Illegal Alien Accused of Burning Woman Alive Allegedly Makes Damning Statements
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Illegal Alien Accused of Burning Woman Alive Allegedly Makes Damning Statements

Illegal Alien Accused of Burning Woman Alive Allegedly Makes Damning Statements

“Oh damn, that’s me!”

Do. Not. Ever. Say. Anything.

Illegal alien Sebastian Zapeta-Calil stands accused of burning New Jersey native Debrina Kawam, 61, alive on a New York City subway.

The Guatemalan native pleaded not guilty to murder and arson charges.

The New York Post reported that Zapeta-Calil did not keep his mouth shut when investigators showed him a video of the crime:

The illegal immigrant accused of torching a woman to death on a Brooklyn subway train was so blacked-out drunk that he was shocked when cops showed him video of the appalling attack, newly released court records reveal.

“Oh damn, that’s me!” Guatemalan native Sebastian Zapeta-Calil, 33, allegedly told NYPD detectives when he was shown footage of the Dec. 22 attack at a Brooklyn F train station.

“No, the truth is I don’t remember,” he said. “Oh my goodness!”

Zapeta-Calil looked disgusted at the images, wiping his eyes and putting his head down on a table, according to a transcript of the interview unsealed in Brooklyn Supreme Court on Tuesday.

Zapeta-Calil also allegedly told law enforcement, “Sometimes when I drink and erase the memory, and I don’t know, right?”

He didn’t stop: “When I wake up, I’m already in the house, already sleeping. I wake up when I’m already home, or there are times when I wake up and I’m already at the train station. I was drunk. I drink in the afternoons.”

Zapeta-Calil supposedly apologized, saying, “I didn’t mean to. But I really don’t know. I don’t know what happened, but I’m very sorry for that woman.”

Defense attorneys! Please control your client, for crying out loud.

The filing provided more details of the crime:

He told Brooklyn detectives he worked as a roofer with “a Mexican,” and got off work and made a beeline for a Queens bar, where he drank beer and tequila — then picked up some beer and kept drinking, according to a transcript of the interview.

After a night of boozing it up, Zapeta-Calil told cops, he got on the F train early on the morning of the attack.

“Then, being about 8 or 9 in the morning, I stayed on 18th Avenue,” he allegedly said. “I really don’t remember how I got on this F train. When I reacted, I was already on it. When I woke up, I was already on the F train.”

The migrant allegedly got off at the Stillwell Avenue-Coney Island station and lit Kawan on fire while she slept, and was picked up by police later in the day near Columbus Circle.


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2smartforlibs | January 7, 2025 at 5:33 pm

Sounds like an insanity defense in the making.

Yes sir, no excuse sir.

I wish he could be disposed of in the same way. He is totally depraved.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | January 7, 2025 at 5:53 pm

It doesn’t matter what he does or does not claim to remember. In a fair and just world he would be put to death by the torch. A small torch, even.

    A Bic lighter.

    As much as that would be justice being served, I’m afraid I must disagree. Our civilization must temper justice with mercy.

    After a murderer pleads guilty he can be told that “You’re free to go”, and let him walk down the aisle of the courtroom. A sniper hidden on a balcony fires a single head-shot, dropping him instantly while he’s still smiling about getting away with it. Toss the corpse into an unmarked grave somewhere in the western sagebrush desert so no one can make a memorial out of it, and the nutrients in the body can at least make a small part of the desert grow better.

    No one can complain about “cruel and unusual punishment”; he died instantly and happy, unlike the poor woman he essentially tortured to death. To me this would be merciful.

    Since I have absolutely NO trust in any governmental body, I would reserve capital punishment of this type only for those who plead guilty. Because of the irreversibility of a death sentence, the rest should serve a life sentence with no possibility of parole at hard, uncomfortable labor. Of course, that doesn’t preclude the possibility of an evil cabal propping up a senile President who could then pardon or commute their sentence…

Has anyone ever been acquitted on a defense of alcohol-fueled temporary insanity?

Regardless of any precedent this guy should fry. Bring back public hangings; it’s long overdue.

    scooterjay in reply to WestRock. | January 7, 2025 at 6:48 pm

    I agree. People that act with impunity need to see firsthand the result of illegal activity.

