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The Left is Not Taking Jamaal Bowman’s Loss Well

The Left is Not Taking Jamaal Bowman’s Loss Well

“They’ve bought George Latimer’s seat and that’s a dangerous undermining of democracy.”

You wouldn’t think that a small House race in New York would be very important but the left is genuinely upset about Jamaal Bowman’s loss this week. They certainly brought out the big guns to defend his campaign, with AOC jumping around like a crazy person at his rally and Bernie Sanders speaking at another event.

In the end, it was clear that the people in his district were determined to remove him from office. Still, the anger from the left is surprising.

FOX News reports:

Jamaal Bowman loss enrages liberals, left-wing commentators: ‘Willing to buy our democracy’

Left-wing media pundits and activists were enraged after “Squad” member Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., lost his primary election on Tuesday, blaming the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) role in the race.

“One of the House Democrats to come out for a ceasefire last year … is defeated,” former MSNBC host and Zeteo founder Mehdi Hasan wrote on social media. “Replaced by a new House Democrat, backed by AIPAC, who deploys racist dogwhistles and refuses to criticize Benjamin Netanyahu.”

“Congress just got a lot worse than it already is,” Hasan added.

Bowman lost to George Latimer in New York’s 16th congressional district Democratic Primary on Tuesday. Bowman, a member of the left-wing “Squad” Democrats in the House, accused AIPAC of brainwashing voters after he was projected to lose, and argued voters should be outraged.

The defeated candidate stated, “We should be outraged when a super PAC of dark money can spend $20 million to brainwash people into believing something that isn’t true. We should be outraged about that.”

Here are some various sour grapes.

Former MSNBC host Medhdi Hasan.

Left wing loon Nina Turner.

Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI)

Wajahat Ali of the Daily Beast.


AIPAC is being used as an excuse but here’s the truth.

Bowman was doomed months ago. The fire alarm stunt, combined with his comments on October 7th sealed his fate.


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Paul | June 27, 2024 at 9:17 am

They think it’s A-OK for left wingers to pour hundreds of millions of dollars into races in totally different parts of the country, but when an interest group within this dumb fu*k’s own district got together and ejected him, they get all butt-hurt. FJB and F anybody who votes for these left-wing idiots.

E Howard Hunt | June 27, 2024 at 9:20 am

The left’s constant refrain about democracy proves just what a cancer a true democracy is. The more our nation veers from its republic structure, the worse it gets.

steves59 | June 27, 2024 at 9:23 am

“Still, the anger from the left is surprising.”
Why is it surprising? Anger is really all they have.

“Left-wing media pundits and activists were enraged after “Squad” member Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., lost his primary election on Tuesday, blaming the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) role in the race.”
Cool. Now do Arabella Advisors and Open Society.

“Today it may be groups like
, but tomorrow it could be the NRA & big Pharma. Protect primaries, protect democracy.”

Oh noes! “Our” democracy is at stake again? And threatened by a greatly lessened Second Amendment advocate and a bunch of drug companies that conspired to push a vaccine on a locked-down population?
Whatever are we gonna do?

Fat_Freddys_Cat | June 27, 2024 at 9:25 am

If people try to defeat a candidate that stands for policies they don’t like, that’s their right. If you don’t vote for a candidate based on policy what are you supposed to vote on?

Oh that’s right. Checking the correct “diversity” boxes.

RITaxpayer | June 27, 2024 at 9:27 am

When Progressive are upset it’s generally a good thing for my country

Br2336 | June 27, 2024 at 9:27 am

Will a ceasefire release hostages?
If they wanted a ceasefire they’d release hostages
Are people really this stupid?

Will a ceasefire prevent any of the future massacres that Bowman’s friends have promised?

Bowman may have called for “ceasefire” early on. He was also one of the first to deny that rapes and sexual mutilation had occurred.

These people pour millions ?billions into Yale and Harvard and Georgetown and umichigan and others, they openly assert their goal of destroying America. Maybe some Americans don’t really want to embrace kidnapping? Or raping? I mean, as a routine thing? Even in North Bronx and Lower Westchester. Crazy I know. Or maybe Bowman’s a fire alarm puller and the people of NY’s CD16 don’t much like fire alarm pullers IDK

bigskydoc | June 27, 2024 at 9:31 am

Two things can simultaneously be true.

Of course they’re not taking it well.
Just like Islam, anywhere they’ve taken over with a progressive fundamentalist is someplace that should be fundamentalist progressive forever. It’s dar-al-Islam for Democrats: dar-al-Prog.

