NBC Poll: Trump Retains Overwhelming Republican Support, Overall Job Approval Steady Since Election
“Almost 9 in 10 Republicans — 87 percent — give Trump a thumbs-up”

The media has bombarded us with headlines that President Trump will leave office with his lowest approval rating (the number most often cited is Pew’s 29%). An interesting thing happens, however, when pollsters poll registered voters instead of whoever answers a phone.
Rasmussen, a polling outfit that polls likely—not just registered—voters, has Trump’s approval at 48%.
Here are just a few of the headlines that have popped up in recent days:
- NY Times: “Trump will leave office with his lowest approval rating ever”
- CNN: “Trump finishes with worst first term approval rating ever”
- Axios: “Trump set to leave office with the lowest approval ratings of his presidency”
- USA Today: “Trump leaves White House with his lowest-ever approval rating after Capitol riot, impeachment”
The goal of these headlines, I suspect, is to imply that Trump has lost more support among Republicans than he really has.
According to an NBC News poll of registered voters, Trump’s approval is significantly higher than the Pew poll of “5,360 U.S. adults,” coming in at 43%.
In their article entitled “Trump approval remains stable in new NBC poll, with Republicans unmoved after Capitol violence,” NBC News reports:
A new NBC News poll found that 43 percent of voters nationwide gave Trump a positive job approval rating, just barely down from 45 percent who said the same before the November election and the 44 percent who approved of his performance shortly after he took office in 2017.
. . . . Almost 9 in 10 Republicans — 87 percent — give Trump a thumbs-up, compared with 89 percent who said the same before the November election.
. . . . Among Republicans who say their primary loyalty is to Trump over the party, 98 percent approve of his performance. For those who say they prioritize the party over the president, his approval still stands at 81 percent — virtually unchanged from October. (The findings contrast with some other recent national polls showing Trump’s job rating lower. Unlike other surveys that sampled all U.S. adults, NBC News’ poll surveyed registered voters.)
And it’s not just among Republicans that Trump’s numbers have held firm since before the events at the Capitol on January 6th.
NBC News continues:
“While a few Republican elected officials have broken with Trump, Republican voters are sticking with him for now,” said Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt of Hart Research, who conducted the poll with Republican pollster Bill McInturff of Public Opinion Strategies. “As we’ve seen over the course of his term, major event after major event does little to shake Trump’s standing with Republicans.”
Trump’s standing among those outside the GOP remains similarly unchanged. He gets a positive job assessment from 44 percent of independents and just 5 percent of Democrats in the latest poll, shares that are also nearly identical to those in pre-election surveys.
With GOP Rep. Peter Meijer acknowledging that his vote to impeach may have cost him his political career and Rep. Liz Cheney in a very public fight for her political life over her vote to impeach, it would seem that Trump voters’ continued support for the president is very real.
Congressional Republicans from Sens. Lindsey Graham and Rand Paul to Reps. Tom McClintock and Andy Biggs have warned GOP leadership that convicting Trump on the Democrat’s latest ludicrous impeachment endeavor would be a disaster for the Grand Old Party. They’re not wrong.

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If Eric Swalwell leads the Dem impeachment effort, should we call him an impeach cobbler?
(Hello, Ms. Fuzzy)
(Heyas Mr. Henry, it is always lovely to “see” you.)
Thank you, sugar-booger.
Personally I would refuse to answer the pollster on this.
Saying you disapprove would mean approving of a party declaring a war on terror to target the American Conservative movement, agree that the riot was actually a massive insurrection, agree that Republicans are a national security threat.
The chance of me saying that is zero but I really disapprove of Donald Trump since election. He invited maximum backlash against us, cost us the senate and made us look terrible to everyone else with his election free contests where he told the public the election was stolen by fraud without alleging it in court.
But as I said disapproving of his performance means approving the democrats who I think are borderline fascist at this point.
The Republican party would have sat on the sidelines the past four years without Trump, I think that the way Trump dealt with the crazies has been very entertaining. There really was no other way to address them.
