Crockett Won’t Apologize for Calling Abbott ‘Governor Hot Wheels’
Also, why does Crockett have extra security around her? Such privilege!!

Oh, look. Embattled Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) has extra security around her since she’s been under fire for comments she made about Elon Musk, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX).
It looks like @RepJasmine is now running around with extra security
— Myles Morell (@MylesMorell) March 26, 2025
The Abbott comments have received the most attention. She mocked the governor, who has been in a wheelchair since he was 26, as “Governor Hot Wheels.”
Fox Business reporter Hillary Vaughn confronted Crockett, asking if she would ever apologize.
Crockett pointed Vaughn to her weak excuse for calling Abbott “Governor Hot Wheels.”
From Fox News:
“I do have a statement. Why would I apologize when I put out a statement? My statement was clear,” Crockett said when confronted on the matter.
“But you didn’t apologize for calling him ‘Governor Hot Wheels’ when he gets around in a wheelchair, you don’t understand how that’s offensive to people?” FOX Business reporter Hillary Vaughn pressed.
“I don’t understand how many times you need me to repeat this to you,” Crockett responded.
“Right. But why won’t you apologize?” Vaughn said.
“I put out a statement,” Crockett repeated.
“That didn’t have an apology in it,” Vaughn countered. “You don’t feel bad about making fun of someone who is in a wheelchair?”
“Okay, well. I’m done here,” Crockett said as she began to walk away. “I’m done. I’m done with this.”
Look at that complete piece of garbage Jasmine Crockett refusing to appoligze to Governor Abbott!
— Vince Langman (@LangmanVince) March 26, 2025

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Any apology from that POS would be smirking and insincere. Quit asking
One of Megyn (sp?) Kelly’s clips on YouTube discusses this. Kelly ran the clip about hot-ass streets and the like, then one from a couple of years ago.
Crockett is like Hillary Clinton or Kamala Harris, with one form of speech for the news, but the down-wid-de-struh-gle accent for her constituents. What a fake!
She ain’t in no ways tired…
“She aynnt no-waayys taarrddd…” (or feathered….)
One can hope though.
Hope Floats.
I think she is likely a re-taarrdd
Nicely done, Virginia!
I agree with those who say the governor should just fight back by adopting the moniker.
Look how well Trump did with the trash truck.
He should have a hot wheels orange length of carpet in front of him when he goes before the press.
Love the image.
Yes, he should “lean into it” as they say.
I was thinking flames on his wheelchair wheels – some sort of cover – like the Hot Wheels thing.
There are too many women on the right bringing their leftist habits with them. Never apologize in politics. Your first instinct is usually correct.
Curious what an apology is actually for?
“A further illustration of the difference between ritual concerns and substantive ones comes from occasions of accident in which the carelessness of one individual is seen as causing injury or death to another. Here there may be no way at all to compensate the offended, and no punishment may be prescribed. All that the offend[er] can do is say he is sorry. And this expression itself may be relatively little open to gradation. The fact – at least in our society – is that a very limited set of ritual enactments are available for contrite offenders. Whether one runs over another’s sentence, time, dog, or body, one is more or less reduced to saying some variant of “I’m sorry.” The variation in degree of anguish expressed by the apologizer seems a poor reflection of the variation in loss possible to the offended. In any case, while the original infraction may be quite substantive in its consequence, the remedial work, however vociferous, is in these cases still largely expressive. And there is a logic to this. After an offense has occurred, the job of the offender is to show that it was not a fair expression of his attitude, or, when it evidently was, to show that he has changed his attitude to the rule that was violated. In the latter case, his job is to show that whatever happened before, he now has a right relationship – a pious attitude – to the rule in question, _and this is a matter of indicating a relationship, not compensating a loss_”
_Relations in Public_ “Remedial Interchanges” p.117-118
Has the orange maggot EVER apologized for any of the vile things he’s said? For mocking a disabled reporter? Pffft . You racist redhats need to zip it.
Whereas you keep retelling lies that have been debunked here over and over, with not a shred of shame or even self-awareness evident.
Is it time to clean your ears and let your bot breathe?
“Racism”…..waaah waaah waaah.
You need to mix up your excuses and add a little variety, at the very least. You are becoming quite tiresome. Can’t you find a shrink that will help you manage your TDS?
Seriously, he gives Harris a run for the money with the repetition.
GFY you deluded delusional inconsequential maggot.
Ableist bigot.
Learning from Crockett? Angry boy! Supporting the racist Crockett is not a good look for your cult. Seeing the effects of TDS should result in a LAFFRIOT, but that would be as fake as you.
Is that name “the junior varsity, born Nov. 1956?
Get back to suckin’ it punk. We’ll let you know if we want anything coming OUT of your mouth.
You’re extremely tiresome, troll.
For mocking a disabled reporter?…. Or Biden telling a supporter to stand up.. also wheelchair bound.
Black girl privilege.
Why would we care if she apologized?
It wouldn’t be sincere anyway.
Leftist Rule One: Never apologize for anything.
” Rule Two: Never admit even the possibility that you may have been
wrong about anything.
Rule Three: Whenever possible, blame the other side.
Rule 2 from a trumper. Do you effin people own a mirror . Smh
Why? You clearly don’t.
So classy. Never change.
Does anyone REALLY care or expect anything from her other than performance? She’s a fake going after the big bucks.
Looks a lot like a black Cousin It. Houston ,TX. Why do you allow idiots like this and one other, he knows who he is, to represent you????
Houston got a huge influx of The Community during and right after Katrina. They settled mostly in what is now her district.
Does anyone know if this woman’s district is one of those ones that the snivel rights division of the Justice Department forces upon some southern states to assure a black person gets voted in?
She was trying to imitate Trump. However, Trump is
1. Smart
2. Rule based in the nick names…generally based character flaws rather than an uncontrollable feature (race, disability, size).
Sleepy Joe, Crooked Hillary.
It’s what sets him ahead of the rest of us in the insult game.
This big back yarded diabetic land walking Orca is not smart and can’t play at that level
{{{{ did he just say trump was smart }}}}} lafffff riot
Mary… not sure when this unmedicated troll arrived or how short lived it’s presence will be, but feel free to expedite.
I know you guys aren’t quick draws on the bans, but clearly no intent on this one to add anything intelligent now nor future.
Of course she won’t apologize for insulting that white guy in a wheelchair. She is just another loud mouthed midwit having her day in the sun but don’t let her ghetto act fool you. It’s all a show as she grew up rich and went to some very fine schools.
did Orange HArvey ever apologize to the reporter with a disability he mocked? No? Then zip it.
He never did that.
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