Trump: ‘The U.S. Will Take Over the Gaza Strip’
Netanyahu to Trump: “You are the greatest friend Israel has ever had in the White House!”

The press conferences with President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu were something else.
They held an informal one in the Oval Office before the formal one in the East Room this evening.
Gaza Strip
I guess America is taking the Gaza Strip:
TRUMP: The US will take over the Gaza Strip and we will do a job with it too. We’ll own it and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous unexploded bombs and other weapons on the site. Level the site and get rid of the destroyed buildings, level it out, create an economic development that will supply unlimited numbers of jobs and housing for the people of the area.
President Trump on securing PEACE in Gaza: "The U.S. will take over the Gaza strip … and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous, unexploded bombs and other weapons on the site … create an economic development that will supply unlimited numbers of jobs and housing…
— Rapid Response 47 (@RapidResponse47) February 5, 2025
I guess others are okay with it:
TRUMP: I do see a long term ownership position, and I see it bringing great stability to that part of the Middle east and maybe the entire Middle East. Everybody I’ve spoken to, this was not a decision made lightly, everybody I’ve spoken to loves the idea of the United States owning that piece of land, developing and creating thousands of jobs with something that will be magnificent, in a really magnificent area that nobody would know.
Nobody can look because all they see is death and destruction and rubble and demolished buildings falling all over. It’s just a terrible, terrible sight. I’ve studied it. I’ve studied this very closely over, a lot of months, and I’ve seen it from every different angle, and it’s a very, very dangerous place to be, and it’s only going to get worse.
And I think this is an idea that’s gotten tremendous, I’m talking about from the highest level of leadership, gotten tremendous praise and if the United States can help to bring stability.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: "I do see a long-term ownership position and I see it bringing great stability to that part of the Middle East… Everybody I've spoken to loves the idea of the United States owning that piece of land, developing, and creating thousands of jobs…"
— Rapid Response 47 (@RapidResponse47) February 5, 2025
Reporter: Will you need to send troops to Gaza to take it over and develop it?
Trump: “If it’s necessary, we’ll do that.”
Reporter: Will you need to send troops to Gaza to take it over and develop it?
Trump: "If it's necessary, we'll do that."
— (@townhallcom) February 5, 2025
Netanyahu Praises Trump
Netanyahu to Trump: “You are the greatest friend Israel has ever had in the White House!”
Netanyahu to Trump: "You are the greatest friend Israel has ever had in the White House!"
— (@townhallcom) February 5, 2025
Prime Minister Netanyahu to President Trump: “Your willingness to puncture conventional thinking, thinking that has failed time and time again, your willingness to think outside the box with fresh ideas will help us achieve all these goals.”
Prime Minister Netanyahu to President Trump: "Your willingness to puncture conventional thinking, thinking that has failed time and time again, your willingness to think outside the box with fresh ideas will help us achieve all these goals."
— Rapid Response 47 (@RapidResponse47) February 5, 2025
FOX’S DOOCY: “We have heard Biden and Trump take credit for the hostage and cease-fire deals. Who do you think deserves more credit?”
NETANYAHU: “President Trump”
🚨 JUST IN: Israeli PM Netanyahu Credits TRUMP for the peace deal in the Middle East
FOX'S DOOCY: "We have heard Biden and Trump take credit for the hostage and cease-fire deals. Who do you think deserves more credit?"
NETANYAHU: "President Trump"
That settles it!
— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) February 4, 2025
Live in Peace
REPORTER: "What's your future plan for Afghan people?"
TRUMP: "It's a beautiful voice and a beautiful accent. The only problem is, I can't understand a word you're saying."
"Good luck. Live in peace."
— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) February 5, 2025

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This is a bad idea.
And how.
The upgrade for the terrorists, should they be allowed back would nullify every complaint they use To justify attacking israel
The ground has changed immensely, mostly…actually, solely thanks to the Jews delivering death blows to Hesbullah and bending the Iranians over an apple cart with their relentless targeted attacks on the leadership caste in that country.
Coupled with a resurgent America who will further isolate Iran…I think that perhaps Gazans actually have a chance at living in peace and prosperity free of outside interference (ie, funding from Iran and Turkey and military support from Hesbullah).
Hopefully any rebuilding will involve the help of Jordan and Egypt, get them to put some skin in the game so to say…and UNRWA being told to f88k off along with the UN.
So yeah, there is potential here. As long as the entire strip is denazified like Germany and Japan after WWII then there is hope. Although it wont be easy and a lot of people on the left have a vested interest in this failing (which is incredibly hypocritical of them given their nonstop wanking on about Palestinians living in peace wank wank wank….