I do not blame Trump for not understanding just how corrupt the Beltway is. He did an amazing job in the face of adversity, and I am confident that if we all work together, making Biden-Harris time in office very interesting for them, continuing to penetrate their crooked dealings, actively recruiting Democrats and independents who will become increasingly fed up, that we can return Trump in 2024 to office.
You are either a troll, or you are stoned. Or both.
Or, his opinion differs from yours. I happened to disagree with what he saying, but I’m not calling him names. I’m not even down-ticking him.
This election cycle in the Senate was their best opportunity to pick up seats for the near future. Since the 2018 midterms the projections had been somewhere between 52-54 Democrat senators for 2020. The House was supposed to be even worse. Yet Republicans overperformed in both chambers despite the enormous amount of money Democrats dumped into various senate races.
You can think whatever you like about Trump, but to pretend this is all his fault without looking at it in a greater context is myopic. All too often analysis of Trump is based on the most shallow, emotional garbage. There’s plenty to criticize Trump over, but this is just shallow.
I think President Trumps approval is much higher, don’t trust the polls
And Danny boy, I don’t think your a Trump supporter
Don’t let the door hit you where the good lord split you
And this is crazy talk. Our military leaders are useless traitors
One crazy old general does not mean the entire military is whack. McCaffrey is just a kook. The military knows that Trump had their back and they also know that some of their leaders, especially in DC are political hacks.
Unfortunately it is not just “some” of its leaders
It appears the majority
Given that execrable letter from the JCS that labeled the “riot” at the capital an “insurrection”, they are either foolish (that rabble was prepared or capable of setting up a replacement government?) or complicit in spreading propaganda. Neither reflect well upon the institutional health of the military.
The swamp is the swamp. Anyone in it is against our country.
IMO DJT can absolutely retain his ability as a ‘kingmaker’ moving forward and, potentially position himself for a 2024 run.
He best accomplishes this by staying out of the lime light for at least six months. Work behind the scene to help shape primary opponents for certain GoP Senators and Reps. Murkowski is one he has pledged to oppose.
Assuming he can discipline himself against ‘bad tweets’ ECT then he can allow the luster, such as it is, to wear off the Biden administration. The policy accomplishments and general policy thrust will directly contrast with those of the Biden administration.
Many of the voters turned off by DJT personality but in favor of his policies didn’t vote in 2020 or for some insane reason voted for Biden. Perhaps in longing for a return to ‘normality’; well they are sure going to get it. Not in the way they thought, rather the DC uniparty, swamp etc will attempt to ride roughshod over the average citizen.
These misguided voters can be convinced to turn out for the GoP in the midterms if DJT can moderate his tone just slightly. If he can so it allows his MAGA movement to grow as a ‘loyal opposition’. The GoP is good at this. Sometimes I think that the party leaders prefer it to actually governing.
The bottom line is DJT can, right now, have a huge influence on midterm primary races. He could be a kingmaker if he can achieve self discipline. That in turn positions him not only as the frontrunner for the 2024 GoP primary but in the general election. Assuming he wants that.
“”Many of the voters turned off by DJT personality but in favor of his policies didn’t vote in 2020 or for some insane reason voted for Biden. Perhaps in longing for a return to ‘normality’; well they are sure going to get it. Not in the way they thought, rather the DC uniparty, swamp etc will attempt to ride roughshod over the average citizen.
These misguided voters””
There is literally zero evidence to support this gratuitous insult to thousands if not millions of voters. Trump pulled millions more voters in 2020 than he did in 2016.
I can anecdotally id several people for whom this is true. Despite my pleading to ignore DJT personality and focus on his accomplishments.
Instead they made the classic mistake of voting for what a politician says v what they have done or are likely to do based on that politicians past record.
DJT has a personality, tweets, speech etc that is.far different than normal politicians. You and I may find it refreshing. Others, find it abrasive. Those looking for.an excuse to withhold their vote or vote for a d were offered that excuse.
