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Kavanaugh Open Thread: FBI reportedly could not confirm sexual misconduct accusations against Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh Open Thread: FBI reportedly could not confirm sexual misconduct accusations against Kavanaugh

Confirmation vote could take place on Saturday.

The FBI handed over its report on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

A source familiar with the report said that “it shows no evidence corroborating the allegations of sexual assault or misconduct against the nominee.” The FBI also interviewed nine people and received a sworn statement from another.

Heitkamp Will Vote NO on Kavanaugh

Vulnerable Democrat incumbent Heidi Heitkamp from North Dakota told a local station that she will vote no on Kavanaugh. This is despite the fact that in a recent poll, 60% of the people in the state want to see him confirmed and she trails her GOP opponent by 10 points.

Lindsey Graham Stuns Kavanaugh Protester to Silence on Live TV

Dude, Sen. Graham has become a favorite of mine lately. An anti-Kavanaugh protester tried to upstage Graham on live TV, but the senator had no time for her shenanigans:

Flake & Collins Call FBI Report Thorough

Undecided Sens. Jeff Flake and Susan Collins offered praise for the FBI report today. From The Washington Examiner:

Flake, whose about face on Kavanaugh triggered the supplemental FBI report, said there was “no additional corroborating information” in the report, while Collins said: “It appears to be a very thorough investigation.”

Neither senator said explicitly they would vote for Kavanaugh, and both said they wanted to take more time to read the FBI report. But their statements signaled they have no immediate problem with the nominee following the FBI’s supplemental work.

The White House had earlier sent the FBI report to the Senate, stating it was “fully confident” he will be confirmed to the Supreme Court this week with a full Senate vote due on Saturday.

Democrats Criticizing FBI Report

From the AP:

Senate Democrats are criticizing the White House for what they say is a limited FBI investigation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (FYN’-styn), the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, says the most notable part of report into sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh “is what’s not in it.”

Kavanaugh denies the accusations.

The California Democrat says the report made available to senators on Thursday is “very limited” and she says “it looks to be a product of an incomplete investigation.”

Feinstein She says the White House may have limited the probe.

Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer says he disagrees with a statement by the committee’s GOP chairman that the report found “no hint of misconduct” by Kavanaugh.

Schumer is calling for the report to be made public as well the directive the White House gave the FBI ordering the investigation.

Grassley: Nothing in the Report Shows Misconduct

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley released this statement this morning:

Ford’s Friend Does Not Back Up Ford’s Claims

Ford’s friend Leland Keyser, the one she expected to back up her claims, met with the FBI and submitted two answers to the committee. Keyser said she does not about the party Ford talked about and maintains that she does not know Kavanaugh. From The Washington Times:

“Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford,” Mr. Walsh said.

After Mr. Trump ordered an FBI investigation last Friday, Mr. Walsh submitted a reaffirming statement to the committee.

“Ms. Keyser asked that I communicate to the Committee her willingness to cooperate fully with the FBI’s supplemental investigation of Dr. Christine Ford’s allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh,” Mr. Walsh said. “However, as my client has already made clear, she does not know Judge Kavanaugh and has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.”

All told, she has now provided the same account three times.

FBI Report

From Fox News:

A source familiar with the supplemental report told Fox News it shows no evidence corroborating the allegations of sexual assault or misconduct against the nominee. Other specifics from the report were not immediately available, but Fox News is told the review included interviews with nine people, along with a sworn statement from another. This went beyond the original Senate request for interviews with four people, though the FBI did not dive into Kavanaugh’s drinking habits in high school, one area of contention, because the Senate did not formally request the information.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley tweeted early Thursday that the committee received the “supplemental FBI background file.” Grassley said he has agreed with ranking member Sen. Dianne Feinstein “to alternating EQUAL access for senators to study content from additional background info gathered by non-partisan FBI agents.”

Christine Blasey Ford’s attorneys blasted the FBI for not interviewing their client.

The White House also received the report on Thursday night.


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legacyrepublican | October 4, 2018 at 9:07 am

Thud! Total shocker! How did the Democrats get it so wrong?

After all, they have Sen. Frankenstein on their side whom, we all know, is such an honest woman. So classy too. How she keeps the bolts in her neck hidden, I will never know. Her disguise is so perfect, no one suspects she is really a monster.

    Sry, dv by mistake. Can someone please move the “start coffee” button AWAY from the “launch missiles” button? That would be nice.

    Forgot what I was – oh yah – the Democrats were promised the Republicans would fold first time CNN called them sexist.

      4th armored div in reply to Fen. | October 4, 2018 at 10:09 am

      Ford also threw her ‘best friend’ under the bus – saying her friend had ‘problems that she was dealing with’.

      Roadhouse Ford never expected to be called to account and so did NOT get her ‘friends’ to LIE for her to Senate and FBI!

        Ford: My best friend will back me up.
        Friend: It never happened.
        Ford: She’s crazy. Don’t listen to anything she says.

          notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to georgfelis. | October 4, 2018 at 3:34 pm

          Is Christine a Stalker and Serial Abuser??????

          Maybe that’s what Chrissy’s “Friend” meant by
          she has “problems”…..??????

          notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to georgfelis. | October 4, 2018 at 5:07 pm


          Trump, GOP Get A Big Kavanaugh Bounce — IBD/TIPP Poll

          JOHN MERLINE
          2:12 PM ET

          The Democrats’ all-out attack on Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, which culminated in a blisteringly partisan hearing last Thursday, may have backfired on the party just before the November elections.

          The latest IBD/TIPP poll finds that President Donald Trump’s approval ratings made a strong rebound this month, with a four-point gain to 40%, reversing almost the entire loss he suffered the month before. His disapproval rating went from 56% last month to 54% now.

