RFK Jr. Reminds Bernie Sanders That Big Pharma has Given Million to Almost All Panel Members, Including Sanders
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RFK Jr. Reminds Bernie Sanders That Big Pharma has Given Million to Almost All Panel Members, Including Sanders

RFK Jr. Reminds Bernie Sanders That Big Pharma has Given Million to Almost All Panel Members, Including Sanders

Look, Big Pharma has helped me with my rheumatoid arthritis. But they own this panel.

I didn’t catch the question, but Robert Kennedy Jr. reminded Sen. Bernie Sanders that he and other members of the panel had gotten millions from Big Pharma.

Sanders tried to deny it:

RFK JR: By the way. Bernie. The problem of corruption is not just in the federal agencies, it’s in Congress, too. Almost all the members of this panel are accepting, including yourself, are accepting millions of dollars from the pharmaceutical industry….

SANDERS: No, no, no…Nooooo…

RFK JR: ….to protect their interests.

SANDERS: I ran for president like you. I got millions. I know, millions of contributions. They did not come from the executives. Not one nickel of PAC money from the pharmaceutical engineer. They came from workers all over this country. Not a nickel from corporate….

RFK JR: In 2020, you were the single largest…

SANDERS: Because I had contributions from works all over this country.

RFK JR: $1.5 million

OK, so let’s investigate.

According to Open Secrets, between 2015-2020, Sanders did lead the bunch getting donations from pharmaceutical manufacturing.

Overall, Sanders received over a million from pharmaceuticals/health products from 1990-2024.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


Bernie’s corruption needs to be continually exposed. Dude is a major hypocrite still trying to sell on that “outsider” hype from before he sold out.

    CommoChief in reply to healthguyfsu. | January 30, 2025 at 3:13 pm

    Not just Sanders though, any politician who starts some ‘holier than thou’ tirade or makes bizarre claims about a nominee or anyone else the first thing to do is check out where/who is writing checks to that politician. Then read up on the press releases/position papers of the entity or industry and.see.how closely they lime up to the claims. Then see which media outfits are lined up in support and look at who their major advertisers are. Do that and the origins and scale of the ‘narrative’ become very clear.

    Well, at least Bernie never brought heroin onto a plane in 1984.

      JR in reply to JR. | January 30, 2025 at 6:07 pm

      And Bernie Sanders never left a dead bear in Central Park.

        JR in reply to JR. | January 30, 2025 at 6:15 pm

        Interesting how people here despised the Kennedys when they were in office as President and Senators and Cabinet members (you know, rich, liberal elitists who killed and raped young females) but they now fawn all over a Kennedy who supports Trump. Who would have guessed it?

          healthguyfsu in reply to JR. | January 30, 2025 at 7:21 pm

          The Kennedys are not a monolith, so you are being a simpleton.

          First of all, JFK is quite often considered the Democrat POTUS of yesterday that would be most likely to be conservative and possibly Republican today.

          Secondly, Teddy is a scumbag and that is known across parties by all honest people.

          Thirdly, the current Kennedy is not the other two.

          steves59 in reply to JR. | January 31, 2025 at 7:58 am

          Quit upvoting yourself, loser.
          Trump won. Deal with it.

      mailman in reply to JR. | January 30, 2025 at 6:59 pm

      If you’ve got to go back 41 years for something it’s not the burn you think it is 😂😂

E Howard Hunt | January 30, 2025 at 2:56 pm

Bernie accepted enough drug money to keep Hunter Biden stoned for a few years.

    alaskabob in reply to E Howard Hunt. | January 31, 2025 at 6:31 pm

    Just think… thousands of pharma employees opened their wallets and sent Bernie and other Dems their last penny….. and didn’t even know it I would guess… ActBlue??

Suburban Farm Guy | January 30, 2025 at 3:10 pm

Has he still got only three houses?

Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous

    Bernie and his wife allocate their time equally between their three houses. He says they’ve been living pretty good after his wife bankrupted that little college in Vermont.

      diver64 in reply to Paula. | January 30, 2025 at 7:38 pm

      One of my buddies is a building contractor and worked on Bernie’s Isle LaMont summer cottage. Contrary to what people want to think, it is a typical summer place that used to be very common on lakes all over the NE.

Healthcare is a disaster in this country, we pay the most but we’re not getting our money’s worth. It’s been trending this way for decades with preposterous billing, roll ups of previously independent physicians groups, etc. 0bamacare put the pedal to the metal. We need a disruptor, our current path is unsustainable. I’m not in 100% agreement with RFk Jr, but he makes a lot of valid points. I’d rather have someone like him there under the Trump administration rather than working under another big government democrat or RINO. I didn’t originally support Trump in 2016 until a good friend said simply, “we need a disrupter”. Same holds now for healthcare.

Sanders stands out as one of the dumbest and most hypocritical of all the senators. A poster boy for the low achievers who go into politics and get way richer. Before entering politics he failed at everything he tried. Ended up living in a dirt floor sugar shack in Vermont at an age he should have been gainfully employed, Unfortunately politics seems to attract some the worst in society.

    healthguyfsu in reply to oden. | January 30, 2025 at 3:44 pm

    A crusty old white guy who failed upwards all the way to the government trough. What a face for the Independemocrat party.

