Indians Set to Replace Palestinian Workers From Gaza/West Bank in Israeli Jobs After October 7 Massacre
Jerusalem Post: “Thousands of laborers are expected to work in the embattled construction sector, which relied almost exclusively on Palestinian workers before the war.”

Thousands of Indian nationals are set to replace Palestinian workforce, which fell out in the wake of the October 7 massacre.
“An influx of Indian workers is expected to arrive in Israel in the coming weeks as part of an effort to overcome a labor shortage due to the Israel-Hamas war,” the Jerusalem Post reported earlier this month, “Thousands of laborers are expected to work in the embattled construction sector, which relied almost exclusively on Palestinian workers before the war.”
The replacement of workforce from Gaza and the West Bank is matter of Israel’s national secutiry. Evidence suggests that Hamas misused Israel’s work permit program to carry out reconnaissance on bordering Jewish communities ahead of the attack. Several of the terrorists who entered Israel on October 7 were holders of work-permits and had intimate knowledge of the security measures in place.
The IDF raided a house in Gaza that fired on Israeli forces.
They found photos of children holding weapons and an Israeli work permit that appears to belong to their father.— Daniel Cohen (@DanielCohenTV) November 7, 2023
Israel’s government-backed agency, National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), conducted recruitment drives in several Indian states. Jerusalem is looking for skilled workers, such as plumbers, electricians and masons, along with agricultural and constructions workers.
“Thousands of Indians flocked to a recruitment center [located in northern India] … for jobs that would take them to Israel despite the … Israeli-Hamas war (…),” the Associated Press reported in late January, describing the scene as one such drive. “Many among the crowd of men, mostly skilled construction workers and laborers, said they would take their chances in a country embroiled in war as they are struggling to find jobs in India, where unemployment remains high despite a swelling economy.”
“The week-long recruitment drive began on Tuesday, with a 15-member Israeli team overseeing the process and expecting to fill over 5,000 positions for masons, carpenters and other construction workers in Israel,” the AP added.
Following October 7, Israel barred “entry to over 140,000 Palestinian workers from the West Bank,” Tel Aviv-based Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) noted in a recent report. In a bid to foster economic development in Hamas-controlled Gaza, Jerusalem had issued around 18,000 work-permits to Gazans.
This workforce may largely be replaced by Indian workers, news reports suggest. Neighbouring Sri Lanka, is also expected to send 20,000 workers to Israel, Reuters reported late November.
Yesterday in India, over 10,000 people queued to be checked for elligibility for construction work in Israel, instead of Palestinians. Many slept at the site overnight.
— Olia (@OliaOnX) February 1, 2024
Modi government defies left-wing trade unions, takes credit for Israeli recruitment drive
India’s Marxist-led workers unions, which otherwise despise India’s Hindu Nationalist government, urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to ‘scrap’ any agreement to send Indians workers to Israel.
Left-wing unions “questioned the [New Delhi’s] proposed move to send about [one hundred thousand] Indian construction workers to Israel to replace Palestinian nationals working there,” Indian newspaper The Hindu reported November 11. “They alleged that the [Indian] government is playing a despicable role in supporting the Israeli plans to throw out Palestinian workers and retaliation for the Hamas attack is only an excuse.”
The appeal by the leftist unions will have little impact on the government’s decision. India’s largest trade union, with 10 million members, is a right-wing workers body aligned with Prime Minister Modi’s party.
In fact, Prime Minister Modi and his political allies appear to be taking credit for the Israeli recruitment drive.
The DC-based policy journal Diplomat noted in February that “banners at the recruitment sites carry pictures of the Prime Minister, along with those of local leaders, making it appear that this is employment that the Indian leadership has organised through its efforts.”
The left-leaning journal apparently accused India of “shoring up Israel’s economy and facilitating its economic exclusion of Palestinians.”

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Palestinian workers, can’t live with them, can’t live without them. Oh wait…
Palestinians: If you watched them place bets and did the exact opposite over the last eighty years, you would never be wrong.
