Coalition of Leftists Begin 10-day “March To Confront White Supremacy”
Among their demands is Trump’s removal from office

Asserting that they are “answering a call to confront and dismantle the white supremacist agenda in every community,” a coalition of leftist groups is embarking on a 10-day march from Charlottesville to Washington D. C.
Among their demands is the removal of President Trump from office and unspecified means of “confronting white supremacy throughout our history.” They also demand “an agenda that repairs the damage it’s done to our country and its people.”
Activists are set to start a 10-day march from Charlottesville, Va., to Washington, D.C., on Monday to confront white supremacy and demand President Trump’s removal from office.
“The March to Confront White Supremacy,” is set to start in Charlottesville Monday, Aug. 28 and end in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, Sept. 6. Organizers say the march will be followed by an occupation of Washington with daily nonviolent demonstrations.
“This is the time to confront white supremacy in our government and throughout our history. We demand that President Trump to be removed from office for allying himself with this ideology of hate and we demand an agenda that repairs the damage it’s done to our country and its people,” the website for the march reads.
“This will be a sustained civil disobedience campaign, so bring what you need to stay,” they added.
TODAY – #Charlottesville Coalition to March 10 Days to DC to Confront White Supremacy | @cville2dc, #Cville2DC
— Jessica Corbett (@corbett_jessica) August 28, 2017
The organizers of this march are working to bring together the old Occupy movement, the fading BLM movement, and a host of other leftist agitator activists.
Want to know how to support? Give to @DMVBlackLives Here RT @MarkRuffalo #CVille2DC
— Impeachment Square (@cville2dc) August 27, 2017
According to the website, the activists will “hold our ground and launch wave after wave of nonviolent civil disobedience demanding Trump be removed from office and that an agenda be advanced that heals the wounds of white supremacy.”
Groups participating in the march and “occupation of DC” include Women’s March, Color Of Change, Indivisible, Repairers of the Breach, The Movement for Black Lives, Working Families Party, the Action Group Network, and United We Dream. The activists plan to arrive in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 6. Organizers say they will hold daily “nonviolent” demonstrations.
Spoiler alert: Since the vast majority of Americans on both sides of the political spectrum — including the president — already condemn racism and white supremacist groups, the entire virtue-signaling exercise is just a pretext to push a far left-wing political agenda.
It is indeed a pretext for pushing the radical left’s political agenda, but it’s also an exercise in attempting to unite the divergent leftist groups under one umbrella. Having worked diligently for decades to create separate, angry, victim groups, Democrats finally realized that they need to achieve, as Ralph Ellison puts it, “intersectionality.” They need their radical regressive hordes to stop fighting one another and come together against a common foe.
We've got to abolish the Jefferson Area Drug Enforcement Task Force (JADE) & get citizen control of the Charlottesville Police Department
— Charlottesville DSA (@CvilleDSA) August 28, 2017
That organizing has been led by black & brown femmes. We need to trust their demands. We need to show up for their organizing. No excuses
— Charlottesville DSA (@CvilleDSA) August 28, 2017
To achieve that goal and reinforce that “trust” for other leftist groups’ demands, they’ve landed on “white supremacy,” a term haphazardly applied with equal fervor to neo-Nazis / the KKK and to those who support free speech and freedom of assembly, as well as to those who oppose illegal immigration and single-payer healthcare.
In a fascinating interview with left-wing author Mark Lilla, Slate, perhaps unintentionally, reveals the prevailing leftist view, also articulated by Hillary, that “about half” of all Americans are “irredeemably racist” and “lost.” Hillary’s “deplorables” referenced “half” of Trump’s supporters, not half of all Americans, but you know how these things grow in fevered leftist imaginations.
From Slate:
[Lilla] When you ask them about identity issues, the people who are not voting for us, and ask them about what they perceive as political correctness, they respond. You only have to look at posts about this, and it’s a great recruiting tool for the right. Now, unless you assume that all of white America is racist and lost and cannot be saved—
[Slate] Only about half. [emphasis in original]
It is on this wildly faulty premise—”about half” of America is irredeemably racist, fascist, etc.—that this leftist coalition marches, their stated objective to rout “white supremacy” from “every community” in America.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Good for them. The exercise will do them some good. That’s a hella long walk on very narrow, very busy roads with no sidewalks or pedestrian traffic signals for most of the way, assuming they take the shortest route, which is 29 and 50. Which means, of course, they’ll be blocking traffic most of the time, which means lots of pissed off people. But again, good for them.
So let me think. They’re going to walk from C’ville to DC. Ok, that works. And they will no doubt take public roads, presumably paved roads that are sort of straight-line direct. OK.
