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Kamala Who “No Question” Wanted To End Fracking, Now Reportedly Changes Position

Kamala Who “No Question” Wanted To End Fracking, Now Reportedly Changes Position

Harris, way back in 2019: “there’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking”

I’m so old that I remember the distant era of the 2020 Democrat primary. Back in that hazy past, long-faded by the mists of time, then-Democrat candidate for the Democrat nomination for president, then-Sen. Kamala Harris was adamantly opposed to our entire civilization, or at least to the abundant energy we consume to enjoy our way of life. She hated coal, stated she would ban all off-shore drilling, and notably, that she was against all fracking and wanted it shut down, to ban it completely.

Then she found out that she was polling poorly among Democrats, many of them in states that rely on energy production for their livelihoods.

So Harris decided that she didn’t want to ban fracking after all. Or at least that she would stop saying it out loud.

Fox News reports:

Vice President Kamala Harris no longer supports a fracking ban, in a change in her stance during the last presidential election, her campaign said on Friday, according to a report.

Before she dropped her bid for president in 2019 and joined President Biden’s ticket, she said in a CNN town hall “there’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.”

“And starting with what we can do on day one around public lands, right?” she continued. “And then there has to be legislation, but, yes, that’s something I’ve taken on in California. I have a history of working on this issue and to your point we have to just acknowledge that the residual impact of fracking is enormous in terms of the health and safety of communities.”

Harris also cosponsored the Green New Deal as a senator in 2019, a proposal to stem climate change that includes a ban on fracking.

“Climate change is real, and it poses an existential threat to us as human beings, and it is within our power to do something about it,” Harris said on the campaign trail that year before exiting the race, according to The New York Times. “I am supporting the Green New Deal.”

. . . . In a statement to Fox News Digital, National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Mike Marinella, said, “Kamala Harris is the most far-left progressive presidential nominee in history, and extreme Democrats in the Rust Belt now own every single policy she supports.”

So now she has a brand new stance on a pretty key issue, apparently based solely on polls, that will evaporate the second she wins office, just as Biden’s “moderate” Joe act quickly vanished.

Harris is notable for supporting a wide range of destructive, divisive, and unAmerican policies, only to claim that she doesn’t. Remember her enthusiastic embrace of Bernie’s “Medicare For All”? That went away when her people realized it wasn’t polling well. The idea didn’t go away, just the campaign rhetoric.

She did the same thing about abolishing private health insurance and a host of other issues.

As Andrew Sullivan astutely noted in a must-read piece, Kamala is the weakest and the wokest candidate Democrats could have put forward. And yet.


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The green new deal is such a fraud.

    diver64 in reply to smooth. | July 28, 2024 at 8:28 am

    Not really. There is a lot of green to be had for companies that play ball with this administration

The reason Kamala is in favor of fracking is that one of her staff members told her that it was the current lingo for what she used to do with Willie Brown.

When she figures out that the staff member pulled off an epic troll on her and that fracking involves crude oil and natural gas, she’ll seek to ban it entirely.

In all seriousness, give this woman her stupid pension and tell her to go the (bleep) away.

    Paula in reply to Peter Moss. | July 27, 2024 at 5:42 pm

    She’s a fracking genius.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Peter Moss. | July 27, 2024 at 6:00 pm

    It would be better to entangle her in criminal proceeding and find a way to not give her a pension. She has not earned one.

    Certainly, electing Republicans guarantees we will have fracking and the prosperity from not sending dollars to our enemies. Capital outflow for oil is very bad for American’s.

    Milhouse in reply to Peter Moss. | July 29, 2024 at 8:08 am

    There’s a stupid pension?! I’ve never heard of it, but if there is one she’s certainly earned it!

High priestess in the Climate Change Religion™.

The attempt to recast the positions previously that Harris very publicly took by arrogant legacy media and d/prog operatives is gonna be amusing to watch. They can’t count on control of the info stream anymore. They gotta contend with not just X under new management and community notes feature but the proliferation of podcasts and other new media outlets.

    MattMusson in reply to CommoChief. | July 28, 2024 at 6:33 am

    Joe Biden made the same faux commitment about supporting fracking during his campaign. Then ended fracking on government leases when elected.

E Howard Hunt | July 27, 2024 at 5:21 pm

As Senator Howell Heflin said upon seeing a tabloid photo of Ted Kennedy atop a young intern on his boat motoring along the shore of Cape Cod, “I do believe the Senator has changed his position on offshore drilling.”

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | July 27, 2024 at 6:03 pm

Traitor Joe and his junta have all made it clear that they want to end the oil, gas, and coal industries. No question. And they have done everything in their power (and even many things NOT in their power) to do exactly that.

And yet, leftists try and crow that more oil is being pumped now than ever, as if that is not happening IN SPITE of everything the leftists have done and tried.

Leftists are liars. One and all. Pretty much all they do is lie. And project! They don’t believe in objective morality but they claim to be the most virtuous and moral people on Earth (ever!) and their laws are “universal”. They are trying to kill the petroleum industry but they boast to you that more oil is being pumped under their watch than ever.

Everything a leftist says is a lie. And it isn’t bad enough that thy lie about EVERYTHING. They just so happen to be deranged perverts, criminals, and psychopaths, too. Lovely people.

    “leftists try and crow that more oil is being pumped now than ever, as if that is not happening IN SPITE of everything the leftists have done and tried.”

    Ha ha! Now do gun sales!

Don’t believe her, We will see lots in her past she was for and now will be against

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Skip. | July 28, 2024 at 6:49 am

    It won’t be long, and she’ll be giving BJs to get elected. After, she has already proven that she’ll lie down for anything just to get ahead.

    Even Willie Brown showed his face in public recently to extol the virtues and skills of his mistress.

Voting for Kamala poses an existential threat to Americans far worse than Climate Change.

People will come to apppreciate her consistency.

Hope she will soon ride in a tank.

Frack you, you retarded whore…

“Baby girl, I’m in favor of any god-damned thing that will put my big ol’ booty in the chair behind that motherfeckin’ Resolute Desk HAHAHAHAHAHAH!”