Also, Abbas is surely not long for this world…especially when funding to the PLA has been frozen by Trump.
The problem is the Paleostinians (especially Gaza) don’t seem to want to “live in peace.” With anyone. The past year’s pounding clearly didn’t have the salutary impact it should have.
Nice. I can get behind that moniker.
Name-calling as a first step in dehumanizing targets of our hatred. How original.
@MoonMouth: can it. No one cares about your cheap, tawdry virtue-signaling.
Please show where the owners of this site gave you the authority to tell anyone to desist from posting here.
What’s derogatory about preferring almond flour over wheat flour?
@MoonMouth: I didn’t tell you to stop posting here, dingus.
Frankly, I hope you do. It’s entertaining watching you get taken to the woodshed every day.
I told you to can it.
Given the ratio you usually get, it’s actually pretty good advice.
Name-calling to dehumanize people(s) whom you hate. Where have we seen that done before?
It’s not name calling. It’s a simple fact. Or haven’t you been paying attention to what happens in the region?
Your hands must be aching from all that pearl-clutching.
I think Hamas and their Gaza adherents have awarded themselves the subhuman label, or did you not pay attention to Oct 7?
It’s not unreasonable to identify people based on their actions; in fact it is necessary in order to form sound judgement. If someone does unspeakable things, then they are unspeakable people.
And that’s not “dehumanizing”, its rational.
“Name-calling to dehumanize people(s) whom you hate. Where have we seen that done before?”
You’re perilously close to the invocation of Godwin’s Law.
Trump has been a steamroller in his first couple of weeks but I’m inclined to agree with you. Unless Egypt and Jordan take every terrorist out of there like Trump proposed that is not a piece of land we should have a presence on. It is outside the box thinking, though.
LI commenters really need to investigate the concept of “the banality of evil”. Where’s the outrage at what President Trump is proposing?
Some of you have gone insane in this echo chamber.
“Some of you have gone insane in this echo chamber.”
No one here needs a morality lecture from you, MoonMouth.
Your smug, self-assured sense of righteousness is duly noted, along with your nonstop attempts to clutter up threads with your TDS.
We’re no ways tahhhred of winning yet, dufus.
But I think many “LI commenters” are tiring of you.
You — and many others here — have gone full “banality of evil”. Look it up.
“Tired of you.”
I’ll be obliged if you can direct me to the TOS that require me to sing along with the rest of the amen chorus in this echo chamber.
LOL. You don’t know me well enough to assign to me the “banality of evil.” So stick your cheap virtue-signaling where the sun doesn’t shine.
If you’re going to quote me, at least be accurate. I said “tiring of you.” Any moron with a third grade comprehension level would observe that if you consistently get massively downvoted almost every time you post, that’s a certain indication that commenters here are ABSOLUTELY tiring of you.
You of course can continue to post here, until maybe you weary of getting hammered each time you post.
The definition of such a poster would be “troll.”
I bet gov. Gretchen is getting her panties all wet trying to move these useless Proffesional victims to Michigan so they can live in my neighborhood.
I sad what I said. There is no middle ground with Muslims. Just like Beirut they will eventually destroy anything you build unless you’re willing to do what’s necessary. No on is ready to have a discussion on “what’s necessary.”
Well, several of us here are. And that’s what he’s whining about.
If we are going to “defend” a new place then decide which old place to pull out of. Germany. Britain. Wherever. This role of World’s Policeman is expensive. And Gaza is full of Gazans. Muslims. They will always be at each others’ throats and the throats of others. Our troops being there will not stop this.
As I understand it, Gaza is no longer going to be full of Muslims, they will be in Egypt and Jordon, both of whom have shown in the past how to deal Pale trash.
This is soon’s Trump would allow the people who have been living there in the past. To return that might not be the case. Or perhaps in numbers small enough to manage. It also takes away the number of things that they’ve complained about that they’ve used As justification for attacking Israel. If the United States builds it the infrastructure, a schools and all that will be great.No doubt and the terrors and all of the terror infrastructure will be long because he’ll go through it with a fine tooth comb
They have never complained about a lack of infrastructure. Decades ago Israel built good housing in Gaza; they refused to use it, because they insist on remaining “refugees”.
Yup. They also inherited a thriving agricultural infrastructure–but it was “Jewish” so they destroyed it. Real thinkers, the Gazans.