I don’t disagree that DJT upped his totals. I don’t disagree that the election in several States is tainted. Every instance of any actor other than the Legislature of a State making changes or modifications to voting procedures is, IMO not legal.
However, there were folks who didn’t vote for DJT but then voted r down ballot. Was that enough to swing the election? I certainly don’t know. I didn’t make that claim in my post above and don’t make it here.
Didn’t vote for Trump in 2020?
He got over ten million MORE votes and probably 20 million more
They cheated , the stole the election
See above reply to txvet2. Please don’t read into my post things I don’t write.
The election procedure in several States was tainted by, IMO, illegally altering the procedures by actors other than the State Legislature. No argument from me on that.
That doesn’t change the point that some folks didn’t vote for DJT while voting r down ballot. IMO, his personality was off putting to those voters. Feel free to disagree.
The idea that some nominal r voters didn’t vote for DJT and the elections process was tainted in several States are not mutually exclusive. Both can be and IMO, are true.
A reasonable take. Post presidency I am, for now, Trump-curious. I didn’t vote for him in 2016 (I abstained) because I had too little evidence for his policy preferences to make an informed decision.
He earned my vote long before 2020.
But post Presidency is going to be different. Even though I place his rhetoric far beneath his policy advancements, his words are important to enough people to move the electoral needle against him. And his reputation in the private sector for money-making schemes isn’t above reproach. Given the Right’s susceptibility for getting conned (the TEA Party, or hell, the GOP establishment), it is a concern.
But I remain hopeful. I do believe Trump truly loves America and that puts him head and shoulder above most other politicians today, warts and all. There is a generational political realignment going on right now and Trump is the only politician in the position to take advantage of it.
I agree that 6 months or more out of the limelight for preparation would be good. That’s an eternity in politics and many perceived wounds won’t be fresh. Of course, he may be tied up in court, which wouldn’t take him out of the limelight, but that might end up moving public opinion in his favor. Who knows.
If he learns how to keep that huge ego in check (he’s no narcissist), he’ll be formidable.
That does not bode well for Mitch’s republican party ideal.
Those that pushed PDJT under the bus may have to find a job selling used cars.
Yep, very similar traits as used car sales. Smooth talking shysters.
The way to get rid of mcconnell is to expose his corruption with the chicomms.
Better yet, let’s walk en masse from the republican party, and we couldnt care less what mcconnell does or doesnt do.
With dominion technology there will never be a real election again
Dominion is a dead end. Look at the lawsuit they filed against Sydney Powell. Seems like she got way ahead of herself. She still has not show evidence of Dominion machines changing votes. Just a lot of noise.
For her sake – I hope she has real evidence. But she has shown nothing – even after 2 months. That’s why Trump and others distanced themselves from her. LI did a story about Dominion’s lawsuit – I suggest you find it and read it.
She’s a lunatic, plain and simple. And she led a large section of the Republican Party into the swamp with her, chasing an obvious will-of-the-wisp instead of looking for actual evidence of fraud. Not that I think it was possible to find enough of that to overturn the election in the time available, but at least something could have been found. We all know the fraud is there, so looking where it is might produce some evidence of it. Looking where we know it isn’t guarantees that we won’t find it.
She also shares responsibility for the Georgia loss.
I’m not sure there is much to say about polls now, they seem to be woefully inaccurate. Putting too much stock into any poll is still just sticking your finger in the air. That said Trump has maintained a remarkable consistency with his approval ratings.
Let’s take the House and Senate in 2022 and impeach Biden immediately.
“What you mean ‘we,’ white man?”
By “we / taking over congress in 2022” you mean not-Democrats, which right now leaves Republicans. If you think you could get Republicans to impeach as much as a dessert bar, you’re still asleep.
If we just let Dems rig the 2020 election, you can kiss goodbye any elections in the future. They’re embedding their fraud into laws. The Republicans are finished, nobody will miss them. Welcome to Democrat rule forever.
