Rubio lashes out at Breitbart News
Not sure how this helps Rubio
It’s something of a sideshow, but nonetheless interesting. has been all over Marco Rubio for months over the Gang of 8 and immigration in general. I don’t think Rubio has responded directly before, or if he did, it was the usual type of campaign responses to media.
But last night, on the eve of the South Carolina primary, Breitbart ran a headline story about ICE officers calling out Rubio for dishonesty and betrayal. It got a Drudge Banner link (image via Jim Hoft):
When Rubio was asked about it on Fox News, he lashed out at Breitbart:
I understand that he wanted to address the substance of the allegations and that they are made by a union official. Also, I understand that he thinks the coverage is biased against him (that’s a whole other debate which has been going on for a while).
I’m not sure how this helps Rubio, though.
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Rubio is quite the whiner.
He goes on Fox to complain about Breitbart. That’s some irony.
>”He goes on Fox to complain about Breitbart.”
While appearing on Fox, he was asked a question about Breitbart which he answered. How is that “going on Fox to complain about Breitbart”? I mean other than you want to lie. If Cavuto had asked for his Rubio’s mother’s cookie recipe and he gave it out would you be accusing Rubio of “going on Fox to cause obesity and tooth decay”? Probably.
Note: I’m for Cruz and would only very reluctantly vote for Rubio as an anti-Dem vote because he’s clearly untrustworthy on the amnesty issue. But I don’t brook lying, even about liars like Trump.
I simply don’t trust Cruz. Elected with Tea Party support to stop immigration, he fell in with Harry Reid and became part of the Gang of 8. He can’t lie his way out of that.
He is young, glib, and easily manipulated. Let the voters of his state decide if he belongs in the Senate.
He certainly does not belong in the WH.
“I simply don’t trust Cruz. Elected with Tea Party support to stop immigration, he fell in with Harry Reid and became part of the Gang of 8. He can’t lie his way out of that.”
You need to change that to Rubio. Cruz never did any of those things.
“I simply don’t trust Cruz. Elected with Tea Party support to stop immigration, he fell in with Harry Reid and became part of the Gang of 8. He can’t lie his way out of that.”
Low Information Voters For Trump!
That was Rubio, not Cruz
Early on (like a year ago), I committed to the fact there was but one republican I would refuse to cast a vote for: Jeb Bush.
Several months later, I added Rubio.
That list stays intact to this day.
Rubio made his choices all by himself and now doesn’t like the consequences. Jolly too darn bad!
Rubio won’t survive march first. What I am thinking will happen now is that we will arrive at the convention with only Trump and Cruz left and neither having enough delegates to win the nomination, though I would bet Trump will be ahead.
But, does anyone besides Trump have a Breitbart vote to lose?
I just down voted myself, lol.
I’ve done that before.
This awesome on so many levels. Let’s see:
1) Trash Chris Crane–he’s a union guy
2) Trash Breitbart–disreputable, we don’t credential them
3) Avoid the allegation–never addressed the subject
4) Everybody lies but Rubio …… and Trump
When Rubio was a teenager, he lived in Las Vegas. His parents worked in the hotels. When the union would go on strike, Rubio made and carried picket signs for the striking workers.
It is remarkable how his response sounds just like Trump … and everyone thought Trump and Cruz were joined at the hip.
Marco didn’t repeat the #25SecondSpeech that I know of so that’s progress.
Rubio & Jeb have problems that Cruz & Trump don’t have, namely: they both are against open borders that the Mega-Donors demand from Rubio & Jeb.
If, through some sick joke from the heavens, Trump becomes president, he will ‘make a deal’ with the CoC and Wall Street to import cheap labor. They are his natural-born brethren, his ilk, his allies, the ones he’s paid for favors all these decades. It’ll be no different than his readily caving into the ethanol special interests power and GOP establishment money brokers that we just saw him do in the IA caucus: “Let’s get to be a little establishment. We’ve got to get things done folks, OK?” He wants to be a bigger playa, and he wants us to pay for it and suffer the consequences just like he didn’t give a damn about the ‘little people’ who got squashed like bugs in his bankruptcies and his HUNDREDS of malicious lawsuits.
Never forget his door for the return of he “Terrific” that he’s going to spend hundreds of billions rounding up for deportation (supposedly, but which is all BS anyway). It’ll start with, “Well, MX refuses to pay for the wall, so there won’t be a wall. But we’re going to do something else. I’ve got the best people working on it.”
I think it is more the last gasp of a candidate that realizes, to spite the results in SC, he has no chance at the nomination and this is really a two person race between Trump and Cruz.
Rubio killed his chances when he joined the Gang of Idiots.
Rubio will remain after Cruz crashes. Rubio is the GOPe firewall against trump and cruz. The GOPe would rather have shrillary than trump or cruz. All the GOPe money will now be focused on trump and cruz. Cruz just has no path to the nomination IMO. If your appeal is to the evangelicals and you can’t win those, where are your votes? So, Cruz without a real chance, and Rubio with the GOPe warchest, leaves Rubio who is the new donor class favorite.
Trump will beat Rubio in a one on one contest.
There again, it’s that union.
Isn’t that the same union whose members were claiming Central American teenagers were bringing diseases (that apparently, not even being taken into custody and given medical care prevented the spread of)
Isn’t that the same union that Governor Scott Walker somehow became fond of for a while?
They were probably Donald Trump’s source when he claimed they were criminals.