Trump to Appoint Matthew Lohmeier to Task Force Charged With Dismantling DEI in Military

You may recall Matthew Lohmeier, a former Space Force Lieutenant Colonel squadron commander who was fired, forced to resign without a pension just before his retirement date and subjected to an Inspector General investigation within the Pentagon after publishing his bestselling book, Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military, which tore the lid off the military’s obsession with racist and radical “woke” ideologies.

As I reported here, Matthew Lohmeier – a Tour de Force Supporting our Military Members, Lohmeier spoke at an event I attended in June 2023 in Scottsdale, Arizona, produced jointly by Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services (STARRS) and the Arizona Women of Action (AZWOA).

Lohmeier was dynamite.

He began by talking about the drag shows at Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas, Nevada, which we reported on here, in 2021, U.S. Air Force Base Asserts Drag Queen Promotes “Readiness of the Military,” and here, in 2022: Air Force Base Hosted Drag Show During its ‘Diversity’ Festival.

As Matthew explained, earlier this 2023, an Air Force servicemember stationed at Nellis called and informed him that yet another drag show was planned for Nellis in early June 2023 to kick off the base’s “Pride Month” celebration. Lohmeier sprang into action, calling members of Congress and informing them that the drag shows were imminent. This led to the drag show, and others like it, being cancelled.

We reported those cancellations here: DOD Cancels On-Base Drag Shows – Leftist Outrage Noticeably Missing.

Matthew Lohmeier during his presentation:

Matthew Lohmeier explained to the crowd that there is a full-length motion picture in the works to be released in 2024 (now probably early 2025 and now to be entitled Against All Enemies). He showed a four-minute trailer of the movie, which tells the story of Matthew’s summary dismissal from Space Force after his tell-all book was published, and it was absolutely fantastic.

We also recently reported that Lohmeier became the Executive Vice President of STARRS, an excellent move considering Lohmeier’s first-hand familiarity with the destructive nature of the U.S. military’s embrace of all things DEI: Stroke of Genius: Premier “Anti-Woke” Military Watchdog Hires Matt Lohmeier as Executive Vice-President. Lohmeier took over on July 1 of this year.

Now, at a live event in North Carolina on October 4, President Trump promised that after he wins the election, not only will he establish a Task Force assigned to eradicate DEI in the military, but he promises to appoint Matthew Lohmeier to the Task Force. Watch:

Apparently some gave Lohmeier a hard time about this appearance, so Matthew felt he should clarify:

Turns out I’m not the only one who thinks this would be utterly amazing:

As a result of being promised an appointment to President Trump’s upcoming anti-DEI Task Force, Lohmeier has asked current military servicemembers to send him screenshots of current U.S. military DEI/CRT/Marxist/racist/discriminatory training – if you know any current active duty U.S. servicemembers, please let them know:

Lohmeier’s second paragraph reads:

I HAVE A REQUEST OF OUR TROOPS: please start capturing screenshots today of emails and trainings you’re receiving. They will try to hide and delete and cover up evidence of their involvement if Trump wins, but there will be accountability. We will ensure we eliminate this rot from the military. Many patriotic, America-loving men and women wish to serve in the world’s greatest military. We can make it strong and great again but we need accountability. You can help us with that. Capture the evidence.

I look forward to following up on this post with another containing all of the evidence Lohmeier accumulates of the coming weeks.

Stand By.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Critical Race Theory, Donald Trump, Military