Hamas Rebuilt Terrorist Base in Gaza’s UNRWA HQ – So IDF Destroyed It

Hamas rebuilt a terrorist base in the Gaza-based headquarters of the United Nations Palestinian Aid Agency (UNRWA) months after the Israeli military uncovered and destroyed a terror command center beneath the UN building.

“IDF forces operating in a compound used as the headquarters of UNRWA in Gaza found Hamas had rebuilt its military capabilities in the six months since troops withdrew from the area,” the Israeli news website YNET reported Monday.

The buildings of the UNRWA headquarters, designated as shelter for civilians, had been turned into a fortified base that was being used for the assembly of drones and as a weapons depot.

“During the activity, the troops engaged in close-quarters combat with terrorist cells that had fortified themselves inside the UNRWA compound and located parts for assembling a UAV, war rooms used for surveillance operations and large quantities of weapons, including tactical drones, rockets, machine guns, mortars, explosives and grenades,” the Israel Defense Forces revealed in a press release last week.

The Israeli troops also discovered terror tunnels running below the UNRWA headquarters. “Next to the terror compound raided by the troops, the IDF previously exposed and operated against an underground tunnel route and significant asset of Hamas’ military intelligence that passed under the building that served as UNRWA’s Headquarters in the Gaza Strip,” the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) statement added.

The YNET reported the latest find:

IDF forces operating in a compound used as the headquarters of UNRWA in Gaza, found Hamas had rebuilt its military capabilities in the six months since troops withdrew from the area. In the compound that was housing displaced civilians, the soldiers found workshops for the production of UAVs and other weapons, as well as rockets and explosives. Military commando units operated in the compound for the past week Over the past week.Situated between the Al-Sabra neighborhood and Tel al-Hawa in the northern part of the strip, the complex included a terrorist recruitment office and food warehouses. These warehouses, meant for humanitarian aid, were found storing rockets and explosive devices. Hamas-controlled food distribution lines were handing out vouchers to thousands of displaced Gazans daily.Within the warehouse complex near the university, the fighters discovered large UAVs that Hamas had constructed over recent months. The area showed clear signs of military recovery. Hamas had placed military-grade explosive devices, built observation posts and a forward command post (FCP) for managing the complex.

The revelations again highlight the deep collusion between Gaza-based terrorist groups and the disgraced UN agency. Last week, Israel’s foreign ministry released the names of more than 100 UNRWA employees who double as Palestinian terrorists. Many on UNRWA’s payroll carried out heinous atrocities on October 7.

After Israeli troops disrupted the terrorist operation, UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini had the temerity to accuse the IDF of turning his headquarters “into a battlefield” and “flattening” it. As the Israeli military noted, the destruction was caused by “close-quarters combat with terrorist cells that had fortified themselves inside the UNRWA compound.”

In 2018, President Donald Trump’s administration stopped the U.S. funding for the terror-infested UN agency, calling it an “irredeemably flawed operation.” After taking office, President Joe Biden resorted to the funding, giving UNRWA between $300 and $400 million annually since 2021.

Tags: Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, IDF, Israel, United Nations