DanJ1 | June 27, 2024 at 9:44 am

In Michigan, Soros bought the Supreme Court at $6 million per seat (non-partisan court but the Conservative judges typically spent less than $100,000 to the Leftist leaning justices $6M). He also bought the Secretary of State office, the State’s AG (both Leftist Lesbians) and Gretchen’s perch. Dark money spent $20 million per seat in solid Red districts in Southeastern Michigan, and they continue that spend every two years to keep them Blue in spite of solid Conservative majorities.

So let’s talk about an attack on Democracy by big money billionaires…

chrisboltssr | June 27, 2024 at 10:13 am

Wonder if these Leftist Jews have finally figured out that the Left has ALWAYS hated Jews and are very antisemitic.

    Artie25 in reply to chrisboltssr. | June 27, 2024 at 12:11 pm

    To chrisboltssr: You may be correct but I grew up in the 60s and 70s, and it was different back then. I realize that I may have been delusional. But imho there was much much more a sense that “we’re all Americans and we’re all in this together despite our differences blah blah blah”

    Something grotesque has happened to American society over the years.

    I didn’t used to believe it, but I have come to believe that it’s not accidental
    — one example is this Levine at HHS forcing his/her StronglyWishedForViewOfSex onto the rest of us. It’s almost islamic in its fanaticism, with near-zero empiric support. Convert or die. Mutilate your five year old or lose custody.

    This is just one example. Personnel is policy. They didn’t have to install Levine to such a powerful position.

    The director of all military intelligence at the pentagon appointed in 2021 is a Hamas-supporter. Why’d they do that?

    And the whole electric vehicle thing? Why’d they push that so hard? Maybe start with a pilot project?

    It’s as if they’re purposefully destroying everything that used to hold us together.

    (A lot of the 1970s was really so nice — looking back. There just was not near so much hate. Intensity)

      GWB in reply to Artie25. | June 27, 2024 at 1:12 pm

      It’s almost islamic in its fanaticism
      Yes. It’s called Progressivism. And it IS a religion.

      chrisboltssr in reply to Artie25. | June 27, 2024 at 2:15 pm

      At the root of Leftism is deep hatred for Western culture and it’s pinnacle specifically, the United States of America. Just ask yourself the question: Why is it “progressives: never tell you what they’re progressing to?

      henrybowman in reply to Artie25. | June 27, 2024 at 3:32 pm

      Usually the source of that particular Nile gets traced back to Barky’s promise of a “fundamental transformation of America.” And since all the other timelines mesh almost perfectly, I am willing to be categorical about it.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | June 27, 2024 at 10:16 am

Sheesh. It’s not like AIPAC went house to house giving voters money to oust the Nitwit from New York.

Bowman is a dunce, an idiot, a puppet. Now he is a whiny bitch, who is unemployed.

Good luck at your trash truck job Jamal. Or perhaps you can just move on advocating the murder of Jews like the rest of your ilk. Apparently it pays so well that students walk away from their college classes to protest.

Halcyon Daze | June 27, 2024 at 11:56 am

I am taking the left’s discomfort very well, however.

Azathoth | June 27, 2024 at 12:14 pm

The fuss is a show.

Latimer will vote in the same virtual lockstep as every other Dem on issues the left deems important.

This is no victory. It is a one party district. Victory would be turning that district red.

But Jews and Black people seem fixated on voting for the people who hate them the most.

    henrybowman in reply to Azathoth. | June 27, 2024 at 3:44 pm

    Sure, Latimer is a dime’s worth of difference away from Bowman. But what’s important to the left at this very moment in time — which overrides any possible introspection — is that they didn’t get their way.

    Democrats look for any excuse to throw a tantrum/demonstration/riot, like Otter, Boon, and Hoov looked for any excuse to throw a party.

destroycommunism | June 27, 2024 at 12:31 pm

cair supports terrorism

aipac supports freedom from those terrorists

americas streets have turned into 3rd world junk

that then allows the foot soldiers to move without fear of an opponent

the few tea party members that took to the streets during obama era

were physically attacked and the government as we all know singled them out with that lawfare

what was done to the generals in the lefty army????