          What’s more, the Democrats’ advantage on the generic ballot question plunged from 11 points last month to just 2 points this month.
          Galvanizing Republicans

          “The Kavanaugh hearings galvanized Republicans who saw the proceedings as a ploy by the Democrats to slow the nomination process,” said Raghavan Mayur, President of TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence, which conducts the IBD/TIPP Poll. “What’s more, many Republicans thought that Kavanaugh’s reputation was being maligned by the Democratic Senators.”

      stablesort in reply to Fen. | October 4, 2018 at 9:55 pm

      On many sites, if you mistakenly vote on a post, voting again will undo the mistaken vote. The ode has already been written, it just needs to be added here.

    Of all the Dems, Feinstein may be the biggest loser. She is running against an ultra left Democrat nutcase and needed Republican votes to win. After this I doubt she will get many.

      Valerie in reply to bw222. | October 4, 2018 at 6:09 pm

      Agreed. This is an ugly choice. Feinstein is no fool, and she has to know better. I regard her behavior in this matter as likely to be a serious ethical breach. But her opposition, also a Democrat, is downright weird.

        starride in reply to Valerie. | October 5, 2018 at 12:17 am

        i would vote for the weird new one. getting Frankenstein out of government would be a big step in draining the swamp.

    Dejectedhead in reply to legacyrepublican. | October 4, 2018 at 6:15 pm

    Maybe they were informed by a Chinese Spy or something.

    You don’t find Feinstein and DaNang Dick truthful?

Keyser said she does not about the party

Oh, she doesn’t, huh?

Seems like a safe statement. Not much chance of perjury there.


do tell – how would the FBI even be able investigate this as a serious contention?

Go after Ford for perjury. Let her eat up some of those pay off funds through lawyers.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to oldgoat36. | October 4, 2018 at 9:46 am

    Ford and the other women involved in making what are clearly false accusations need to be crucified. make an example out of them. Enough BS from #MeTooLiars.

    Going after her for perjury – I hope that wouldn’t be their end-game with Ford. Rather, IF there were some way they could bring legal pressure BUT get her to self-admit to rehab or the like – to admit she has serious emotional problems and needs treatment – gets her helped and better optics for GOP with women.

      gonzotx in reply to MrE. | October 4, 2018 at 5:31 pm

      Borderlines are never helped by Admissions to Psych hospitals. Worse thing you can do.

        MrE in reply to gonzotx. | October 4, 2018 at 6:04 pm

        When it’s all over Gonzo, I just hope the Republicans don’t victimize her again … by that I mean this process, in particular the Democrats and their agenda, has victimized Dr. Ford. The Dems groomed her and used her and I hope that in the final analysis, people will see that. I’d rather see the Republicans offer her a helpful, not punitive option. FWIW, I have *no* such sympathy for Ramirez and Swetnick.

        As for the Dems, Katz, et al … prosecute every damn one of them who took part in this.

Bucky Barkingham | October 4, 2018 at 9:23 am

The Senate Lefties’ arguments re this report:

1. It’s inadequate, superficial and incomplete.

2. They need at least a month to review and analyze it.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to Bucky Barkingham. | October 4, 2018 at 9:54 am

    We all saw how Dems stupidly alienated Trump, leading to disastrous consequences for their party. Now they have done the same to a soon to be seated judge. I wonder to what degree this experience has shaped Kavanaugh’s mindset? Most certainly he will not ever have any warm feelings for the left. It is likely that the Left will be paying for this until Kavanaugh retires. Dem stupidity just keeps growing.

      4th armored div in reply to JusticeDelivered. | October 4, 2018 at 10:14 am

      my thought exactly.

      for Independents, this behavior is an eye opener.
      same for Women who can see thru the crappy lies told.

      If Kavanaugh is confirmed – we’ll find out soon – he’s going to “grow in office” like Justice Thomas, not like Justice Kennedy.

      It is likely that the Left will be paying for this until Kavanaugh retires.

      It is likely that the Left will be paying for this until Justice Kavanaugh dies.

      Which given his age and actuarial table placement, and recent advances in life expectancy will likely not be for a LONG, LONG, LONG time.

    3. They want it re-printed in CRAYON.

    Feinstein would have preferred it be written in Chinese. Her spy-driver could have read it for her.

Just vote already…

Coons is pushing something that was said yesterday, that there is evidence in the previous 6 FBI investigations against judge Kavanaugh. They will stop at NOTHING to get their way.
Vote Republican and take everyone you can with you.

    alaskabob in reply to MAB. | October 4, 2018 at 1:51 pm

    If Kavanaugh was such a stumbling drunk imagine his grade without alcohol… wait… do they allow grades above perfect?

    Can ‘t help but remember, as many have, another President in tough times… Lincoln and Grant…”I can’t spare this man, he fights!” Plus wanting to send the other generals what Grant drank.

    Solemn pledge…. when Kavanaugh is confirmed and sworn in , I will toast his appointment with whatever Kavanaugh thinks is the best beer for the occasion. I’ll have what he’s drinking!

      Quick – get the trademark for KavanAle Brettskis! You can send me my cut of your massive windfall later.

      MarkSmith in reply to alaskabob. | October 4, 2018 at 5:08 pm

      What I read on Grant, he his drinking was not as bad as his opposition party made it. It is just their claim stuck all these years. It did not help that all his in-laws were confederates, either.

…though the FBI did not dive into Kavanaugh’s drinking habits in high school…

Well, they’re the FBI, not A.A.

    MajorWood in reply to rinardman. | October 4, 2018 at 10:39 am

    AA has no opinion on outside issues, hence the AA name ought never be drawn into public controversy, just sayin.

      Yeah, well give them time. As soon as the progressives figure out a way that they can damage society by infesting AA, rest assured they’ll give a go. They’ve fucked up just about everything else.

By McConnell doing the cloture – he knows he has the votes to confirm.