Also keep in mind that by FAR and away, the biggest advertiser on the broadcast evening newscasts are Big Pharma companies. Big Media is beholden to Big Pharma. Their coverage is going to reflect their loyalties. That loyalty has been bought and paid for, figuratively and literally.

It’s a good thing for Sanders that he is too stupid to understand how stupid he is.

Early career Bernie: Those corrupt millionaires!
Late career millionaire Bernie: Those corrupt billionaires!

‘ARE YOU SUPPORTIVE OF THESE ONESIES’ may be the single most ridiculous line ever uttered by any member of Congress in any public hearing in history. And there was STIFF competition for that award.

2smartforlibs | January 30, 2025 at 5:03 pm

You would think just by the odds one of these jokers would have asked a pertinent question but the left should be proud of the fools they are and support.

Ouch! This was something to be said.

“Bernie, you have accepted millions of dollars from the Pharmaceutical industry. In 2020 you were the single largest receiver of Pharmaceutical dollars. $1.5M”

That’s (D)ifferent!

Conservative Beaner | January 30, 2025 at 7:04 pm

Or how stupid his voters are.

    amatuerwrangler in reply to Conservative Beaner. | January 30, 2025 at 7:42 pm

    The Dem rank-and-file was willing to nominate Bernie for POTUS in 2016. Only the “special delegates” in the cloak room carried Hillary! to the nomination, and loss to DJT.

      artichoke in reply to amatuerwrangler. | January 30, 2025 at 8:33 pm

      Nobody back then pointed out what RFK Jr. just got past the censors today. Bernie made a mistake and will regret it; he has been exposed.

      He rarely did unscripted moments with the press and had huge rallies that of course he controlled. This was a moment where he forgot his weakness, when someone else had the power to speak to him.

The problem with RFK Jr isn’t just that Big Pharma has poured millions into Congress but that he had the gall to leave the Democrat reservation. That is unforgiveable.

    artichoke in reply to diver64. | January 30, 2025 at 8:31 pm

    RFK Jr. needs a presidential level security detail after that response. Some members of his family have had a habit of blurting out truth, and his uncle and his father were taken out. He’s another one, the real thing, and he must be protected.

Individuals want their companies to prosper to keep their jobs and get bonuses. I used to work at a bank, and they told executives what to donate to. It was part of why they paid those executives so much, so they would have some left over for directed contributions.

Bernie was NAILED, dead-to-rights. With a clip like that, RFK Jr. must be confirmed. Dems should vote for him if they want to keep their seats.

As of right now there are a grand total of two controversial nominees (Tulsi Gabbard and RFK)

Compare RFK having trouble with a Republican Doctor who happens to also be a senator and was correctly appalled by hearing what he said about vaccines in that clip with the next FBI leader being introduced as the next head of the FBI by one of the most moderate Republicans in the senate confirming there is no chance he will be stopped.

If you play the clip past Bernie Sanders taking contributions from Pharma industry you will find he was actually and entirely correct here are tiny numbers of studies

“Gidengil C, Goetz MB, Newberry S, Maglione M, Hall O, Larkin J, Motala A, Hempel S. Safety of vaccines used for routine immunization in the United States: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Vaccine. 2021 Jun 23;39(28):3696-3716. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2021.03.079. Epub 2021 May 25. PMID: 34049735.

Fombonne and Chakrabarti, 2001: An ecological study conducted in the United Kingdom found no evidence of a connection between vaccines and autism.

Stehr-Green et al., 2003: An ecological study in Sweden and Denmark also did not find a link between vaccines and autism.

Heron and Golding, 2004: A prospective cohort study in the United Kingdom concluded that vaccines do not cause autism.

The New England Journal of Medicine, 2002: A study involving over 537,000 Danish children found no association between the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism.

The Lancet, 1999: This study investigated the introduction of the MMR vaccine in the U.K. and found no epidemiological evidence for a causal association with autism.

April 2015, JAMA: This study analyzed the health records of over 95,000 children, with about 2,000 classified as at-risk for autism due to having a sibling already diagnosed with autism. The study confirmed that the MMR vaccine did not increase the risk for autism spectrum disorder.

2019, Annals of Internal Medicine: This large-scale study examined data from over 650,000 children in Denmark and found no link between MMR vaccines and autism. The risk of autism was not higher in vaccinated children compared to unvaccinated children, even among those with a sibling history of autism or other risk factors.

2014, Vaccine: A meta-analysis of case-control and cohort studies concluded that vaccines are not associated with autism. This study combined data from multiple research papers to provide a comprehensive analysis.”

I could go on there are many many many more studies and all of them debunk the vaccines-autism bullshit.

There are doctors like Benjamin Carson who would have been perfect for the role.

I really have mixed feelings. Claims about vaccines could keep kids from being vaccinated and result in the return of childhood death from terrible diseases.

I do not care about soundbites I am alarmed that even now RFK is unable to accept the endless studies debunked the vaccine-autism bullshit.