Former Democrat IT Aide Reaches Deal, Will Return to U.S.
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Former Democrat IT Aide Reaches Deal, Will Return to U.S.

Former Democrat IT Aide Reaches Deal, Will Return to U.S.

More headaches for Wasserman Schultz?

The Washington Examiner reported that Hina Alvi, the former Democrat IT aide that fled to Pakistan after coming under a federal investigation, has struck a deal with authorities and will return to the states.

Alvi is married to Imran Awan. Both of them worked as IT aides to Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL). Authorities arrested Awan on bank fraud charges at Dulles airport in July.

From The Washington Examiner:

A document filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia indicates that federal prosecutors have struck a deal with Alvi that would allow her to return to the U.S., but would also require her to surrender her passport and afterwards not book any international travel. The deal only surrounds how Alvi will turn herself in, and is structured so that she can avoid being arrested in front of her children when she returns to the U.S., “during the last week of September 2017.”

In February, reports surfaced that five House employees face an investigation for breaching House IT systems and stealing equipment. Media named Alvi, Abid, Imran, and Jamal in reports the following days, but I have not found the name of the fifth person. Lawmakers fired the four when the suspicions arose and barred the brothers “from computer networks at the House of Representatives.”

Alvi gathered her two daughters with Awan and fled to Pakistan, which gave her protection. The Daily Caller reported in May:

“I came to know from one of their relatives that Hina Alvi and her daughters are moved to Pakistan, Hina Alvi saying ‘we have moved here in Pakistan permanently,’” the Awans’ stepmother, Samina Gilani, told TheDCNF.

Two other sources close to the family, who requested anonymity because they believe it is a “national security issue,” also said that Hina has gone to Pakistan.

Gilani said in court documents the Awan brothers have convinced Pakistani officials that they are VIPs and travel the country with a police motorcade — an assertion that seemingly gives them a major incentive to seek protection there, as well as raising questions about how the computer jockeys obtained that status.

The Daily Caller discovered that the two of them withdrew their daughters from school right after the investigation started. Gilani told the publication that Imran often “’boasted he had many contacts in USA and Pakistan also. He also said that if [I called even] the whole United States police on them,’ he would not face consequences, Gilani told TheDCNF. ‘Imran Awan threatened that he is very powerful’ and would use that power to have people kidnapped in Pakistan, she said in court documents.”

Authorities arrested Awan at Dulles at the end of July after he wired almost $300,000 to Pakistan. Politico reported that he faces accusations “of attempting to defraud the Congressional Federal Credit Union by obtaining a $165,000 home equity loan for a rental property, which is against the credit union’s policies since it is not the owner’s primary residence.” At his arraignment, he pled not guilty “to one count of bank fraud.”

A grand jury indicted Awan and Alvi on four counts last month. From Fox News:

Awan and other IT aides for House Democrats have been on investigators’ radar for months over concerns of possible double-billing, alleged equipment theft, and access to sensitive computer systems. Most lawmakers fired Awan in February, but Schultz had kept him on until his arrest in July.

The indictment itself, which merely represents formal charges and is not a finding of guilt, addresses separate allegations that Awan and his wife engaged in a conspiracy to obtain home equity lines of credit from the Congressional Federal Credit Union by giving false information about two properties – and then sending the proceeds to individuals in Pakistan.


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4th armored div | September 6, 2017 at 5:31 pm

how is it that
Estimates are that Awan and his family received more than $4 million from House Democrats since 2009.
I am a software engineer, where do i sign up ?????

“Headaches?” How about prison as a headache? How about restitution of millions as a headache?

How is Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez on trial and hillary clinton is not even indicted yet?

AG Sessions – where are you?

    I was going to say much the same as you, but you said it first, and better than I would have. Situations like this are merely “headaches” for the elites; for you and me, they’d mean jail time and financial ruin.

    Sessions works for T=rump. You need to gnaw on him about Hellary.

      You are absolutely right.

      The longer hillary clinton remains beyond indictment, the more it will be solidified that there really is a two-tier justice system in this nation.

        There probably is.

        And what of it? It’s not at the top of the list of American social problems. Probably not even in the top ten, mainly because it’s of no practical moment to most of us. It doesn’t improve my material life in any way if Hillary’s fitted for an orange suit. Many things are far more important—why I can’t buy ammunition reloading components by mail, for instance. That is a chronic annoyance: a Hillary not in prison is not.

        No, a society can function with a two-tier justice system. Pretty much all of them do.

        I’d like to see Hillary get her just deserts as much as almost anybody, but I’m not going to get my blood pressure up if it doesn’t happen.

Ok, something puzzles me here. *WHY* would Alvi and her two kids return to the US? I mean if we had President Hillary, I would suspect a pardon was in the works, but she has almost no reason to leave the safe haven of Pak. and travel to the US where she’s going to go to jail. There’s literally nothing she can do to help her husband inside the country that she can’t do in Pak. while free and raising the kids.

    4th armored div in reply to georgfelis. | September 6, 2017 at 6:36 pm

    maybe she wants a D-I-V-O-R-C-E ?

    which she could not get in Paki, with a FAIR splitting of community property or she is promised a get out of jail free + whistle blower cash.

    Maybe she would rather live in a decent country than a Muslim dictatorship. Maybe she would rather her kids grow up free.

    Or maybe she was ordered to come back to continue the infiltration of American computer networks.

    Take your pick.

    inspectorudy in reply to georgfelis. | September 7, 2017 at 1:24 am

    I would imagine that she is going to turn state’s evidence on her husband and then she will get to bring her kids back for good. No sane mother would rather live in Pakistan than the US. From what I have read her husband is a monster and tyrant that his own mother was afraid of. I suspect that the whole bunch is going to get to stay after they all tell their stories about how he made them say and do things and threatened them to never squeal. Then the deal the FBI makes with him to get DWS will be a beauty!

    CZ75Compact in reply to georgfelis. | September 7, 2017 at 5:47 am

    She’s going to drop the dime on House Democrat corruption in return for a reduced sentence?

Once again, I note that the iron rule is still in effect: No below the waist photos of DWS allowed.

regulus arcturus | September 6, 2017 at 8:17 pm

New twist – Imran Awan seemingly planted the mysterious laptop for Capitol Police (or somebody) to find.

According to the Daily Caller, the police report reflected the following items were found with the laptop –

#1 a Pakistani ID card with the name Mohommed Ashraf Awan
#2 a copy – not original – of a drivers license with name Imran Awan
#3 a copy (front and back) of his congressional ID
#4 an Apple laptop with the homescreen initials ‘RepDWS’
#5 composition notebooks with notes handwritten saying ‘attorney client privilege’ and possibly discussing case details below
#6 loose letters addressed to US Attorney of DC discussing the apparent owner of the bag being investigated.

Note items 5 and 6.

Sgt. Wasserman-Schultz has retained outside counsel

Rick the Curmudgeon | September 6, 2017 at 8:18 pm

Poor Hina; she had so much to live for…

Considering the number of people who wind up dead, under mysterious circumstances, who work for higher-ups in the DNC, a found laptop might well constitute “life insurance”. Also, spiriting your wife and children to another country might well protect them from harm as you work out some kind of deal to remain in the US, alive.

This could end up looking like a Len Deighton novel.

This is going to get good.

Former Democrat IT Aide Reaches Deal, Will Return to U.S. Debbieeee, there will be consequences.