Outraged the FBI didn’t interview Ford? WHY – do they WANT their client to be charged with multiple counts of PERJURY> I mean, I DO.

I want to hear HER REAL VOICE. There’s no way she taught college, with a 12 year olds voice. A lecture that was recorded, a protest she spoke at, an interview, voicemail – ANYTHING.

As soon as we hear HER REAL VOICE – she’s COOKED.

The Dems have proven they will STOOP TO ANYTHING to get power. This was as much about DJT – as it was about keeping a CONSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATIVE, that will decide critical cases BY THE CONSTITUTION – a document that LIMITS THE GOVERNMENT’S POWER OVER THE PEOPLE.


Kavanaugh will remember what that did to him – EVERY DAY HE PUTS ON HIS ROBE.

I hope he SUES THE BEJEEBERS out of EVERYONE. Ford became a MILLIONAIRE off this – TAKE EVERY PENNY. Put her and her family OUT IN THE STREET – as that’s surely what they tried to do to him.


    amatuerwrangler in reply to RSConsulting. | October 4, 2018 at 11:12 am

    The “voice” thing aside, one should not be surprised that the D’s already had teed-up a complaint that an interview of Ford by the FBI at this point was not needed since her sworn testimony was already there and any subsequent interview was nothing but a partisan attempt to get her into one of those “perjury traps” where any variation from her testimony would be rounds to prosecute her. We have seen that done recently, if you recall…

    The use of the Senate testimony as her “statement’ was the best path for them.

    Massinsanity in reply to RSConsulting. | October 4, 2018 at 1:45 pm

    She owns a house in Palo Alto so she has been a millionaire on paper for years.

    You can’t buy an outhouse in PA for less than $4M.

I saw this morning that the New Yorker Magazine has put out an article with a byline from Farrow claiming that the FBI “refused” to interview all of the “witnesses”. They then relate the story of some Princeton professor who is willing to swear that he heard someone else, who refuses to say anything, talking about one of these supposed “attacks” when he was in school 30 years ago.

Hello Mr. Farrow, talk to someone who’s had at least 1 year of law school – “testimony” about what someone else may have said years ago, ESPECIALLY when that person refuses to say anything about it (and they are not a suspect themselves) is absolutely and completely worthless. That is not “evidence”, that is what we usually call gossip. It has no value whatsoever in an investigation, which is why the FBI did not waste any time listening to that nonsense.

    It’s even better than that. Farrow & company tracked down the guy that apparently told the second-hand witness about Kavanaugh’s behavior. Shockingly, the third-hand witness had no recollection of the party in question. So, the third-hand witness could not corroborate what the hearsay witness said. I’m not sure we covered this exact scenario in my law school Evidence class, but I’m pretty sure it’s all inadmissible.

    gonzotx in reply to Tom Servo. | October 4, 2018 at 5:37 pm

    What is Farrow trying to do, get back in grace with the Left again? Other than the #metoo creeps.

Christopher B | October 4, 2018 at 10:17 am

Tom Swift – I think Keyser is being artful in her denial. Notice that unlike PJ Smyth and Mark Judge she doesn’t deny knowledge of a party where Blasely-Ford might have been groped, only that she never saw Kavanaugh at a party with Blasely-Ford. This is one of the main reasons I believe it’s probable that an incident like the one Ford describes actually happened but that either she has convinced herself that it was Kavanaugh or is out-right lying about it being him.

    4th armored div in reply to Christopher B. | October 4, 2018 at 10:24 am

    Keyser claimed NEVER saw or met Kav!

    fishstick in reply to Christopher B. | October 4, 2018 at 11:02 am

    it was an artful denial but it is still a backhand to Dr. Ford’s accusation

    you see every person she named present at the alleged incident has refuted not having any memory of said party with Keyser going further in saying she never met Kavanaugh

    Kesyer can contest later that “she believes her friend” but it becomes a double negative where Kesyer herself is speaking nonsense

    because she can’t believe Dr. Ford’s account is credible while at the same time contest the verity of said account

    amatuerwrangler in reply to Christopher B. | October 4, 2018 at 11:04 am

    If memory serves, this is what Kavanaugh said in his Senate testimony. He said the he believes that Ford had some kind of sexual assault sometime in her high school years, but it did not involve him. He said he felt bad for her being assaulted.

      JusticeDelivered in reply to amatuerwrangler. | October 4, 2018 at 11:47 am

      Lets say there was an incident, she was drunk, and horsing around, leading to a playful chase, and another drunk on top of her. That the drunk is trying to get off and then was knocked off by a third drunk.

      Was there any attempt to rape? Isn’t a drunk likely to be largely unaware of where their hands are going as they are trying to get up?

      It is probable that Ford blew a completely non sexual encounter up into a big story, maybe even more likely she made the whole thing up.

      If someone was actually trying to rape her, they would have followed through.

      I think Ford has a lot of loose screws rattling around in her head and that she is a #MeTooLiar.

        Joe-dallas in reply to JusticeDelivered. | October 4, 2018 at 12:12 pm

        To a large degree – I concur.

        With all stories – there are two sides to the story and something in between is what likely happened.

        I am not convinced she exaggerated it on purpose, but given her demeanor, I would suspect that she conflated boorish behavior as attempted rape.

        The level of trauma seems quite disproportionate in relation to what was described which leads to the suspision that she has some underlying issues unrelated to the alleged assault.

        I may be extrapolating – but a large portion of the population with chronic pain have underlying mental issues, but no actual pain.

          gospace in reply to Joe-dallas. | October 4, 2018 at 4:44 pm

          There are two sides to every story. But, like in this case, one side is a complete lie. Her side

          Joe-dallas in reply to Joe-dallas. | October 4, 2018 at 6:01 pm

          Gospace – I dont think it is a lie on her part.

