Rep. Al Green Intends to Bring Articles of Impeachment Against Trump
“I rise to announce that I will bring articles of impeachment against the president for dastardly deeds proposed and dastardly deeds done.”

As my friend Chris Barron said…give this guy more air time!
Rep. Al Green announced he intends to bring articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump.
The man is big mad because Trump mentioned the U.S. owning Gaza.
I transcribed his speech:
And still I rise. Mr. Speaker, and I rise today, Mr. Speaker, with a to whom it may concern message.
To whom it may concern, ethnic cleansing in Gaza is not a joke, especially when it emanates from the president of the United States, the most powerful person in the world. And he has the ability to perfect what he says. Ethnic cleansing in Gaza that is no joke. And the prime minister of Israel should be ashamed knowing the history of his people, to stand there and allow such things to be said.
Ethnic cleansing has been a crime against humanity. And I stand here today in the well to denounce what he was said, to denounce what the president said, to denounce the complicity of the prime minister of Israel and to remind people that Dr. King was right. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. And injustice in Gaza is a threat to justice in the United States of America.
I rise to announce that the movement to impeach the president has begun. I rise to announce that I will bring articles of impeachment against the president for dastardly deeds proposed and dastardly deeds done.
I also rise to say that the impeachment movement is going to be a grass up. Movement, not a top down. The people have got to move forward. The people have to demand it. And when the people demand, it will be done. I did it before. I laid the foundation for impeachment, and it was done.
Nobody knows more about it than I. And I know that it’s time for us to lay the foundation again. On some issues, it is better to stand alone than not stand at all. On this issue, I stand alone. But I stand for justice. I yield back the balance of my time.
Now, will this go anywhere? I doubt it since the Republicans control the House, but considering how Trump has broken the Democrats, it wouldn’t shock me if they make a big deal about this.
I need popcorn.

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A better singer than public servant.
Are these Articles of Impeachment or the lyrics to an AC/DC song?
More like the Al song, “Tired of Being Alone!”
As if the Black Congressional Caucus isn’t already looked upon as a joke…
…now comes this
When did we annex Wakanda?
51st State
During Obama’s term. It was one of the 57 states
I have waited my entire life to see something created by black people, directed by black people, organized by black people that makes black people look good—-so I turned on the tv and watched a commercial.
I’m just gratified to see that the Geico Caveman found a good job after having his stolen by that damn H1B lizard from Australia.
There is a high statically probably that Al Green is not very bright and that he has criminal tendencies. Is there any proof? If so, let the fun begin.
Green is ignorant of ethnic cleansing history. After WWII the Allies forced 16 million ethnic Germans (not Reich Germans) out of their ancestral homelands all over Europe and shipped them Germany. For example about a million and half Sudeten Germans were stripped of all their land, homes and personal property via the Benes Decrees (taking effect in 1946) and shipped to Germany. Ethnic Germans from Hungary, Poland, Russia Yugoslavia etc were similarly forced out of their homelands where many had lived for hundreds of years. The largest forced movement of people in history. There are many books on this. I recommend “Orderly and Humane” by R. M. Douglas, an American professor. Most of the other books are translations from German. Most Americans are completely ignorant of this piece of postwar history.
In his latest podcast, Dershowitz, who is generally positive towards the Trump Gaza proposal, talks about the Allied ethnic cleansing but limits his discussion to the Sudeten Germans, and one formally German city. He skips of the bulk of the Allied actions all over Europe.
Even worse than the cleansing was the enslavement of German POWS. It’s all in the Yalta Agreement, See Section V, subsection (2) Reparation in kind, Subsection (c) German Labor.
Read the full text of the Yalta Agreement
“German Labor” means slavery. Germans were sent to France, Britain, Poland, Russia. All this was planned well before the end of the war by the FDR administration. Many books on this. For example see “Crimes and Mercies” by Bacque, “A Terrible Revenge” by Alfred- Maurice de Zayas,
All this is well known in Europe but receives little coverage in the US for obvious reasons.
Yep, I was completely unaware of this. Thanks
I’m not sure what your point is. Yalta was a crime, not a precedent.
No, there isn’t. That you think there is only shows that you don’t understand statistics.
The most significant fact known about him is that he is a Congressman, and they tend to the brighter and less criminally-inclined ends of those spectrums.
You think congressman are less criminally inclined than the average citizen???
Really? You really think that? Come on, you know better than that.
Less arrrested, less prosecuted… sure. Less criminally inclined… not for a second.
I am a science & math guy, I do understand statistics. Are you trying to tell us that criminals are not attracted to politics? Or that politicians are unusually intelligent? There are a few intelligent politicians, but not a large number.
