Anti-Trump FBI Agent Broke Protocol by Opening Case Against Trump
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Anti-Trump FBI Agent Broke Protocol by Opening Case Against Trump

Anti-Trump FBI Agent Broke Protocol by Opening Case Against Trump

Fox News pointed out that “only special agents have the authority to open criminal investigations.”

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Chairman Ron Johnson shared emails with Fox News showing that FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Timothy Thibault broke protocol by opening the “Arctic Frost” investigation into President Donald Trump.

Yes, Thibault, a notorious anti-Trump FBI agent, opened the election interference case against Trump led by former Special Counsel Jack Smith.

Thibault lost his job “after he violated the Hatch Act in his political posts on social media.”

Fox News pointed out that “only special agents have the authority to open criminal investigations.”

From the report:

One email, obtained and reviewed by Fox News Digital, revealed Thibault communicating with a subordinate agent on Feb. 14, 2022.

Thibault said: “Here is draft opening language we discussed,” and attached material that would later become part of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s elector case.

Another email, sent by Thibault on Feb. 24, 2022, to a prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia, John Crabb, states: “I had a discussion with the case team and we believe there to be predication to include former President of the United States Donald J. Trump as a predicated subject.”

Sources told Fox News Digital, though, that Thibault took the action to open the investigation and involve Trump, despite being unauthorized to open criminal investigations in his role — only special agents have the authority to open criminal investigations.

Another email, sent on the same day, notes that he would seek approval from Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray to open the case.

Next, an email on Feb. 25, 2022, sent by a subordinate agent, Michelle Ball, to Thibault states that they added Trump and others as a criminal subject to the case.

Thibault responded: “Perfect.”

In another email, Thibault attached the “investigative opening for approval” without including “Trump as a criminal subject.”


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Bring Smith and Garland in to testify publicly and admit to it. They can’t plead the 5th thanks to pardons and if they lie, perjury.

irishgladiator63 | January 30, 2025 at 3:46 pm

The FBI agent in charge of a field office is the Special Agent in Charge (SAC). The next guy down in the Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC). They’re still both FBI Special Agents. They’re just supervisors.

    henrybowman in reply to irishgladiator63. | January 30, 2025 at 4:46 pm

    That was my question as well. The only way this complaint works is if a “Special Agent in Charge” is not a “Special Agent.” This beggars belief.

JackinSilverSpring | January 30, 2025 at 3:51 pm

Should Kash Patel be approved as Director of the FBI, the best he could do isc to shut down the FBI. If he doesn’t get approved, then Trump should shut it down.

    sounds like a classic Ttump idea.
    Dumb, not thought out. No rhyme or reason. That’s MAGA for you

      JackinSilverSpring in reply to tjv1156. | January 30, 2025 at 4:59 pm

      How many intelligence failures by the FBI and what degree of weaponization of the FBI would it take to convince you of the need to shut it down? Because strong with you is the TDS, what might convince you is if the FBI was weaponized against DemoncRats. Then you would be shouting from the rafters to shut it down.

        always the best way to solve a problem. Just get rid of the whole thing! Let Trump do whatever he wants. Steal Classified documents. Incite insurrection with lies about election fraud. Interfere in State elections. He’s the savior of this country being RUINED by Biden. By ‘ruin’ , I mea record Dow, record job creation, record doestice oil production, ,inflation under control Please almighty Trump- hurry and ‘fix ‘ all that!!!!SMH.

          AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to tjv1156. | January 31, 2025 at 4:14 pm


          Milhouse in reply to tjv1156. | February 2, 2025 at 6:33 am

          When something is a problem, when something is harmful, then yes, the solution is to get rid of it. If you can’t fix it and make it helpful instead of harmful, then take it down. The FBI has been acting as an enemy of the people for at least the past 40 years if not longer, and in the last ten years it’s only got worse.