Are they going to get permits to block public roads and hinder traffic? Oh wait, Virginia’s governor McAuliffe is a hard-line liberal and solid supporter of the Clinton mob. So I guess permits won’t be any problem.
The “Leftists” are going to be really surprised by that
“trap” they are walking straight into.
Diabetes is racist!
It’s 117 miles to DC on the most direct driving route. That’s nearly 12 miles per day. People in good shape could do it. Most of the leftists, even the young & healthy ones, don’t look to me like they could manage it.
My guess is they will walk thru the populated areas & where they can grab headlines by blocking traffic, but ride in vans or buses in between.
You missed where they gather in public parks along the way to complain about the current administration in pre-written speeches, stamped out by cookie-cutter ‘woke’ speechwriters. Plus you must remember the speakers and key core individuals are the only people BLM will care about on this trip. They will come walking out at each stop, make their speeches, and lead the marchers for a few blocks before vanishing back into the air-conditioned comfort of a vehicle. Their hotel reservations are already made, their baggage stored, their dry-cleaning taken care of by minions, and various interviews by ‘woke’ reporters scheduled along the route.
Get ready for the Trail of Litter.
Every Democrat get-together ALWAYS results in lots and lots of litter.
That be Swamp Litter…….
According to the website, the activists will “hold our ground and launch wave after wave of nonviolent civil disobedience demanding Trump be removed from office and that an agenda be advanced that heals the wounds of white supremacy.”
IF they did that, swell.
They won’t. The Black Bloc will see to that. And NOBODY in this “intersectionality” will do anything to stop them. Or they’ll be attacked and driven off.
They don’t know how to hold peaceful disagreements. They are violent, spoiled, ranting wusses. Those kind of people just intentionally create havoc and chaos.
What “they”. You don’t mean to clump everyone who is to the left of you into one homogeneous blob, do you? Because that would be stupid. Right? And false.
Norm Chomsky and others have come out condemning AntiFA is no vague terms. So, there isn’t a “they” in the sense you use it.
How does one “launch a wave” of nonviolent civil disobedience? I understand violence travelling in waves, but nonviolence?! Only by adopting the left’s peculiar definition of “nonviolent”, which means only that nobody is seriously injured. Much.
Means no liberal will be injured by the so-called antifa, everyone else, including anyone with a camera, look-out!
In wave after wave of stuff. You’ve seen waves before. Don’t be obtuse.
No, how does nonviolence travel in waves? Nonviolence is passive, it consists in not acting, so how can you have a wave of it? What is it they plan to do in waves that isn’t violent?
A march doesn’t generally travel in waves but all together.
In a quantum way, leftists act as both particles and waves.
I may be wrong, but was the Wimmin’s March violent? It made you violently ill, but otherwise…???
Do the thumbs-downers believe that these marchers will not engage in violence?
“Launching wave after wave”? If those prog d*ckheads want to see what launching wave after wave and real courage really look like, here’s a pic:
Those progs don’t have hair to share on any of their pasty-white arses.
Just turn your TV’s off, and I am sure Trump will be out of town…
March on racist blackmailers…
If thousands of racist blackmailers march and no one is watching, are they really there?
Reconning Occupy. Drum circles, down twinkles, mud, lice and lots of non- violent violence. And I’m not including the vagrants and hobos drawn to Occupy like moth to flame.
Obama’s America
The damage done by that weasel of a fraud obama is just beginning to manifest. But whatever the damage done by that rat could have been mitigated or prevented by the GOPe – which worked dilligently – and still does – to enable the rat’s legacy.
The GOPe is now akin to the Berkley Police: who stand by and do nothing in the face of street terrorism.
We can’t vote-out the Berkley Police, but we can get rid of McConnell, Ryan, McCain and the rest of the GOPe rats infesting the GOP.
The “vote them out” mantra sounds wonderful. Problem is all of those needing to be voted out are in someone else’s district/State, (I live in Massachusetts, and can’t do a thing to change our congress critters or Our two Senators, one of which only has an address in Mass while residing full time in Maryland.) The incumbents do have an incredible edge to remain in office as history has shown. Term limits is the only answer that I can see, and as is obvious, not easy either.
Our money sent to non-GOPe andidates running against GOPe candidates in primaries has been working quite well.
That’s how we do it.
Reminds me of the old joke – do you know what is 2 miles long, has 3566 legs and an IQ of 78? The March from Charlottesville to Washington DC.
If they were serious they would do it at a double time. LOL!! How many ambulances will it take to haul off all of those fat, stupid white people? When I see something like this I can’t help but feel a little better about myself in spite of having once bought a used Ford Pinto.
Do these idiots realize that the far-left SPLC estimates that there are a total of 5,000 to 7,000 “white supremacists” in the entire U.S., a nation of @ 325 million?
