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Biden Campaign Reportedly Narrows VP List To Six Women, Confirms Only Three

Biden Campaign Reportedly Narrows VP List To Six Women, Confirms Only Three

Warren, Harris, and Rice. Oh my!

Reports indicate that former Delaware Sen. and Obama VP Joe Biden has narrowed his VP short list to three named potential candidates—Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Kamala Harris (D-CA) and former Obama ambassador to the UN and later his national security advisor Susan Rice.

Speculation rages that there are three more names on the new and improved short list:  Rep. Val Demings (FL), New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, and Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms.

To no one’s surprise, Stacey Abrams is not on the list.

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:

Joe Biden’s search for a running mate is entering a second round of vetting for a dwindling list of potential vice presidential nominees, with several black women in strong contention.

Democrats with knowledge of the process said Biden’s search committee has narrowed the choices to as few as six serious contenders after initial interviews. Among the group still in contention: Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Kamala Harris of California, as well as Susan Rice, who served as President Barack Obama’s national security adviser.

Those with knowledge declined to name other contenders and said the process remains somewhat fluid. Additional candidates may still be asked to submit to the extensive document review process now underway for some top contenders. Those familiar with Biden’s search spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss the process. The campaign dismissed the idea of a shortened list as early speculation. “Those who talk don’t know and those who know don’t talk,” said Andrew Bates, a Biden spokesman.

. . . . The campaign’s list includes several black women, including Harris and Rice. Advisers have also looked closely at Florida Rep. Val Demings and Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, both of whom are black, and New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, a Latina.

It’s not clear why Rice—who has never held a single elected office—is on the list, particularly given her roll in the unmasking scandals still hanging over the Obama administration and withdrawing her name as his potential Secretary of State following her misstatements about the Benghazi attack, except perhaps pressure from the Obama camp.

Instead, the Biden campaign focus appears to be on Warren and Harris.

The Chicago Sun-Times continues:

Harris and Warren have been seen as top contenders for the No. 2 spot since ending their own presidential campaigns.

Warren and Biden have forged a surprising bond in recent months and talk regularly about the progressive policy ideas the Massachusetts senator put at the forefront of her campaign. Biden already has adopted her proposed bankruptcy law overhaul. And now, with the coronavirus pandemic and resulting economic slowdown elevating the nuts-and-bolts of governing, some Democrats see Warren’s policy credentials as an asset to the ticket.

A Biden-Warren pairing would mean both Democrats on the ticket are white and in their 70s. Biden is 77, and Warren is 70.

Harris is the lone black contender who has won statewide office, notable experience given Biden’s emphasis on wanting a partner “ready to be president.” She and Biden have also demonstrated a comfortable manner with each other in online fundraisers. Harris is an expert voice in discussions of criminal justice, but some black progressives view her background as a prosecutor skeptically.

One contender whose standing does appear to have fallen is Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, who was a prosecutor years ago in the county that includes Minneapolis. During that period, more than two dozen people — mostly minorities — died during encounters with police.

While the people with knowledge of Biden’s vetting process did not rule Klobuchar out, she is widely viewed among Democrats with close ties to the Biden campaign as less likely to be tapped given recent events.

Fox News has more on Biden’s thought process concerning selection of his running mate.

But Biden, in an interview with CBS News that aired Tuesday, said that the events of the past two weeks “haven’t” impacted him as he decides whom he’ll name as the party’s vice presidential nominee, “except it’s put a greater focus and urgency on the need to get someone who is totally simpatico with where I am” on matters such as “the systemic things that you want to change.”

. . . . Biden has emphasized for two months that he needs to choose a running mate who’s “simpatico with where I am,” pointing to his own strong relationship with President Obama during their eight years steering the country together.

Terry McAuliffe, former Virginia governor and former DNC chairman, told the AP Biden’s choice was likely to be “all about personal chemistry,” adding that it would be “exciting for the party” to have a black woman on the presidential ticket.


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It also looks like Gretchen Whitmer has slipped from top contention, which is not surprising given how she’s run things in Michigan in the past few months. Just think of the campaign ads about barber shops, garden centers, boating (including her own boat), etc, etc, etc.

Where’s Whitmer?

Six women, but confirming tree?

Hmmm…. He must be counting Stacy Adams, three times.

Biden will pick Warren and then at the Convention will announce he is dropping out due to health problems and Warren will become the nominee who will already have a black running mate standing by.

Harris – 50% POC, AA beneficiary

Rice – light-skinned child of mulatto-nized Jamaican parents, AA beneficiary

Warren – played Snow White in all school plays, lies constantly

    Eastwood Ravine in reply to pfg. | June 13, 2020 at 7:58 pm

    AA isn’t how Harris got into politics, intimate bedroom skills did. She performed her way in.

    Neo in reply to pfg. | June 13, 2020 at 10:39 pm

    Putting aside the woman thing ..

    Harris brings nothing that Biden doesn’t have already have.
    1) She is from a solid Democratic state
    2) She has a LEO standing same as Biden
    3) She did poorly in the primaries

    Rice has no political experience, except the insatiable ability to lie

    Warren folded like a teepee
    1) didn’t receive a majority in home state primary
    2) faux Cherokee history (1/1024th)
    3) will piss off Bernie Bros to stay home in Election Day

    Milhouse in reply to pfg. | June 14, 2020 at 10:47 am

    Harris is 100% POC. Indian and Jamaican.

