More Winning: Progressive Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón Loses Reelection
“The progressive prosecutor was defeated handily by Nathan Hochman, a Republican-turned-independent former tax attorney.”

As if Trump’s monumental comeback victory wasn’t enough, the George Soros-backed, left wing Los Angeles DA George Gascón lost his reelection bid last night to Republican challenger Nathan Hochman.
This is simply one more sign that the American public has had it with the far left.
Politico reports:
George Gascón, Los Angeles’ embattled progressive prosecutor, loses reelection bid
George Gascón, who rode a criminal justice reform wave after George Floyd’s murder to become the Los Angeles County District Attorney, has lost his reelection bid, according to The Associated Press.
The progressive prosecutor was defeated handily by Nathan Hochman, a Republican-turned-independent former tax attorney.
Gascón came into office in 2020 promising to turn back the county’s history of lock ‘em up law enforcement. He ended cash bail, declined to seek the death penalty and halted the use of sentencing enhancements, a position he partially rolled back over time.
In a directly related development, California voters approved Proposition 36, which will allow law enforcement to crack down on crime.
FOX News reports:
Proposition 36 overwhelmingly passes in California, reversing some Soros-backed soft-on-crime policies
A ballot measure that will roll back some of California’s most controversial soft-on-crime policies has overwhelmingly passed in the deep blue state.
Proposition 36, the Homelessness, Drug Addiction and Theft Reduction Act, sought to undo portions of Proposition 47 by increasing penalties for some crimes.
When Proposition 47 passed in 2014, it downgraded most thefts from felonies to misdemeanors if the amount stolen was under $950, “unless the defendant had prior convictions of murder, rape, certain sex offenses, or certain gun crimes.”
An overwhelming 71% of Californians supported Proposition 36, according to a September survey by the Public Policy Institute of California, a nonpartisan think tank, despite a strong progressive rebuke of the proposition. But in the last several years, retail chains and mom-and-pop shops have been hit hard by theft, smash-and-grab robberies and organized retail crime gangs.
There is a Simpsons clip for every situation:
Congratulations, California voters. You got this one right.

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I’ll take it…. that ought to keep Newscum busy
He’ll take credit for the crime stats’ decline.
Now that we are ascendant no more of this “moving on BS”. These people should be hounded by criminal investigations and jailed. All of them!
Before Millhouse asks on what basis- the same basis as Trump- because we can
Gascon has blood on his hands..
It’s a great day for LA that Gascon lost. But, he still won over 900K votes, which is inexplicable. Who are these 900K people and why are they so enthusiastic about being robbed, raped and dying at the hands of a repeat offender? I can’t wrap my hands around it.
Pretty sure LA has 900K murders, rapists and robbers all voting
Start with the fact that 900k votes doesn’t mean 900k actual people. Voter roll cleanup is Job #1.
Now, is the new guy going to do the right thing and go after him for abusing his power?
Crime is once again illegal in Liberalfornia.
Don’t get too enthusiastic. There are quite a number of progressive judges on the bench in Cali to prevent a total reversal of pro criminal DA’s agenda
the old saying is true
“that which can not continue
will not continue.”
too many people either have been
victims, are related to someone who is a victim.. or knows/works with someone who is a victim.
So great. Soros could only wreak havoc for a limited time.
You can fool some of the people…..
That leftie failure started out in SF. After he wrecked SF he moved on to do bigger damage to LA.
While CA voters took small step in the right direction, pun intended, there will be no “course correction”. Lefties will double down on stupid. They don’t believe their policies are the problem, just the “messaging”.
CA is facing lost decade under dems super majority one party rule.
I’m currently reading “Return of the Strong Gods” by R.R. Reno. It has some interesting information about the origins of Soros’ “Open Society” efforts. Not an easy read, though.
No one sucks like Gascon
No one cucks like Gascon
Frees crooks for Soros bucks like Gascon
Good that dude was nuttier than a fruit cake.