Democrats and the Media Are Trying to ‘Brett Kavanaugh’ Trump DoD Pick Pete Hegseth
“The media has gone into smear-fest mode and won’t stop until they get a scalp.”

Anyone who has followed even a modest amount of political news over the last decade can see what Democrats and the media are trying to do to Pete Hegseth, Trump’s pick to lead the Department of Defense. You can see it from a hundred miles away. You can see it from space.
They are trying to do to Hegseth what they did to now Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. They’re digging for dirt which will be used to make mud which they will then drag him through in an attempt to ruin him.
Karol Markowicz writes at the New York Post:
Don’t let the left do to Pete Hegseth what it did to Brett Kavanaugh
It’s become a familiar story.
A man is about to reach an upper echelon of public life when an accusation from his past resurfaces.
Sometimes it’s a bad joke made in a woman’s presence or a rebuffed advance while the man was in a supervisor role.
Other times it’s far more serious accusations of assault.
The latter is what is happening right now to Donald Trump’s pick for secretary of defense, Pete Hegseth.
It’s the Brett Kavanaugh show all over again.
Hegseth has vigorously denied the accusation, but that hasn’t mattered.
The media has gone into smear-fest mode and won’t stop until they get a scalp.
Republicans should not let them take Hegseth’s.
The assault story is suspect, and it’s OK to say so.
The police report details that a “Jane Doe” had seen Hegseth flirt with some women at the conference, Doe approached him to tell him off, specifically that she “did not appreciate how he treated women.”
You know what? I don’t care. None of this has anything to do with why Trump thinks Hegseth is right for the job. The left just wants another scalp and I’m sick to death of letting them define the terms of the debate.
The New York Times has even tried to drag Hegseth’s own mother into this. Megyn Kelly commented on Twitter/X:
ICYMI @PeteHegseth’s mom sent him a “you are behaving very badly” email during his divorce (she’s a good mom!) and the NYT is ALL IN on it. Next we will hear from his aunt who accused him of being late in sending his thank you cards after Christmas six years ago.
— Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) November 30, 2024
From The Hill:
Hegseth’s mother complained about his treatment of women: NYT
The mother of Pete Hegseth, President-elect Trump’s pick for Defense secretary, reportedly sent him an email in 2018 accusing the former Fox News host of “routinely mistreating women for years” and displaying a “lack of character,” The New York Times reported on Friday.
“On behalf of all the women (and I know it’s many) you have abused in some way, I say … get some help and take an honest look at yourself,” Penelope Hegseth wrote to her son, according to text of the email published by the Times.
“I have no respect for any man that belittles, lies, cheats, sleeps around and uses women for his own power and ego. You are that man (and have been for years) and as your mother, it pains me and embarrasses me to say that, but it is the sad, sad truth,” she added, according to The Times.
That’s nice. I don’t give a damn. Now what?
You know what I do care about? The Pentagon just failed its seventh audit in a row. The U.S. Military has been struggling to recruit new members for four years. The Biden administration screwed up and allowed U.S. service members to be killed during their botched withdrawal of Afghanistan. That’s what I care about.
A loud message must be sent to the Senate GOP. Allow this man to be ‘Kavanaughed’ at your own peril.
Featured image via YouTube.

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PREDICTION: The media and the Democrat Party (but I repeat myself) will be surprised that their smear tactics no longer work.
Trump’s nominees should not apologize, retreat or surrender.
Flirting with women is not an offense. It just isn’t.
And in his mother’s email, when she refers to him “abusing” women she seems to mean cheating on them. Which again is not an offense.
There doesn’t seem to be any suggestion, from anyone, that he actually abused anyone, as that term is generally used. No indication that he hit anyone, harmed anyone, forced himself on anyone.
The Jane Doe accusation seems to be that a woman took advantage of him while he was drunk, which if anything makes him a victim and apparently according to the left that makes him immune from any blame.
Why would someone’s Mother copy her friends on such a devastating email to her son? That’s what Hegseth’s Mom did. And, one of those friends released it to the Press. She may have effectively destroyed her son’s career.
Bad Parenting Hall of Fame nominee.
I had a mother just like that. She would do things like that to virtue signal to everyone and didn’t care who she ran over to do it. Horrible woman and I’m going to say that Pete and his Mom haven’t been close in years.
