Senate Confirms Kash Patel as FBI Director
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Senate Confirms Kash Patel as FBI Director

Senate Confirms Kash Patel as FBI Director

Republican Sens. Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski voted no.

The Senate confirmed Kash Patel, 51-49, as the 19th FBI Director. His term lasts ten years.

Republican Sens. Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski voted no.

I’m shocked Sen. Mitch McConnell voted yes.

Patel told Fox News Digital he wants people to trust the FBI. He plans on building a “transparent, accountable” FBI and warned those who want “to harm Americans” that his agency will “hunt you down in every corner of this planet.”

This is important though: “The politicization of our justice system has eroded public trust — but that ends today.”


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ThePrimordialOrderedPair | February 20, 2025 at 2:43 pm


Let the games begin!

Time to kick ass

There’s no need to say, “Elections have consequences.” But I just wanted to say it anyway.

This was the last big one. I was worried that the Dems would pull out all the stops, to kill this nomination. Which suggests an awful lot of arm twisting on Trump’s part to get the deal done.

If I remember correctly, the Director is the only Officer in the FBI who requires Senate confirmation. The worst corruption is probably in the Counterintelligence Division (that’s been attacking Trump for 9 years now. They were responsible for giving Crooked Hillary a pass, then 4 years of RussiaGate investigations, followed by their heavily armed MAL raid, where they ended up pawing through Melania’s underwear drawer, because they could. It’s going to be interesting to see who Patel puts in as Executive Assistant Director for National Security, to clean this up.

Okay, pal, go to town.

And I mean, GO TO TOWN.

Lower the hammers of hell on you-know-who,–pink-walls-pink-floyd.jpg

I hope he throws out most of its employees

Mueller, Comey, Wray = Deep State = Ø

Now we’re gonna see some progress.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to tiger66. | February 20, 2025 at 7:58 pm

    I’m not so sure. The entire Bureau is rotten through and through. What kind of mentality does it take to want to work there?

Yes, awesome!!!!

Now, please stop the Labor nominee. I came from a steel town and the unions drove the town into the ground. Directly and indirectly – the town went total democrat minus a couple years and between the leftist Ds and the unions, the town died.

It’s very nice to see this. Let the reckoning begin!

McConnell announced his retirement today so maybe he is trying to regain some of his tattered legacy. Good luck with that, turtle

The WAPO article that broke this story noted that previous FBI directors enjoyed wide margins of support. This one is different because of what too many of those with ‘wide support’ did to political opponents and who abused their power. Clean out the FBI. The really good agents could use the help.

Not that I understand all of this political intrigue because as they say big fish small pond would exaggerate what I know, but Kash coming in is important. I was following him when he was with Deven Nunes, watched him on Epoch Times and now he is where he is in the FBI.

My question is 1. He has theoretical access to the entirety of the FBI, if his predecessors were dirty, why would they leave evidence of nefarious deeds to be found later? 2. What prevents him from exposing anything he does find to the public, and 3. If it is an FBI record is it solely his decision to publish?

    TargaGTS in reply to mrtomsr. | February 20, 2025 at 4:07 pm

    With respect to #2 & #3, the release of many FBI records are regulated by the Privacy Act. So, records of living people are difficult to release absent a court order. For dead people, it’s a bit more complicated. While there’s no explicit protection for the records of dead people, if there are living people who may be impacted by the record release, the records are more difficult – but not impossible – to release. Some records could theoretically be sealed by a previous court order or ‘commission,’ and they might be problematic for him to release as well.

    It’s important to keep in mind we don’t want to live in a country where the federal police agency gets in the habit of releasing records on some kind of whim for the same reason Grand Jury records are sealed; the information contained in FBI investigative records can be wholly unsubstantiated. If you wanted a mechanism to silence dissent, the release of FBI investigative records would be an ideal mechanism….just ask Hoover. That was exactly how he consolidated and wielded his power. Kash has to be mindful that whatever precedent he establishes in this regard could be – would be – abused by the next FBI Director that doesn’t have his character.

      Where’s the list of former FBI directors with unimpeachable character profiles?

      Low hanging fruit:

      The Clintons got their hands on a FBI hard drive containing 750 files of their Republican opponents.

      The whole affair went uninvestigated. The Clinton Cadre lol’d in our faces.

      Point being – democrats use illegal methods to maintain power, republicans play by the Marquess of Queensberry Rules.

      This happens time and again. We’re told to look and hold fast to our better angels. And after 30 years here we are – at the black brink. The yawning chasm.

      I’ll remind you – our piton is loose and our life line is frayed.

    henrybowman in reply to mrtomsr. | February 20, 2025 at 7:45 pm

    “if his predecessors were dirty, why would they leave evidence of nefarious deeds to be found later?”
    This is one of the few instances where DEI Is Your Friend.
    Remember FEMA chick?
    “Yeah, we told them to skip houses with Trump flags. It’s right here in this text I sent everybody!”

I hope the cameras are there when the Deep State perp walks begin. The raid on Schiff’s home in the middle of the night is gonna be lit AF.

Murkowski & Collins, perennially playing Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dumber. The two most feckless and useless hags in the GOP.

    Both could have abstained. That’s the “neutral” option. But nope, both raised their freak flag.

      CommoChief in reply to Tiki. | February 20, 2025 at 6:48 pm

      I can see how Sen Murray gotta look to appease her mostly blue constituents in Maine. We shouldn’t realistically demand Sen from Blue or Purple States tow the line on every vote; after all Maine ain’t Mississippi.

      The same circumstances do not apply for Sen Murkowski in mostly red Alaska. She is in the McCain mold of being more concerned about DC cocktail party circuit invitations and establishment DC approval than any other considerations….other than the occasional spiteful vote she gleefully casts.

        guyjones in reply to CommoChief. | February 20, 2025 at 9:12 pm

        F that. If Collins can’t vote for a GOP president’s appointees, as a GOP senator, she should switch parties and become a Dhimmi-crat. The fact that #47 won an electoral vote in ME only underscores her fecklessness.

          guyjones in reply to guyjones. | February 21, 2025 at 4:31 am

          Voting to confirm your President’s appointees, as a U.S. Senator, is really the bare minimum of expected Party loyalty/duty. We aren’t talking about a controversial piece of legislation, for crying out loud. If Collins can’t even summon the gumption to conduct this minimal and de rigeur act, she should become a Dhimmi-crat, posthaste.

          Respectfully, Chief, you are giving way too much of a pass to the utterly feckless and despicably greasy Collins.

Conservative Beaner | February 20, 2025 at 6:08 pm

Give no quarter.

Kash carries.

While everyone was looking at Ukraine.

Classic Trump misdirection.

Cat. Pigeons. Some assembly required.

I’m hoping the games continue on until every single democrap is imprisoned.

Philip Haney files por faVor

Another MAGA lackey! Him and that MAGAslag AG can now concentrate on going after the real bad guys. Jack Smith, Liz Cheney, Adam Kitzinger and Nancy Pelosi. (Hey ‘the moron’ asked for NG troop on 1/6 and she turned him down)

And then —the Biden crime family. Ok so he ‘s been in public office for 50 years and never once been credibly accused of any crime, but I’m sure the MAGA lackeys can dig up SOMETHING!!! LOL. Such a MAGA twilight zone we are trapped in. But it will be over soon. The normals always prevail.