          I’ve long thought hat it’s beyond repair and needs to be razed to the ground and a new agency established that will not be allowed to hire anyone from the old one. But if Patel thinks he can rescue it, more power to him. I trust him to do it right, or to declare that he’s failed and it should be torn down.

      Paula in reply to tjv1156. | January 30, 2025 at 5:14 pm

      Thank you for taking the time to tell us what it sounds like to you. It shows you’re a freaking idiot.

        tjv1156 in reply to Paula. | January 31, 2025 at 7:09 am

        PAula- the difference between me and you is that I see Trump for who he is.
        You are deep in the cult, so you don’t.
        The leader has absolute power and is not held accountable.

        The group uses coercive persuasion to make members dependent on the leader.
        Black-and-white thinking
        The group promotes a simplistic worldview, often positioning itself as good and the outside world as evil.
        No room for questions
        The group discourages critical thinking or dissent.

        Unreasonable fears
        The group may promote unreasonable fears about the outside world, often involving evil conspiracies and persecutions.
        Charismatic leader
        The leader becomes the focus of worship and the source of power for the group.
        Belief in the leader
        Members believe the leader is right at all times and is the only source of truth.
        Belief in the group
        Members believe the group is the only safe place and that the answers to all questions can only come from the leader.

        Nobody likes to admit they are too dumb to think for themselves. I understan that

      guyjones in reply to tjv1156. | January 30, 2025 at 6:13 pm

      It’s understandable that Dhimmi-crat fanatics such as yourself don’t want to lose your Party’s Stasi/NKVD; an organization that is devoted to protecting corrupt and self-enriching Dhimmi-crat standard-bearers (e.g., the Clinton and Biden crime families) from serious investigation/prosecution, and, is dedicated to engaging in lawless and brazen sabotage of GOP candidates/officeholders and subversion of the democratic process.

        tjv1156 in reply to guyjones. | January 31, 2025 at 7:13 am

        Trump-3 frauds.Sexual assault, Libel. 34 felony convictions. 91 criminal indictments.Clinton ,Obama and Biden. 0 indictments. 0 judgments. 0 convictions. Your deep in the cult – you don’t see it.Belief in the leader
        Members believe the leader is right at all times and is the only source of truth.
        Belief in the group
        Members believe the group is the only safe place and that the answers to all questions can only come from the leader.

          Milhouse in reply to tjv1156. | February 2, 2025 at 6:51 am

          Trump-3 frauds.Sexual assault, Libel. 34 felony convictions. 91 criminal indictments.Clinton ,Obama and Biden. 0 indictments. 0 judgments. 0 convictions.

          You’re only proving our point. I don’t know of any crimes 0bama committed; maybe his lack of indictments is above board. But the fact that Clinton and Biden, with their long and felonious careers, were never indicted, let alone convicted, while Trump, who doesn’t seem to have committed any crimes, has been persecuted as he has, proves how corrupt the DOJ and FBI are. And that’s why they need to be fixed or destroyed. They are positively harmful.

      healthguyfsu in reply to tjv1156. | January 30, 2025 at 8:56 pm

      Yes going to be fun to continually follow your meltdown over the next 4+ years.

      henrybowman in reply to tjv1156. | January 30, 2025 at 11:07 pm

      When the “Trump FBI” finds your kiddie porn, we’ll all suddenly be watching you sing a different tune.

        tjv1156 in reply to henrybowman. | January 31, 2025 at 7:16 am

        speaking of porn- did you know Melania was a pornstar?And that Trump effed a pornstar while said pornstar was pregnant. This is the trash in our white house.

          Milhouse in reply to tjv1156. | February 2, 2025 at 6:53 am

          What’s wrong with porn stars? What have you got against them? Or do you imagine that we must have something against them?

