Mitch McConnell Fell Down Stairs After Senate Vote
McConnell fell and sprained his wrist in December.

Fox News’s Chad Pergram confirmed that Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) fell down the Senate stairs after the confirmation vote for Scott Turner for HUD Secretary.
Sens. Steve Daines (R-MT) and Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) helped up the 82-year-old senator.
Fox confirms. McConnell falls down Senate stairs after voting to confirm Scott Turner as HUD Secretary. Unclear about injuries. But Fox is told he appears to be ok. McConnell was helped up by Sens. Steve Daines (R-MT) and Markwayne Mullin (R-OK).
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) February 5, 2025
New: McConnell fell in room, landed on side. Was carrying plate of food, may have bruised face
— John Bresnahan (@bresreports) February 5, 2025
In December, McConnell tripped and fell during a GOP Senate lunch. He sprained his wrist.
In July, McConnell had an episode in front of reporters during his weekly press conference.
He couldn’t speak, forcing Sen. John Barrasso to lead him away. Microphones caught Barrasso asking him, “Hey Mitch, anything else you want to say? Or should we just go back to your office? Do you want to say anything else to the press?”
The next month, McConnell froze again at a podium in northern Kentucky.

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Poor turtle. Hope he landed on his back so he wouldn’t get hurt.
Some kind of Parkinson’s disease at the least
Put him out to pasture, he’s done. If we wouldn’t tolerate Biden’s incapacity, we can’t tolerate it from Mitch either.
Oh, I think everybody involved tolerated Biden quite comfortably until the people got their ONE chance to cashier him.
Ice float.
Biden had promised McConnell that he would show him how to fall up stairs, but left before he could reveal the secret.
When Nancy Pelosi heard the news she said, “Oh my. I hope the sweet dear wasn’t wearing high heels.”
I heard Biden promised Mitch a pair of those stability sneakers he got to stop falling down himself. They seem to work pretty good.
It’s past time for you to go, Mitch. For everyone’s benefit.
He fell? Or, he was pushed?
As noted at Ace, one impediment to having the good Senator retire is that his staff doesn’t want him to retire. Why? Because they won’t be able to get positions elsewhere. He is their meal ticket, their rice bowl. So they’ll wheel the old guy in and out of office, to and from the podium, whatever, so long as it preserves their jobs.
Suppose I tie a string across a stairhead. A fragile relative, from whom I have expectations, trips over it, falls, and perishes. Should we ask whether I tied the string there intenionally? Well, but it’s hard to see how I could have done such a thing unintenionally, or even (what is not the same) not done it intentionally. You don’t do that sort of thing – by accident? By mistake? Inadvertently? On the other hand, would I be bound to admit I did it “on purpose,” or “purposely?” That has an ugly sound. What could the purpose have been if not to trip at least someone? Maybe I had better claim I was simply passing the time, playing cat’s cradle, practicing tying knots.
J. L. Austin, Three Ways of Spilling Ink
Past time for TERM LIMITS
Mitch thank you for your service
Feel free to ask a friendly congressman to propose a constitutional amendment. Good luck with that.
thank you for keep Merrick Garland
from going to the SC …. but it is time
for you to go home ….
What’s the psalm about “grant confusion to my enemies?”
Did he damage the stairs?
Y’all aren’t all that smart sometimes. If McConnell dies or vacates his seat the Dem governor of KY appoints his replacement.
The Kentucky state Legislature passed legislation on Thursday that would change how vacancies in the U.S. Senate are filled, over the objections of Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear.
The Republican-sponsored bill, which would require a special election to choose a senator in the case of an open seat in the unexpired term, passed with bipartisan support as the Legislature nears the end of its session. It passed both chambers with veto-proof majorities.
I verified this. It’s two pieces of good news. The state Republicans found a spine. They succeeded in fixing the problem.
Now it’s up to the voters and the “election system”.
The previous bill before the 2024 bill allow the governor to pick from a list provided by the majority party.
