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RFK Jr. Steals the Show as Trump Endorsement Overshadows DNC Drama – Episode 7: Legal Insurrection Podcast

RFK Jr. Steals the Show as Trump Endorsement Overshadows DNC Drama – Episode 7: Legal Insurrection Podcast

RFK’s endorsement is a massive gift to the Trump campaign—a breath of fresh air and a narrative changer.

“RFK Jr.’s endorsement of Trump is a game changer,” says Professor Jacobson. We talk about the political shakeup that has everyone talking. As RFK Jr. joins with Trump, the DNC’s narrative takes a back seat, leaving Democrats scrambling to regain control. How does this impact the 2024 election and the strategies for both sides?

Listen to our 7th episode of The Legal Insurrection Podcast.



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You gotta love it!!!!!!!

Oh. Oh. Time to buy more popcorn.

It was an extraordinary, incredible reception.

I think he would have won the Democratic nomination and could have beaten Trump

He’s a far left winged politician, but he in many ways, he represents the last Kennedy

All his siblings, cousins , etc are living on the Kennedy name, brought out occasionally to give credence to whatever democrat is paying for their presence, living on ancestral money…none have the star charisma he has, he’s the splitting image of his father, who as a young teen, I adored, and I will never forget when I found out that he was murdered, engrained forever in my psyche.

I was at a final, art class at HS, I had stayed up all night to see his father give his victory speech in California, and then went to bed… life was good

When I got to class, a girl next to me said, “isn’t it horrible what happened to Bobby Kennedy “, and I said, “No, he won”
She looked at me like I was nuts and said, “he’s dead, he got shot, they killed him”.

I sat there shocked for a few minutes, not saying a word, in shock really, America killed another Kennedy, along with MLK, why was I in shock… I left the classroom, didn’t say a word to anyone, walked home and for 3 days vomited and laid in bed.

The world changed forever for me

So I wanted to believe in RFKjr, but his polices, especially climate, where he once said if you didn’t believe in it, he thought you should be jailed… well, that’s a horse of another color .
His work on cleaning up the rivers and waterways was brilliant, his attacks on drug companies, vaccines, music to my ears… but too many left winged globalist policies

But his reception, in my mind, was for who he was, for his father, his uncle, for what might have been

The ghost of Kennedy greatness.

The end of what what was once the American story, thru the family Kennedy