I’ve run into women like that. Very judgmental and abusive to those around them. My ex-wife was one. She was so bad that the State of Tennessee terminated her parental rights for parental interference and abuse as she tried to frame me for SA and abuse.
Fortunately, she tried to conspire with someone to frame me and he turned her in!
It’s always nice to hear that “pussy power” isn’t enough to make some men do immoral things to others. I’ve had former girlfriends float some nasty stuff to me that I immediately shut down. Some women are all in on the feminist “I can do anything to any man” crap.
Because even Mom’s can be psycho’s.
As someone who has attended more conferences than I can remember, there is always a percentage of participants drinking too much and fornicating. When I was single it was fun. So the demonrats are using the same playbook. Ask Kameltoe how that worked out for her. Pete just needs to keep his head down and avoid saying anything stupid between now and his confirmation hearing. President Trump won’t back down. Pete shouldn’t either.
I hope that those trashing him are reminded that bringing false testimony is a crime and this time I hope the GOP will actually hold them accountable.
Two problems with that.
First, they haven’t testified about anything yet, and we don’t know whether they will.
Second, if you charge witnesses with perjury the burden of proof shifts, and rather than them having to prove the story is true, you have to prove it’s false. And you have to prove it beyond reasonable doubt.
Did I miss something? How did the media obtain the 2018 email from his mother?
For enough money many things can be obtained. About 100 years ago it was standard practice for newspapers to pay burglars to break into people’s houses and steal photographs of them.
The mother – for reasons known only to her – cc:d some friends on the email she sent to Pete. Obviously, one of those ‘friends’ or perhaps even the mother herself, sent the Times a copy of the email. I grew up in a family led by patriarchs and matriarchs that embraced a First Principle that says: Don’t ever air the family laundry in public. So, I’m having difficulty wrapping my ahead around the idea a mother would cc: some friends into this kind of communication with her son, or even that such a communication would be made by email. But, it clearly happened, so here we are.
Emails are hardly unimpeachable documents; they’re very easy to fake, particularly when the media recipient of this copy is so eager to believe .
A signature and a postdate are much more likely to be truthful.
I believe Hegseth’s camp has admitted the email is authentic and added that his mother regretted sending it almost immediately and sent an apology to Pete the next morning.
It sounds like she was taking her daughter-in-law’s side in the divorce, and therefore said some things she later regretted and apologized for. These things happen.
See Ivanka Trump’s claim, during her divorce, that Donald raped her. She has since recanted that claim, but it was revived during the 2016 campaign.
Brett Kavanaugh has very well documented and plausible egregious acts of misogyny–OKs?t=550
Did you forget the sarc tag, or are you in the middle of another Asperger’s episode?
This again.
BK wasn’t accused of the crime of “mysogyny”.
There is no such “crime”.
And the definition of it has been shifted by The Left to the point that The Left has worn it out, just as with “racist” and “fascist”. When everything is X, X becomes meaningless as a label.
He was accused of taking part in drugging & raping parties whilst in High School.
By a sole accuser, who was only able to name one collaborating witness.
Who said it never happened.
The accuser was also unable to say when this happened, even the year, where it happened, even the neighborhood for the houses or harbor for the yachts, but she was certain that “everyone knew” this was going on and it went on every weekend for years.
Hundreds of claimed victims, not a one to be found.
Hundreds of claimed party goers, not a one to be found.
And despite “everyone” including herself “knowing” this was going on no shortage of willing party guests, including herself.
Who as a college age girl was willing to goto fabulous drug & rape parties run by high schoolers.
Jesse smollet is not the gold standard of witnesses.
Neither was this person.
My personal experience with traumatic events is that every last detail is “burned” into your memory – not none of them.
But both lies and false memories created by therapy under hypnosis may be very light on details – lies because the liar wants to avoid details that could be used to disprove the lie, and false memories because the therapist never cared what really happened, only how the patient felt.
I don’t know which Christine Blasey Ford was, and I don’t care – either way, her testimony is worthless.
Damn, it’s a little early to be hitting the sauce, isn’t it? There were zero plausible allegations against Kavanaugh. None. Zip. Nada.
I looked at the video clip that rhhardin linked, and I think he was sarcastically commenting on that video. But I’m not sure.