When will they ever get tired of such doomed efforts?
Democrats are utterly committed to making themselves even more irrelevant 😂 😂
High crimes and dastardly deeds?
Done dirt cheap.
But they’re done dirt cheap
More black Jew-hatred.
We Jews invested so much in fighting for their rights, and they f**ked us over.
Of course they did. The Gimme Dats have no loyalty except to those who give and give and give and give and give.
Goodman and Schwerner are unavailable for comment.
DJT has been in office more than two weeks. What took them so long?
They were looking for a Democrat who knows how to read and write. They do a lot of bloviating but, due to DEI, there are very few who are actually able to do anything. They did have one that could fly Black Hawks, but she’s unavailable.
Yes, good verbal skills, but otherwise not very competent.
Congress wasn’t in session. Going to get *really* stupid tomorrow, I suspect.
Low IQ.
There is a lot of new genetic information coming out related to different human subspecies. The bottom line is that those who left Africa developed higher intelligence. That left Africa with a lot of short IQ straws. Overall average for Africa is 64, the lowest group is in the low 50s range.
I thought Houston’s term having the dumbest member of congress was over last year when Shelia Jackson-Lee croaked. I was wrong.
Sadly, plenty more when she came from.
Impeach Trump? That’s never been tried before…
Hey, third times the charm?
I wonder how well Green’s finances would stand up to some forensic accountants.
The vile, stupid and evil Dhimmi-crats are a party of organized crime thugs who are entirely devoid of new, substantive and meritorious ideas.
All that they can do is continue to draw water from their poisoned well of racial incitement, subversion and violence/agitprop.
Mean Al Green looks like a wrestling heel.
That’s about all he’s good for is as a caricature of the screeching leftist vultures that cling to the government dole.
Oh the promos!
‘Orange Crusader do you think your dastardly posse can come up here and ride roughshod and get away with it? We’re gonna find out at the Farm Arena Pavilion on Saturday who the real Boss is. An unsanctioned, lights out match, pin falls count anywhere in the arena!’
With that cane he looks like a manager of The Doom Patrol. Why does he need a cane and since when do you impeach someone for something he might do in the future? Good luck with that and the only thing I’m surprised in is that it took a couple of weeks for this nonsense to start.
Well, they have been a bit back on their heels for those first 2 weeks.
That is referred to as Rope A Dope.
“since when do you impeach someone for something he might do in the future?”
Is the Nobel Committee handling our impeachments now, too?
Wait, he has a cane?….lets have a modified ‘Singapore Cane’ match but like a ‘lumberjack match’ with each contestants allowed six ‘friends’ with Singapore Cane surrounding the ring. Whenever one opponent is tossed outside the ring they can use the cane on him.
Bonus. Special stipulation …winner gets to shave the head of the loser. I see a profitable pay per view.
I haven’t seen a lumberjack match in a long time. I thought Al Jolson Greene was channeling the last Democrat to use a cane on the House floor, Preston Brooks (D-SC) who was another Democrat that loved people in the fields picking crops for starvation wages.
Centralization/consolidation by WWE and a couple lawsuits killed off the territory system in pro wrestling. The special contests like lumberjack matches were a staple in the territory era.
Politics and pro wrestling have much in common. Heels v Face. Underdog v Established bad guy. Occasionally a ‘turn’ aka party switch. Audience are the ‘marks’ in both. Internet era brought an end to willingness to ‘suspend disbelief’ b/c so much formerly exclusively insider knowledge became available.
Impeachment Bingo.
‘Ethnic Cleansing”. That’s ethnic cleansing. Anyone?
Trite expression: I didn’t have that on my Bingo Card.
I love the word dastardly it should be used more often. Bring back Dastardly Dan and Dog! Ethnic cleansing is an extremely misused term and would actually involve killing Gazans. Trump isn’t saying murder all of them, he’s saying resettle them just like every other group of refugees. Forcing people to live in a disaster zone as perpetual refugees whose only purpose is to murder Jews, is inhumane and dehumanizing. But what I really want to know is what Dastardly Dan thinks!
“Trump isn’t saying murder all of them, he’s saying resettle them just like every other group of refugees.”
I am pretty sure that Egypt and Jordan will help with population reduction, they have in the past. Jordon took care of 15000 before.
Are “dastardly Deeds” a high crime or just a misdemeanor?
I’m pretty sure dastardly only applies to tying a damsel to railroad tracks,
He does remind me of Snidely Whiplash.
Must be a day that ends in Y tj8s clown is an embarrment to Texas and is everything he opens his soup cooler. Do better Texas.
Not every city in Texas is filled with intelligent people. Houston is the center of the big flush. Low IQ s h I t floats.