          My educated guess is that she did incurred a half hearted horseplay that she conflated in her mind as an attempted rape.
          I dont think is was Kav for several reasons, A) very few 15 year girls will drink a beer (beer at that age tastes awful, especially to girls) which places the event closer to when she was 17 (maybe 16). Due to the differences in ages, their two social circles would only cross in the 1982 timeframe. Her first recollections placed the event in the mid 1980s which is closer to her age of 17.

        amatuerwrangler in reply to JusticeDelivered. | October 4, 2018 at 1:01 pm

        JD- Yes, a reasonable interpretation of things. The term “assault” gets tossed about too frequently… “an event that could be thought to be of a sexual nature…” might have been a better description for me, but I think K actually said assault. I could be wrong.

      The longer this drags on, the less patience I have with the “something bad” fairy tale.

      I don’t believe for an instant that Kavanaugh attempted to rape or “inadvertently” kill Ford. Nor, from what I can see, does Ford. So let’s stipulate something scarred Ford emotionally and/or mentally. How bad could it have been if she’s willing to let the actual perp off the hook in order to torpedo Kavanaugh?

        murkyv in reply to Arminius. | October 4, 2018 at 9:54 pm

        I’ve wondered from the beginning of this if maybe her “abuse” came from someone a little closer to home.

        Might explain a few things

    Joe-dallas in reply to Christopher B. | October 4, 2018 at 11:53 am

    I agree with your point that an assault likely occurred, just not by kavanaugh.

    Powerline has a good analysis of the varying time line of the alleged assault. The year of the assault varies from 1981 through 1986. Due to their differences in ages, the only year that their social circles would have likely crossed would have been 1982. (college years, vs high school years, etc makes any other year less likely/ unlikely). The surrounding events described would be closer to a girl age 16/17. Very few 15 year old girls have drank beer which is why the later years are more likely.

    One odd point, there are a lot of events from my youth that I can place the year accurately due to the other events going on in my life at the time. The inability to place the year strikes me as very circumspect. Not that she is lying, just her memory has a disconnect with reality.

    So your premise of someone else likely assaulting her is quite reasonable.

      Massinsanity in reply to Joe-dallas. | October 4, 2018 at 2:09 pm

      The inability to state the year is hard to understand but even more difficult for me to comprehend is her inability to say how she got to and from the party, particularly how she got home.

      I imagine that she would be eternally grateful to the person who drove her home thereby removing her from that awful party. The fact that she can’t remember who brought her home is just way too convenient in this whole situation as that person could clearly establish the when and where and be able to testify to Ms Blasey’s frame of mind at the time. Her faulty memory on this topic leads me to believe the whole thing is made up.

      gospace in reply to Joe-dallas. | October 4, 2018 at 4:50 pm

      I don’t even believe an assault happened. Neither do any of my non-liberal Facebook friends who’ve commented on the subject.

      My liberal friends ha e shifted to Kavanaugh shouldn’t be confirmed because he lied under oath. Their proof of that is as solid as Ford’s testimony. They’re delusional.

        notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to gospace. | October 4, 2018 at 8:42 pm

        Did you hear the latest joke about this?

        “Christine Ford and a Peanut were walking down Wall Street.

        One was a Salted…..”


      MarkSmith in reply to Joe-dallas. | October 4, 2018 at 5:17 pm

      I did think that someone else might have, but when she said 100%, I bailed on that theory. When I found out that she was helped by her friend from the FBI SDNY, it clinched it.

      She is a pawn in the mess and has serious TDS. Probably had an abortion and needs to justify why it was ok to have one.

      Too many players and holes in her story to give her the benefit of the doubt. Stop being nice. There are women out there that deserve our help, sympathy and support. Too many of them. The men that do this are a small minority of men and the women on C-span lump us in with those few. Enough is enough. We need to fight back and allow us men to stop being wimp about who we are. I was taught to respect women and treat them well. That lesson is not lost on me or what I teach my sons.

        Barry in reply to MarkSmith. | October 5, 2018 at 12:10 am

        “Stop being nice.”

        No kidding. The whole story is completely made up. It’s all a lie and Ford is part of the conspiracy.

        No need to be kind to a liar.

    gonzotx in reply to Christopher B. | October 4, 2018 at 5:39 pm

    Never happened… never

    tom_swift in reply to Christopher B. | October 4, 2018 at 8:05 pm

    Tom Swift – I think Keyser is being artful in her denial.

    My comment concerned the sentence itself. If you read it, you’ll see that it’s nonsense. Devoid of English meaning. I thought some roving editor might correct the blatant lack of proofing, but in vain.

    Yes, I know, I never learn. I should just consider that stuff a mark of authentic L.I. and forget about it.

Huh? “The White House also received the report on Thursday night.”

Would that not have been Tuesday night?

Ronan needs to find some purpose in life. Maybe James Okeefe could take him in as an intern and show him how to actually obtain evidence and earn some credibility.

    guyjones in reply to NotKennedy. | October 4, 2018 at 2:52 pm

    Or, if Ronan’s voice is halfway-decent, he should start singing standards from the Great American Songbook, and, follow in his Old Man’s giant footsteps.

    Singing jazz and show tunes is a far more honorable way to make a living, than shamelessly whoring one’s self out to carry propaganda water and to spread slander for the Dumb-o-crats.

I hope there are precautions in place when Democrat Senators view the FBI report, so that no alterations or substitutions can be surreptitiously effected. I put absolutely nothing beyond those filthy, slimy, win at all costs bastards.

    txvet2 in reply to CDR D. | October 4, 2018 at 11:24 am

    With only one copy it should be difficult to alter, but that doesn’t mean that the Dems won’t deliberately misinterpret what it says.

    RedEchos in reply to CDR D. | October 4, 2018 at 1:17 pm

    I hope there are 100 copies, each very slightly different. I also hope that each reader had to peruse it alone.

