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Campus Pro-Hamas ‘Protesters’ Alarm Democrats, Provide Fodder For Pro-America GOP Ads

Campus Pro-Hamas ‘Protesters’ Alarm Democrats, Provide Fodder For Pro-America GOP Ads

“The White House is now taking more steps to show that it is attentive to the fallout emanating from the college protests”

For some reason, Democrats think that the campus protests by Hamas supporters and cheerleaders is a good look. They wax on fondly about the ’60s with no regard for the vast differences between the Hamas invasion of Israel on October 7th, 2023 and the Vietnam War in which America’s young men were actually on the ground.

Screeching “We’re all Hamas” is hideous when one considers, as one must, the horrific acts of savagery and barbarism committed against innocent Israeli citizens, often in their own homes. We have documented the senseless evil here at LI, and the documentary “Screams Before Silence” is heart-wrenching in its brutal honesty about the atrocities Hamas (and some Gazans) perpetrated upon Israeli women and girls.

This is what the campus agitators support, and it’s disgusting. It’s vile beyond words. And Americans are quickly learning that this is no grassroots movement of student radicals, it’s a well-planned, carefully executed attempt to destroy America and replace it with . . . what? George Washington as a Hamas “fighter”?

The GOP ads just write themselves, and even the animators of Weekend at Joey’s got a clue. Sort of.

Politico reports:

In choosing to go before the cameras, the White House tacitly conceded that some of the pro-Palestinian campus protests risked harming the president’s effort to project himself as a calming force for the nation. Biden had been slow to address the campus conflicts in a robust way; events effectively made the decision for him.

“There’s the right to protest but not the right to cause chaos,” Biden would say on Thursday. “Vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing the cancellation of classes and graduation — none of this is a peaceful protest.”

The White House is now taking more steps to show that it is attentive to the fallout emanating from the college protests.

I doubt this weak as water WH response will influence Americans sitting at home and watching rabid Hamas supporters swoon at the thought of the elimination of Israel and the slaughter of all Jews.

Some Democrats are reportedly very unhappy about the visuals and violence, while others are embracing the destructive, divisive chaos, and seem particularly animated by the anti-Israel, anti-American sentiment of the Hamas baby beheader supporters.

Needless to say, people had thoughts.


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ConradCA | May 4, 2024 at 8:16 pm

The Democratic Party was built on racism and that’s why the Stormtroopers of the Democratic Party support Hamas. Hamas are POC and Israelis are white which means that they support Hamas no matter what evil they do.

Whitewall | May 4, 2024 at 8:41 pm

The ’68ers’ helped elect Nixon too.

    diver64 in reply to Whitewall. | May 5, 2024 at 6:17 am

    This election is turning out to be a repeat of 1968, Biden is much like Johnson. Wars overseas that are not popular, civil unrest at home that he expresses little desire to tame and a domestic agenda that reshaped America in ways few really wanted. Nixon ran on strength abroad and returning America to a nation of laws by curbing the riots. The anarchy at the Democratic National Convention was icing on the cake and guess where the 2024 Dems Convention is again? It’s going to be a total goat screw and the Dems can’t do anything about it because they are afraid of losing the few voters that they still have. Biden is left pandering to the Kill The Jews Crowd with a weak statement several days after these riots started up mentioning Jews once which is the point of the riots and Islamic radicals 3 times when everyone is looking around and failing to see any anti Muslim riots anywhere. Biden and the Obama radicals surrounding him have thrown fuel on the fire with there cow towing to the left. They now have nowhere to go.

      JohnSmith100 in reply to diver64. | May 5, 2024 at 4:09 pm

      Nixon was smarter than most presidents. At the time I bought the shit about Nixon, In retrospect I suspect that a lot of his problem was deep state.

Back in the day the protest was actually against a war being fought by the country and many protestors actually had a stake. 58,000 died. Of course, there were the provacotuers among them, many violent

Today, they have no stake. They are performing for something they cannot define. And they are more hateful than ever. Maybe because they know it’s an act for their own deficiencies. Ugly, hateful, ignorant, yet so sure. The provocateurs remain, as always, Will the dupes be able to resist this fake call to violence and overthrow of the oppressor?

Tiki | May 4, 2024 at 9:46 pm

I hope the Hamas-Antifa-BLM Nazi’s continue their Red Terror campaign through to the democrat convention.

Will the FratBoy Rebellion sustain steam through the school off-season?

I noticed that an American Israeli NGO launched lawsuit(s) on SJP International. So, there’s possibly some lawfare against the dark pool money financiers.

For weeks The Atlantic played the right vs. left antisemitic equivalence game. It backed off and doubled down on Trump being unfit because he’s old.

I truly £§€¥%#$ Clan McCain.

Oh, look, Meghan, that sniping moo, hoofed her way out of the barn to say stuff.

Suburban Farm Guy | May 4, 2024 at 10:48 pm

There’s no place for racism, says Mr. You Ain’t Black If You Don’t Vote For Me

    Milhouse in reply to Suburban Farm Guy. | May 5, 2024 at 9:29 am

    In form that’s no different than Trump’s You Ain’t Jewish if You Don’t Vote For Me. In substance they’re very different, only because Biden’s statement happens to be wrong and Trump’s happens to be right.