Meanwhile, they are still attaining their overall objectives. Fakestinians carried out one of the most outrageous acts in history at the Munich Olympics … but now they are allowed an official team for the competition.
Terror pays. So long as the good guys refuse to do what’s necessary to put an end to the motivation for it it will continue and pay off. The 9/11 attack on America resulted in mosque construction in America going into overdrive, muslims being imported from every corner of the world like they were going out of style, electing a President named “Hussein”, and islam worming its way into American life – which had, until that point, been blessed with pretty much ZERO muslims and certainly no public push by muslims of any sort (save the Nation of islam … but they were a joke and the muslim world had never accepted them as part of islam recently when they realized the advantage of having people “in the belly of the beast”). Pathetically, 9/11 will go down as one of the most successful attacks in history, given that Bin Laden has gotten pretty much everything he wanted. Not everything, but damn close.
I think the reason the “West” including its elements of Nazi heritage puts up with Muslims is because they are its lever against Israel.
Also, Russia sponsors Iran which in turn sponsors Houthis and Hezbollah, and we’ve seen actual Russian complicity preparations for 10/7. But they do it via cutouts. Another Russian cutout is North Korea.
Remember, Molotov and Ribbentrop had an agreement until they didn’t. Why did Russia switch sides? Maybe Stalin, but whatever it was, I’m glad they did. But now, Putin has been backing the Palestinians.
Excuse me?! The USSR switched sides because Germany invaded. The Molotov/Ribbentrop pact lasted until the day Germany decided to break it. Until that moment the USSR and the entire worldwide communist movement were actively cooperating with Germany and sabotaging the war effort against it. As soon as Germany invaded the USSR, it and the world communist network spun on a dime and became Germany’s bitterest enemies.
I can live very easily without construction workers who pour slow-drying cement down the sewage/plumbing system of the new projects they were hired to build, causing backups years later.
troops are moving…
The Find Out stage is widening.
I hope Islam is not the exponent that widens the “find out” base due to the exponential rise of the “fuck around” slope that forces it into a curve.
Islam isn’t the problem. The problem is extremists and those who through indoctrination become radicalized. The population of Gaza is an example of where/how teaching hatred, lies and propaganda has radicalized multiple generations against not just Israel or the USA but against Western Civilization and modernity.
We have similar historical episodes of radicals who were Christian and many examples of those who would use the excuse of nonbelievers/non conformity to justify violence v the nonbelievers/non conformist in the name of the Christian religion.
I hope they are not importing Indian moslems. That would be really stupid.
India is the third largest Muslim country by population, with about 211 million Muslims.
That lot moved up to Pakistan.
Which also demonstrates the hypocrisy of the left. Pakistan was created in exactly the same way as Israel was but with a fuck load more bloodshed and a fuck load more people displaced by then partition but do you hear lefties wanking on about the right of return for those MILLIONS of displaced Indians?
Do we have a UN organisation dedicated to displaced Indian refugees?
Do we have never ending resolutions against Pakistans existence every fucking UN meeting?
No of course you don’t because that would be rwaaaaacist 🙄
No, they didn’t. They are in northern India. Pakistan is all muslim, basically, but India is still about 20% muslim.
India probably has a bigger internal problem with militant Sikhs than it does with home grown Muslim extremism…mainly because the vast majority of Muslims went up to Pakistan….which India is probably happy about.
Sorry, that’s not true. India has almost as many Moslems as Pakistan does. It is the third biggest Moslem country in the world, and the biggest that doesn’t have a Moslem majority.
Sikhs are not a problem for India unless it deliberately antagonizes them, as Indira Gandhi did.
Yeah India gave them a whole big country, but that’s not enough, they want to take over India too. That’s the way with Muslims, you have to get rid of them.
No more trade with Gaza. That was a mutual benefit, the latest shot down by Hamas.
Importing Indians? What no Mexicans?
Not being funny but I suspect even Mexicans would be better than gazans.
Or Central Americans which is what we have mostly gotten for the past 20 years. But Mexico was on the Nazi side in WW2 so maybe not Mexico in particular.