The enemy wants Hegseth to withdraw himself from consideration via slander against him and from his family that has to cope with it. He may survive unless the RINOs buckle.
I’ve met Pete a number of times. I don’t think they are going after the right guy if they think he is going to buckle over nonsense like this. He has a spine of steel and a big brass pair.
Hope you are right.
I thought such behavior is a plus for a politician, based on Democrat history.
I mean, all you need to do is add some tax evasion, illegally purchasing a firearm, doing drugs with hookers on video, sleeping with his dead brother’s wife, getting a stripper pregnant then ignoring his child, selling the vice president’s influence, taking bribes from at least two foreign countries, and bringing cocaine into the White House (along with various and sundry other things) and you get the finest man Joe Biden has ever know who is worthy of a ten year long blanket pardon.
Someone on Xtwitter enlarged a picture of a Trump nominee showing him wearing a Freemason lapel pin and people were reacting to it as if were a Soviet Order of Lenin or Nazi party badge.
And then another person posted a photo of Cramer the actor in Seinfeld wearing a 33.3 degree pin. And people were losing their fn minds over that, too.
Psaki’s hat? Just another day that ends in DemocracY.
Say, I’m in a mischievous mood today. Let’s call a few Democrats to testify about how true the accusations were against them, and whether they think those accusations showed that incapable of performing their duties.
Barney Frank…
Al Franken
Who else?
“Democrats and the media…”
Redundant. The “mainstream media”, and a considerable proportion of the so-called alternative media, have been the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party for decades.
This is not an apt comparison. Kavanaugh is a fine man. Hegseth is a horny drunk with a trail of financial mismanagement and habitual public drunkenness during working hours. During his tenure as head of a veterans nonprofit, he was regularly carried back drunk to his hotel room when traveling. He never kept his hands to himself and was fond of urinating in public. His career is one of drunkenness punctuated by brief periods of sobriety,
Research this if you don’t believe it. It is a hell of a lot more than the two recent news stories. He will go the way of Matt Gaetz. I voted for Trump, but he is a fool.
“Legend has it that when critics of Gen. Ulysses S. Grant complained to President Abraham Lincoln about Grant’s drinking, Lincoln replied, “I wish some of you would tell me the brand of whiskey that Grant drinks. I would like to send a barrel of it to my other generals.”
Grant was wrongly identified as a lush. I don’t recall the details, but I read a bio on him a few years ago that covered this and the upshot was it was untrue based on only one or two isolated incidents during his entire career (if I recall correctly).
Checking with Wikipedia, it states, “(Grant’s) drinking was often exaggerated by the press and stereotyped by rivals and critics.”
My recollection of what I could find out about Grant was that he was a very poor commander of an Army post in peacetime, and very poor at the civilian jobs he could get after being fired from the Army. Both times, he turned to drink. BUT in war, a military command held his interest and he excelled. He wasn’t a genius like Napoleon or Lee, but he was smart enough to win with a 3-1 numerical advantage, giving Lee no openings whatsoever. That was better than every other general did against Lee, And as Lincoln said, he fought. He killed his men in droves, but Lincoln could find replacements, and Jeff Davis had none for Lee’s losses.
More than drinking. This clown bankrupted the one organization he headed by draining its coffers for personal expenses, just like the grifting minorities we bemoan here. Trump chose him because he has a man crush on his TV image.
Accusations ain’t proof.
The media attack against Hegseth is not so much an attack on him as it is an attack on conservatives who support him. I admit to being disappointed in him, given the persona that he established on “Fox and Friends” as a morally upright Christian. The media has publicized his first two marriages, both of which apparently ended as a result of his adultery.
So now Hegseth is nominated to lead airmen, soldiers and sailors who could be court-martialed for engaging in the same behavior. You may recall that Obama forced Petraeus to resign part due to the latter’s illicit affair.
A stain on a blue dress during Bill Clinton’s tenure forever eliminated adultery as an absolute disqualifier. Despite my preference for a leader with better character, there is such a thing as redemption. Plus, Democrats’ opposition to Hegseth for adultery is breathtakingly hypocritical.
This wishy-washy analysis is my way of saying that Hegseth still has my support, although it is now more tepid than before.
