Dick Lugar to target cell phones near Mourdock events
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Dick Lugar to target cell phones near Mourdock events

Dick Lugar to target cell phones near Mourdock events

Dick Lugar has announced that his campaign will target cell phone users browsing the internet in zip codes where Richard Mourdock events are taking place.

The targeted ads will repeat the misleading claim, already debunked by FactCheck.org, that Mourdock cheated on taxes.  This is yet another sign of Lugar desperation.

Here’s the pertinent part of the Lugar announcement today:

As Richard Mourdock fails to answer basic questions surrounding the illegal tax deductions he received for three years, Friends of Dick Lugar today launched an innovative geo-targeted mobile advertising campaign to make sure every Hoosier within the same zip code of a Mourdock campaign event has the opportunity to learn more about them.

Using advanced geo-targeting technology, cell phone network users browsing the Internet on their mobile devices within the same zip code of Mourdock campaign events will see display ads linking to the TV ad “Trust,” which explains Mourdock’s illegal tax deduction problem.

It’s not clear how the Lugar ads will work, but if they work like most online ads, it will cost Lugar money each time someone clicks on the link, which will use up the funds allotted to running ads.

I’m not suggesting that Mourdock supporters obsessively click on Lugar cell phone targeted ads near Mourdock campaign events in order to run up Lugar’s bill.  Really, I’m not.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


There are enough Dicks in the Senate already.

    nordic_prince in reply to Jake Blues. | April 30, 2012 at 12:06 am

    Tru dat. Indiana’s neighbor, Illinois, has its own Dick – the main question is: Who’s the bigger Dick, Lugar or Durbin? Don’t know much about Lugar other than what the good Professor has posted here, but Durbin is plenty disgusting as it is.

I live near where Mourdock is from. He’s already addressed the exemption issue. He filed to drop the exemption already and it was the assessors’ office that failed to update it. I just now started seeing ads on TV for this tonight so this must be Lugar’s last big push. There’s tons of Mourdock signs that I see, and NO Lugar lawn signs at all. I’m ready to pull the lever for Mourdock next Tuesday.

Thank you for ‘splaining about the clicker thing. Should the Luge invite me to click, I definitely will! As it stands, I donate time or money to Mr. Mourdock each time I receive hate mail from Senator Dick’s minions. And that has been really adding up!

Click-through is how the real ad money is made, so instead of complaining when you see an Obama ad on a conservative site, click it!

Lugar is indeed looking desperate. In fact, it may have already reached the point where he can’t win the primary. Probably should have retired and kept some dignity. Tough way to end a career, but he deserves it far more than Bennett did.

I have been saving this judgement call until I was sure that Dick Lugar is no longer a Republican. Now is the time to make that declaration. There is nothing about his campaign that even remotely resembles ethical behavior, so we now have more than circumstantial evidence that Little Dick is now a leftist. I am also beginning to believe that his supporters in this state are the same ones who crossed over to vote for Obama four years ago.

Really, I’m not.

Sure, cough, cough, sure.

No obsessive clicking. Got it.

JackRussellTerrierist | April 30, 2012 at 2:49 am

Time for a ‘bot! 🙂

As for Lugar, what a creepy thing to do.

Making false claims about your opponent sounds like the typical democrat tactic. Lugar fits.

Has Lugar held a job outside the govt? I was stunned to find out how many of our elected “leaders” have actually never worked a day in the private sector, like the Chuckie Schumer. Maybe that’s why they’re so desperate to not get off the govt payroll.

BTW, does anyone know what are the chances of Mourdock winning in the general election in November? Thanks.

Lisa Mershowsky..er..Milinsky….er..Murkowski faced a serious challenge to her Senate seat by a tea party favorite.

The republican establishment, under the leadership of Mitch McConnell pulled out all the stops to rescue her seat.

Lisa Murczinky…er..McKlowski..er Murkowski now votes in line with Barbara Boxer (Senator Ma’am).

Dick Lugar is facing a serious challenge to his Senate seat by a tea party favorite.

The republican establishment, under the leadership of Mitch McConnell…..

[…] approacheth. Dick Lugar is desperate. Now he tries cell phone hijinks. https://legalinsurrection.com/2012/04…urdock-events/ But (as the link points out) this tactic can backfire and cost his campaign beaucoup bucks. […]

To be honest, I reject all politically connected calls on my cell phone. Enough already!

I’ve already made my choices and no amount of persuasion will change that short of some sort of event that I would have no control over.

The few of us who have not been dumbed down in the last century just want common sense to prevail and THAT excludes all unsolicited phone calls…