Illegal Alien Accused of Setting NYC Woman on Fire Deported in 2018
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Illegal Alien Accused of Setting NYC Woman on Fire Deported in 2018

Illegal Alien Accused of Setting NYC Woman on Fire Deported in 2018

He snuck back in at some point. By April 2023, he lived in one tax-payer funded migrant shelters in NYC.

Police identified Guatemalan illegal alien Sebastian Zapeta-Calil as the man who lit a woman on fire on one NYC subway train.

The video then caught the man calmly watching the woman burning alive.

We also learned the U.S. deported Zapeta-Calil in 2018, but he snuck back into the States. From The New York Post:

The accused firebug, who has not yet been charged, first entered the US illegally at the Arizona border in 2018, but was nabbed just days later and shipped back home.

He later crossed the border again, dodging federal agents and finding his way north to the five boroughs — although it is unclear how long he was in the city before the horrific F train attack Sunday, the sources said.

The publication reported that Zapeta-Calil appeared again in April 2023, living in a Days Inn on 36th Street, one of the many tax-payer-funded illegal alien shelters.

The city gave the illegal alien a transit ticket in 2023. He listed “a shelter on Randall’s island” as his address.

Authorities are waiting for the autopsy report of the woman to determine the charges against Zapeta-Calil.


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Has Joe Biden pardoned this guy yet?

Make this savage endure the same fate as his victim: Make Pyres Great Again.

    guyjones in reply to TargaGTS. | December 23, 2024 at 3:32 pm

    Newsolini will put him on his appointment list, to be FEMA’s U.S. Fire Administrator, in his Administration.

    So the terrorist in Germany who killed all of the Christmas shoppers was not an Islamic Fundamentalist Jihad warrior, as most of the commentators here assumed without any evidence whatsoever, but was in fact a German who said the Germany had failed to do enough to combat the “Islamism of Europe.”

    He has also voiced support for the far-right and anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. Just like Trump supporters. Go figure. It will likely happen here in America as well.

      ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to JR. | December 23, 2024 at 6:13 pm


      Yeah … that’s why he attacked Christians shopping for Christmas like a jihadi dirtbag .. because he was combating islam and looking for support from right wingers, who were likely shopping for Christmas at that moment.

      He had been thinking about bombing a mosque but then decided that a real right-winger and anti-islamist would mow down people at a Christmas bazaar.

      guyjones in reply to JR. | December 23, 2024 at 6:35 pm

      Like a fool, you credulously swallow even the most transparently fallacious propaganda, and, then, you possess the brazen gall to present it and criticize the posters, here.

      The terrorist — a Saudi, not a “German,” as you evasively and dishonestly claim — was a run-of-the-mill Islamofascist/Muslim supremacist fanatic, and, his supposed renunciation of/criticism of the ideology of Submission’s intrinsic pathologies, supremacism, totalitarianism and belligerence were acts of Islamic deceit in furtherance of “holy war,” in accordance with the principle of taqiyya, but, you don’t know what that is, so, we must suffer another one of your idiotic and uninformed posts.

      The terrorist’s own words:

      ““First: I assure you that if Germany wants a war, we will fight it. If Germany wants to kill us, we will slaughter them, die, or go to prison with pride. Because we have exhausted all peaceful means and all we have received from the police, state security, the prosecution, the judiciary, and the (Federal) Ministry of the Interior is more crimes against us. Peace is of no use with them,”

      Paula in reply to JR. | December 23, 2024 at 6:38 pm

      Sweet Sister Josephine. That takes the cake.

      TargaGTS in reply to JR. | December 23, 2024 at 6:38 pm

      My man, there’s VIDEO of him screaming Allahu Akbar as he was being arrested. It was Islamic terrorism.

      Paula in reply to JR. | December 23, 2024 at 6:42 pm

      Asstroll projection much?.

      steves59 in reply to JR. | December 23, 2024 at 7:31 pm

      Let’s hope Father Christmas brings you a brain and a ball gag.
      Perhaps that will help shut your cake hole.

      JR in reply to JR. | December 23, 2024 at 7:32 pm

      Describing himself as a former Muslim, the suspect shared dozens of tweets and retweets daily focusing on anti-Islam themes, criticizing the religion and congratulating Muslims who left the faith.