^^^^not gonna happen^^^

destroycommunism | June 27, 2024 at 12:32 pm

why is hillary clintons name absent as she did support the winner ?????

destroycommunism | June 27, 2024 at 12:34 pm

Bowman is the epitome of the lefts movement towards suppression of pro americas freedom

he lost the vote count

the left has lost not one step towards their goal(s)

thanks the scotus for those assists

The_Mew_Cat | June 27, 2024 at 12:37 pm

This clown’s fate was sealed when his district lines changed.

destroycommunism | June 27, 2024 at 12:42 pm

is cori blmplo Bush saying this so she can marry him while showing her je w hating cred???::

Embattled Squad member Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO), who is facing a tough primary in August, called the pro-Israel advocacy group AIPAC a “threat to democracy” in a social media post on Wednesday.

She posted a statement on X with the headline, “My statement on AIPAC’s threat to Democracy,” adding, “Their far-right SuperPac and allies spent $20M to unseat my brother @JamaalBowmanNY.”

“ whether you believe democracy should be sold to the highest bidder. “

Unless the Latimer campaign was handing out money (like it was alleged in Minnesota), the voters picked the candidate of their choice.

Perhaps, it was that they wanted a candidate who could recognize a door handle from a fire alarm.

CommoChief | June 27, 2024 at 1:58 pm

IMO the leftist ideologues fury directed towards AIPAC is entirely misplaced. They should be using this moment for a calm self reflection and analysis of why their ideological fellow traveller was rejected by voters. That would take a maturity they don’t possess and the answers would undermine their self aggrandizing narrative.

Bowman had his CD boundaries altered a bit and the weight of his pro Hamas stance and accompanying antics became a liability. There are still center/left moderates in the d/prog party base or at least in comparison to the radical lefty ass clowns of the ‘squad’ and their adjunct members like Bowman. Those voters may still want to vote d/prog but ain’t exactly OK with pro terrorist stances, illegal aliens camped out in public, rampant crime runaway inflation. When those things were out of sight they were out of mind, today they are in their backyard.

henrybowman | June 27, 2024 at 3:45 pm

“We should be outraged when a super PAC of dark money can spend $20 million to brainwash people into believing something that isn’t true.”

Then you should be able to enumerate the lies. We’ll wait.

    CommoChief in reply to henrybowman. | June 27, 2024 at 3:58 pm

    Blaming AIPAC for spending $ attempting to draw public attention to Bowman’s own actions and rhetoric doesn’t seem like the scandal these goons are trying to turn it into. If AIPAC had been making allegations up out of whole cloth then maybe it would be a legit complaint. The didn’t have to lie b/c Bowman provided all the ammo needed himself.

    GWB in reply to henrybowman. | June 27, 2024 at 4:04 pm

    And wait… and wait… and wait….

diver64 | June 27, 2024 at 4:18 pm

The problem isn’t the money in Bowman’s district ads. The problem is that he hates the largest voting block and made no secret of it. Sometimes you can get away with that, when it involves supporting people who want to murder all of them not so much. Acting the fool with Sandy (D-Hamas) at a rally outside his district was just icing on the cake. I don’t think the fire alarm had much to do with it.

McGehee 🇺🇲 FJB | June 27, 2024 at 7:32 pm


Milhouse | June 27, 2024 at 11:25 pm

Note that AOC doesn’t have many Jews in her district, so she doesn’t have to worry about the same thing happening to her.

BierceAmbrose | June 27, 2024 at 11:46 pm

Bowman lost? Sound the alarm!

(I am so disappointed in you folks sometimes.)

BierceAmbrose | June 27, 2024 at 11:49 pm

Wait, wait, wait, wait. Sandy from the Block is all wee-wee’d up about outside money? Does she *know* how she got installed elected? Who funds her?

Guess she wants to go back to her bartender gig. Better clientele, no doubt.

DaveGinOly | June 28, 2024 at 12:48 am

“They’ve bought George Latimer’s seat and that’s a dangerous undermining of democracy.”

The same people making this complaint were, a few weeks ago, crowing about how the Biden campaign had raised more money than Trump’s.

“One of the first House Democrats to come out for a ceasefire last year… is defeated.”

Like there’s something laudable about supporting a ceasefire that would save a terrorist organization from destruction.

At some point in the history of elections in this country, I’m sure there was a “good” Democrat who once held the record for most money expended on a successful campaign for a House seat. Someone has to hold the record at any given time. Latimer is just the most recent record holder.

texan59 | June 28, 2024 at 8:46 am

I’ll be interested to see what kind of shape he leaves his Congressional office in when he turns in his keys. Might be a lot of surprises left in unsuspecting places. IYKWIM

tbonesays | June 28, 2024 at 12:11 pm

So Bowman needs a job and Biden needs a replacement…

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