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Media’s Operation Demoralize and Kamala’s Basement Strategy – Episode 5: Legal Insurrection Podcast

Media’s Operation Demoralize and Kamala’s Basement Strategy – Episode 5: Legal Insurrection Podcast

“Democrats and the media are creating a completely fictitious narrative – within two weeks she went from the worst Vice President ever to the future of the country.”

In this week’s edition of the Legal Insurrection Podcast, we discuss Kamala Harris’s evolving public image, media manipulation tactics, and the potential implications of Biden’s proposed changes to the Supreme Court.

We also explore Operation Demoralize, where Democrats and their media allies craft a narrative designed to dishearten Republican voters by portraying the Democratic candidate as the inevitable winner. Through media manipulation and rewriting historical narratives, they aim to create a skewed reality, making the Republican cause appear hopeless.


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destroycommunism | August 2, 2024 at 4:00 pm

but thats just it

its notttt fictitious

its the mentality of the non meritocracy leftists

put in a figure head and rule from the streets

ms 13 has a place a valued place in their organization
Was m/2024/08/obamas-former-campaign-manager-david-plouffe-joins-harris/

Obamas are full in

Unfortunately my husband is weak kneed, and I overheard 2 elderly men at lunch upset with Trump not just being happy with the return of the hostages and asking what we paid for them

Cause we all know they won’t tell us the truth

Peope are weak, people are scared, but they must follow President Trump and

Fight, Fight, Fight

Kamala is now Eurasia, NOT Eastasia.