The Muslim Mum @TheMumMuslim

Yes @DaveAtherton20
Islam means submission to God. It’s not coming to your neighbourhood, it’s in your front room, cry more! All you Britain First clowns better tread carefully or we might deport you for spreading Islamophobia in Muslim UK! 😂

Obituary: Londinium 50AD to 2024AD. It was a damn fine run.

stevewhitemd | May 4, 2024 at 10:58 pm

A quick note to Fuzzy Slippers: is this going to be one of those “Republicans pounce” moments? 🙂

henrybowman | May 4, 2024 at 11:49 pm

“The White House is now taking more steps to show that it is attentive to the fallout emanating from the college protests”

So attentive! Parents of students who complain about the violent demonstrations will now be labeled domestic terrorists and investigated.

natdj | May 5, 2024 at 12:53 am

Hmmmm…..I wonder how many American Jews are going to vote for Trump despite what we witness on these college campuses? I doubt it will be a majority. As for the GOP, not sure how pro American they are when they keep funding Ukraine and vote to spy on Americans?

    mailman in reply to natdj. | May 5, 2024 at 1:30 am

    Probably not many because like blacks they just can’t seem themselves off some Democrat abusive relationship shit.

    Those same Jews also hate Israel as much as they hate America so it’s no wonder they love the Democratic Party.

    FOAF in reply to natdj. | May 5, 2024 at 6:38 am

    There is a poll showing a majority of Jews in NY state supporting Trump. We’ll see.

    rebelgirl in reply to natdj. | May 5, 2024 at 8:41 am

    My relatives are in for Trump this year…and the word on the street (shtetl) is that quite a few others are as well. Fingers crossed.

    JackinSilverSpring in reply to natdj. | May 5, 2024 at 9:33 am

    Regretfully, many Jewish Americans are Jews only by an accident of birth. They otherwise have little or no connection to the Jewish People.

Milhouse | May 5, 2024 at 7:10 am

For some reason, Democrats think that the campus protests by Hamas supporters and cheerleaders is a good look. They wax on fondly about the ’60s

They’re mostly correct in that comparison. I don’t see a significant difference between the anti-American protesters in the ’60s and now. They’re the same Marxists filled with the same hatred, engaged in the same barbarism, and with the same ultimate goal.

with no regard for the vast differences between the Hamas invasion of Israel on October 7th, 2023 and the Vietnam War in which America’s young men were actually on the ground.

What significant difference is there between the Hamas invasion of Israel and the communist invasion of South Vietnam?

The presence of US troops on the ground was a difference in policy, but it didn’t affect the morality of the situation. The anti-war demonstrators weren’t objecting to the cost to US taxpayers or the risk to US servicemen; they hated the servicemen and wished them harm, and they objected to the war itself, explicitly shouting “Ho Chi Minh, the NLF is gonna win”. And they weren’t saying it as a regretful prediction; they were cheering the communists on, just like their successors are now cheering Hamas.

    Ghostrider in reply to Milhouse. | May 5, 2024 at 10:58 am

    Watching this morning’s Fox News broadcasts, there was a segment that suggests a political twist or perhaps foreshadowing a different force at play. The segment showed clips of liberal networks interviewing Bernie Sanders and Jim Clyborne. When asked about college campus unrest from the past week, both men used the same, telling line: “…this could be Biden’s Vietnam.”

    Remember, in 1968 President Johnson chose not to run for re-election largely because the anti-Vietnam War protests were so frequent, they severely impacted his polling and popularity numbers. On the UW Madison campus alone, the SDS blew up the Chemistry building before the DNC 1968 Chicago convention.

    My wild-ass guess? I think what we are hearing from Cyborn and Sanders is a (directed) tell: the Democrat Party is pivoting. They deliberately sent these two guys out on TV shows to set the stage. It’s a matter of time before they tell Biden to step aside and withdraw from the race.

TargaGTS | May 5, 2024 at 9:11 am

There was a special election in Houston yesterday (Texas Senate District-15) to fill a vacancy left by John Whitmire after he was elected Mayor of Houston earlier this year. In 2022, Whitmire won that Texas Senate District by almost 25-points (it’s a very reliably blue district that is overwhelmingly black and Hispanic (just 25% white). While the Democrat won yesterday, with the GOP candidate winning 45% of the vote, she did 10-points worse than Whitmire did 2022, which I’m sure is something that is giving Democrats some heartburn this morning.

Of course the campus protests are unlike Jan 6; they are far worse. Jan 6 was an accidental riot, effectively leaderless and transformed into occasional violence through the actions of a few screwballs (including FBI infiltrators). These campus events include some violence, much intimidation, much trespassing, and much low=level law-breaking highly organized by friends of Iran and Hamas. Jan 6 was propelled entirely by Americans; this is a 5th column event funded by this country’s enemies.

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