Republican Bill Would Abolish Evergreen State College, Make Campus Part of U. Washington
“The college’s student enrollment has significantly slumped since its zenith in 2009 through 2011”

Evergreen State College is a leftist hotbed and has been for years. Anyone who remembers what happened there a few years back would support this.
The Olympian reports:
Republican Senate leader’s bill would convert The Evergreen State College into a UW campus
The Evergreen State College would be abolished — then transformed — under a piece of legislation introduced last week to Washington state lawmakers.
Senate Republican Leader John Braun sponsored the proposed seismic shift, which would turn Olympia’s public liberal arts college into a new University of Washington “Health Sciences Campus,” effective July 1, 2026.
The bill, Braun said, is aimed at alleviating the mounting health-care workforce shortage.
Braun argues that Evergreen — which was founded in 1967 with an interdisciplinary undergraduate curriculum in which students have the option to design their own study — isn’t the school it once was. The college’s student enrollment has significantly slumped since its zenith in 2009 through 2011, when it had nearly 5,000 students, he said.
The college reported an enrollment of about 2,500 this past fall, up about 8% over the previous fall.
The Centralia Republican told McClatchy that Evergreen is an important part of the community. At the same time, there’s a dire need for more health care professionals.
“I think there’s a lot of things that are good about this,” Braun said of Senate Bill 5424. “We can honor the groundbreaking history of the current Evergreen State [College] by adapting to the current demands of our population, our state today.”
Braun’s bill would reroute state resources toward producing “the intermediate health-care workers needed to respond to the ‘Silver Tsunami’ of people whose medical needs are expected to overwhelm the current capacity of Washington’s health-care system,” as noted in a Jan. 21 news release. That includes registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, paramedics, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and allied health professionals.

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So long as you don’t have the same professors, teaching the same poisonous crap. If they come along with the deal then renaming the campus won’t change anything.
Unfortunately, the Dems have a supermajority in WA, and they do whatever they want. The Reps can’t do anything to counter all the dumb laws that are passed by the Seattle Dems.