A better solution would be to get Jewish immigrants for these positions.
There are only so many Jews in the Diaspora who wish to return to Israel. That may change in the future but right now it is what it is.
The notion of recruiting foreign workers who are not Muslim is very interesting. The infrastructure for 100K foreign workers is going to be demanding, and I have no doubt that Paleo terrorists will target them.
I know where there’s a whole bunch of land and plenty of raw materials for construction. It’s recently renovated and the prior problem tenants have been moved out to some extent.
Being displaced by Indians, even though Pales asked for this, will have them hopping mad. If Israel is smart they will expel most if not all Pales.
The UN and NGO’s will bitch and moan too. It’s noise and pressure that must be accepted. Israel has the right to stand up as a normal country and expel its enemies. Also, like the “Islamic Republic of” this and that all around them, it can be the national home for Jewish people.
Islamofascism, like Bushido and Nazism, can be exterminated only when it leads to the mass suffering of its people. Widespread l0ss of employment is a start.
construction sector, which relied almost exclusively on Palestinian workers before the war
Wait, WUT?! Y’all let Palestinians build everything? Have you checked for tunnels under your buildings? Explosives in the walls?
And y’all need to be careful which Indians you bring in. There’s a whole group of them that are almost as fundamentalist as the Muslims and just as antagonistic to Judaism and Christianity.
Ever closer ties between India and Israel is a good thing. Hopefully, more collaboration in science and engineering as well.
India is one of the least trustworthy nations around. They are even worse to have as allies than the French, which is really saying something. Lying and deception is an integral part of Indian culture, which is why that nation could never really get off the ground in thousands of years of existence, even though they have great intelligence and a fabulously rich and wealthy land, well-protected by geography.
Agree. High level intellectual cooperation with them doesn’t really pay off. Their intellectuals are mid-tier at best, with rare exceptions, and often shockingly bad. You look back at that collaboration years later, and how often did you win? More likely they just hired other Indians, took over your org, and extracted the benefits of your work.
But for laborer positions, I don’t see much of a problem. Swinging a hammer is the same no matter the race. But obviously you don’t want to hire your enemy, so finally the Palestinians are being sent away.
You can only bite the had that feeds you so many times before there is no hand to feed you. Since most Palestinians support Hamas and the war against Israel, they are getting what they deserve. I for one would not allow someone who wants to kill me into my house.
Yes, it’s time Israel stopped being stupid, and didn’t go back like they’ve done before.
This is a win for anti-Israeli protesters in the US. From the river to the sea, Palestinians won’t have to accept paychecks from Israelis.
Bringing Indians in is a huge mistake. Israel should stick with the Thai workers they started bringing in after the first and second intifada. They just need to keep a close eye on Thai workers eating all of the wildlife. Evidently, the Thai will eat absolutely anything that walks or crawls or slithers. The one problem was that Thai workers would kill all wildlife in the areas they were in. On a positive note, they did a good job reducing the number of insects, too.
This is not a joke. They killed and ate EVERYTHING around. Still … better than bringing Indians in.
Whatever the problems with Indians are, they’re better than employing the enemy.
Jai Hind!!!
Philippinos and Vietnamese would make good choices too. Indians ok as long as vetted for jihadist beliefs. The only Muslims who should be admitted anywhere in the west are those who are trying to flee orthodox Islam.
The Muslims were given a whole country, Pakistan, and they deserve no favors in India. As for fleeing orthodox Islam, I’d require a lot of convincing. There are plenty of others and we’ve had too many immigrants anyway. I’d take only the ones that can qualify for an O-visa (world class talent) and also be convinced that they’re not coming to promote Islam.
This is not a one-to-one exchange. The imported workers don’t go home nights and weekends, which means they need to be put up somewhere and provided with other services.
Not bad – but more complex.
Not to mention that wherever Indians work, many want to practice their religion, So they bring in priests and build temples. If that happens in Israel, it’s not likely to end well.
Why would that not go well? Both major religions in Israel have no more objection to Hindu temples than they do to Christian churches, and there are plenty of those.