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Report: Biden Mulling Over Idea of Commuting Sentences of Some Federal Death Row Inmates

Report: Biden Mulling Over Idea of Commuting Sentences of Some Federal Death Row Inmates

“…anyone who supports commuting their sentences will and should be painted as soft on crime in campaign ads.”

Ten days before President Joe Biden announced he was granting clemency to 1,500 convicted criminals who due to the pandemic had served out their sentences at home, soft-on-crime leftists including woke Congressman Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) were calling on him to “pardon” people who were on death row.

Bowman, who lost his primary campaign earlier this year, said in so many words at the time that if Biden was going to pardon his son, convicted felon Hunter Biden, then death row inmates should be given the same courtesy:

Other Democrat members of Congress including some of Bowman’s fellow Squad members also pushed for leniency from Biden:

In response, Biden is reportedly considering commuting the sentences of most of the 40 inmates who are on federal death row after meeting with the Pope and after pressure from religious groups and criminal justice advocates. If Biden follows through with it, the sentences would convert to life without parole:

Attorney General Merrick Garland, who oversees federal prisons, has recommended that Biden commute all but a handful of the sentences, the people familiar with the matter said, excepting a few terrorism and hate-crimes cases. The Justice Department had no immediate comment.

Possible exceptions could include Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, convicted in the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing that killed three and wounded more than 250 others, Robert Bowers, who killed 11 people in the 2018 attack on the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, and Dylann Roof, who in 2015 killed nine at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C.

The Wall Street Journal also cited family members of some murder victims, including the daughter of Mother Emanuel AME Church mass shooting victim Ethel Lance, as saying the death penalty does not give them peace of mind nor a “sense of justice.”

“The death penalty does not help victim family members. It doesn’t give us any sense of justice for the person to be executed,” Rev. Sharon Risher, an anti-death penalty activist, told the WSJ.

The details on some of the inmates whose sentences Biden may commute were, not surprisingly, pretty scary:

The federal death row roster includes Kaboni Savage, who was convicted of committing or ordering the deaths of 12 people including four children as a Philadelphia drug dealer, and Thomas Sanders, who in 2010 kidnapped and then shot 12-year-Lexis Roberts four times and cut her throat — after also murdering her mother.

Others include Iouri Mikhel, who was convicted of murdering five Russian and Georgian immi­grants after kidnapping them for ransom, and Jorge Avila-Torrez, who murdered two girls in 2005 and then a naval officer four years later.

Understandably, tough-on-crime proponents weren’t happy with the news:

Obviously, opinions on the death penalty vary. But I have to think of all the wounds that will be ripped open on family members who are in favor of capital punishment if Biden decides to go through with the commutations.

According to the WSJ story, we could know as soon as Christmas what Biden’s decision on this will be.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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Joe Biden isn’t considering anything. He is not, at this point in time, capable of considering anything. It’s the White House staff doing the considering: “some people are about to do something…”

    It’s been awhile since he considered anything.

    cattyhottail in reply to stevewhitemd. | December 21, 2024 at 12:47 pm

    I’m wondering if Joe Biden isn’t doing the pardoning (because he can’t remember his own name), Then is it really a LEAGLE pardon? And will these pardons be executable?

      Milhouse in reply to cattyhottail. | December 22, 2024 at 7:18 am

      The only one with standing to challenge the commutations will be Trump, if he wishes to proceed with the executions. And he would have to prove that Biden didn’t direct them. So long as Biden is occasionally competent, which appears to be the case, how could Trump prove that the commutations weren’t made at just such a moment, when Biden had just woken up from a nap and was completely aware and oriented?

    Joe-dallas in reply to stevewhitemd. | December 22, 2024 at 10:15 am

    In most every state, if the person lacks “capacity” then any contracts signed by the person are null and void. Though getting a person declared to lack capacity in a court of law is very difficult.

    In most every state Biden would meet the legal definition of lack of capacity. Thus it raises the question if he lacks capacity are any of his actions null and void.

It’s a swamping effect. There’s serious crime somewhere that they want to hide in a way that an individual pardon could not.

    Dimsdale in reply to rhhardin. | December 21, 2024 at 6:45 pm

    Well, putting out death row murderers with a Biden “get out of jail free” card will certainly provide cover for whatever they are doing.

But, but the research shows that the death penalty (is it a penalty like holding or a sentence?) doesn’t deter crime. Well, it deters at least one person.

    JackinSilverSpring in reply to Obie1. | December 22, 2024 at 5:15 pm

    I have always thought the same thing. The perp in jail cannot commit a crime. Indeed, many such perps will commit multiple crimes when released. Keeping them in jail longer is a sure way to reduce crime.