Kavanaugh Open Thread: FBI reportedly could not confirm sexual misconduct accusations against Kavanaugh

Apparently, the FBI was precluded from following leads, and only interviewed a few witnesses. According to reports, they didn’t even interview Ford or Kavanaugh.

    alaskabob in reply to Zachriel. | October 4, 2018 at 12:11 pm

    Even Ford (with her lawyers) let alone Kavanaugh know that makes more for a perjury trap than finding exculpatory evidence. Also, the FBI would have to endure that stupid childish voice which is hardly real.

      alaskabob: Even Ford (with her lawyers) let alone Kavanaugh know that makes more for a perjury trap than finding exculpatory evidence.

      Are you suggesting that Ford and Kavanaugh refused to be interviewed by the FBI?

      alaskabob: Also, the FBI would have to endure that stupid childish voice which is hardly real.

      Nothing exist about that. No. Not at all.

        Nothing {s}exist about that. No. Not at all.

          Nope; FBI interviewed one contemporary at least who confirmed that wasn’t her natural voice.

          alaskabob in reply to Zachriel. | October 4, 2018 at 1:22 pm

          Women also saw this… I guess women how called her voice as put on are anti-lesbians?

          My final hope on this is that she forever has to speak in that voice because if she faked it… it will be on YouTube forever.

          Her ex-boyfriend’s statement, while still a she said-he said has a definitive line of points that happened. Real people, real events fairly tightly but not completely linking Ford to collusion to nail Kavanaugh.

          SDN: FBI interviewed one contemporary at least who confirmed that wasn’t her natural voice.

          She was under stress speaking publicly about a personal matter. Yes, it’s sexist to make fun of her voice in order to distract from her testimony.

          luagha in reply to Zachriel. | October 4, 2018 at 3:54 pm

          The little girl voice is a technique that lawyers teach their sexual-abuse clients so they come across as naive, innocent, needing help.

          The problem is that it works well for little girls, teenagers, and very young women who may well be naive, innocent, and needing help.

          On a 51 year old woman it comes off as fake, which it was.

          notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Zachriel. | October 4, 2018 at 4:09 pm

          Yes, Luagha, when 60-year old women use that fake voice it’s a sign of pure evil.

          Behaviorists also say that high pitched voice is used to communicate “I Want To Please You.”

          But as in that case I’ve seen Psychopaths use that high pitched voice to Fake it to Fool people about what they Psychopath was really all about – namely to fool and screw over the others.

          Gremlin1974 in reply to Zachriel. | October 4, 2018 at 6:52 pm

          “She was under stress speaking publicly about a personal matter.”

          No, she was using the voice because that is what she was coached to do which is supported by the numerous experts who have reviewed the testimony, including a body language expert. It was a tactic. Eventually, video of her teaching class in her normal voice will surface.

          Barry in reply to Zachriel. | October 5, 2018 at 12:14 am

          Here’s the commie making a fool of himself once again.

          Ford is a liar, and her voice used in the hearing is a lie.

          And you’re a liar. Nothings changed, you commies lie and murder by the tens of millions.

          notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital: when 60-year old women use that fake voice it’s a sign of pure evil.

          Seriously, because a woman has a high-pitched voice, she’s evil. And that’s considered reasonable opinion on Legal Insurrection. Gee whiz.

        Mac45 in reply to Zachriel. | October 4, 2018 at 1:02 pm

        The FBI did NOT want to become involved in what is an obvious political character assassination operation. Ford has already produced a sworn affidavit to the Senate and testified, under oath, to that body. And, contradictions now exist between her sworn statements. If the FBI interviews her and she makes inconsistent statements to them, there will be a huge push on to charge her with making false statements to the FBI [Flynn and Papadopolous come to mind?] And, the FBI does not want to be in that position. I believe that the FBI has decided to leave it up to the Senate to pursue criminal perjury charges against Ford, if they choose. As this is an expansion into the prior background check on Kavanaugh, and he has already testified, under oath on this subject before Congress, there is no need to interview him further.

          Mac45: The FBI did NOT want to become involved in what is an obvious political character assassination operation.

          Republicans put the lid on the investigation, as you know.

          Mac45: If the FBI interviews her and she makes inconsistent statements to them, there will be a huge push on to charge her with making false statements to the FBI

          Then charge her. Meanwhile, a complete investigation means following down leads. There are many witnesses, and many statements by Kavanaugh that were obviously untrue.

          Mac45 in reply to Mac45. | October 4, 2018 at 4:59 pm

          Wrong. The FBI put the lid on the investigation. Feinstein sent this complaint to the FBI directly and the FBI said, not our job. And, it was right. Kavanaugh is accused of NO federal criminal act. There is NO credible evidence that the charges lodged by Dr. Ford, or any of the other accusers, are true. Even the “witnesses” provided by Ford, et al, had failed or refused to corroborate her account. The inconsistencies in Ford’s statements, prior to the current FBI investigation, cast serious doubt as to her credibility. Even the Pravda media has been unable to produce a single scintilla of corroborating evidence for any of these charges. In other words, the FBI went above and beyond what it would have dione in any other background chaeck.

          Now, it is possible that Ford could be charged with perjury. The same can be said for Swetnick. But, as this is all politics, the FBI does NOT want to get involved in it, if at all possible. So, when faced with the real possibility that Ford would contradict her previous statements when interviewed, which could bring pressure to bear, upon the FBI/DOJ, to file criminal charges against Ford for lying to the FBI, the Bureau simply opted out of interviewing Ford. Her sworn testimony already exists. If Congress wishes to refer her to the DOJ for perjury or lying to Congress, the FBI will leave that up to that august body.

