Navy SEALs, Sailors Who Refused Covid Vaccine Win Legal Victory over Biden-Harris Mandate

When the Biden-Harris administration issued a covid vaccine mandate for all federal workers, thousands of men and women in the U.S. military were discharged in early 2022 rather than comply. They did not wish to inject something into their bodies about which they had serious health and ethical concerns.

The U.S. Navy discharged over 8,000 members, who faced stiff penalties for refusing to agree to the Biden-Harris mandate.

Navy SEALs and other special operators suffered professional setbacks for refusing the vaccine, despite having their religious accommodation requests denied multiple times.They were fired, denied trainings to advance in rank and, in some cases, even forced by the military to repay their initial signing bonuses between $4,000 and $7,000.SEALs and other special operations warfare troops were also told they would have to pay back the cost of their training by the federal government – hundreds of thousands of dollars – and hand over their hard-earned ‘Trident’ pin.

Now these victims of the pseudoscience related to covid have won a major legal victory in reversing the actions taken against them for not following the Biden-Harris mandate.

Under an agreement in the case announced Wednesday, Navy sailors who refused the vaccine for religious reasons can now have their records corrected and will be protected against discrimination on promotion boards for the next three years, according to their attorneys.Promotion boards “must not consider any adverse information related solely to COVID-19 vaccine refusal in cases in which a religious accommodation was requested,” according to a release from the First Liberty Institute, a nonprofit legal organization that defends religious liberties, and the law firm Hacker Stephens LLP.The Navy also agreed to review the personnel records of all plaintiffs to ensure that the service expunged any information on administrative separation, counseling or nonjudicial punishment for failing to comply with the mandate.It will also correct the records of members who left the service and post a public statement “affirming the Navy’s respect for religious service members,” among other requirements.

Clearly, Harris would prefer for Americans to forget her ties to Biden’s disastrous vaccine mandate. However, I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone how vast and over-reaching it was.

President Biden announced the most sweeping COVID-19 vaccine requirements yet on Thursday, which will affect roughly 100 million Americans. The new measures include a vaccine mandate for all federal workers and contractors, and a requirement that large companies must mandate vaccines or regular testing for employees…..The Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration is developing a rule requiring all employers with at least 100 employees to make sure their workforce is fully vaccinated or require unvaccinated workers to get a negative test at least once a week. OSHA will issue an Emergency Temporary Standard to introduce the vaccine requirement. Companies that fail to comply could face fines of $14,000 per violation, Mr. Biden said.That was just one of the mandates and changes the president announced in a speech on boosting vaccinations and battling the COVID-19 pandemic. The president also announced vaccination requirements for health care providers that accept Medicare and Medicaid, for all federal employees and contractors and for the staffs of Head Start programs, Department of Defense Schools and Bureau of Indian Education-operated schools. Mr. Biden had announced in July the federal workforce would need to provide evidence that they had been vaccinated or submit to regular testing and practice social distancing measures in the workplace.

Harris and Biden also called for mask mandates, too.

Joe Biden and his running mate Sen. Kamala Harris called on Thursday for every governor to mandate mask-wearing in public for at least the next three months, citing studies that say it would save more than 40,000 lives and speed the nation’s economic recovery.

And, as we recently learned from Dr. Anthony Fauci, there was no science behind masking.

To put in perspective, 97% of Americans have covid antibodies.  As many have stopped taking the boosters, and others have contracted covid despite the boosters, this is suggestive of what I believe: that nearly everyone has now caught at least one case of covid.

So, it wasn’t a “winter of death”. . . it was an era of hysteria.

It is good to see justice work in favor of our unjustly treated military personnel.

The Biden administration policy failures are numerous. Let’s not forget Harris’ connection to the covid and mask mandates as she takes on the mantle of the 2024 Democratic presidential candidate.

Tags: Biden Economic Policy, Kamala Harris, Military, Wuhan Coronavirus