House Bill 622, passed by the Kentucky General Assembly in 2024, changed the process for filling U.S. Senate vacancies in the commonwealth. The law now requires the governor to call a special election to fill the seat and allows the winner to serve out the remainder of the term.
Kentucky law previously allowed the sitting governor to make their own appointment to fill a Senate vacancy. That process was revised in 2021 when the General Assembly passed a law that allowed the governor to choose from three names recommended by the executive committee of the outgoing senator’s state party within 21 days of receiving the list from the party.
After the vacancy was filled, a special election would be held with any candidate who garnered 1,000 signatures being eligible to run.
Wait till some start.getting a serious, well funded primary challenge by the more center/right populists dissatisfied with establishment goons who are refusing to back basic MAGA/MAHA nominees and/or legislative priorities. The old ‘go along/get along don’t rock the boat DC establishment playbook is outdated. Those who insist on sticking to it, especially those in Red State, may find themselves SOL their next primary or even general election. Refuse to tolerate Red State politicians voting like they represent a purple State, a blue State or the DC establishment instead of their own constituents back home.
Watch out, a Dem might take the seat. Just saying be careful. In the legislature, esp. a junior legislator as any replacement for McConnell would be, a new senator, party matters more than anything. I’d much rather a RINO Republican than a pretty good Dem, because most votes are party line. The legislature is a team sport, and the teams are called D and R.
Watchout, maybe a new MAGA senator will take the seat, which might put Thune in an interesting spot. With Trumps success, the whole Mega team will be behind the new candidate.
That would be great. Apparently I was wrongly thinking Kentucky is purple, but those with more information assure us below that it is not.
That is the entire point. If Senator or Congressman X isn’t gonna vote for fundamental MAGA/MAHA policies and the President’s nominees then they are not doing us any good b/c a d/prog would also oppose those things.
Getting them out of the way becomes the priority at this point. These sorts of establishment goons shouldn’t count on core voters of a center/right populist philosophy aka MAGA/MAHA, Tea Party in the general election. They gonna have to earn them.
To reiterate I didn’t say they must vote 100% all the time. I said support the nominees and the basics, the fundamentals of the MAGA/MAHA legislative agenda. I also limited that to Red State, specifically excluding Purple/Blue States. That’s not an unreasonable ask for Red State politicians.
If McConnell leaves the Senate, what is Kentucky’s replacement procedure? Which party is the governor? Amy McGrath the Democrat came close to beating him last time he ran for reelection.
Mark laid it out above.
Oh, we are scared that Amy McGrath might be next. Ha ha ha ha ha. The whole nation of MAGA is getting ready for this. It is time to take back our country.
62% voted for this in Kentucky
Prohibit the state and local governments from allowing noncitizens to vote
Trump won 65% of the vote!
nvm I see it’s discussed above.
Nobody falls down stairs like (Rhode Islander) Peter Griffin, not even Homer Simpson.
I wish they would learn how to pronounce quahog properly.
It’s CAW-hawg, not CO-hawg.
My uncle in Warwick, RI rakes for them to sell and calls them CO hawg.
Maybe it’s an east bay/west bay thing.
Or, more likely, a Portuguese accent thing (grandson of a RI Portuguese fishing boat captain here), I literally never heard the Family Guy pronunciation until Family Guy, Nobody I know says that.
I guess cultures and accents can leave blind spots.
Woody Allen once explained to his second-grade teacher his inability to identify a flashcard picture of a spatula with, “I always thought that was the yiddish word!”
I had a similar experience — I never heard the word colander until I was in high school. It was always a scolamaccharon’.
Of course, just being from RI, I grew up seeing graffiti with “fot” in them, never realizing until age 14 that they were misspelled.
Ah, he didn’t fall down the stairs. The ground suddenly rose to his shoulder.
Maybe next time he can fall all the way out the exit door.
He has seriously aged with major weight loss. Time isn’t on his side…it’s going against him. He made the last election a lifetime appointment. His weakness is exacerbated by childhood polio. Time for the green pastures of Kentucky while he can.
Maybe he can tease a bull, like Raymond Reddington did.
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