Book Review: “Fear Itself” by Tammy Bruce

Legal Insurrection readers may recall that Fox News Channel contributor, independent conservative dynamo, and brilliant news analyst Tammy Bruce is one of my dearest inspirations behind becoming a citizen activist.

She was one of the earliest talk show innovators to move to go all-in on new media, and I continue to follow her work. Bruce has now written a new book: Fear Itself: Exposing the Left’s Mind-Killing Agenda. It is slated to be released today.

Her work could not be more timely, given the recent assassination attempt on President Donald Trump. Trump’s stance and exhortation to “Fight!” summarizes the critical concept Bruce stresses in her riveting new book.

In Fear Itself, Tammy shows us how the Fear Industrial Complex operates by connecting her experience as a leftist activist to a wide array of today’s issues. She touches upon the covid pandemic and its destructive policies, the climate crisis narrative, the woke madness of the American education system, the toxic racialism behind Black Lives Matter, and a host of other topics that the leftist media has manipulated to keep the public filled with anxiety — thus, more inclined to be manipulated into giving progressives more power and influence.

For me, personally, one of the most interesting portions of the book examined the actions of Trump’s coronavirus advisor, Dr. Deborah Birx. I recently covered how Birx used bureaucratic manipulation and a friendship with then Vice President Pence to keep the country under a prolonged lockdown.

Tammy recalls what happened during the Birx “Reign of Restrictions”, which we have now discovered were not based on actual science.

Birx, who had reportedly been lobbying then President-Elect Biden for a job in December 2020, suddenly announced her retirement instead. She cited the public criticism of her hosting a family gathering for Thanksgiving after warning Americans to restrict gatherings to “immediate households” during the holiday citing the dangers of COVID. But the rules perpetuating fear itself do not apply to those who manage the Fear Industrial Complex.The BBC reported, “It emerged on Sunday she had travelled from Washing- she was joined by three generations of her family from two households.While in Delaware, she did an interview with CBS in which she noted that some Americans had ‘made mistakes’ over Thanksgiving by travelling and they ‘should assume they were infected.” When caught flouting the rules she promoted for everyone else, she attempted to deflect, explaining she went to prepare the house for sale, and just happened to “have a meal” with family.

As Tammy notes, the feeling of fear is useful and is meant to be transitory. The anxiety and panic are not meant to be chronic. However the leftists and globalists, as well as the politicians and media that serve them, have weaponized the emotion.

She concludes the book with a cure for fear: Awareness.

Awareness is key to breaking the fear spell. The fact that you chose to read this book is a first, and singularly important, step. You knew “something isn’t right” but perhaps couldn’t put your finger on it considering the volume of information we’re all deluged with every day. Now you’ve taken action and know why and how certain inexplicable things happen.The government’s behavior and agenda during COVID was one of the first times when various agencies and politicians didn’t even bother to hide their agenda. They tripped on their contempt for the average person and got far too excited about all the power the “emergency” afforded them over our personal lives. But that backfired, leading to an awareness through experience for the average person that was frightening but invaluable.

One last note: I have been a long time fan of Tammy’s since the mid-1990’s. She often connects her personal experiences to the topics she is touching on, which is why for many of her fans, she seems like a member of the family.

A portion of the book describes in detail a horrendous personal experience to connect the tremendous damage that sustained and irrational fear can cause. While Tammy had hinted at this situation, she opens herself up within these pages in a heart-wrenching way….demonstrating she has walked the walk when it comes to the recommendations in Fear Itself.

While I often given star-ratings at the end of my reviews, I am simply going to say that Fear Itself will be a priceless addition to any library, and a great gift to give young voters in this election cycle.

For more on the book and Tammy, check out Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey and his interview with Tammy:

Tags: Book Review