Illegal Alien Convicted of Murdering Laken Riley Sentenced to Life in Prison Without Parole
Ibarra, an illegal alien from Venezuela, was convicted on all charges.

Athens-Clarke County Superior Court Judge H. Patrick Haggard found illegal alien Jose Antonio Ibarra, 26, guilty of murdering Augusta University student Laken Riley.
Ibarra waived his right to a jury trial. He did not testify.
Haggard found Ibarra guilty on all charges: “three counts of felony murder and counts of malice murder, kidnapping with bodily injury, aggravated assault with intent to rape and ‘peeping Tom.'”
Prosecutors said Ibarra, a 26-year-old illegal immigrant from Venezuela, attacked and killed Riley, a 22-year-old Augusta University nursing student, while she was jogging along trails near Lake Herrick on the University of Georgia campus in Athens the morning of Feb. 22.
“Laken Riley herself has given you all the evidence you need alone to find this man guilty of every single count in this indictment,” prosecutor Sheila Ross said in her closing statement on Wednesday. “She did fight, and it is a direct result of that fight that gives you all the physical evidence you need to convict him.”
“He killed her because she would not let him rape her,” Ross added.
The defense tried to pin the murder of Ibarra’s brother Diego, who faces charges of green card fraud when he showed the police a fake ID in February. Argenis, the other brother, is “on an immigration hold.”
Ibarra crossed into America in September 2022. Officials released him “into the U.S. via parole.”

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It is my hope that this pig receives the justice he so richly deserves when he gets to prison.
He’s not even human.
I am though and I get tired of verifying I’m a human every 10 seconds.
Tell it to remember your login.
I hope he gets it soon, taxpayers should not be paying to feed and house him.
Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas are unindicted co-conspirators.
8 USC s 1342(B) ‘Bringing in and harboring certain aliens resulting in death’ is a Federal death penalty crime
Should have had the death sentence applied to him but it appears no crime in Democrat controlled America involving an ethnic minority who is an illegal alien can ever attract the death sentence!
He’ll spend life in prison, with all the health care that entails. Personally, I believe that a prisoner sentenced to spend the rest of his natural life in prison should not be treated for fatal diseases. Disease is a natural part of life, so is dying from them. An argument can be made that curing them only means more time in prison, so allowing them to die is the humanitarian thing to do. I believe it’s the just thing to do. Why unnaturally extend the life of someone sentenced to prison for the rest of his natural life when nature comes calling to take it?
Hanging with a short drop would be ideal.
Maybe he’ll have an accident in prison.
His kind, with those charges, end up getting shived or otherwise damaged with extreme prejudice.
So what you’re saying is, life in prison doesn’t necessarily mean he’s going to live to a ripe old age. He would probably live longer if he were on death row, right?
Can we do a prisoner exchange with a Turkish prison, or maybe a Mexican one?
And we get to fed the asshole forever and medical and then he will be able to educate himself, earn degrees
All on our dime, maybe he’ll be requesting trans surgery
By the way, he didn’t kill her because she would t let him rape her
He would have killed her either way
Maybe,..AG Matt Gaetz will apply Federal death penalty statutes such as :
18 USC ss 241,242,245,247, Civil Rights Offenses resulting in death
18 USC s 1111 First degree Murder
18USC s 1201 Kidnapping resulting in death
Gibbet him at the border.
my prob with death penalty is

automatic appeal at tax payer expense. life w/o parole
no appeal unless he pays for it.
and as a retired correctional officer
prison guards need jobs too …
yes they get health care
but it is not the Mayo Clinic.
Im glad he has health care. I hope he gets to use it frequently.
My problem with the death penalty is not only the first automatic appeal but that lawyers can keep appealing the sentence for decades until the prisoner dies of old age. They should only be given the opportunity to appeal once at the state level (state supreme court) and then once at the federal level (SCOTUS if they take the case) and then that’s it. Lose at both the state & federal levels then sentence is carried out.
A capital crime disserves a capital punishment.
And that punishment should fit the crime, too – in detail and in pain and suffering inflicted. That is true fairness.
And, even then, reciprocity still yields a bit to the criminal since he had the choice to commit the act and his victim had no choice in the matter.
No. Justice delivered by the state should be cold, swift, and without thought of vengeance.
(It’s why I don’t believe “impact statements” of any sort should be allowed to impact the sentence.)
Impact statements have no place in court but the state should deliver FAIR JUSTICE to the criminal, which means reciprocity (plus an addition for punishment) so much as is possible.
It is an abomination that some of the only people in society who are nearly GUARANTEED to have painless deaths are those who have murdered and committed heinous crimes and are awaiting the death penalty. Someone who tortures others should, himself, be tortured in kind (plus an addition for punishment). That is fairness and the state should be, above all, fair in its justice. It is vengeance, if you want to call it that, but it is RIGHTEOUS vengeance and is required for anyone to claim that the wrong has been righted as much as society is able.
The punishment MUST fit the crime.
Trump campaigned on the death penalty to any illegal alien that murders an American Citizen,..
Liberals have proven ‘life in prison without parole’ means NO such thing.
Upvoted for being true, however unfortunate it may be.
He is probably thanking God for a nice life in a US prison versus a jail in his home country.
He should be housed in Guantanamo.
BS sentence. He deserves death … and a slow, painful one, at that.
The DA is a completely despicable, lowlife POS. She claims that she didn’t seek the death penalty because it might have had collateral effects on other illegals (or something to that effect), which is not what a DA is allowed to consider in the charging of a crime. I would bet that a creative US attorney could find 100 federal laws that the DA broke in this insane decision.
The only ray of sunshine is that she just lost her re-election campaign by 20 points, and will forever be known as the DA who refused to seek the death penalty in this case (meaning her career as an elected official is toast).
I’m sure her decision to play nice with this animal was a significant reason why she lost so badly.
They should be charging Joe biden, Kamala Harris and Alejandro Mayorkas as accessories.
I agree:
8 USC s 1342(B) (iv) Bringing and harboring certain aliens resulting in death
Those three should have been charged with treason long ago.
Hang him, inject him, put him on the chair or firing squad. Don’t care which as long as the end is the same then box up the corpse and send him and the bill back to Venezuela.
If I understand Ibarra’s background correctly, he is married. So, with his life without parole sentence, I imagine his wife has a good case and an easy pathway to a “no-fault” divorce!
And American citizenship probably
A marriage of convenience to exploit their mutual illegal status.
Despite the DA not seeking the death penalty, since GA is a death penalty state, could the judge have given him that anyway?
i believe so.
not a lawyer nor have played one on TV.
but the judge can do pretty much what he wants.
I wonder if he understands that right now, in America, going to prison will save his life. I mean, it could end it. But he might navigate the gangs and such in prison fairly well. Outside those walls? It’s possible he would be a hunted man, and not resulting in arrest.