They may have the GOP on a leash, but our new party could very well win a national election.
What does that accomplish? If if the feckless GOP (who have stabbed conservatives in the back over and over again) were to overcome the fraud to somehow take the House and the Senate, they won’t have 2/3rds of the Senate needed to remove a president. And even if a miracle were to occur and Biden were removed, that would leave President Harris.
Democrats would be THRILLED. The party would much rather have her, and they can play the wounded martyrs in 2024 to ensure her reelection.
Political polls are propaganda; no more, no less.
Dem strategy with their media allies, is to marginalize Trump as much as possible. It’s not working. And more independents will gravitate to Republicans as they see what Biden really wants to do to the country. The fake facade will come down as soon as he takes office.
Yeah, we realize.
Aat least as early as the end of 2018, I came to the opinion that Trump was the best president of my lifetime, and that goes back to Truman. As of today, my opinion remains unchanged. (Reagan comes in second, of course.)
Agreed, only because Reagan was way better talking the talk than actually accomplishing anything.
How short our memories are. The fall of the Soviet Union was no small feat and a good economy wasn’t a fluke,( lower taxes , etc.).
It a perfect President, we haven’t had one yet.
Reagan understood and believed in the right principles, but was unable to achieve them. The opposition was just too strong for him. Trump neither understands nor believes in those principles, but achieved them anyway, just to piss off his enemies. So who was the better president? I think objectively Trump has been the best president since Coolidge. Now imagine what he could have done if he actually believed in what he was doing.
It wouldn’t have mattered if he had a party willing to support him. Hell, a Republican party willing to do the minimum towards achieving their stated policy objectives would have changed the country.
“‘While a few Republican elected officials have broken with Trump, Republican voters are sticking with him for now,’ said Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt of Hart Research, who conducted the poll with Republican pollster Bill McInturff of Public Opinion Strategies.”
“…for now…”. Hope sure springs eternal for the Communist Party and their Franz von Papen Republican pets!
Oh, well. In a few months anyone who tries to publish the results of a poll that shows the Biden* administration losing popularity or Trump gaining popularity will get deplatformed and blacklisted.
Is their some reason why the pollsters, Political Opinion Strategies is known as POS?
Anybody with even a BASIC communication and understand of Republican voters didn’t need this poll to know it.
Which is exactly why pieces of shit like McConnell and Cheney were are so eager to throw Trump overboard. They are utterly disconnected from their alleged voters, and they don’t care to connect with them.
“Major Mainstream media outlets shamelessly lie through their hats. Absolutely no film at 11.”
The only film is on their teeth.
It’s a moot point, polls be damned, Democrats will win any future election forever more.
Not if we dump the GOP.
I’m optimistic that elections can be won because of the shear number of races. Obviously the presidential race is tough. I wish the battleground states would allocate electors by districts rather than winner take all. That helps if they cheat in certain cities. They don’t win the entire state, only that district. There could be ways to make cheating more difficult if State Legislatures want to make the effort.
Of course it is, he won a landslide
How long will the RNC continue to hold Paul “Policy Wonk” Ryan in such high esteem? He has literally wiped out the republican voter base, and along with Kelly Ayotte (she’s on Fox News’ Board, Ryan is on Fox Corporate Board) has their once highly/highest rated network…the only “republican” network.
And RNC “leadership” thinks republican voters will come back because 1) they think we’re stupid or 2) they think we’re going to turn out for Nikki!…because they think we’re stupid.
The RNC has lost it’s way in a big way. Non-Corporate donors would be better off just setting their cash donations on fire. Voters and small donors will never see a return on any investment in the RNC post-Trump.
It seems that the 1 in 10 Republicans who don’t approve of Trump are in the Roll Over Party leadership in Congress.
Justice for Ashli Babbitt!
Based upon these poll results, WE are obviously the problem, all 70+ million of us.
This makes sense. Any Republican who supported Trump in November has had no reason to change his mind since then.