Every country that has delighted in bashing us over the last several decades then let us pay for their security. Germany is one, remember those smirking diplomats that laughed at Trump during his first administration when he warned them about becoming dependent on Russian gas?
Look at Germany today. THAT is the Master Race?!?
Germany has been run by leftists too long, who have infected it with the woke virus. “Hate yourselves for being white.”
We have some good news, and we have some bad news.
First the bad news. President Trump has gone stark, raving mad.
Now the good news. This will motivate the Senate to approve Trump’s cabinet nominees ASSP so that they can invoke 25A.
Democrat Underground is two doors down on your left.
Thank you!
DJT’s plans for Gaza, on top of his announcement earlier today that he wants Ukrainian rare earths in payment for military support, has enraged more than a few MAGAs, who feel that he’s lied to us.
If you think that that outrage is inconsequential, remember how slim a majority the R’s hold in the House.
You write “us” and MAGA … LOL.
Are you … “concerned”??
Why yes…. yes, he is.
I voted for Trump. And yes, I am concerned, b/c the Democrats and their Deep State allies — despite running an awful candidate — came too close to getting to continue imposing theor authoritarian dystopia upln us.
Concern troll is concerned. Noted.
Mabe this will be a chance to conduct many tests of the MOAB?
You are one sick puppy.
It’s great at clearing out tunnels and stashes. Evacuate civilians and then open the back door of the C-130 to let ‘er rip.
Talk to text is my mortal.Animal should have read this assumes
JR strikes again 🙂
“This is the voice of Colossus, the voice of Guardian. We are one.”
It can be truly shocking at times how those who suffer from TDS never learn. We aren’t invading or occupying Gaza. Trump is doing what he always does. He is negotiating.
I don’t have TDS, and never have. In fact, I voted for him. Before that, I’d defended him for years, in other forums, against the MSM’s incessant lies. However, this time he’s jumped the shark.
But if you don’t agree, then please let me know whether his rambling and repeatedly off-subject á la Joe Biden were just part of his negotiating act, too.
“repeatedly going off-subject”
Yes, I can see how you don’t have TDS.
Anyways, get back to me when we start unloading troops into Gaza.
He is doing the same thing he always does. He is negotiating.
I’m going out on a limb but after reading your continual TDS posts I’m throwing the flag on your voting for Trump. No you didn’t. Your just a troll without humor.
It’s the year 2004 all over again.
“I’m a long time Republican, buuuuuuuuuuut…”
Republicans are in ascendancy so this old tactic of pretending to be a Republican voter online is going to be revived since calling us Nazis doesn’t work anymore.
He’s what’s referred to as a “concern troll”
Clearly, you suffer from the little person syndrome, as in small minded.
You don’t have TDS, you’re just a liar.
We get it.
Sounds like you could use some new pronouns; wait, bad orange man taketh away…rough couple of weeks, eh?
Guys, we’re not owning crap in the Middle East. The old man is merely dangling these ideas out there to expose the wackos and give us a peek behind the curtain, while letting them know they better straighten up and fly right or Uncle Sam will pay them a visit. Peace is en route.
I voted for DJT. I support the deportations, and militarizing our own southern border. But because I’m not singing along with the amen chorus here, you jumped to the conclusion that I’m one of “the others”.
No. It’s because of HOW you’re doing it. Especially with the “ZOMG! He’s out of his mind!” stuff. It fits a pattern that we have seen before.
Trump’s cabinet will not be 25th Amendmenting him. He learned his lesson about picking disloyal cabinet members.
Wow. 29 downvotes (as of right now). That might be a LI record.
Well deserved, moonmouth. You go girl.
He might even top JR’s record of 32 downvotes.
Ok for the sake of argument it will take at least two years or more to build an all new city with streets, water, sewer and electric in Egypt, Jordan or where ever else.
Then it would take another two years for D.R. Horton, Lennar Corp. PulteGroup, Taylor Morrison etc to go in and build a Pacific Palisades of Egypt or a West Palm Beach of Jordan.
Where are the 2 million plus Palestinians going to live for the next four to five years?
No one wants them. They have been kicked out of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria during the last 40 years and Saudi Arabia will not touch them.
Even Hezbollah in Lebanon told them to stay on their side of the border. They should be sent to all those EU countries that love them so much, vote with them in the UN and shower them with money.
Maybe El Salvador wants them…?
Since the so-called “Palestinians” are actually Jordanians and Egyptians, they should be made their problem.
Those Gazans will be in miserable tent camps in Jordan and Egypt, they will take good care of the troublemakers.
