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Something’s Shady At The Secret Service Week At Legal Insurrection

Something’s Shady At The Secret Service Week At Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed

You don’t need a tinfoil hat (or tiara, my preferred tinfoil head wear) to know that the more we learn about the Trump assassination attempt the more shady it gets.

It’s official(ish)

Obama 4.0

The Biden-Harris economy sucks. A lot.

The Biden-Harris administration is in complete disarray. Who is in charge?

Biden-Harris #FAIL

Biden-Harris pretend they think stealing elections is bad

Operation Demoralize is in full swing. Don’t fall for it.

Gaza/Hamas Invasion of Israel; Israel’s appropriate response

This is no longer JFK’s Democratic Party

Because of course.

Biden-Harris targets American farmers (aka, our food supply)

Kackles Flashbacks

What’s next putting women in the arena with lions for global entertainment?

Putin’s happy.

Two-tiered justice is all the rage as the destruction of America continues apace.

Big Tech #FAIL

Paris Olympics opened with an “FU” to billions of people across the globe

Pushing back

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“Something Shady at the Secret Service Week”

Something is shady at the Secret Service for more than a week, more like years. And it’s not just shady, it is a very dark and deep hole that we may never get to the bottom of.

Pundit Steve Deace over @BlazeTV has asked a simple question that really is its own answer: “If the deep sewer were to create a security environment so lax and feckless in order to facilitate a lone gunman to assassinate Trump, what would it have done any different than what it did do?”

destroycommunism | August 4, 2024 at 11:24 am

they have been crucifying americans for being pro american/ant communist for a century

its time to turn the tables on them

stop funding the public schools!

Intentionally setting up Trump as an easy target. And it appears Rowe’s instructions that the SS can only return fire, not initiate fire is in place for only one protectee…Trump.

    alaskabob in reply to puhiawa. | August 4, 2024 at 2:55 pm

    This is an extension of the rules of engagement used in recent combat. Wait until you are shot and killed before returning fire. Gandhi would have been a headless corpse floating down the Ganges if Japan had invaded India.

The Feds have a formula for obstructing investigations and use that formulation to great effect when confronted by reasonable and obvious inquiries.

Corrupt agency heads and subordinates lie, get fired or retired, and then are compensated for failing on soft, blunted, foam Nerf swords. Bleh, why bother detailing this stuff. The feds simply do as they please.

Subotai Bahadur | August 4, 2024 at 6:13 pm

What basis is there to argue against the postulate that the Secret Service [and numerous other Federal agencies] are not loyal to the Constitution, the law, or the American people; but rather to those in power and the benefits that they believe those in power can grant them?

Subotai Bahadur

Can someone please explain the uncaptioned top photo? I’ve never seen it before. What exactly is the circle supposed to prove to us?