      CincyJan in reply to tjv1156. | January 30, 2025 at 11:37 pm

      Nice to have you here. Many of the commenters here include reasons for their opinions, not just snide criticisms. But that’s just us.

      steves59 in reply to tjv1156. | January 31, 2025 at 7:59 am

      Shut up, Johnny.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to tjv1156. | January 31, 2025 at 4:13 pm

      It’s not polite to lick your balls in public. 🤮

Trump never does anything wrong. Ever. Why do they always pick on him,

    Paula in reply to tjv1156. | January 30, 2025 at 6:04 pm

    How clever! That’s genius.

    Only this, everyone of your stupid posts is saying the same old thing over and over: orange man bad, orange man bad, orange man bad, orange man bad,

      tjv1156 in reply to Paula. | January 31, 2025 at 9:10 am

      Every one of your posts is the same. Trump awesome . Trump awesome. Trump awesome. ‘ but paula what about all the crimes. He couldn’t get hired at Walmart with that criminal resume?’ Paula (fingers in ears) ‘ trump’s awesome ..trump’s awesome. Trump’s awesome’ . #checkmate

        Milhouse in reply to tjv1156. | February 2, 2025 at 7:09 am

        What crimes? After such a major effort to get at him in some way, they never could come up with anything real and convincing.

        It’s H. Clinton who has the long string of felonies going all the way back to her Arkansas days, particularly the cattle futures scandal, for which there is no rational explanation that leaves her looking innocent.

    guyjones in reply to tjv1156. | January 30, 2025 at 6:15 pm

    Criticize the sainted/deified Obama, once. Let’s hear it. Utter one scintilla of criticism about the narcissist-incompetent-dunce.

    You are still drunk on “Hope and Change” Kool-Aid, from 2008.

      tjv1156 in reply to guyjones. | January 31, 2025 at 1:54 pm

      I voted for McCain and Romney. You know back when the GOP had core principles.How’s that? I sat out 2016 because I was well aware of what an incompetent conman Trump was. I was proved right.

    healthguyfsu in reply to tjv1156. | January 30, 2025 at 8:57 pm

    Just continue to point and laugh at this miserable creature. The tears are delicious.

    steves59 in reply to tjv1156. | January 31, 2025 at 8:02 am


    Milhouse in reply to tjv1156. | February 2, 2025 at 6:58 am

    And yet of all the wrong things he’s done his enemies couldn’t seem to find any, and had to resort to making things up. Either obviously fabricated stories, like that lying bitch Carroll’s, or manufacturing ridiculous “crimes” out of whole cloth as Bragg and Willis did.

MoeHowardwasright | January 30, 2025 at 5:26 pm

Trying to change the subject doesn’t do it. These fbi “agents” went outside the boundaries set up to avoid this type of crap. These agents, Jack Smith and his band of conspiratorial lawyers should all be investigated. Grand juries, Congressional panels. Make them burn through their life savings as they have done to conservatives.

    Bruce Hayden in reply to MoeHowardwasright. | January 30, 2025 at 11:34 pm

    Top of the list should be Jay Bratt, formerly the DOJ’s head of their Counterintelligence and Export Control organization, and Smith’s deputy special counsel. He was instrumental in setting up, initiating, and running the FL documents case against Trump. He signed visited MAL, went through boxes of documents, refused to grant Trump’s requests for extensions of time or rolling production, filed the extraordinarily broad search warrant, and the initial indictment.

A name tied to that of Timothy Thibault is Brian Auten, a senior intelligence analyst who worked closely with Thibault on these investigations. Both of them were apparently involved in whitewashing Hunter Biden and initiating the MAL raid (despite being located in DC. Turns out that Auten also worked closely with DOJ Counterintelligence and Import Control chief Jay Bratt, who ran the FL case against Trump. Auten had earlier been a part of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division, where he worked with Peter Strzok on the Midyear Exam (Clinton email) and Crossfire Hurricane (Trump Russiagate) investigations. He had the job of verifying Steele’s primary sub source, failed to do that, but that failure failed to make it into any of the Carter Page FISA warrants. Both of them contributed to the DNC, ETC.