      He also accused German authorities of failing to do enough to combat what he said was the “Islamism of Europe.”

      I’m guessing he was a Trump supporter.

        steves59 in reply to JR. | December 23, 2024 at 7:56 pm

        I’m guessing you’re a poofter in a caftan.
        Didn’t they teach you anything about showing actual evidence of your assertions?

        henrybowman in reply to JR. | December 24, 2024 at 1:45 am

        Of course, JR believes every one of the killer’s own claims to be “proof.”

This is a pretty good reason not only to shut off all immigration – legal and illegal – until such time as we have removed all illegal aliens but also to begin dismantling the welfare state as a whole.

This vermin should not have been here and the fact that we were housing and feeding him just adds insult to injury.

May that young lady murdered rest in eternal peace and her death not be in vain.

Tired of this ____.

The poor victim is the new Kitty Genovese. The victim of a crime in progress whom people chose to ignore and to callously refuse to help. Her murder, and, the passersby’s indifference to her plight are a sign of the decaying morals, and, the appalling moral cowardice, that now exist as the standard of human behavior in Dhimmi-crat-run cities.

This poor woman didn’t have a Daniel Penny, or, another good Samaritan, to help her. Even the NYPD officers are now mired in cowardice and total indifference, as the video indicates.

    Milhouse in reply to guyjones. | December 23, 2024 at 8:04 pm

    Kitty Genovese is a myth. No one actually chose to ignore Genovese or callously refused to help. There were no witnesses to her murder, and several people who heard her scream in the earlier attack did call the police. Many others didn’t realize what had happened, since no one actually saw the first attack in full either.

    docduracoat in reply to guyjones. | December 25, 2024 at 9:27 am

    Any bystander would be mad to get involved after the Daniel Penny trial.
    You can be certain the Manhattan D A will charge you if you are white and hurt or killed the criminal.

Can an illegal be prosecuted for a capital crime Federally, and then be executed, regardless of states who do not have capital punishment? If not, then it is time legislate such.

    Milhouse in reply to JohnSmith100. | December 23, 2024 at 8:06 pm

    Only if he committed a federal crime. The mere fact of his being here illegally doesn’t make state or local crimes he commits any business of the federal government.

We already pay to house killers in prisons. Now we pay for them to live in hotels?

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | December 23, 2024 at 5:40 pm

The video then caught the man calmly watching the woman burning alive.

Actually, he was videoed FANNING THE FLAMES … while others just stood around watching and videoing it all.

The third world is here. How long before we start getting Winnie Mandela wannabes mocking the global warming nuts with their Colombian neckties?

Americans never understood how cheap life is in most of the non-Western world. Understanding will be had by all.

    The few people watching may have thought he was trying to put the fire out, and may also have been calling the fire department or the police.

      ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Milhouse. | December 23, 2024 at 8:29 pm

      Are you trying out your open-mic comedy night lines here?

      Yeah … maybe they were calling the fire department … “Hello, fire department? Yes … I am watching a fire. Where? I’m in the subway. A woman is burning. Can you get a fire truck down here? There’s nothing I can do so I’ll watch her for you. Yes … she’s still burning and there’s some odd little Indian fanning the flames. I think he’s trying to call you via smoke signals …”

        Even though the police said he light her on fire, I want to seethe video. Homeless person with loads of clothes on in winter is not uncommon. Smoking and catching fire is not uncommon. Maybe she ask him to light her cigarette and caught her on fire. Maybe he is a wack sicko. Jury is still out here.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | December 23, 2024 at 5:43 pm

He later crossed the border again, dodging federal agents

I would bet money that this is a lie. I don’t think he dodged anyone. I bet that he walked over the border and was processed in like every other illegal scumbag. In fact, this is exactly the sort of illegal that Traitor Joe and his junta wanted to flood America with. EXACTLY.

People need to come to grips with the serious nihilists we are dealing with and what they really want. They are not into power so much. They are into our destruction. They want us and Western civilization DEAD.

This is another reason our immigration system needs reform. There need to be increasing consequences for coming back after being deported.

My other ideas for securing the border I will keep to myself.

We should replace deportation with banishment and a suspended death sentence, where anyone who returns without a personal Presidential invitation be subject to immediate varying out of the death sentence, by any US citizen, who would be reimbursed for the cost of one bullet.