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Hamas Holding Female Hostages as Slaves in Gaza, Rescued Captive Reveals

Hamas Holding Female Hostages as Slaves in Gaza, Rescued Captive Reveals

Thirteen Israeli women hostages still believed to be in Hamas captivity. 

The terror group Hamas is holding Israeli females hostages as slaves in Gaza, Israeli news reports say. The grim details about the condition of women hostages was revealed by Noa Argamani, who was rescued by the Israeli special forces last week after eight months of captivity.

The female hostages are made to work and deprived of food by Hamas captors. “Rescued hostage Noa Argamani told the mother of one of the captive IDF spotters that young Israeli women were ‘held as slaves’ in a luxury villa in Gaza before being taken down into the Hamas tunnels,” the Israeli TV channel i24NEWS reported Saturday.

The new revelations highlight the plight of 13 Israeli women still being held as hostages by Hamas. A video release last month shows Hamas terrorists taking five female Israeli soldiers, including 19-year-old Liri Albag. The footage shows captured women with their faces smeared with blood and terrorists boasting of raping them once in Gaza.

The Times of Israel reported:

The mother of Liri Albag, a 19-year-old female soldier abducted on October 7, shared information Friday about her daughter that she said came from freed female hostages and also matched the account of Noa Argamani, who was rescued from Hamas captivity in Gaza last week.

“As Noa Argamani said, they were slaves, and so were the [female soldiers], including Liri. They cleaned the yard, did dishes, and prepared food that they were not allowed to eat,” Shira Albag told a conference of female municipal leaders in Ganei Tikva, south of Tel Aviv.

Shira Albag said that as far as she knew from accounts, her daughter was initially moved between some four homes, among them a luxury villa, and was only allowed to shower a month into her captivity. After 40 days, according to Albag, Liri was moved into Hamas’s network of underground tunnels, where there was little food and no light, and the water was salty and rationed.

Argamani was rescued in an Israeli security forces operation on Saturday, along with Shlomi Ziv, Almog Meir Jan and Andrey Kozlov, who were held separately from her.

Meir Jan’s mother Orit Meir also spoke at the conference on Friday, sharing information about her son’s conditions in captivity.

In March, United Nations’ investigators — despite the organization’s hostility toward Israel — admitted that hostages, including women and children, were being subjected to rape and torture by Gaza terrorists. “With respect to hostages, … team found clear and convincing information that some have been subjected to various forms of conflict-related sexual violence including rape and sexualized torture and sexualized cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and it also has reasonable grounds to believe that such violence may be ongoing,” the UN investigation concluded.

The news comes after a senior Hamas operative claimed that the terrorist group had ‘no idea’ how many of the 116 remaining Israeli hostages are still alive. “I don’t have any idea about that; no one has any idea about this,” Lebanon-based Hamas terrorist Osama Hamdan told CNN on Friday.

IDF engaged in ‘fierce fighting’ in Rafah terror stronghold, eight soldiers killed in blast

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) was engaged in ‘fierce fighting’ with Hamas terrorists in Rafah stronghold, the Jerusalem Post reported Saturday.

Eight Israeli soldiers were reportedly killing during an operation in the area. “Eight Israeli soldiers were killed when an engineering armored personnel carrier (APC) exploded in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, the IDF announced Saturday evening,” the YNET reported. “Among the fallen is Captain Wassem Mahmoud, 23, from Beit Jann. Captain Mahmoud was a deputy company commander in the 601st Engineering Battalion of the 401st Iron Trails Brigade.”

Names of all the fallen soldiers “have not yet been released,” the news outlet added.

The Israeli military was hitting the Rafah terrorist bastion from multiple directions, the Jerusalem Post reported citing Arab media sources. The IDF in its Saturday press release did not report on intensified military operations, but talked of “precise, intelligence-based, targeted operations” by its Commando Brigade “in the Rafah Area.”

The IDF also confirmed that Hamas and its terrorist allies were once again using humanitarian zones to fire rockets into Israel. On Friday, “terror organizations in the Gaza Strip launched five projectiles from a Humanitarian Area in central Gaza toward the area of Kibbutz Kissufim. Two of the projectiles which crossed into Israeli territory fell in open areas and the other three projectiles fell inside the Gaza Strip,” the IDF disclosed Saturday. “This is a further example of the cynical exploitation of humanitarian infrastructure and the civilian population as human shields by terror organizations in the Gaza Strip for their terrorist attacks.”