So these dimwits are marching to try and curtail the “power” wielded by a few thousand basement-dwelling loons who make up, at most, 0.002% of the U.S. population?
It’s truly pathetic that so many people are so damn gullible and ignorant that they can so easily be manipulated by corrupt politicians and their lackeys in the media.
OK, I see your problem here. You’re being logical. Stop it!
To understand these people, you have to believe that all “not them” are grinding racists. Hell, a LOT of them believe THEY are grinding racists. Which they pretty much are.
There’s no way to comprehend this logically…or using any kind of good faith in Americans.
Oh, stop. Everyone knows liberals can’t math!
We should be glad that the left is distracted by glittery things, otherwise they might direct all that energy at one of several real problems in this county and really eff things up!
I will simply point out all the madness escalated rapidly shortly after Obama announced he would be getting back into politics.
We are seeing the fruits of those millions of dollars from corporations shaken down by DOJ and “donated” to leftist groups… a lot of money out there to underwrite protests. Just how many of those protesters have real jobs otherwise? All of this pent up rage and emotion that somehow never surfaced while BHO was in DC… imagine that.
Can someone please tell me how non-whites are suffering under the withering oppression of “white supremacy” these days? Can blacks not get an apartment? Are they locked out of jobs? Denied the right to vote? Hosed down in the streets of Alabama? Routinely lynched by southern Democrats?
Legal immigration is over 1 million per year. Most are non-whites. The ACLU should sue the government for jeopardizing the lives of over 1 million non-whites by bringing them into this oppressive, racist, shitbag of a country.
“Can someone please tell me how non-whites are suffering under the withering oppression of “white supremacy” these days?…”
No one can. It’s b.s., as much as the Nazi mantra of the non-Jews suffering under the oppression of the Jews.
It did work – against a small, unarmed population. Those numbers don’t add up ‘these days.’ Nor does the ‘unarmed.’
According to statistics the black population is in far more danger from other blacks than the few “white supremacists” that are scattered around the country.
But like with most fools, these ones don’t need or want facts.
Trump has been literally trying to kill black communities, don’tcha know? (And monkeys have been flying out of my keister.)
Mobs of Rent a Reds don’t need logic or reason to organize and act. At the end of it all, HRC still lost.
These people are paid by the likes of Soros.
They’re probably collecting public benefits and/or unemployment benefits without disclosing their paid positions as protestors. That is a crime.
Well, they’re being employed by Soros; whether they get paid is yet to be seen.
It is on this wildly faulty premise—”about half” of America is irredeemably racist, fascist, etc…
They do realize, right?, that they’re talking about the “about half” of America that owns the guns? Should be a fair fight.
Go away, you silly pig dog! I blow my nose at you, you empty headed food trough waterer! I fart in your general direction!
Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!
“Ow, ‘Enry ‘Awkins, you made me giggle!
Whoa Henry! Cher has hacked your keyboard! LOL!
Like Dennis, I’ve generally believed that supreme executive power should come from a mandate from the masses. However, I’m beginning to wonder if some watery tart passing out swords isn’t the best basis for a system of government.
The Parade of Useful Idiots. I hope they make it a yearly thing. And I hope they rotate the pathway/location. Instead of safely liberal towns and neighborhoods, I’d love to see them march through rural North Carolina, Wyoming, North Dakota, or Texas. I mean, that’s where the White Supremacists are, right? Why march in uber-liberal northeast Virginia and DC? They be woke, no white supremacists there.
This is actually a second front. The Antifa black shirts are the shock troops for the left. This is an effort to bring together divergent grievance groups which are more passive aggressive in nature. It will engage in societal disruption while not rising to the level of unprovoked violence.
What is expected to happen is that someone, who is fed up with the liberal loons disrupting society, will launch a violent attack on this group of peaceful, but incredibly annoying, people. Then the left can point to the violence on the right. If that fails to happen, well, who knows what any of these masked antifa people actually look like.
Berkley was an overreach, on the part of antifa. whether it was planned, or more likely, the group is simply out of control, it generated significant negative press for the liberals. Fortunately Harvey has managed to distract people from this event. But, the attacks on the press did not go down well with the greater media.
Just more of the same choreographed turmoil.
What tickles me is that you just know somewhere in America, a local group of normal folk are recruiting some very tough young conservative ladies and gentlemen to seed the crowd of their upcoming rally for America, free speech, and the Constitution, hoping Antifa will come to stomp them, expecting to face only peaceful unarmed senior citizens.
I think an Antifa goon squad would fold like French-Canadian Boy Scouts if faced with a real fight with real fighters.