“The death penalty does not help victim family members. It doesn’t give us any sense of justice for the person to be executed”

Well, Reverend… Let me put it to you this way. The death penalty has been shown conclusively to prevent any sort of recidivism. And if the response to that is “they’d be serving life without parole” then I have a bridge to sell you. There’s no limit to progressive activism when it comes to normalizing crime and lionizing perpetrators. Exhibit A: Saint George of Fentanyl.

I wonder how close this society is to the return of vigilantism?

    “The death penalty does not help victim family members.”

    Neither does life in prison help the family. The purpose of the death penalty is not to help anyone, it is to punish the killer and keep him from doing it again,

    The punishment should match the crime—whether the victim had a lot of family members or no family members at all should not matter.

      rhhardin in reply to Paula. | December 21, 2024 at 1:42 pm

      The death penalty is neither deterrence nor retribution. It marks the respect accorded by society to the voice of the victim, a voice that is missing.

    The death penalty is the only situation in human existence (with the exception of suicide) where a person knows the exact day and time of their death.

    This focuses the mind and provides the criminal with a clear path to making peace with the Creator and seeking forgiveness before death.

    And the 0% recividism rate is a big plus for society.

Oh, he met with the Pope, like a good Catholic boy. But what about all the baby murdering?

IMO Biden is not remotely “there”. Is a pardon legal if merely issued by someone else in the President’s name? There would be plenty of victims with standing to sue.

    Paula in reply to jb4. | December 21, 2024 at 12:15 pm

    Biden is not remotely “there”.

    Some claim he’s working from home or from the beach. But the fact is, he’s not working at all because his mental computer is not functioning.

    Milhouse in reply to jb4. | December 22, 2024 at 7:21 am

    Victims would not have standing. Only Trump would have standing, if he chose to challenge the pardons and commutations.

    But he’d have to prove that Biden didn’t personally direct the pardon or commutation to be made. And so long as Biden has lucid moments, how could he prove that?

Another reminder I should have bought that Joe Biden The Quicker F***ker Upper” t-shirt…

Less than a month away from this clown show leaving. How can he keep topping what he did the day before. Can’t someone stop this crazy train?

    Paula in reply to DaddyO. | December 21, 2024 at 12:22 pm

    “How can he keep topping what he did the day before?”

    Because he has lots of toppings in his refrigerator?

    No. Because he will resign on Jan 1st and Kamala will be president for 19 days.

      Milhouse in reply to Paula. | December 22, 2024 at 7:23 am

      Why would he do that, and if he were planning to do it why would he wait for Jan 1? Why did he not do it weeks ago?

    cattyhottail in reply to DaddyO. | December 21, 2024 at 12:53 pm

    Exactly! No one has complete power to destroy a country. Why isn’t this craziness being stopped? We have to vote out anyone who believes that this is what the people want. Really, they don’t care what we want, so we must oust them!

      Milhouse in reply to cattyhottail. | December 22, 2024 at 7:25 am

      Stopped by whom? The only people who can remove the president for incompetence are Harris and a majority of the cabinet, and that’s only if he doesn’t object. If he files an objection then it would take 2/3 of both houses of Congress to do it, which is more than it takes to impeach and remove him.

If it weren’t so serious, we could laugh.

Mumbles, bumbles and stumbles – Joe Biden’s cringiest moments and biggest gaffes

This a-hole will be screwing America until the bitter end. Let’s hope he’s room temperature soon.

    Paula in reply to MAJack. | December 21, 2024 at 12:39 pm

    The end is drawing nigh.

    henrybowman in reply to MAJack. | December 21, 2024 at 11:24 pm

    And he’s even busy making deals designed to screw Trump and America after he’s well out of office. I predict his presidential library, assuming it ever gets built, is going to need tons and tons of fire suppression equipment.

The left have been pro-criminal for a long time

And this hand puppet still has 30 days to bone us.

We need Rip to take’em to the train station

Saw at Frontpage Mag he has let out a few ponzi scammers who stole billions
He probably wishes to let every crimal out to destroy the country.

There are some seriously f-cked up individuals on death row across the country. Pardoning them will directly lead to multiple rapes and murders. It’s not even a guess – it’s a guaranteed outcome. It would be the height of criminal negligence.

“if Biden was going to pardon his son, convicted felon Hunter Biden, then death row inmates should be given the same courtesy”
Great optics, ya dipwit.
Draw an equivalence between death-row mass murderers and Hunter Biden.
Hey, *I* didn’t do that.

None of those brutal animals should have their death sentences commuted. They should receive the ultimate penalty they earned for their heinous crimes, and it should be administered in a timely fashion. This sitting around and around for years as appeal after appeal grinds through the courts causes the families of the victims even more pain. And don’t think the psycho murderers don’t love it. Time to give them their one-way ticket to hell.