Transport them via ship air and ground to Indonesia, Jordan, Egypt, and a few other Muslim countries. They should live there permanently. Help build them a decent place to live unlike the conditions when the Jews were kicked out of North Africa and many Arab nations in the middle east after Pogroms by the Muslim mobs burned their homes and businesses and rampaged freely raping and murdering.
“Transport them via ship air and ground to Indonesia, Jordan, Egypt, and a few other Muslim countries.”
Displace over a million Muslims against their will, to Muslim countries that don’t want to be complicit in ethnic cleansing? If there really are Islamic terror cells that have infiltrated the US, they’ll be active within a month.
How do you know? The people screaming about USAID try to sound like they know, too.
It is a much better solution than perpetual war and or terrorist attacks. Displacement after wars is common. Millions relocated forcefully after WWII. The difference is that the US and probably many other nations will fund a potentially much better future life vs. no future other than war and death in Gaza.
I would not be surprised that a significant number of Gaza residents would voluntarily relocate with proper incentives and absent the fear of retaliation by Hamas and other terrorists. With no UN involved it just might be possible.
This is a much better option than creating a new terrorist state in Gaza whose main goal is the destruction of Israel and the eradication of the Jews living there.
will fund a potentially much better future life vs. no future other than war and death in Gaza
And, really, the alternative to moving them elsewhere is to kill them in place. Because they have committed themselves to deserving it.
They insist on being treated as “refugees”. Well, what do you do with refugees? You resettle them.
It’s not as if they have any right to be there in the first place. It’s not their home. So if there were countries willing to take them in I’d be all for deporting the lot of them, and having Israel annex and settle it. But the catch is finding somewhere willing to take them. Every place in the world, but especially their fellow Arabs, knows how venomous they are. It’s like trying to find a new home for nuclear waste, but worse because you can’t just bury them in a geologically stable rock formation and forget them.
Milhouse, too many times I’ve seen “crazy Trump” get results regular uniParty politicians are unable to to want to wager any thing of large value against this idea working as well, but my initial take is “god, no…”, don’t nation build, don’t have go off by yourself to have sex with a camp counselor, and don’t split up from the other teenagers to look for the multiple missing friends.
I’ll try to keep an open mind, but perhaps this is a mental judo trick to get the middle East to a better place and not an actual plan, just an opening negotiation bid?
because you can’t just bury them in a geologically stable rock formation and forget them
Why not? Heck, they already dug the holes….
Guess what? You start a war and lose … then you lose stuff. This is the lesson that has been lost on modern society. This is why nations used to think twice about going to war.
The idea that some group can start a war, lose, and keep all of their sh*t is just INSANE and does nothing but egg every penny-ante gang of thugs to wage wars whenever they feel like it.
There must be a price for losing a war and it must be dear.
Quit upvoting yourself.
Yes, get rid of them by any means necessary. Pales are solely responsible for their disreputable characters.
If there really are Islamic terror cells that have infiltrated the US, they’ll be active within a month.
Which would be preferable to them continuing to hide and to build their strength. A large portion of America is prepared for them better than they used to be. Using that as a disastrous outcome of any action is really pathetic (akin to the “Don’t say anything about them being terrorists; they might kill someone!” meme).
The big unasked and unanswered question is:
“You can bulldoze the wreckage, but how are you going to bulldoze the people?”
Correct, no one wants the Palestinians, but they continue to support them. Maybe, just maybe, the threat of having to take them will cause some to reconsider supporting them. Then, just maybe, we can move ahead.
“Correct, no one wants the Palestinians, but they continue to support them.”
Reminds me of Old Foul Ron, who got almost all his alms from Morporkians who just wanted him to recede out of smells’ range.
Or India’s professional wedding crashing transsexuals, who make their living by crashing weddings and making such a nuisance of themselves that the families pay them to leave.
I think we should send them all to Iran. They’re the country most supportive of the Palestinians.
Since the Pallies want to be refugees and have passed that status on for generations, let them be refugees.
It was also the policy of various Arab governments not to let them gain citizenship and assimilate–they wanted an endless supply of displaced, angry people they could encourage to acts of terrorism against Israel (or regimes they didn’t like). Jordan nearly lost control of their government in the 70s over this. Lebanon was basically taken over by the PLO and Syrians until 82. Now times have changed, but the Paleos are so used to being some sort of “special” group (that wants to eliminate Israel and live there) that nobody knows how (or wants to) fix it.
I know how to fix it. I think that Jordon and Egypt also know how, based on past experience.
Move them to El Salvador?