    Sally MJ in reply to pfg. | June 14, 2020 at 1:29 pm

    P. S.

    Elizabeth Warren: Tied for first place for most irritating speaking voice. Warren’s voice has the Katherine Hepburn shaky quality, augmented by her compulsive head bobbing, and Hitler-esque arm movements when she makes speeches. And condescension.

    Kamala Harris: Tied for first place. The most annoying nasal, whiny voice ever. If Kamala Harris becomes VP candidate and possibly president, the US suicide rate will rise exponentially, as Americans are driven to madness, unable to escape the hellish overwhelming itch they are unable to scratch, that is Harris’ speaking voice.

    Rice is filler, and merely provides a third option for window dressing. Biden needs three VP candidates; two doesn’t look right. And Rice has never won elected office, nor would she.

At least Stacey Abrams has now learned the lesson many of us knew already: The more you openly campaign for the VP slot, the less likely they will even consider you.

As for other positions in an administration? Do that quietly too. Although everyone in DC knows Gillibrand would be delighted to be SecDef so she can completely reorganize it the way she wants it. Klobuchar would be happy as AG.

All well & good tho have they let Gropey Joe ask the 1 truly vital question: “But how does their hair smell??”?

At this point, looking at these three, what difference does it make?

Three hate filled harpies. Phonies all.

I am really beginning to wonder if someone in the Dementia Joe camp is purposefully trying desperately to destroy any chance he has.

Harris won’t bring in black voters which Dementia Joe is losing.

Warren won’t bring in any voters.

Rice is a liar, and is doubtful to bring in black voters, let alone Hispanic voters which is pretty much non-existent for her.

Harris and Warren couldn’t even win their own states’ leftists in the primaries. What do any of these witches bring to the Dementia party?

Warren is out because despite her prior claims, she isn’t of color.

Harris isn’t likely to be viewed as black enough. Neither is Rice.

George_Kaplan | June 13, 2020 at 8:00 pm

Which candidate is likely to encourage more Trump voters to turn out? Harris seems to be a total Nazi but is that more or less reason to vote against the Democrats than Warren?

healthguyfsu | June 13, 2020 at 8:00 pm

Stacey, the tribe has spoken, they have no rice left now, and were you not voted out, they would have spit roasted you to recuperate their sustenance.

All 3 have so much baggage. I can see the Trump ads now. And neither of the three come from a swing state.

Democrats, recognizing there is no path to victory in November started formenting chaos in February. They will blame the loss in November on racism, sexism and continue to wage war on America.

rabid wombat | June 13, 2020 at 8:31 pm

Reconstituting the Village People…

Release the Supreme Court Candidate list….

Reaching Nirvana….

has any of them passed the smell test?

    murkyv in reply to buck61. | June 13, 2020 at 9:03 pm

    That’s one of the reasons they’re keeping Joe locked in his basement

    They let him out on work release for a day to visit with Floyds family, and true to form, there he was, his hands on Floyds 6 yo daughter on camera

The dream would be for Biden to pick Rice, than see her indicted just about the time it becomes obvious to even the insane left that what little cognitive abilities he ever had are completely gone.

    Milhouse in reply to irv. | June 14, 2020 at 10:52 am

    I think indictments are coming, but I doubt she will be among them. I doubt she left much if any evidence of crimes (unmasking people is not a crime).

Eastwood Ravine | June 13, 2020 at 9:35 pm

I do think Susan Rice has the inside track.

An unfortunate basket of deplorables, they are. Warren, Harris, and Rice all possess the likeability quotients of a snake. I’m feeling a bit sad for Uncle Joe right now.

Warren, Haris, and Rice. With this trio, the DNC had better sign up 50-60 strong skycaps. The baggage for this group is staggering!

Sadly, corrupt demented slow Joe can pick any one of those and still have 45% of the vote sewn up.

IOW’s, 45% of this country are crazed fools intent upon enslaving the rest of us.

So it’s going to be Susan Rice.
The others are in the list only to obfuscate.
The Obamafia is planning to comeback, this time as Biden’s puppeteers.

If Biden picks Atlanta mayor Bottoms, is that a slap in the face to the Tank? Bottoms is probably a play for the gay vote if you follow my drift.

Susan Rice is in it, because Obama still is in control. Simple as that. If I were a betting man, I’d take Rice.

bottoms is no longer on top, rather shes been butted out.
the whole police shooting a man shooting a taser at them wiped her chances and shes gonna be flushed.

What Biden is in dire need of is an effective communicator, none of the ones on the list seem to fit that bill. Can any of the bring high energy to events, day after day, night after night, often several times a day?
Warren seems to have a cult like following , problem is the cult isn’t very big.

Diversitist (e.g. sexist)? Equal and complementary? Will they incorporate… marry?

This is scary. A lot of moderates will vote a Biden ticket simply because “a woman” is on it– any woman, regardless of how radical she is– in hopes that Ol’ Joe, once elected, will either resign for health reasons, suffer a stroke or simply keel over.

Why are Rice’s lies about video critics murdering our ambassador to Libya referred as misstatements?

Can’t be Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms.

The “Biden Bottoms” bumper sticker somehow works against that ticket.

Loony Joe picks three cranky socialists as potential Veep.

Loony Joe picks three cranky socialists as potential Veep.

What ever happened to naming the VP at the convention? Must be another thing they did in the good old days.
When you have to name your VP candidate early to make your own candidacy look more “electable,” you’ve already lost.