And if he commits adultery while he is Defense Secretary then that will become relevant. What he did before he takes that office is irrelevant, just as it’s irrelevant what a serviceman did before signing up.
You are a lawyer, right? You have to be to put forth your tortured logic, although I do rather enjoy your arguments.
Have you had much interaction with anyone in the military community? From a LEGAL standpoint, you are correct that adultery in his prior life is irrelevant. But the military holds itself to a higher standard than just following the law. This behavior could affect his moral authority to inspire soldiers to accept his vision for the future. To be successful, Hegseth needs career military personnel to enthusiastically take the initiative to implement his vision. If they view him as a hypocrite, the path to implementation becomes more complicated.
Your second point is clearly wrong. The military can refuse to accept potential recruits with a history of drug abuse, behavior issues, and felony/misdemeanor convictions solely because they are viewed has having flawed character that would lead to issues for unit cohesion.
I have some experience with personnel accessions, although policy has likely been relaxed over the last four years..
From a legal standpoint, even current adultery would be irrelevant. From a legal standpoint he can be Defense Secretary while openly conducting multiple affairs, and the armed forces would still have to take his orders. But that could “affect his moral authority to inspire soldiers to accept his vision for the future”, as you put it.
But past adultery is completely irrelevant. You say “the military can refuse to accept potential recruits with a history of drug abuse, behavior issues, and felony/misdemeanor convictions”. How is that relevant to adultery? The military would never turn someone down because he had cheated on his wife. That would simply not be any of its business. It’s not a crime, it’s not a “behavior issue”, it’s just something that the military code forbids to current members.
And it doesn’t even really care about adultery by current members, so long as it’s not with someone else within the armed services community.
Since I’m not interested in nominating my pastor to be head of DoD, or head of any branch of the administration, I will accept that Hegseth has the skillset and mindset to reform, as best as a human can do.
I do not vet my employees on their convergence with my own standards of Christian behavior, and I’m not going to pearl-clutch because the guy has been divorced, had affairs or in the past has drunk too much.
Sorry, lefty hypocrites, no petard here.
We need someone with courage and guts. If we put anymore patsies in DOD we’re fools and deserve to lose. I’ve known Pete for a long time. He has faults like all of us and this one is not minor. BUT we need someone with a spine leading our military – Pete has one. I heard him speak a number of years ago – he is ALL IN for America. Pls – get off his back and let him do the job,.
I don’t give a flying fig anymore about any government official’s personal life. I care about two things – Is he “America first” and can he help turn this country around?
To paraphrase myself, I’ll support a scoundrel who is America-first before I’ll support a saint who hates America.
I agree to a point. My concerns with sexual and financial indiscretions would be whether they may make the employee more susceptible to blackmail.
The mother of Pete Hegseth, President-elect Trump’s pick for Defense secretary, reportedly sent him an email in 2018 accusing the former Fox News host of “routinely mistreating women for years” and displaying a “lack of character,” The New York Times reported on Friday.
If this is all there was to this story that would be no offense but there is a lot more. He cheated on his first wife and then divorced her and married the adulteress. He had children with her and then cheated on her. After that divorce, he married the woman he was cheating with on his second wife. Then after he knocked up that second adultress, he divorced his second wife and married the FNC woman. After marrying her, he cheated on her with this slut in CA. I am not a prude but this is the life of a man who has no respect for women and his word and honor are meaningless. If Biden lied about his pardoning of his son, then what do you call what Hegseth has done? Character does matter!
Aside from this, which goes to moral character, I am also concerned about his skillset. Could Trump have found no person with high ranking experience who would know where all the dead bodies lay, so to speak?
Are you talking about Hegseth or Trump? Trump did all that, and it didn’t stop us voting for him, or make him a worse president in his last term. It’s not likely to make him a worse president in his next term either.
It takes two to tango. Seems odd that the women he tangoed with wouldn’t know he was involved with – or married to – another woman. They were looking to “upgrade”. If that’s indeed the correct term.
So it seems if he’s a misogynist the women he was involved with are even worse misogynists.