Bad idea. The inhabitants of Gaza are immune to civilization. It will end up like public, subsidized housing in any blue city you choose to look at. It looks great up until you cut the ribbon and let the residents in. It’s all downhill from there. You end up with a slum in no time.
Rather than act like it’s a done deal, let it happen. What if everyday Palestinians could decide? What if the Arab states and others foot the bill? Not too keen on US ownership, but what a great neighbor.
There is no question that something, not a return, needs to happen. But the full Trump vision, have not people learned how he communicates? It’s the start of a real conversation that is long overdue.
Imagine if Harris had won.
Agreed. There is a long game at play here. I think DJT has a vision that requires defending all of the corrupt leftist NGO aid programs, and the like, repurposing it to rebuild Gaza, then sell it back to the middle east community at a profit to the US and the new sovereign wealth fund. Just pure speculation on my part.
Autoincorrect strikes again.
“have not people learned how he communicates?”
Yes, he often says stupid, provocative things just to troll people, and he says other stupid, provocative things because he’s serious about doing them. How are we to know which is which?
That’s the point.
For a President to play games when making public statements about an explosive situation like this is stupid, reckless, and dangerous.
It’s not a game. You just showed you do not really understand. AOC acts like she’s smarter than Musk, too.
Either way, I hope he let Bibi in on the gag.
I used to be a Labor Negotiator – he plays the classic gambits. First you never want your opponent to know specifically what you REALLY want. Next you make outrageous demands. If you are in a power position, you power play your hand, like a bully. Additionally you ALWAYS have one ridiculous demand that you don’t really want. You cling fast to that as leverage.
However, if your opponent concedes to something you want, you reward him by either reducing your demand or even giving him something. After you have gotten most of what you were after you withdraw your demand for the moon.
Your opponent must never think you are bluffing, and now and then you do something to show you are serious. Once the facade falls, you lose all power at the table.
To Hodge:
I’m sure that the 1.5 million Gazans will understand completely.
Sounding a bit Kristolish.
What if everyday Palestinians could decide?
They did. They elected Hamas with like 80% of the vote. And most of the other 20% was for other terrorist organizations.
I don’t think they should be allowed to decide again, for at least a generation.
I think this has great promise. Now how about cleaning out the West Bank? Then move Jews from Europe and other places to Palestine. I can see a great cilivation and ally coming from this.
Your Final Solution to the Palestinian Problem. When is Trump going to start recruiting his einsatzgruppe.?
If Trump can come up with a once and for all final solution to the Palestinian problem, he’ll win the Nobel Peace Prize.
Autoincorrect strikes again
For want of an edit & delete button….
“Du-funding” sounds like what they’ve been doing over at USAID all these years.
I keep getting bit in a multitude of ways, Carpel tunnel, auto correct, the cursor jumping up a line or two.
I would like to learn more about the total vision for this approach, who (if anyone) will partner with us, and how this will be financed.
Just a thought – what if this is a ploy by Trump to inspire Palestinians to elect and follow normal leadership that isn’t terror-loving or Jew-hating? No homeland or normalcy…the choice is crystallized.
They have no interest in such a leadership. Their whole purpose of existing is to love terror and hate Jews.
Do you really think that any other country wants to be party to this criminal plan?
There’s nothing criminal about it. What laws would it violate, and whose laws are those? But no other country would agree to take them in, because they’re all either actual terrorists or would-be terrorists. Every one of them from the age of five up.
Ethnic cleansing is a crime against humanity. But silly me — to LI regulars, Palestinians are just vermin to be driven out or extrminated.
You have (most of you) gone insane in this echo chamber.
First of all, no it is not a crime. Against “humanity” or anyone else.
Second, there are NO laws that bind the USA. It is impossible for the USA to commit a “crime”.
Third, the so-called “Palestinians” are occupying land that does not belong to them, and their entire purpose of existence is to wipe out the Jews. Every single inhabitant of Gaza who is over 5 years old is a dedicated Nazi, and most are uncurable. Forcibly resettling them somewhere that is willing to take them in would NOT be a crime, it would be justice. But there is no place willing to take them, because everyone knows they would only cause violence and crime, and threaten the government of whoever took them in.
OK, this goes way beyond your normal concern trolling, into Idiocracy territory.
Gaza needs to be cleaned. No one’s saying to exterminate the residents but we need to get rid of their terrorist leanings and make them accept civilization.
“Ethnic cleansing is a crime against humanity. But silly me — to LI regulars, Palestinians are just vermin to be driven out or extrminated.
You have (most of you) gone insane in this echo chamber.”
