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Backlash: Left Turns On #NeverTrump Lincoln Project ‘Grifters’

Backlash: Left Turns On #NeverTrump Lincoln Project ‘Grifters’

“Lincoln Project managed to help Trump get MORE Republican support than in 2016 apparently”

One of the biggest losers in last night’s election may well turn out to be the #NeverTrump Lincoln Project, an assortment of failed former GOP political operatives and inconsequential pouty and self-aggrandized former rightwing pundits.

As Florida was going into President Trump’s not inconsiderable ‘win’ column, Democrats and their media hordes were horrified to see Trump make huge gains among Hispanics in the Miami-Dade area.  And it wasn’t only Floridian Hispanics who turned out to vote for Trump, Republicans turned out to support the president in record and historic numbers.

For some reason, Democrats thought that a venom-spitting gaggle of disgruntled, mean-spirited former Republicans was just the ticket to help them turn out Republican voters to beat the president.

The left is now regretting that misguided decision, and the Lincoln Project is catching a lot of flak for their wrong-headed ‘guidance’ on and negative approach to winning over Republican voters.


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Wow, who could have foreseen this? From useful idiot valued collaborator to useless eater counterrevolutionary enemy of the People in under 24 hours.

Poor Lincoln Projectionists. Now all they have to look forward to is a future of cancellation, doxxing, gangstalking, nightriders at their residences, and dodging the occasional round of 7.62 at neighborhood ball games.

Exactly as predicted.

Whether Trump won or lost, the left was ALWAYS going to kick the Useful Idiots to the curb the second the election was over.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | November 4, 2020 at 7:37 pm

Rich Higgins
MAGA rallies need to get started now

Don’t sit home drooling in front of your TV set

Make them hear you

The Never Trumpers are todays Vichy sell outs.

William Carey | November 4, 2020 at 7:50 pm

If the Lincoln Project quislings were any more shameless, they would start claiming their betrayal was really a double-cross on the left and that rather than suffer universal rejection they should be welcomed back by the right and commended for their efforts.

Even so, it will be fun watching them floundering there in outer darkness (only if one can flounder with 10’s of pocketed millions!).

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | November 4, 2020 at 9:11 pm

Fox News Circles The Wagons and Fails – Guy Benson Accidentally Exposes Scheme: Contracted Fox News Pollster is also Fox News Decision Desk Narrator…

“The pollster paid by Fox News to predict election outcomes, is a key part of the crew that calls the results on election night. Think about that.

Think about the conflict, the purposeful and brutally obvious conflict, that would exist in using the same person to predict elections and then report on the results of that election….”

Doubt they care. The grifters are only in it for the money.

Turn your wrath to the Democratic Party that shunned wildly popular progressive policies

“Wildly popular.”

So, apparently the ultra-progs will be back for another sound thrashing in 2024.

Same thing that’s happening to the Lincoln Project loonies will happen to BLM and ANTIFA.
They’ve served their purpose and the Democrat Party doesn’t need to carry them anymore.

Dusty, forget 2024, we need to think about the midterms. Let’s get rid of the RINOS and take back the House.
Not to mention, I’ll bet anything that Mitt Romney was promised the 2024 nomination for his vote on Amy Coney Barrett for SCOTUS.
THAT’S going to be a problem.

Dusty, forget 2024, we need to think about the midterms. Let’s get rid of the RINOS and take back the House.
Not to mention, I’ll bet anything that Mitt Romney was promised the 2024 nomination for his vote on Amy Coney Barrett for SCOTUS by McConnell.
THAT’S going to be a problem.

All the Lincoln Project really did was steal the idea from the Ponzi scheme brothers Ed and Brian Krassenstein. They milked the #resitance for every penny they could while promising to fight against the eVil tRump. In a nutshell they basically trolled the Presidents Twitter account and lived the good life like they were doing before the FBI seized their property from all their online scams.

Nobody likes a backstabbing bunch of frauds.

2smartforlibs | November 6, 2020 at 2:02 pm

Who didn’t see this coming? They are referred to as USEFUL IDIOTS for nothing.

Barry Soetoro | November 6, 2020 at 5:42 pm

The Lincoln Project confirmed that neoconservatism is a form of pseudoconservatism.