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Law Prof Suing Louisiana State U. for Removing Him From Teaching for Allegedly Saying ‘F**k Trump’ in Class

Law Prof Suing Louisiana State U. for Removing Him From Teaching for Allegedly Saying ‘F**k Trump’ in Class

“Levy is asking for a restraining order directed at the Board of Supervisors of LSU, ordering the immediate reinstatement of his position and teaching responsibilities.”

I have seen people keep their jobs after things that were much worse than this in recent years.

WAFB News reports:

I-TEAM: Law professor sidelined for comments in class, sues LSU

LSU Law Professor Ken Levy filed a lawsuit against the university late Tuesday evening, alleging his constitutional right to free speech, occupational right to due process, tenure protection and academic freedom have all been violated.

The lawsuit states on January 17, 2025, LSU dean Alena Allen called Professor Levy and told him LSU Human Resources wanted to meet with him the following day, a Saturday.

That same day Levy was relieved of his teaching responsibilities, effective immediately, pending an investigation into student complaints of inappropriate statements made in class.

Levy said he made those comments referring to one of his colleagues who received the ire of Governor Jeff Landry last year.

The lawsuit says that Levy received no prior notice or opportunity to respond prior to the discipline being rendered.

“Petitioner was removed from teaching, because and in blatant violation, of his exercise of his rights to academic freedom and free speech guaranteed to him under the United States and Louisiana Constitutions,” the lawsuit said.

Levy is asking for a restraining order directed at the Board of Supervisors of LSU, ordering the immediate reinstatement of his position and teaching responsibilities.

In a sworn affidavit, Levy said he has been employed with LSU since June of 2009, and is a nationally renowned expert in constitutional law, criminal law and metaphysics.

“During class, I reminded the students of my policy that recording of my class is not permitted. I had a discussion of a recent First Amendment issue which had occurred last semester involving one of my colleagues at the law school received criticism from Governor Landry,” Levy’s statement reads. “I explained that I added a no-recording rule because I did not want to be Governor Landry’s next target – although that is ironically what happened.”

Here’s a video report:

Hat tip to the TaxProfBlog.

Featured image via YouTube.


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This complainer is receiving his full paycheck and is exempt from performing any duties,

I suspect and investigation is being performed and a decision will be made about discipline.

This guy appears to be a crybaby to me.

LOL…Mr. Big head thinks the Governor of LA targeted him. You’re not that important.

Why can’t teachers just teach instead of trying to impose their political views on everyone during class?

I’m wondering where in the law is written fuck Trump, or was that a metaphysical statement?

The irony of someone claiming free speech protection banning recording in the classroom to protect himself for what what he says is farcical.
Let’s play the word game “what if”
What if he said “F*** BLM, Obama and MLK”? What would have been the story?

    coyote in reply to diver64. | January 31, 2025 at 8:47 am

    Exactly, on all counts. At least he didn’t deny saying it. But perhaps he needs to retake a course on contract law. He is supposed to teach Constitutional law, criminal law, and metaphysics? How “fuck Trump” would arise in that context isn’t clear.

    But Levy has two large problems with his lawsuit. The first, by analogy, arises from the question of First amendment protection of, say, an art teacher who is hired to teach, say, Renaissance art. Instead, and without reference to the Renaissance, she teaches Inuit art. She’s not doing what she was hired to do. And if her attitude is ‘fuck the Renaissance,” she’s in flagrant and oppositional breach of contract. Levy may find himself in breach of his.

    The second is that Louisiana is a one party state. He can’t legally ban students from secretly recording his classes. To the degree he tries to do that from his position as a paid teacher, he invites a SLAPP suit.

      diver64 in reply to coyote. | January 31, 2025 at 4:34 pm

      He most certainly is violating State Law in this. My impression is that he is stalling to get the best exit package he can.

Levy doesn’t want his lectures recorded? Hmmm, wonder why.

How would the good professor respond to a student who said “F**Joe Biden” or “F- Professor Levy” in his class? I suspect he would want negative consequences for that student.

I have a strong suspicion that the good professor is of the “Rules for thee, not for me” variety.

He can claim no recording all he wants. Louisiana is a one party state. He can’t stop students from doing that.

If true, he should win. There is likely more going on here.

Dean Robinson | February 1, 2025 at 3:18 am

Well, seems likely that they were paying him to teach law, not spew out political rants. He can say whatever he wants outside of class, even if it is classless. I am employed to teach psychiatry, and I try to stick to that. If I were to start proselytizing or self-promoting they would have a right to fire me, too.