You’ve now become just a caricature of a troll. Pathetic.
You really do need to find a new home.
What is the alternative? Have a truce so they can rearm and repeat? Something different needs to be done; Gaza lost the war; FAFO.
People keep posting that. A couple weeks ago, you were all posting that Hamas WON the war because Trump made Israel give them all their terrorists back. Which is it? I have to say I’m having a problem reconciling these two situations.
Or is it like the Professor said — “I hope Trump has some condition attached to this giveaway that makes it more palatable?” (words to that effect). Is this Trump’s idea of the bill coming due?
C’mon folks, we’re better than this. This is NOT Trump telling the world he’s taking over Gaza. This is Trump telling the Arab states – particularly Jordan, Egypt and The Kingdom – that they better take the first deal he offered them (the one where they accommodate a couple millions Gazans), or this is the deal they’re getting, an exodus of Gazans enabled by US troops.
“Take Trump seriously but not literally”.
Remember when the Saturday tariffs threatened to eliminate our economy then it turned out Trump was trying to and succeeding at getting important concessions?
I do.
I hope this is just words to get in the ear of the Arab world and entice them to begin to look at things differently. I do hope so, otherwise, Hell no.
This is “nation building.”
This is “exporting democracy.”
This is all the thing people who end up starting wars claim they were trying to do..
Which should we spend American money on pacifying — Gaza, or Garfield Boulevard?
The French has a foreign legion, why not the US? We could offer amnesty to MS 13 gang members who agree to serve for 13 months in Gaza.
Actually not a bad idea although I don’t think MS13 is the way to go as there is already some gangs making problems in the military. I propose changing the laws so that US Territories do not equal citizenship. All aid and other benefits still apply but for US citizenship all males must serve an enlistment, all female some sort of civic duty for the same period. Many serve already, I had a number of guys from P.R., Guam etc in my unit so it wouldn’t be a hardship but would include every other one. This is already done for non citizens around the world. If they serve they can be naturalized US Citizens. 10,000 or so do it every year.
If this was anyone but Trump I would say he is insane but it is Trump and you can bet there is a lot more to this than allowing the savages back into Gaza. First, you have to clear it of tunnels, unexploded ordinance, and hazardous chemicals, and rebuild all the systems needed to build with such as sewer, water, and electricity. In the meantime, where are the Palis going to live? That is part of the plan because they will have lived somewhere else if it takes four years to rebuild. Don’t sell DJT short.
Too bad there are no rare elements there. 30% of the mining has already been prepared.
With all that’s been happening it’s hard me to tell if Trump is serious about taking over Gaza or if this is a another case of demanding something outrageous to lead into his real goal.
I’m totally opposed to this, for the following reason: If this happens it’s inevitable that US servicemen will be killed. And when that happens, public opinion will blame Israel, and turn against it.
That’s why Israel has always refused US offers to station peacekeepers in the Golan or places like that. It has always been afraid of putting US personnel in danger, because it doesn’t want the perception that “they died to defend Israel”.
I would like to see some Arab country like Saudi Arabia take the lead on something like this.
A number of Arab countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordon are already drawing closer to Israel. I agree, let them take care of it with US oversight. When those Pali terrorists start murdering other Arabs, Israel can sit back and say “see, told ya”.
If he wants to send Americans to occupy Gaza, he should send his cultists, who are totally incapable of understanding that the man is insane, so that they’re the ones getting their legs blown off, instead of American GIs, who deserve better.
He should send the dei brigade. See how they do.
Yeah, that’s what I figured. “Let’s you and him fight.”
Everyone thinks this is a bad idea… Iran would hate the U.S. having a strong military presence right next door to Israel. The Russians won’t like it. The Chinese won’t like it. Syria? Turkey? Egypt? Iraq?
Now, take a look at my post about how to negotiate, above. You can’t apply tariffs in this situation. You need some other lever. The surrounding countries don’t want to take the Palestinians. Hmmmm what could you use to make other countries put pressure on them to take the Palestinians?
Say! What about the threat of a huge American military presence?
I certainly hope he’s using this as leverage and that it works. Because actually executing this would be very bad, IMO, without conditions that I mention below.
I agree with Hodge this is likely Trump’s high stakes leverage to get Egypt and Jordan to take in Palestinians in order so Israel could finish off Hamas ending the war.
One thing is for sure. If Trump really does this, he’ll get more than a half assed floating pier built.
This smells more like a troll than anything.
Two things:
1) Lebanon used to be the Riviera of the Arab world. That was before the muslims pushed the Christians out (how so many arabs first came to the US, Christians fleeing muslim persecution) and made Lebanon a totally dysfunctional hellhole.