    CommoChief in reply to WestRock. | January 7, 2025 at 7:12 pm

    Yep. Public hanging at Noon on the Courthouse lawn. Stop the execution at midnight BS with limited witnesses where the process comes across as something to be ashamed of and hidden away. Make it open and maybe the death penalty can serve as something of a deterrent again.

    Well, Hunter Biden’s attorneys as well as all his apologists on the Left seemed to excuse his various criminal behaviors as due to his being “in the throes of drug addiction.”

    rbj1 in reply to WestRock. | January 7, 2025 at 7:31 pm

    Voluntary intoxication is no defense. At most it could reduce first degree murder to second.

    Sanddog in reply to WestRock. | January 8, 2025 at 12:57 am

    He willingly poured that alcohol down his throat. I don’t think it “made” him do a damned thing he probably hadn’t thought about doing before.

“He told Brooklyn detectives he worked as a roofer with “a Mexican,” and got off work and made a beeline for a Queens bar, where he drank beer and tequila — then picked up some beer and kept drinking”

This is “the good life” he walked across a continent to obtain…? No beer in Guatemala?

He said. “Oh my goodness!”

Sure he did.

    utroukx in reply to Paula. | January 7, 2025 at 9:45 pm

    That went through my mind, too. If we’re stupid enough to let just anybody in, we’re stupid enough to let someone off because they were drunk and they “don’t remember.”

    Milhouse in reply to Paula. | January 7, 2025 at 9:57 pm

    In Spanish, obviously. It’s an idiomatic translation of whatever he actually said.

      ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Milhouse. | January 8, 2025 at 8:21 am

      I have never seen a Spanish phrase translated as “Oh my goodness!”. I doubt there is any such idiom in Spanish. DO you think he said “Ay chihuahua!” and they warped it into the English “Oh my goodness!” to make him sound like some sort of choirboy … a choirboy who just happened to set a woman on fire and fan the flames to make sure she was burned to death as he watched?

      “Oh my goodness!” is no friggin “idiomatic translation” of any Spanish phrase and certainly not one from a demented homicidal maniac.

      ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Milhouse. | January 8, 2025 at 8:25 am

      The closest online translators get to “Oh my goodness” is “Dios mio”, which is not “Oh my goodness” in anything but a forced translation where the translator has an obvious agenda.

And he remembered to bring an accelerant with him … how?

    henrybowman in reply to hopp singg. | January 8, 2025 at 4:15 am

    The victim was surrounded by empty liquor bottles — hers or his, I haven’t heard. But I don’t think liquor is all that flammable, at least until you get to the 151 rum, which isn’t a popular street drink.

      TargaGTS in reply to henrybowman. | January 8, 2025 at 8:12 am

      151 is obscenely flammable, which is why it’s not allowed on an airplane. Generally, anything 100-proof (50% alcohol) or more is dangerously flammable, which I would define as so dangerous, even the vapors will ignite. Fortunately, that excludes most alcohol that is sold (most is 80-proof, or less). Unfortunately, a lot of street drunks favor 100-proof Vodka because of it’s strength-to-price ratio.

      Ghostrider in reply to henrybowman. | January 8, 2025 at 8:16 am

      The perpetrator liked to drink tequila, which has a minimum alcohol content of 40% (80 proof), though some types contain up to 65% alcohol.

      Bacardi 151 and Sambucca have a higher alcohol content and are highly flammable but for all purposes, Tequila is flammable, too.

E Howard Hunt | January 8, 2025 at 6:50 am

I believe everything he said. The question is why hordes of these unskilled, low IQ peasants, who are genetically intolerant of alcohol, are encouraged to enter and stay in our country. I think he should be released, sent back to Guatemala, and Chuck Schumer should serve his prison sentence for him.

The man who shot and killed President McKinley was arrested by NY police, tried in NY state court and within 7-weeks of the shooting, was PUT TO DEATH by the state of NY.

It will likely be no less than 18-months before this guy’s trial starts. His worst case scenario is life in prison for setting a woman on fire as she road the subway. Pam Bondi should find a way to make this a federal death penalty offense.

    MAJack in reply to TargaGTS. | January 8, 2025 at 10:39 am

    The would be assassin of FDR, who ended up killing the Mayor of Chicago, took a ride to Old Sparky only 33 days after firing the shots.