College Insurrection | Higher Education | News and Politics
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ISIS Gone Wild Week at College Insurrection’s

ISIS Gone Wild Week at College Insurrection’s

Your weekly report from the crazy world of higher education.

The pro-ISIS, anti-Israel movement had itself quite a week on college campuses.

Feminists and rape culture activists had a tough week.

Whatever you say, ladies.

It was a big week for politics in higher ed.

It seems like there’s a whole lot of cheating going on too.

And what is going on at Yale?

All leftism, all the time.

Hint: The answer is no.

Higher ed bubble update.

Philanthropy from the No Spin Zone.

Hypocrisy at Harvard?

And finally, stupid news.

Thanks for reading College Insurrection!

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I love the story about the students cheating in an ethics class. Reminds me when I was in college. A friend who was taking an ethics class asked to review a paper I had written for the same class a year or so earlier.

Subsequently I found out he just retyped my paper and turned it in exactly as I had written it. What really smoked me was that he got a better grade on my paper from a different professor than I got on the original.

And, yes, being as you asked….. he went on to be a lawyer in Los Angles.