2) Gaza is a gorgeous piece of property. It would be a world class resort area for any civilized people.
Israel tried to give Gaza back to Egypt (who took it in ’48 in their losing war to destroy Israel) in the Camp David Accords but Egypt wanted nothing of it and Carter just killed the idea without even giving it any consideration. Many of the Gazans came from Egypt, as opposed to the arabs in the West bank, many of whom originally identified as Syrian.
It’s true. Beirut was the Paris of the Mediterranean….in the 1940s But, that was at a time when Lebanon was more than 70% Christian. Today, it’s roughly 40% Christian and an absolute disater. These two things are not unrelated.
If you look at the other Mega-Urban centers in the Middle East that are active tourist destinations that don’t have big cultural draws (like the Pyramids), these are city-centers that have been built by Kings who enjoy virtually total control. They have the power to demand subservience to that kind of ideal. Spending 4-years of my life living amongst various Islamic populations, I simply don’t believe an embrace of western culture that would allow a destination city to grow in Gaza is possible. If you asked me to pick the Muslim population where something like that is least likely, I would pick Gaza and nothing else is remotely close.
This is dumb as hell.
The idea of turning Gaza into a ‘Mediterranean Dubai’ as a US occupied protectorate seems ….far fetched. There’s gotta be other undisclosed to the public behind the scenes ideas being kicked around at high level diplomacy among the various Regional Nations and the USA. I agree with most of the other comments that this is some sort of negotiation tactic b/c this sort of adventurism is totally out of character for Trump’s historical position and would be anathema to most of the center/right populists who voted him into office.
“this sort of adventurism is totally out of character for Trump’s historical position”
Just ask anyone in Canada or Greenland.
two more mega-moron ideas that involved no thought. Cheeeezus , Wake up cult boy.
This has to be a deep fake. Trump is a poker player. There is absolutely no way he’s going to put American troops in harm’s way. And for Gaza?
Please tell me Trump is playing 4-D chess or I just ate some funny mushrooms?
The UN has perpetuated the farce of “refugee” status for almost 80 years. Tell the UN to resettle them immediately or we kick them out of NY and cutoff our contribution. And then when they comply and move them out we kick them out and cutoff the money anyways.
From “Casablanca”:
Strasser: You give him credit for too much cleverness. My impression was that he’s just another blundering American.
Renault: You mustn’t underestimate American blundering. I was with them when they “blundered” into Berlin in 1918.
I admit I never watched the movie, so I can’t speak for the accuracy of the transcription. But no troops got anywhere near Berlin in 1918. The armistice went into effect with the front lines in the same area they’d been for most of the war.
They knew that.
Casablanca was only 24 years removed from the end of the last war against Germany and began filming well into the start of another one. The character is really talking to the audience about setting Germany straight back then, and that they’ll do it again.
There’s a lot of propaganda in that film, and I’m not saying that as a bad thing, I like the movie. You just have to keep in mind that this was Hollywood during wartime.
Another ‘moron’ special. No thought. No analysis. Knows nothing about the issue. If you cult boolickers have’nt figured out this guy is a moron by now, you’re hopeless.
We’re better at identifying morons than you may imagine. Check to the right of your name.
He’s playing 4D chess while you’re playing tic-tac-toe. It’s not surprising that you don’t understand it.
4d chess.hahahahahahahh. Oh he’s soooo far ahead of everybody else. Knows soooooo much. hahahahahahhhah. ‘The moron” thought this harebrained idea up five minutes ago. Clearly not thought out in the slighest.
He is ahead of everyone else. Over the weekend everyone thought “oh no, Mexico and Canada are going to impose counter-tariffs and start a trade war” but in fact both caved to Trump and agreed to increase border security as he requested in exchange for delaying the tariffs. He’s negotiating and has the upper hand.
wait a second. Hasn’t he told us ( lied to us) a gazillion times that tariffs are an amazing wealth generating tool?
Oh —that was minutes ago. Eh, he was joiking. LOL
That’s the problem with Trump’s theory about tariffs. Either tariffs are an inherently good and prosperity-generating policy that enriches America, or they are a threat to get other countries to do as Trump says. Both things can’t be true.
If the former, then why would Trump forgo all those billions of dollars that could be collected off Mexican imports simply because Mexico agreed to make a few small changes to how it polices the border? We were going to offset the income tax with tariffs, Trump promised. But now? Nah, Mexico’s president said she would make a few border guards work overtime, so we’ll just forget about that idea.