The ‘real fighters’ are out there. Most of them have jobs, and wont’ be on the front lines until their way of life is truly threatened.
Some of the newer AntiFA, maybe, Henry.
But the Black Bloc are hardened veteran street fighters who stand toe-to-toe with riot police…until it’s time to melt away.
They are organized, have communication systems, and leadership away from the fray who watch police tactics and learn and adjust. They are profoundly evil and dedicated to anarchy, and without the least compunction in using anyone or anything. They appear also to be highly mobile, moving quickly to any trouble. I think they were a main feature in the Ferguson riots.
They are organized criminals…or terrorists…and “folding” would just be a tactic they’d use when they needed it. They’d just be back, doing what they do.
Riot police are constrained by rules of engagement that wouldn’t concern real street fighters. For instance, they are taught to avoid striking to the had with their nightsticks/PR24s. The police use pain to gain compliance – they’re supposed to avoid doing serious damage if they can. The purpose of a street fighter is to cause serious damage, period. He will get compliance in the form of an unconscious or otherwise disabled opponent. It’s like the difference between US forces in North Africa fighting the Vichy French, and then coming up against German troops in Tunisia. The Americans thought they had combat experience after dicing with the French, but the Germans gave them a comeuppance.
Send ’em to Idaho! I think we still have enough native Idahoans to take them (although the state is filling up fast – a lot of retired LEOs and firefighters)!
Sounds like another Trump re-election rally to me.
Block those roads and hold up traffic so the non-political people who miss doctor appointments, are late to pick up the kids after school, and are late for work can find a reason to pay attention to anarchy in their own world.
The Republicans are just plain STUPID, but the Democrats associated with these wackos are just plain SCARY!
In 2018 we get the choice of STUPID against SCARY! Not a fun prospect.
Now with these choices, the STUPID Party probably remains simply because SCARY is not an option. This means more of Mitch and Ryan. Gotta love those options.
Gunbloggers (the ones on the pro-rights side, anyway) have long acknowledged that the GOP is the Stupid Party, and the Democrats are the Evil Party.
(Not “evil” in the fun, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, Bond-villain way, either. I mean the anti-God, anti-civil-rights, chaos-and-anarchy, jackboot-stomping-a-human-face-forever EVIL way. Like you said, “SCARY!”)
Every election, your choice is between Stupid and Evil.
Some choice, eh?
“Civil disobedience” is easy in areas where the police won’t do much of anything to actually enforce law.
We are still looking at a law enforcement problem here. It’s not really a political problem, so much as political noise.
Superficially, Berkeley looked much like Hamburg circa 1932. But the big difference is that in the National Socialist era, the Party controlled the police. And while that might actually be almost true in Berkeley, I doubt it’s a national trend.
“…the march will be followed by an occupation of Washington with daily nonviolent demonstrations.”
What’s the over-under on the “daily nonviolent demonstrations” including rioting, property damage, clashes with police, assaults on journalists and Trump supporters, personal injuries and/or deaths — but somehow no “violence” — within the first three days?
“…’white supremacy,’ a term haphazardly applied with equal fervor to neo-Nazis / the KKK and to those who support free speech and freedom of assembly, as well as to those who oppose illegal immigration and single-payer healthcare.”
Let me fix and shorten that for you: “white supremacy,” a term intentionally applied with equal fervor to neo-Nazis / the KKK and to anyone else who is not a 100%-committed “Progressive” Socialist.
There’s nothing “haphazard” about it. Freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion (unless you’re worshiping the almighty State), freedom of the press, national sovereignty (including control of the borders and immigration), healthcare … none of these have anything to do with “white supremacy”. The fact they’re being included as relevant issues is evidence they’re not really out to “end white supremacy” so much as advance the “Progressive” Socialist agenda.
Keep your powder dry. This is going to get interesting (in the Chinese proverb/curse sense of the word).
You’re misrepresenting your source.
Please read what you just quoted. Slate did not say about half of America is racist and lost and cannot be saved, it said this of about half of white America. Which is close to what Clinton said too.
Bill Ayers has the solution the left so desperately wants, camps and killing.
I can see the headlines now:
Occupoopers persist in calls for Trump Administration to provide free toilet paper and wi-fi connections so that protesters can play Angry Birds, check facebook, post ‘social justice’ missives to their handfull of twitter or youtube followers, and generally virtue-signal their leftist-communist view on life without actually accomplishing anything.
Ladies: don’t forget that you should AVOID the showers, as your stink may save you from being raped or otherwise sexually assaulted in one of our ‘common tents.’
The protests will continue until Hillary wins the election.
Race for the Pure.
“White supremacy justifies violent attack!” And one more thing: “America and its history are saturated top to bottom with white supremacy.”