The Jerusalem Post reported the ongoing fighting in Rafah:

Earlier on Saturday, fierce fighting was reported in Rafah. Safa, a Hamas-affiliated news outlet based in Gaza, reported that Israeli artillery and helicopters fired in the area of the Saudi neighborhood west of Rafah.

According to the Gazan news source, clashes and explosions were heard in the city’s western area.

At the same time, Palestinian Authority state-run news agency Wafa reported that Israeli artillery struck targets in the central and eastern portions of Rafah as well.


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A UN “expert” declared the use of the aid truck to rescue the hostages is a war crime.


    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to geronl. | June 15, 2024 at 3:12 pm

    I have yet to figure out why either the USA or Israel remain in the UN in the first place.

      The only reason I can see is to exercise our veto regularly and we don’t do that.

        Milhouse in reply to Martin. | June 15, 2024 at 5:15 pm

        Yes, we do. Even Biden and 0bama routinely did so.

        JR in reply to Martin. | June 15, 2024 at 6:47 pm

        The United States has used it veto power on the National Security Council 83 times, with 42 of those votes against resolutions condemning Israel.

        c0cac0la in reply to Martin. | June 16, 2024 at 3:05 am

        The best use of the ‘veto’ is to leave the UN and stop all funding. Then all this farce can stop.

        CommoChief in reply to Martin. | June 16, 2024 at 6:16 pm

        Why not just pull out and ignore the UN altogether then impose harsh consequences for actions that threaten the actual national security of the Citizens of the USA? Stop sending $, stop participating, stop providing anything at all that offers a scrap of legitimacy to the UN. That would be a very good start.

      healthguyfsu in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | June 15, 2024 at 11:08 pm

      Because of who is in power and who is behind all of the power in this country no matter which party holds seats.

    Milhouse in reply to geronl. | June 15, 2024 at 5:14 pm

    Using an ambulance for a military operation would be a war crime. The “Palestinians” do so routinely; Israel doesn’t. As far as I know there’s nothing written about aid trucks. And at this point I wouldn’t mind if Israel did use ambulances, since the whole point of that prohibition is that the enemy won’t shoot at an ambulance, but only if it can trust that it’s not a military target. Since the “Palestinians” do shoot at Israeli ambulances, and Israel can’t trust that their ambulances are not legitimate targets, the whole thing doesn’t apply and Israel should officially refuse to comply with it.

Well, that certainly sounds riot worthy!

Let the proud little Hamasholes get their disgusting keffiyehs out and tell us how horrible the Israelis are.

What a living hell

One would think the UN would tell the Israelites where the hostages are

It’s not like they help the hostages in any form

They are useless, bought, kind like the Red Cross, only worse

    Crawford in reply to gonzotx. | June 15, 2024 at 5:07 pm

    The UN is helping hold the hostages. They’re held in uUNWRA areas, in the homes of people the UN staffers know. The UN takes slaves everywhere they send “peacekeeping” forces, so they’re just following their policy.

    healthguyfsu in reply to gonzotx. | June 15, 2024 at 11:13 pm

    1. Didn’t DV you

    2. Since Israel became a nation and had legitimate, legal status in the eyes of (most of) the world, the proper term to use became Israelis. Israelites is a tribal/ethnic term of historical significance but now somewhat obsolete (at least in English).

For there to be humanitarian areas in Gaza there would need to be humans. Only the hostages qualify.

BierceAmbrose | June 16, 2024 at 12:23 am

Well, we’ll be seeing those ICC “arrest warrants” in 3… 2… 1…

(Of course /sarc. And I can’t even laugh, given the situation.)

BierceAmbrose | June 16, 2024 at 12:36 am

“… that young Israeli women were ‘held as slaves’”

Because that’s doctrine for large swaths of Islam, sourced variously from interpretations of Koran, Hadith, Sunna (also “Sunnah.”)

There’s arguments around how “fundamentalist” various chunks of current Islam are. Maybe, listen to what they say, and when that’s what they do, believe them.

BierceAmbrose | June 16, 2024 at 12:41 am

Seems like a lot of shooting coming *out* of Rafah these days for a civilian enclave.

Kinda like that civilian refugee camp, where the hostages were rescued last week. From people’s homes. Through a mobilized fire fight to *stop* their exit

Or that hospital, with a weird lot of firing coming out, for a hospital doing hospital things.

Muslims holding sex slaves in imitation of the Quran’s highest example of conduct, Muhammad. Absolutely inconceivable.

E Howard Hunt | June 16, 2024 at 9:06 am

If they relocate to California after release will they qualify for reparations?

texansamurai | June 16, 2024 at 5:36 pm

keep going idf—every last one