Millennials abandon Democratic sinking ship
Harvard Survey shows shifting allegiance that should scare Democrats
Last year at this time we noted the Harvard Institute for polling showed a shift in Millennials’ allegiance, Harvard Survey: Obama and Obamacare push Millennials support off cliff:
Havard’s Institute of Politics just released a devastating study showing a massive drop in support among Millennials for Obama and Obamacare.
Bottom line is that Millennials don’t like Republicans, but for the first time they don’t like Obama and Democrats almost as much.
Here is the key finding in the Executive Summary (at pp. 5-6):
Additionally, we found that a majority (52%) of 18- to 29- year olds would choose to recall all members of Congress if it were possible, 45 percent would recall their member of Congress (45% would not) and approximately the same number indicate that they would recall President Obama (47% recall, 46% not recall).
Harvard IOP just released its 2014 Fall Survey, and the results show Millennials abandoning ship:
… slightly more than half (51%) of young Americans who say they will “definitely be voting” in November prefer a Republican-run Congress with 47 percent favoring Democrat control – a significant departure from IOP polling findings before the last midterm elections (Sept. 2010 – 55%: prefer Democrat control; 43%: prefer Republican control). The cohort – 26% of whom report they will “definitely” vote in the midterms – appear up-for-grabs to both political parties and could be a critical swing vote in many races in November….
Overall, President Obama’s job performance among America’s 18-29 year-olds has fallen from 47% (April 2014) to 43 percent (53%: disapprove), the second-lowest rating in the IOP polls since he took office (41%: November 2013). Among 18-29 year-olds saying they will “definitely be voting in November,” the president’s job approval rating is 42 percent, with 56% saying they disapprove….
The enthusiasm gap in favor of Republicans also is dramatic:
Further, compared to the last midterm election of 2010, traditional Republican constituencies seem to be showing more enthusiasm than Democratic ones for participating in the upcoming midterm elections and are statistically more likely to say they will “definitely be voting.” By a significant 12-point margin, 42 percent to 30 percent, a greater proportion of young Republicans say they are definitely going to vote in November than young Democrats, a wider margin that seen in Sept. 2010 IOP polling (38%: Republicans “definitely” voting; 33%: Democrats “definitely” voting).
The Millennial attitudes seem to be a reflection of the rising tide of anger demonstrated among the population in general, which we noted yesterday, Fear Stalks the Land:
You don’t need polls to tell you that there is a fearful, ornery mood out there.
But it is confirmed by the polls, and Democrats are the primary recipients of that anger.
The loss of faith in the Obama administration is both surprising given the Obamamania of the Millenial generation, and heartening in that younger people may finally have woken up to the fact their futures have been sold out.

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Reality bites delusion.
Today’s America is not like Reagan’s “Morning in America,” but rather Obama’s America of “Hope and Change” has become more like that moment in SNL’s “Samurai Night Fever” when OJ Simpson proclaims “I just don’t want to be black anymore.”
It takes reality a few extra years to penetrate down into Millenials’ parents’ basements where they live endlessly submitting unanswered online job applications.
They may be young and stupid – but they can recognize that Obama has become a loser. (and even the press cannot cover for him anymore.)
Many of them can’t afford their own car.
Think about that. I had my own motorcycle…that I paid for…when I was in high school. I went to work most nights.
If I were unemployed after graduating from high school (much less college), I would have taken work as a ditch digger, because it was beyond my comprehension that I would be living off of…or under the same roof as…my parents.
When jobs start disappearing, the hardest hit group are the people just entering or have recently entered the work force.After a while those people realize that blaming Bush doesn’t put food on the table.
Maybe it’s the fraud thing. A lot of these kids “know” about the busses and double-voting. Also, La Raza is openly advocating voting by non citizens.
Our kids may be young, but they are not stupid. They will remember their mistakes.
La Race should face a RICO prosecution in every state of the Union.
That doesn’t mean they’re savvy enough to make the connection between illegal aliens voting, and their own problems.
Too bad they didn’t figure this out before he was elected….. TWICE!
It won’t matter. The fraud machine is firmly entrenched. If Reps want a win, they’re going to have to pull off a landslide to get it.
Running straight into the arms of Karl Rove? I doubt it.
“We had to elect him to know what was inside him.”
“The GOP “rigged” “Hope and Change.” It has become “golf and blame.”
And, “Don’t let anyone tell you that you should have to pay for your college education or “businesses and employers create jobs.” I am getting $225,000 just for this lame speech.”
This makes me a bad person, but I look at that picture and I relish the ass kicking life has delivered to those millennials. I wish no prosperity on those idiots. Let them swim in the frustration of big government controlling their poverty.
Come, come. I once wrote lyrics to a song called “Hey, Worker Man” disparaging the “wage slaves” back in my hippy-freak days.
Some of us follow the Churchillian model, and we go through a period of amore fou with the idea of Collectivism.
Lighten up.
It’s still going to be enjoyable watching these sell-outs suffer through the consequences of their incredible corruption.