Jill Stein Will Appear on Wisconsin Ballot, But Ineligible in Georgia With Three Other Candidates

The Wisconsin State Court refused to hear the state’s Democratic Party challenge to keep Green Party candidate Jill Stein off the ballot.

Therefore, Stein stays on the Wisconsin ballot.

However, a judge ruled that Stein and three other independent/third-party candidates cannot appear on the Georgia ballot.

We also learned that a judge ordered Michigan to keep Cornel West on the ballot.

Wisconsin, Georgia, and Michigan are swing states.


The state’s Supreme Court issued the filing today, unsigned, without any reason.

“It is ordered that the petition for leave to commence an original action is denied,” according to the order. “We determine that the petitioner is not entitled to the relief he seeks; and, it is further ordered that all other pending motions are denied as moot.”

The Wisconsin Democrat Party filed a lawsuit a few weeks ago to keep Stein off the ballot.

David Strange, as an individual and deputy operations director of Wisconsin for the DNC, filed the complaint, claiming the Wisconsin Green Party (WGP) did not “comply with Wisconsin’s election statutes.”

Strange insisted that Stein could not be on the ballot because the “WGP failed to nominate any candidates for Wisconsin Senate or Assembly, and a sufficient number of electors did not nominate a candidate by writing in any WGP candidate for Wisconsin Senate or Assembly, according to the requirements of Wisconsin Statute section 8.16(2).”

“Thus, WGP conclusively has no candidates for Wisconsin Senate or Assembly in the general election, nor are there currently any WGP state officeholders or holdover senators,” Strange continued. “Consequently, no individual will be authorized under Wisconsin Statute section 8.18 to nominate presidential electors to represent WGP when the nomination meeting is held on the first Tuesday of October.”

Plenty of leftists blamed Stein for spoiling the election for failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Stein received 31,000 votes in Wisconsin in 2016, but President Donald Trump beat Clinton in the state by only 22,000 votes.

I know the Democrats pressured Ralph Nader not to run in 2000 and 2004.

The Republicans hated Ross Perot.


Michael Malihi, an administrative law judge, found Jill Stein, RFK Jr., Cornel West, and Party for Socialism and Liberation’s Claudia De la Cruz ineligible for the ballot.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger will have the final decision, though.

Once again, the Democrats fought to keep these candidates off the ballot.

The Democrats argued that the “independent candidates must be filed in the name of the 16 presidential electors, and not the candidates themselves, citing a change made to Georgia law in 2017.”

Malihi agreed:

In Georgia, independent candidates desiring to appear on the ballot must meet the requirements expressed in Code Section 21-2-132. One such requirement is that the candidate file a notice of candidacy accompanied by an affidavit. 0.C.G.A. § 21-2-132(9). This affidavit must state the candidate’s “residence, with street and number, if any” and that “he or she is an elector of the county or municipality of his or her residence.” 0.C.G.A. § 21-2-132(9)(2), (5). Candidates must also file a nomination petition in the form prescribed in Code Section 212-170.” 0.C.G.A. §21-2-132(¢). According to subsection (d) of Code Section 21-2-170, each nomination petition sheet must bear the candidate’s “place of residence with street and number …. > O.C.G.A. § 21- 2170(d).

Malihi also said RFK Jr. shouldn’t appear on the ballot because he used a “sham” New York address to gain access to the ballot.

However, RFK Jr. wants to remove his name from swing states after he suspended his campaign and threw support behind Donald Trump.

Joe Biden beat Trump “by fewer than 12,000 votes in 2020.” That’s 49.47% to 49.24%. More:

In 2016, Trump beat Hillary Clinton 50.38% to 45.29%. More:

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Democrats, Georgia, Jill Stein, Wisconsin