          MarkSmith in reply to Mac45. | October 4, 2018 at 5:23 pm

          I think Judge and Kavanaugh have a great case for defamation and is why I think he hired Beth Wilkinson. I think they should include the Dem. Judicial committee, too. Malice is the key factor in a public figure and I think they both have that one nailed. Chucky nail it when he said they will do anything to stop it.

          Mac45: The FBI put the lid on the investigation. Feinstein sent this complaint to the FBI directly and the FBI said, not our job.

          Feinstein has no authority in the matter. In a criminal investigation, the FBI’s client is the U.S., but in a background investigation, the FBI’s client is the White House.

          Mac45: There is NO credible evidence that the charges lodged by Dr. Ford, or any of the other accusers, are true.

          Ford was “a very credible witness”.

          Mac45: Even the “witnesses” provided by Ford, et al, had failed or refused to corroborate her account.

          Many of the witnesses she provided were not interviewed by the FBI.

    They followed all the leads that weren’t obvious perjury, and all the ones they followed point to your girl being a pathological liar.

    Colonel Travis in reply to Zachriel. | October 4, 2018 at 1:36 pm

    I like how people are allegedly outraged that Ford wasn’t investigated. Sorry, was she nominated to the Supreme Court? No. Were her defenders demanding her story be put under a microscope? No.

    We Believe Her. <—remember this?

    She wasn't the one who had to back anything up, right? She wasn't the one with the credibility problem, right? Or do you pretend what was going on a week ago seemed like five centuries ago and there's no one alive who can remember the particulars, no written words, no video to replay on a screen. Everything is just a historical haze, gosh, I wish we could go back in time and figure out what happened.

    Kavanaugh spoke under oath last week and has already undergone six freaking FBI background checks, and if you are ignorant about how meticulous those are for the positions he held and is now nominated for, then that's your fault.

    You clowns aren't upset she wasn't interviewed. You're upset this vote can't be stopped.

    You've reached the end of the line and I pray to dear God in heaven the (D) party is destroyed in 2018 and beyond. Your tyranny belongs elsewhere. Not America.

    Gremlin1974 in reply to Zachriel. | October 4, 2018 at 6:37 pm

    Hey, it’s our favorite habitually butthurt leftist!

    First of all this is a background check, not a criminal investigation, so the whole “they couldn’t follow leads” is misleading. Oh and what leads? There as yet to be a single person who had cooperated any of the accusations, hard to “follow leads” that aren’t there. Also, there is no evidence that the FBI was constrained in any way other than time.

    They actually interviewed 9 witnesses and received a statement that was bound under the laws of Perjury from a 10th. That is about 5 times more witnesses than you would get in a criminal investigation.

    Why interview Kavanaugh and/or Ford again? They have both given testimony under oath, what more could they add? The only thing that might have come from that is that one of them would contradict themselves and since Kavanaugh has been solid in his responses it is much more a danger to Ford and no matter what her lawyers say, they are not stupid enough to let her be interviewed under oath again.

    If you are contemplating suicide, dial 911.

    But remember: there is no ‘eleven’ on the phone keypad.

I think someone bumped into Ford in line at the grocery store and in her mind it was twisted into an attempted rape by Bret Kavanaugh.

    I’m betting that she once had the hots for him and he completely ignored her or maybe he dated one of her friends. Or, maybe there are two personalities, Chrissy with a C and Krissy with a K.

    The whole thing has only been a tightly orchestrated attempt to prevent Trump from appointing anyone else to the USSC.

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to NotKennedy. | October 4, 2018 at 4:15 pm

      Most probable Franken-Ford never ever even laid her eyes on even a picture of him nor even heard of him until the Dictatorcrat Party Cooked up this Fraud in 2012 in case Romney won………..

    SpaceInvader: I think someone bumped into Ford in line at the grocery store and in her mind it was twisted into an attempted rape by Bret Kavanaugh.

    NotKennedy: I’m betting that she once had the hots for him and he completely ignored her or maybe he dated one of her friends.

    Nothing sexist or demeaning about that either.

caseoftheblues | October 4, 2018 at 12:57 pm

Zachriel…..”Apparently, the FBI was precluded from following leads, and only interviewed a few witnesses. According to reports, they didn’t even interview Ford or Kavanaugh”….

Uhm no but nice try to spread Democrat talking points…you have nothing…there is nothing…and you all are simply beclowning yourselves at this point.

    DINORightMarie in reply to caseoftheblues. | October 5, 2018 at 1:01 am

    There was no need to interview either Ford or Kavanaugh again.

    They have HOURS of recorded hearing statements, why would they need to get anything more?!

Comanche Voter | October 4, 2018 at 1:18 pm

Gee Dianne, you say that the FBI conducted a very limited investigation. Whose fault is that? You buried the letter in your purse for six weeks before springing it at the last minute. If you had wanted a complete and thorough investigation, why didn’t you start the ball rolling in early August. Don’t blow smoke up my heinie with your tears here.

Zachriel — Ford and Kavanaugh already made statements on the matter. In front of the committee.

    alaskabob in reply to Crawford. | October 4, 2018 at 1:25 pm

    Zach is to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. (any possible description in this post does not mean a direct connection to anyone living or dead).

    Crawford: Ford and Kavanaugh already made statements on the matter. In front of the committee.

    But the kinds of questions a trained investigator would ask may be different than those asked during the hearing. The point was to have the FBI investigate the allegations. The investigation was not complete or thorough.

Colonel Travis | October 4, 2018 at 1:39 pm

Key Republicans signal satisfaction with FBI report, increasing confirmation odds for Kavanaugh

Welcome to the Supreme Court, Justice Kavanaugh.

You know it is over because the NYT is pushing the Tax story now.

Dems are going to have a tough one for this next election. I hope Judge goes for defamation.

    Matt_SE in reply to MarkSmith. | October 4, 2018 at 4:19 pm

    People have been talking about how a failure to confirm would destroy the GOP’s chances in November, but what if Democrats’ failure reduces their turnout?

