*UPDATE* McCormick Declared Winner in PA Senate Race, Casey Refuses to Concede
Pennsylvania performs a recount in any statewide race if the margin is 0.5% or less.

The Associated Press declared Republican Dave McCormick unseated Democrat Bob Casey in the Pennsylvania senate race.
But Casey refuses to concede.
.@Bob_Casey spokesperson isn't conceding the Senate race yet. pic.twitter.com/jGf1Frsc6t
— Anthony Adragna (@AnthonyAdragna) November 7, 2024
McCormick leads 49% to 48.5%.
Pennsylvania does an automatic recount if the margin is 0.5% or below.
Previous Reporting
The Republicans retook the Senate, but the Democrats held Michigan and Wisconsin.
Pennsylvania is a different story.
Republican Dave McCormick is ahead of incumbent Democrat Bob Casey, 48.94% to 48.5%, with 98% of the votes in.
If McCormick maintains his 0.4% lead, an automatic recount would occur.
Pennsylvania performs a recount in any statewide race if the margin is 0.5% or less.
It looks like the Democrats will also hold Nevada.
Incumbent Democrat Jacky Rosen pulled ahead of war hero Republican Sam Brown last night.
She leads 47.6% to 46.7%.
The Las Vegas Sun reported that officials must “verify an additional 12,757 mail ballots with signatures that did not match file samples or were missing.”
In Michigan, Democrat Elissa Slotkin defeated Republican Mike Rogers 48.62% to 48.62%.
In Wisconsin, incumbent Democrat Tammy Baldwin squeaked past Republican Eric Hovde, 49.38% to 48.52%.

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“In Michigan, Democrat Elissa Slotkin defeated Republican Mike Rogers 48.62% to 48.62%.”
This doesn’t look quite right. Rogers is at 48.3 according to CNN.
Real Clear Politics has Slotkin up 48.6 to 48.3
McCormick should send the loser Casey packing. People who vote for Casey still have no idea who he is and think they are voting for his father – the dirtbag who criminally pushed his way to the front of the line and had a heart-liver waiting for him after a 17 minute wait.
After this election, one of the main priorities for all states should be to end the fraudulent criminality of “mail-in” ballots and drop-off boxes. They are both insane ideas that are supported only by people looking for ways to cheat. Even aside from the laughable idea that anyone can verify the identity and legitimacy of a ballot that has been mailed in, the mail-in ballot concept removes the idea of the anonymous vote. With mail-in ballots, organizations that traffic in votes are able to monitor people actually voting and insure that they can force these people to vote a specific way. With voting booths, you can force someone to say they are voting for someone specifically but you cannot force him to or check it in any way. WIth mail-in ballots criminal organizations can sit at the dinner table with the extortionee, watch him fill out the ballot, and then take the ballot (or go with him) and have it mailed. Done. Vote bought (or forced) and verified. THIS MUST STOP.
I’m calling balls on this
Casey ran a tremendous race, WAY better than I even hoped it might be. In some ways, he showed the Trump campaign the most effective way to attack Harris. Hovde ran a very good campaign as well. I’m absolutely sick to my stomach about Brown. If anyone has ever earned a Senate seat, it’s him. With respect Rogers, I can’t help but think John James mis-timed his earlier Senate campaigns. He ran in 2018 and 2020 – both really bad years for Republicans, as it turned out – and he came very close to beating incumbent Senators both years. He was finally elected to a suburban Detroit House district and won reelection this year against a strong Dem opponent. I have to believe he likely beats Slotkin had he been the Senate candidate instead of Rogers.
Lol. I did it here, too. McCormick ran a tremendous race.
Beg to differ about Hovde. He has been nearly invisible in the state, and didn’t do the grass roots campaign necessary for an R to win state-wide office.
Even with these losses, we still have 52 seats. Right?
If that’s the case, we need to pay close attention to the House races. I can imagine lots of hinky shenanigans going on to push that count to the dem prog side.
We have 52 seats for certain. If Casey survives the recount, then we’ll have 53.
You mean McCormick.
Lol. Yes, I meant McCormick.
The HoR was always gonna be tight. The ‘great sorting’ goes on and has basically made red CD more red and blue CD more blue with a very few purple (ish) swing CD. The second round of redistricting since ’22 driven by litigation and creation of additional ‘majority minority’ CD also worked to create more winnable CD for the d/prog. It isn’t so much the potential shenanigans of the count (though we shouldn’t stop working to prevent it) so much as.the composition of the CD.
Luck to McCormick, it would certainly be nice to be rid of another communist like Casey.
Lake has narrowed the gap in Arizona from 80k to 53K. Good news is that over 30% of the ballots have not been counted. The bad news is that we are 2 days past the election and hundreds of thousands of ballots have not been counted. Clearly there is a huge problem. It is both incompetence and a blatant and insulting attempt to manipulate the outcome of the election. The new DOJ needs to investigate this outrage and prosecute enough of the key people to force a drastic change in both the process and controls to prevent this from continuing. The same action needs to be taken in all the blue cities where this type of crap happens.
Arizona didn’t learn from the last couple of election fiasco’s because the Dems in charge didn’t want to change anything that would lessen the chances for fraud. The DOJ under Trump should come down hard on Arizona and force them to run elections like Florida.
approx 15 minutes ago
Republican David McCormick has won Pennsylvania’s pivotal U.S. Senate seat
Beg to differ about Hovde. He has been nearly invisible in the state, and didn’t do the grass roots campaign necessary for an R to win state-wide office.
PA race is being called. recounted almost never overturn the initial result. Casey sounds like he’s conceding.
I see no stories of this but Casey underperformed his last election in every region of the state so I think his days in the Senate are numbered
Also Maine CD2 entering recount.
Golden-50.3% and Theriault 49.7
Maine does not have automatic recount, candidates have to request it and if its under 1.5% the state DOES pay for it. but the request needs to be made.
Once again it looks like a city, in this case Lewiston/Auburn, overwhelmed the vast majority of the rural district.
yup 2 cities just outside of CD1 control a huge land mass in this state.