you over the line. And the back country really doesn’t like Warnock and his politics. As the former Ag Commissioner, Black knows the back country and how to work for them.
(IMHO – Trump missed an opportunity to support Black.)
Way off-topic but Brandon is going to be making a very dark speech to the nation later today addressing the nation about the mortal threat that more than half of Americans represent. It is expected to be so dark that radio and TV stations are already choosing to not air it. Here in LA, KABC has decided to ignore it.
I would like to know where our growing weak-kneed “conservatives”, Ben Shapiro, Laura Ingraham and Ann Coulter, have to say about this. Trump has stood fast putting the Uniparty fascists in a panic and they choose NOW to start arguing that it’s time to walk away from Trump and get behind DeSantis??? We need to rethink the concept of conservative. I am seeing patriots emerging from just about everywhere these days and now is when they give up?
We need to pay attention to what may be a shocking wave of masks dropping from people we never would have suspected. We are nearing the core of the onion and that might be the last onion peel.
They have always been RINOs simply in it for the power and money
It’s always follow the money,
If Ds win in Georgia, it’s because they’re still cheating in Fulton county. The campaigns don’t matter, the polls don’t matter – the only thing that matters is whether or not Fulton county cheats.
We’ve passed some election integrity laws here, but if they’re not enforced, we’re screwed.
Trafalgar is a very reliable poll-watch these results as Election Day gets closer
Walker is not a very good candidate, but he’s clearly better than Warnock, who votes with Pelosi 100% of the time.
Just as “it’s the economy, stupid” matters, it’s policies, policies, policies that matter.
And Walker’s stated policies are obviously better than Warnocks.
Yeah!!! I think. Will actually donate to him
Of course the Screaming-D’s are mad at Walker’s nomination. Dragging flawed candidates across the finish no matter what it takes is their schtick. Although they do stay mad forever when it doesn’t work.
Warnock is a Reverend yet he is voting hand-n-hand with Biden. He is divorced and had issues with his ex for failure to pay childcare, and she went back to court in 2022. He should be against abortion since he is a Reverend, but he is not so he obviously is not following the faith he has always preached. As such how can anyone believe what he says. Since he has been in the Senate in 2021 he earned just in 2021 over $541K and the 2022 amounts are not yet in.
If Walker is leading, I kind of expect the GOPe to cut off or drastically reduce campaign funding to him.
Subotai Bahadur
We must be doing well when I can no longer name all the black faces of white supremacy off the top of my head.
I like him and I actually donated.
He impressed me during the virtual RNC speeches — different background, and way of speaking, but the kind of man I would be pleased to have as a neighbor.
There’s an interview of him on Howard Stern as well — he is who he is, a strong, accomplished, yet humble, fellow American.
Forthright, inquisitive, open-to-learning . . .
Georgia and America would be fortunate to have him as a Senator.
I’m not believing the polls on this one (nor on many polls). It doesn’t make sense that we have THAT many idiots in this country who would vote for Warnock. Use common sense when you think about polls.
So the race tightened from Margin of Error to Margin of Error? Boy, the press and Dems really must be scared.
If attacking a guy for mental health issues which he recognized and got treatment for (isn’t that what your supposed to do?) is all they got then that progressive hack Warnock must be in real trouble in internal polling.
Seriously though. We struggle to win a red state with a celebrity candidate. Can you name a blue state where the Ds have trouble electing a star?