Who said that?
The same person who says — in agreement with a position I took long ago — Could Elizabeth Warren Cost Obama The Election?
Obama’s riff on “you didn’t build that” remains, in my view, the most serious mistake of his campaign so far. There’s a reason the Romneyites have seized on it and will use it – dishonestly, of course – again and again. It works. Here’s a post from Steve Lombardo that tracks Romney’s slow but steady rise in the polls – and sees Obama’s gaffe as the turning point in the campaign before the conventions….
Now there’s a lot of noise in all that. But you can see Romney struggling before that dread quote, and gaining thereafter. It may end up a blip. But it still stings. Mr President, please don’t listen to pious Massachusetts liberals as a guide to your election rhetoric. Warren will probably lose in Massachusetts she is so gratingly smug. You don’t need to go down with her.
I certainly don’t predict that Warren will lose, or that she will drag Obama down with her.
I do say that there is a significant possibility those results will happen, and they are not tied together.
I could envision a scenario where Warren ekes out a win simply because there are too many Obama voters in Massachusetts who will vote party line, yet her brand of collectivist rhetoric damages national Democrats as it already has.
Elizabeth Warren’s politically toxic rhetoric, coming from someone exposed at the DNC as an ethnic fraud who will not even meet with the great grandson of Geronimo to explain her claim to be Cherokee, has great potential to be a disaster for national Democrats.
Lie down with fake Indians, get up with ….

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Pooftahs unite. Andy and Barry. What a pair to draw to.
“I certainly don’t predict that Warren will lose, or that she will drag Obama down with her.”
How ’bout vise versa…???
After last night…and the last four years, that is.
Lizzie’s ducking Geronimo will come back to haunt her. Prior to that point, the Natives she could duck weren’t clearly attached to the DNC-Geronimo was a delegate to the convention.
While they won’t say it openly, my bet is that Ma Warren will be quietly torpedoed by a whispering campaign of Dems who vote.
The Bay State is going to be tough to handicap this cycle. Mitt was elected governor, so it’s not like he’s an unknown quantity. I’m not sure that Ma will hurt or help The Won.
You state, “The Bay State is going to be tough to handicap this cycle.”
So not true. From one who lives here the presidential choice will easily be the One; R&R don’t have a prayer. As proof, 49-1 in 1972, with this state being the sole state to choose the radical loon McGovern.
You may have a point on the Senate race but only because Brown pulled out a victory in January 2010 (in no small measure due to the missteps of the then Democrat looney running, Martha Coakley), Since then he’s shown that he will never be confused for a conservative. It is for that reason that he’ll probably win reelection, not because Warren is a radical loon. For the Bay/Gay state there is no Democrat too looney.
Liz Warren supplied Obama (more likely jogged his memory) with the rhetorical bullets with which he shot himself in the foot.
“No Way, Lizzy”
As a lawyer, Liz was “fair”,
But to be “Prof” she had to share
MINORITY traits that just weren’t there.
Oh, poor Lizzy.
And then she had a wicked dream,
She’d steal a “Cherokee Nation” theme,
Theft of a race was her crazy scheme,
Crazy, crazy Lizzy.
Harvard bought the lie real fast,
And Liz kept lying to the last!
She could deceive with stunning class!
Dirty, dirty Lizzy.
Now Cherokees kept perfect lists,
Of their descendants in our midst,
And Lizzy’s name did not exist!
Oh, oh Lizzy.
But when confronted by her fraud,
Liz attacked–she wasn’t awed
By truth, or even Indian Gods
Danger, danger Lizzy!
Now Massachusetts must decide,
If Liz, with BO right at her side,
Can mock both state and indian pride.
No way, Lizzy.
Liz Warren in Charlotte:
Well, let’s say that programmer works for Google. Google, like many other technology companies that have significant amounts of intellectual property, is a world-beater at tax avoidance. Using strategies such as the “Dutch Sandwich” and the “Double Irish,” Google pays just a 2.4 percent tax rate, despite having most of its operations located in high-tax locales like California. The Double Irish involves the use of two corporations located in an actual country with a low corporate tax rate (12.5 percent), and, as the delicious filling, an offshore corporation in a tax haven like, say, the Cayman Islands (Google uses Bermuda). So yes, that programmer certainly benefits from his employer’s not paying its “fair share of taxes” — indirectly, because he’s better off working for a company with higher profits, or, quite likely, directly, because his equity stake in the company is significantly more valuable if its after-tax profits are higher.
So, she was going to protect consumers of financial products and she is this far outside the loop. Is Liz Warren really this stupid or is it just an act for the party cretins ?
“Is Liz Warren really this stupid or is it just an act for the party cretins ?”
False dichotomy. She’s both.
Plus, many people have no idea how and where their mutual funds, retirement funds, etc., are invested, or whether any of it is parked overseas, including the Caymans.
Never link to Andrew Sullivan. Ever.
Lizzy Warren took an axe
Gave her pap-pah 40 whacks
Went to mommy with great scorn
Gave her mam-mah 44!!!
How many whacks till Matthews breaks?
She should have talked to the people at the Boston Fed who advanced their careers via a (deliberately?) flawed study of lending to minorities. In keeping with what this site has reported about her research standards, she did no such thing.
Apparently she chose not to ask the well-heeled lefties who are funding her, i.e. Hollywood and the Wall Street plaintiffs’ bar. If she did ask, she did not report their answers. See the remark above about her research methodology.
Meant as reply to Neo’s comment above.
“Warren Pretender-of the Cheating Tribe”
There once was a “middling*” attorney–
Had to distance herself from the “herd”
Of so many hopefuls, with credentials so boastful
She knew she would never be heard.
So she traded her license to practice,
For a “poetic license” of sorts.
She became “part Cherokee”, and then Harvard could see,
She’d appear in “Minority Reports”.
Just this year, though, her “license” was *cancelled*,
By true Cherokee’s who had LOTS of proof,
That her “massive white lie”, just could not justify,
Her false claims—it was all just a “spoof”!
But her training in law had prepared her,
To ignore even truth’s mighty power.
“Doubing down” on her lies, she kept up her disguise,
Trusting she was BO’s “star” of the Hour”.
Well our story’s not ended so quickly,
For the people of MASS must now choose.
Do they elect “the Pretender”, or do they send her,
Back to law school to learn ethics rules!
* Middling = mediocre, second-rate.
COPY FREELY – no rights reserved.
WOW, LIZZY, How was it that I got two (2) poems for you?
I think it would be a good idea to tie the fruitloops to the Democrat party, no matter which election you are talking about. Trot out people like her and say….Waters, Pelosi, Hank Johnson, etc. Use the extreme and ignorant labels on them. Post vids of island tipping, nationalizing, bill reading, etc. The RNC should already be doing this. Who does the RNC ads and how do I get in touch with them?