I just had the displeasure of driving through Houston a couple of evenings ago. Dear God, the way those people drive. It made me appreciate Dallas.
Are you on a vacation?
Driving through Houston is so painful, last time I did it I took a toll beltway that added 25 miles to my trip and didn’t even divulge its toll beforehand. It was $32.40. It was worth it.
Home to people living where flooding gets 30′ deep. Pure idiocy.
The Republicans control the House.
By a narrow, 3-vote (?) margin, for less than two more years. Republicans can’t afford to squander support by picking stupid fights on issues like renaming the Gulf of Mexico.
Don’t you mean Gulf of America?
You’re funny. Sometimes.
Well, if “sometimes” means “never,” then yes.
MooMouth is mostly pathetic.
I agree with you. We should all just lie on the ground and cower. After all, only Democrats should be able to obtain everything they want while Republicans suck their thumbs in fear, while insisting on having a clean rope when they are lynched.
Oh, blow it out.
Republicans can’t afford to squander the power they HAVE — WHILE they have it — worrying about how it might discomfit their sworn enemies, the same people who routinely cut Republicans’ throats in a minute whenever they are in charge.
I always delayed gratification to achieve a better future, until now. Now is the time to go all out, giving libs what they have earned.
Oh the division that created in the party….lol
The concern troll is concerned in every thread, guys.
Well hell then, let’s just reach across the aisle, join hands and sing Kumbaya!
Can we get everything we want with a 3 vote margin? Probably not. Most? Yep. IDK of you are.paying attention but the CD are getting more and more partisan. A blue CD is gonna stay blue and Red CD is gonna stay Red. The two dozen or so competitive swing CD are where the action is. Don’t forget redistricting played a role in ’24 and there is potential redrawing more favorable GoP maps before ’26. Longer term more CD will shift from blue to Red States as the ongoing ‘great sorting’ continues to shift population. The refugees are far more likely to be running away from Cray Cray Blue State/Blue City mal administration and even if not quite as ‘conservative’ as their new State/CD they are more likely to vote for common sense policies and common sense candidates. So long as the d/prog keep running on tranny in worlds spaces, over tax, over spending, over regulation and a general anti liberty agenda these voters are likely to pull the lever for the GoP. Probably six to ten CD gain for GoP in next Census alone.
Who’s squandering support? People I talk to that are even aware of that find it funny. No one is pulling their hair out in anger.
He’s calling Trump a dastard. Perhaps he is reading too much Trollope.
There are a lot of trollops in Congress.
You mean the HoR? <– pronounce that as a word.
He’s trying to keep it clean for PBS. His speech airs right before Sesame Street.
Ahh, another stupid communist rears their head. He should go back to playing a cave man in Geico commercials.
Talking is a high crime or misdemeanor?
Why not? I mean…it worked out so well for them last time right?
Sidenote: Does anyone else find it ironic that when a Republican proposes moving a few million people from a war-torn, dysfunctional land to a developed, functioning country it’s “ethnic cleansing” but when Democrats support moving tens of millions of people from cartel-torn, dysfunctional lands into the US, it’s a humanitarian mandate?
I bet there are lots of people in Gaza who would jump at the chance to move to a country where they aren’t employed as human shields and their kids recruited to become notso-smart bombs…if they could only find another country willing to take them in. That’s been the challenge to date.
No one wants them.
“And the prime minister of Israel should be ashamed knowing the history of his people, to stand there and allow such things to be said.”
This evil POS Dhimmi-crat demagogue unfairly bashes the Jewish people and maliciously and falsely accuses them of alleged “ethnic cleansing,” but, he has no words of opprobrium to offer with respect to the Fakestinians’ genocidal charter, genocidal attitudes and genocidal violence against Israeli Jews.
These people (democrats) are incapable of learning anything. While trying to impeach Trump yet again, will make the proglodytes happy, the rest of the country has a long way to go before they are as tired of Trump as they are tired of the left.
Let’s see how much USAID money he gets.
Well of course he would. This is the same guy who used to introduce an impeachment resolution weekly, or at least it seemed that way, during Trump’s first term.
So, you’re saying he’s slacking this time?
He only found out yesterday that Trump was president again.
Slacking is in his genetic makeup.
As sure as the sun rises in the east…
Sure, knock yourself out, dipsh*t.
Can we get some white people to persecute Trump? I am so sick and tired of the systemic racism shown by brown and black people who have been chasing after Trump.
Perhaps the Democratic Party can gather up a few KkKlan members amongst their midst.
At least the IQ of the persecutors would be increased twofold.
Probably doable.
We haven’t heard from the Lincoln Log Lumberjacks in a few months.
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