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Prepare For Impact Fundraiser – Legal Insurrection Summer 2024

Prepare For Impact Fundraiser – Legal Insurrection Summer 2024

Things have been exciting here. You can DONATE HERE to help us continue bringing free content and news coverage as we brace for more impacts this year.

It feels like the old days of the blogopshere. Things have been exciting here. You can DONATE HERE to help us continue bringing free content and news coverage.

We planned this “Prepare for Impact” fundraiser because, well, we were preparing for impact. When I recorded this video this morning, it was several hours before Joe Biden announced that he was withdrawing. I knew we would face impacts, I didn’t know that one of the biggest impacts would be just hours away.

But there will be more surprises. And we want to be your go-to place to experience the mayhem.

We are firm believers in keeping content free. We have not segmented the audience with ‘premium’ levels.

But we need your help. Monthly donations are particularly helpful. You can DONATE HERE.

Hi, this is Bill Jacobson. This is our Summer of Impact Fundraiser. “Impact” because I think crazy things are going to happen this summer, they already have, and coming into the rest of the year.

This is a fundraiser because, as you know, Legal Insurrection, the blog has been in existence since 2008, and this fundraiser is really directed towards the blog readers. If you’re on our newsletter, if you’re on our mailing list, you’ve already received information regarding what we’re doing at the Legal Insurrection Foundation, particularly at Equal Protection Project, where we’ve had tremendous impact and tremendous success in challenging racially discriminatory programs.

But I want talk to you a little bit about the blog.

First thing you need to understand is we are one of the few remaining old school blogs. Everybody else has been taken over by Corporate Conservative America. They’re part of conglomerates. We’re still freestanding. There are a few others, but there’s not many freestanding.

And one of the things that we bring is our spirit of the early years of the blogosphere. And a key part of that is we believe in free internet. We believe in free access to our information. Therefore, you won’t see at our website what you’ve seen in a lot of websites where they segment the viewership. If you pay extra, you get certain content. We don’t do that. And because we don’t do that, we rely very heavily on reader donations to keep us going, to keep us in existence.

And that’s what I want to talk to you about. We hope that you will donate. We hope that you will continue our success and we hope you will continue our ability to provide this free to everybody.

One thing that we’d really encourage people to do, is extremely helpful to us, is monthly donations.

You can sign up at our website, which is listed here, the donate page, and you can subscribe monthly. You don’t have to, the content will always be free to you, but to be part of our movement, to be part of our community, to help us push forward in what is going to be a really impactful year, we ask that you donate. And we also ask that if you can, you do a monthly donation, which will be automatic.

This is going to be a tremendous year, even the last month or two I feel like we’re back in the good old days of the blog when we were going at it. Lots of viewership. Our viewership is way up in the past month or two.

It really feels like old times. And let’s keep it going. If you could support us, it would be greatly appreciated.

You can donate very easily with credit card, with Google Pay, with all these different mechanisms. We also have an address that you can mail us a check if you want. And it’s all at That’s at legal

Thank you.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


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