My father cheated on my mother with her (soon to be former) best friend. She became wife #2. When she called me, drunk, complaining that my father had cheated on her with his ass’t manager- who was now wife #3, and wasn’t treating her right, she didn’t understand why I wasn’t sympathetic. He also cheated on my mother with an unknown other woman- whose son took an Ancestry DNA test. Surprise, surprise, I have a half sister. Such things happen, and don’t really bother me, but apparently they do bother others- since all members of that family with Ancestry accounts have rebuffed contact attempts…
Do I think my father was a good person? No. Do I think he was good at his job? No- I know he was good at his job. It’s why they kept promoting him.
Trump thinks Pete Hegseth will do a good job- and he’s hired and fired a lot of people. So I suspect he will.
And while Milhouse states And if he commits adultery while he is Defense Secretary then that will become relevant., yeah, no. He’s not subject to the UCMJ- and in civilian life, adultery isn’t, AFAIK, a crime anymore in any state. Certainly not a prosecuted crime. And with 21 years of active duty service, the number of military members I knew- personally – who committed adultery and their chain of command knew about and they subsequently didn’t even see NJP, much less court martial, well, I need more then the fingers of both hands to count. And probably toes… It only becomes problem when it’s with another member’s spouse. And is well known. The one person I did know who suffered negative consequences had his CPO recommendation pulled while he was still frocked. All 3 involved were AD- and the other 2 likely had negative consequences, but I didn’t know them. Involving the military justice system would have resulted in federal conviction for all 3… so they accepted what was dealt to them informally.
“He also cheated on my mother with an unknown other woman- whose son took an Ancestry DNA test. Surprise, surprise, I have a half sister.”
For the life of me, I can’t make this work, unless the son went trans.
The woman he cheated with had a son- my half nephew. Long story about how I know the unknown sibling is my half sister and not half brother…
It won’t be legally relevant, but will be morally relevant.
Kelly 3406 complained that he’s being set to lead people who would face court martial if they behaved as he did. But that complaint would only be valid if he repeated the behavior while he was leading them. Anything he did before being put in that position is completely irrelevant just as it’s irrelevant what they may have done before they joined the services.
Dems need to be reminded that Pete has not accused of anything that The Horny Hillbilly, aka, Bill Clinton wasn’t
I want to be clear that I don’t know the truth or falsehood of the accusations variously listed in the article and comments, but I do not want to be reduced to defending a Trump cabinet pick on the basis that “He/She is no worse than Bill Clinton.” In my opinion, Clinton was unfit for the office of the presidency, and I would surely hope we can do better than that. If the Senate does a proper job of advice and consent, we should know whether or not he is trustworthy.
And you’re a perfect example of why this tactic works. Thank you for making false witness great again.
They will probably be even less successful than they were with Kavanaugh.
That woman’s husband and kids were in the hotel on that night, yet she still went with Hegseth happily to his room, as seen on hotel security cameras. Already a bad person. And you can see that she fi,Ed with the police a few days after the incident. So most probably someone mentioned to her husband that she was seen sitting around drinking with some man in the bar, so he pressed his wife, who then went on to make up a story about assault.
We should start punnishing false accusers, they can Literally destroy a man’s life.
I’m constantly amused by the puritanical streak that permeates the media and social posts including this commentary on Hegseth. The only thing funnier is how haphazardly this streak is applied to our politicians ; if we’re for ’em, it’s ok but if we’re agin ’em, it’s not.
FDR, JFK, Clinton, Trump and Biden all had charges made of adultery and Grant and Bush Jr. had problems with alcohol whereas LBJ and Nixon just had problems period (listen to the tapes if you want a glimpse into the mindset of a neurotic and both made Trump look extremely boring).
None of that made any difference as a predictor to their job performance.
As far as I can tell, Hegseth’s detractors all had personal grudges against him and all were female who disapproved of his behavior in his off-duty hours and expressed their displeasure with going public after the fact in order to preserve their reputation or seek vengence. Hardly unbiased and highly suspect as sources.
As far as his book goes, I’ve seen it vilified as Hegseth’s “Mein Kampf” by a well known socialist along with a ludicrous article in the Guardian. In the latter, we’re asked to not believe what we see and read with our own eyes but accept as an article of faith the views of the author and one source who is hardly impartial (
So have being on the receiving end of baseless accusations and seeing many more made about other coworkers in Government, I tend to fall on the hatchet job side of the pendulum regarding the media’s view of Hegseth. Lets see what the guy can actually do.