If the latter, then tariffs are something to be feared—a stick with which to compel the behavior of other, smaller countries—that comes with some pain for Americans, as Trump admitted in a post on Truth Social over the weekend. But if that’s what they are, and they can be removed as soon as those other countries comply with Trump’s wishes, then it seems like the tariffs were never intended to produce the prosperity that Trump promised.
Don’t do it, this is the stupidest thing you could do in this situation. We do not need to be wasting lives policing a plot full of broken people.
Agree. Just cut the “Palestinians” completely off from everything since they produce nothing themselves. They’ll break eventually or their Arab bros can foot the bill..
The broken people will no longer be in Gaza, now how do we get rid of those in the West Bank?
That headline excited Hunter. He’s rushing over for a lap dance.
He sent his resume to apply as CEO of Gaza utilities.
isn’t ‘the moron’ going to give that job to Barron or Ivanka??? Or some other unqualified MAGA lackey???hahahaah.
Not a good idea. Rebuilding this terrorist rathole will not bring peace. Creating housing for Gazans—generations of terrorist lovers steeped victimhood and Jew hatred—will not buy gratitude or peace, but rather the opposite. ZERO American taxpayer dollars should be spent on this, and ZERO American military should risk death assisting Hamas-loving filth. What to do for Gazans can be a problem for wealthy Middle East nations to solve.
Somebody already created housing for the Gazans. They trashed it. No use making the same mistake twice, especially since we’ve suffered the same syndrome domestically.
Your willingness to puncture conventional thinking
Ummmm, no it isn’t. We’ve done “nation building” all over the place. It hasn’t worked in that part of the world. Ever.
Also, isn’t that precisely what started this whole mess? The “British Mandate of Palestine”? Gaza will just be a smaller “American Mandate of Gaza.”
And, of course, if we run it, will it be just some US-planted gov’t? Or will it end up being a protectorate? Because those people will have a right to come to the US, proper. We have enough Hamasniks here without that little bit of stupid.
If the plan is to put in a US-friendly gov’t, NOT to worship democracy, and to enforce with an iron fist a cultural change for 2 generations, then I’m OK with it. Otherwise it’s just Trump miring us in the ME worse than before.
And, yes, I will acknowledge that Trump is negotiating. He’s always negotiating.
I really hope so.
No, Romans started the whole mess.
Well, I’m talking about the most recent mess. But I won’t argue the point.
US administration of Gaza would not give the inhabitants a right to enter the USA, any more than it did in Okinawa.
It depends entirely on how it’s done. And I don’t trust Congress to not do it the most stupid way possible.
Turn Guantanamo over to the Paleostinians while we rebuild and annex Gaza and build a new Disneyland there.
Disney? Let’s not double down on stupid.
Absolutely no Disney.
When this mistake backfires—which it will—leftists will use it as their tried and true anti-war pose to undermine the Trump administration. Leave this area to the Middle East countries, and continue to focus on the brilliant work of dismantling the leftist Deep State so Americans can live free again.
And apparently no one is seeing the smokescreen this idea is throwing up over what Trump is doing within the executive wing of the government.
Good, I say. Set your hair on fire, run in circles and declare Trump is a warmongering moron who wants to annex half the world. When you can pay attention again, you can see what’s actually happened.
How much money has USAID funneled to Hamas and its Jew killing recently?
This is bombastic rhetoric for negotiating purposes by trump.
Its not possible to force 1.5 million gazans into egypt. Egypt gov might be induced to allower leser number such as 150k to resettle into egypt if they already have family in egypt. That’s about it. Egypt border can be used to transfer international development assistance into gaza.
This isn’t Jordan’s problem to solve.
No country in its right mind is going to take in 1,700 Pali Arabs, nevermind 1,700,000 of them.
I am amazed at the number of normally smart people who do not realize that this is a beginning negotiated position. It is the equivalent of saying: “Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Israel, fix your Palestinian problem or I will fix it by turning Gaza into a resort area to provide lots of jobs!”
hey , remember when the cult crowed that ‘the moron ‘ didn’t start any wars?
Well, now ‘the moron’ is threatening to start one without any good reason. So where is the cult? oh riiiiight- it’s a good idea all of a sudden. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
There is nothing in scripture that suggests that the U.S. has reason to involved in that area. The only thing that comes to my mind is the possible strategic posturing to contend with Iran.
On the uptick, it seems as though the US is Israel’s ONLY friend.
I can only wonder what God was thinking when He decided to give his people a land in such a place.
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