    Is their base so angry at their leadership that they won’t turn out?

      elle in reply to Matt_SE. | October 4, 2018 at 4:50 pm

      no, it will be good for them – given the damage is already done. It will turn out their base (that’s all they have left) and they can fund raise off this for years.

        MarkSmith in reply to elle. | October 4, 2018 at 5:26 pm

        I think the young libs will dump the old folks. I think Feinstein and Nancy are toast. Problem is the liberal baby boomer have no place to go. They just might give up.

Possible is politically congruent, but not equal to probable. The FBI was asked to divine a past event that may or may not have happened, with actors that may or may not have been present, in a place that may or may not have been its origin. Other than under the Twilight Amendment, warlock hunts are unconstitutional

How many people does Soros have checking out Amy Coney Barrett at this very moment since she’s probably the next person out of the chute once Judge Kavanaugh gets confirmed? Hopefully she never aggressively tagged some classmate during grade school recess, or we’ll be going through this Intergalatic Freak Show again.

    murkyv in reply to RNJD. | October 4, 2018 at 2:37 pm

    They’ll try to Paula Deen her.

    They’ll claim she once called someone a negro at a time when calling someone a negro was still acceptable

Sad potential…. after all these years of shepherding more women through his office than any other judge… being a true advocate for them…. can he risk this knowing a Left could place a ringer in to hurt him?

This is true fallout from this… good women are hurt.

I’m not picking bones with Ms. Chastain’s choice of headline. I only observe, for the benefit of our Dumb-o-crat zealot brethren, that, another way to write “FBI reportedly could not confirm sexual misconduct accusations against Kavanaugh,” is, “FBI confirms Kavanaugh’s innocence regarding unsupported accusations.”

Either Heitkamp has just given up or she is having her people stuff car trunks with ballots that can be “found” the morning after the election.

    Matt_SE in reply to Gremlin1974. | October 4, 2018 at 3:16 pm

    As I said in the previous thread, Heitkamp is toast no matter how she votes so she’s going to vote “no.” She announced her intent after a second poll came out showing her down by 12.
    She announced her intent immediately after that, even though there’s a lot of time before the vote, in order to signal to her friends that she’s going to need a job after November and she’s still “one of them.”

I just read that .heidcamp is a “NO”.

    elle in reply to MAB. | October 4, 2018 at 4:46 pm

    Same reason I think Tester is voting no. They are both going to lose anyway, so they don’t want to give up their job prospects.

    It’s a no lose for Republicans. Far better to assure additional Republican seats to have a larger majority in the next session.

“Graham: ‘Why don’t we dunk him in the water and see if he floats?”

This is what owning the libs looks like.

    zennyfan in reply to Matt_SE. | October 4, 2018 at 5:59 pm

    Graham really is impressing me these days. So much so that I “grahamed” a leftist troll commenter who called me an uneducated Nazi.

This is what happens when you get who you deserve.

U.S. Constitution – Article 1 Section 5
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behavior, and, with the Concurrence of two-thirds, expel a Member.

    Colonel Travis in reply to Neo. | October 4, 2018 at 5:55 pm

    This doofus has already gone on the record to say he’s not voting for Kavanaugh.

    But out of his deep, DEEP love for the Constitution, he is suing to stop the nomination so we can get to the bottom of something that has no bottom for the (D) party.

    He’s not even complaining about not having access to his judicial record. It’s Kavanaugh’s WH record under Bush before he was judge. You would think that after 12 years on the bench, the evilness from Kavanaugh’s Bush years would have bubbled up and spilled into his opinions?

    For people who sit on the Senate Judiciary Committee and who are allegedly into all things judicial, it is the judicial part of Kavanaugh’s record that (D)s have shown zero interest in.

The Real Reason the White House Told the FBI Not to Interview Christine Blasey Ford?

Perjury Trap

Imagine the nightmare when Dr Christine Blasey Ford changes her recollections, yet again.

what doesnt exist cannot be found—except in the deranged minds of democrats.

Yea I was listening to C-span and I heard some women scream something about Heitkamp voting NO. That made my day. Another republican that will fill her seat. Yea! Not that I have much faith in Republicans, but things are looking a little better.

    alaskabob in reply to MarkSmith. | October 4, 2018 at 6:09 pm

    The snarling rodents in the corner… that is… the Democrat Party is rolling the dice big time. They hope to distract the public with another outlandish something to stoke the emotions of the perpetually aggrieved. If they win enough to take the Congress we will have show trials of Stalinistic proportions.

Great, ex-SC Steven said he is against Kavanaugh on a link on Drudge. He continues to show how much of a wasted he really is.

    alaskabob in reply to MarkSmith. | October 4, 2018 at 6:12 pm

    Esoteric detachment from reality. Obviously too soft and easy a life to understand real damage to the judicial system. His is a fairy tale world.

    Joe-dallas in reply to MarkSmith. | October 4, 2018 at 8:08 pm

    Steven completely admits that Scalia’s opinion in Heller is correct with his proposal to amend 2A to match is dissent in Heller.

      tom_swift in reply to Joe-dallas. | October 4, 2018 at 8:42 pm

      But Scalia wasn’t correct in Heller. He pretended that the word “infringed” means something it doesn’t—most likely “prohibited” was what he had in mind. “Shall not be infringed” and “Shall not be prohibited” are not the same thing. Not even close.

      An “originalist” is supposed to pay some attention to the actual meaning of the text. That’s what distinguishes originalists from ordinary bums. When it all came down to the wire, Scalia blinked, and his “originalism” turned out to be somewhat less than promised.

      Stevens seems to have gone mad about that time. You don’t have to read too far between the lines of his post-Heller opinion pieces to see that he tried to reject the concept of unConstitutionality, at least when it suits him. If widely adopted, that rejection would castrate the power of the federal courts. A very odd thing for a federal judge to propose.

