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Morning Joe Goes Gaga Over Elizabeth Warren as Hillary VP Pick

Morning Joe Goes Gaga Over Elizabeth Warren as Hillary VP Pick

She Fills a Stage Like Led Zeppelin, Says Scarborough

Go ahead, Hillary: make our day . . . In the wake of Elizabeth Warren’s joint appearance with Clinton in Ohio yesterday, today’s Morning Joe panel went gaga pver Warren, promoting her for Hillary’s VP pick.

Joe Scarborough proclaimed that Warren “is Led Zeppelin” for the way she fills a stage. Mika Brzezinksi, long a big Warren booster, suggested that because Hillary wants to win, she will put Warren on the ticket. Scarborough went so far as to declare that any Hillary VP pick other than Warren would “look like a dud.”

Morning Joe Wants Elizabeth Warren as Hillary’s VP Pick from Mark Finkelstein on Vimeo.

Conventional wisdom says there aren’t enough angry white men to elect Donald Trump. Would there be enough voters to elect an all-liberal woman, all-angry Hillary/Warren ticket? We say, let’s find out: go for it, Hillary!

JOE SCARBOROUGH: I’m talking, though, not about her quality, I’m talking about filling the stage, performance. Why is she Led Zeppelin? There’s Led Zepellin. You get them on a stage, they fill the stage. What is it about Elizabeth Warren, and I was asking this yesterday, why does she fill the stage like Zeppelin?

MARK HALPERIN: Just like Palin, she’s an unapologetic populist, who’s unafraid of the establishment.

JOE: Unafraid.

HALPERIN: And there’s no doubt, this is a comparison to Palin that I think is constructive. There’s no doubt being a woman and willing to stand up to the establishment, which is mostly men, is electrifying, it just is.

JON MEACHAM: It’s conviction versus calculation.

MIKA: Like Bernie Sanders!

MEACHAM: Yeah. She has these convictions. She doesn’t have to worry about how it plays in a purple state. She can help Senator Clinton with the people — extraordinary number of people in the Democratic primary who weren’t excited about her.

JOE: By the way, you have seen this all along. I guess that’s why this question is so elementary to you. Because you’ve been saying she was going to be her vice president all along. And so maybe this is just obvious to you. To me seeing her, though, on stage, owning a stage, the way that politicians — the way politicians don’t own the stage but very few do, she’s got something.

NICOLLE WALLACE: And they had more chemistry than I expected.

JOE: Really good chemistry.

WALLACE: I thought — that was to me was the revelation yesterday. People have talked about how they personally dislike each other. I don’t know if that’s the case or not. But I thought that on stage they displayed a more than adequate amount of chemistry.

MIKA: You know, Hillary has this thing: she wants to win. I think they can act.

JOE: I will tell you one final thing, I love Tim Kaine. And if I were Hillary Clinton I would want Tim Kaine to be my vice president. I understand why Sherrod Brown would be popular for people in the party. But the more I saw Elizabeth Warren on the stage yesterday, the more I thought how dull any other pick but Elizabeth Warren would be. So I hope they’re polling her and I hope she’s coming out well in the polls. Because if not, she’s going to make her VP pick look like a dud.


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There is no need to poll poor Elizabeth, those horns are probably just her Indian attire.

Common Sense | June 28, 2016 at 11:06 am

“It’s conviction versus calculation.”

Warren has trashed and burned Wall Street and banks over and over she is for the “people”.

Clinton has taken millions from Wall Street and the big banks. She has been in bed with them for years! She says screw the people.

A true definition of a Hypocrite!

Morning Joe is bought and paid for by the Dems.

    OnlyRightDissentAllowed in reply to Common Sense. | June 28, 2016 at 3:33 pm

    I guess it is difficult to call Trump a hypocrite because it is never clear what he stands for and what he says is always contradicted – sometimes within the same sentence.

Holy Henry Wallace, a Socialist is the only hope for Hillary to generate some enthusiasm for her moribund campaign. This is a done deal — we don’t even have to wait for the announcement.

‘any Hillary VP pick other than Warren would “look like a dud.”’

More like a “dude.”

She’s got the “finger jabbing while screaming” thing down during speeches. That’s very important.

Warren wants to hide from her skeletons. Trump has already called her on her fake heritage. If the MSM wants to go after Trump, it forces them to highlight Warren’s lies, and they certainly can’t let those see the light of day. She’s a disaster all around for the Dems.

Did SCARBOROUGH say that Warren goes over like a Led balloon?

I must admit to a sense of childish glee at the thought of Elizabeth (Fauxcahontas) Warren as Hillary’s choice for VP. The jokes write themselves.

nordic_prince | June 28, 2016 at 3:39 pm

I can’t really see Shrillary going for Warren as a veep. She is too full of herself to give Fauxchahontas even the remotest opportunity to upstage her ~

It’s not clear that two blatant frauds would be a stronger ticket than just one. Of course she is a bit more dynamic that Hillary, who is about as exciting as a log.

I see they are both wearing DEMagogue blue.

Rick the Curmudgeon | June 29, 2016 at 2:17 am

Morning Joe, try to show some dignity man…

I despise Warren. That said, she is as shameless at tRump and gives him back all that he dishes out. Good on her.