From Conservative Treehouse … we are at phase 4:

√ Phase 1 – Activate last minute delay chaos (prior “Me Too” investment).
√ Phase 2 – Use sex assault claims to demand investigation, further delay. Use republicans, not democrats, to establish/frame the delay.
√ Phase 3 – Use investigation to frame validity narrative; further delay. Use republican fear (leverage Jeff Flake) not democrats, to continue the delay. Manipulate FBI. Shift investigation goalposts.
√ Phase 4 – Use “deeply flawed investigation” narrative (witnesses ignored); to isolate Murkowski/Collins and keep Flake in position. Drum mid-term “Let the voters decide”. <= WE ARE HERE
Phase 5 – The mid-term election.

Zach: “She was under stress speaking publicly about a personal matter. Yes, it’s sexist to make fun of her voice in order to distract from her testimony.”

Oh goodness.

Hey Zach, your mask slipped… ya there, you got it.


Can’t believe THIS is the hill you chose to expose yourself on. And to think I once believed you were arguing in good faith.

Thought you were smarter than this too. What happened? Did you simply get bored with the ruse?

    Barry in reply to Fen. | October 5, 2018 at 12:23 am

    “And to think I once believed you were arguing in good faith.”

    Oh come on. Commies never argue in good faith. They always lie. The POS is a paid commie commenter.

Retired Supreme Court Justice: Kavanaugh does not belong on high court

This coming from one of the most dishonest justices ever – in my opinion far worse than ginsburg

dissent in heller
dissent in mcdonald
dissent in CU

ugottabekiddinme | October 4, 2018 at 8:13 pm

Returning from a pleasant afternoon walk, a frightening thought occurred:

Could Sen. Jeff (“I wake up every day thinking about changing party”)Flake announce that he is now a Democrat and therefore will vote no?

I mean the guy clearly has no principles left after his little elevator charade cooked up with his buddy Coons and the Soros-funded smear machine, so how better to stick his finger one last time in the GOP and the President’s eye?

It ain’t over till it’s over.

    alaskabob in reply to ugottabekiddinme. | October 4, 2018 at 8:37 pm

    And the Republican Senator from Montana will miss Saturday vote for his daughter’s wedding. So bridezilla or the Republic? Delay the vote or delay the wedding…. hum… I’d promise bridezilla an even better wedding bash if postponed if I were the RNC.

      Officiated by Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

      MarkSmith in reply to alaskabob. | October 4, 2018 at 9:20 pm

      What time is the wedding? If he votes early enough he can make it. That would be pretty cool.

      fishstick in reply to alaskabob. | October 5, 2018 at 2:14 am

      are you kidding me?

      every Republican voter in Montana better flood his phoneline and emails that should he miss this vote and cost Kavanaugh his nomination that his ass is grass when he is up for re-election

      at this point – a wedding does not even come close to the importance of a vote of this magnitude

      THAT would be a huge insult to the people who elected him to represent THEM at crucial moments like these

Heitkamp’s “NO” vote is part of her interview process for her next job.

I really worry about Dr. Christine Ford.
Clearly, she has some problems.
I fully expect the entourage that has been smothering her for the past few weeks to disappear, once all the opportunities to use her for Democratic fundraising have dried up.
Then, she will be expendable .. and ripe for self-destruction.

    alaskabob in reply to Neo. | October 4, 2018 at 8:40 pm

    Sometimes all the intervention in the world can’t help some people. Delusions from false memories are hard to cure. Sad.

    elle in reply to Neo. | October 4, 2018 at 9:28 pm

    “I really worry about Dr. Christine Ford.”

    She said she slept with 60+ men before graduating from college. This whole thing seems to me to be a similar inability to grasp that her actions will not produce the desired outcome that she imagines in her head.

    puhiawa in reply to Neo. | October 4, 2018 at 10:25 pm

    Her problem is she turned a high school crush in a boy she actually did not personally know, but had seen and been aware of, into a complaint for assault. And never expected to do anything other than drive by slander. Feinstein called a few attorney hit men she keeps around, and started the circus.

I am non pins and needles here. Wish this was over with.

John Paul Jones was a friend of mine; John Paul Stevens is no John Paul Jones.

No word from Murkowski?
She is my Senior Republican Senator..
Actually a Democrat.
I think that must be strategy… you want the pork out, send a Democrat…
That or she is playing for leverage all the time.
If she can be a critical vote, she can use that every day…
” Hi, I am Lisa, I want this…” and she will expect some attention because she may come in handy sometime..

I left her a message in support of Kavanaugh with advice to her to get her finger out of the wind, and her head out of her wazoo.

    DINORightMarie in reply to snowshooze. | October 5, 2018 at 1:13 am

    Murky Murkowski is NOT a Republican Senator. She ran against the Republican primary winner and the Dem opponent as an INDEPENDENT.

    She WAS a Republican Senator prior to losing that primary. She lied and used voter fraud to et elected. She is a foul human being, IMHO, and deserves to be held accountable IF she does not vote to confirm Kavanaugh.

Eastwood Ravine | October 5, 2018 at 12:55 am

I suspect that Heitkamp is voting no because her internal polls are worse than what’s being reported. Her political career is finished in North Dakota, but by voting no she keeps herself available as a loyal Democrat for a Cabinet post in a Democrat administration.

WSJ reporting that McClean and other Ford allies pressured Keiser to change her testimony and make it more favorable to Ford.

Keyser, not keiser.

Grassley has requested notes and such of any communications between Ford’s attorneys and senators, and between Ford’s attorneys and witnesses.

In light of recent evidence.

    fishstick in reply to Petrushka. | October 5, 2018 at 2:42 am

    yeah good luck getting THAT without court orders

    and even then, expect them to suddenly lose said notes and a hard drive wipe