Columbia University: NYPD Not Permitted To Oust Anti-Israel Illegal Occupiers
“we all share the view, based on discussions within our community and with outside experts, that to bring back the NYPD at this time would be counterproductive, further inflaming what is happening on campus”

As further evidence that the lunatics are indeed running the asylum at Columbia University, it was announced Friday by school administrators that the NYPD would no longer be called in to assist with the anti-Israel occupiers on grounds that it only “inflamed” tensions and ultimately was “counterproductive.”
The Columbia Spectator reported the news:
The University does not plan to call the New York Police Department back to campus, University President Minouche Shafik, board of trustees co-chairs Claire Shipman, CC ’86, SIPA ’94, and David Greenwald, Law ’83, and University Provost Angela Olinto announced in a Friday email to the community.
“We called on NYPD to clear an encampment once, but we all share the view, based on discussions within our community and with outside experts, that to bring back the NYPD at this time would be counterproductive, further inflaming what is happening on campus, and drawing thousands to our doorstep who would threaten our community,” the email reads.
The joint statement further states that the University must “enforce our own rules and ensure that those who violate the norms of our community face consequences.” The statement condemns antisemitism on and around campus and writes that “the safety situation has become concerning, particularly with the involvement of individuals not associated with Columbia.”
If the KKK established a tent city in the middle of @Columbia University, threatening minority students & violating rules, you can be sure that Columbia would call the NYPD, the Marines & anyone else with the power to remove them.
But now it's only Jews at risk, so no such luck.
— Joel M. Petlin (@Joelmpetlin) April 28, 2024
Columbia sends out email to its alumni list linking to Board chair/president statement that the NYPD won't be called back to campus even as anti-Israel protesters continue to flout university rules.
Striking they want this message to get through as widely as possible.— KC Johnson (@kcjohnson9) April 27, 2024
The announcement appears to be yet another concession to the Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD) group, with whom administrators have been “negotiating” since the start of the campus occupation.
Student Khymani James, who they banned Friday from campus after a January video resurfaced showing him expressing a barely repressed desire to murder Jews, was reportedly one of the group “leaders” involved in the negotiations. Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) daughter, Isra Hirsi, who was suspended last week from nearby Barnard College over her participation and subsequent arrest in the Columbia protests, is also a member of the CUAD.
The CUAD is of course effectively running the show at Columbia at this point, especially when one considers an email sent from Columbia’s president, Minouche Shafik, at around 4 a.m. on April 24th which detailed the alleged “important progress” that had been made.
In it, she wrote in a nutshell that the power was in the CUAD’s hands, saying they had agreed to dismantle and remove some tents, ensure non-Columbia agitators would leave, would “comply” with the FDNY, and make the encampment a more welcoming environment for all voices:
- Student protestors have committed to dismantling and removing a significant number of tents.
- Student protesters will ensure that those not affiliated with Columbia will leave. Only Columbia University students will be participating in the protest.
- Student protestors in the encampment will comply with all requirements of the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) with respect to activities and safety.
- Student protestors have taken steps to make the encampment welcome to all and have prohibited discriminatory or harassing language.
Message from Columbia President Shafik early this morning announcing a 48-hour extension for negotiations with protestors:
— Steve McGuire (@sfmcguire79) April 24, 2024
So apparently Jewish students, faculty and staff, and their families were supposed to be assured that a group of hate-filled left-wing demonstrators, some of whom had expressed support for Hamas terrorists, were going to act in good faith and comply with requests from administrators to take down some of the tents, engage in civility, to “comply” with the FDNY, and to not disparage/harass Jewish students?
Yeah, right.
CUAD is now circulating a rumor that Columbia is “considering a complete lockdown of campus,” which they then proceed to whine would impact students of color and low-income students the most:
CUAD at Columbia is saying the university is considering a full lockdown. They do not provide a source.
— Steve McGuire (@sfmcguire79) April 27, 2024
We’ll keep you updated. Stay tuned.
— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

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Normal people look on and wonder, “Why are schools tolerating this kind of nonsense?”
1. Islamic nations have donated billions of dollars to major American universities.
2. The administrators and faculty generally agree with the protesters.
They are not tolerating it. They are reveling in it. This is what the school advocates. This is what they have taught in class. The students are mirror images of the professors who taught them.
Enjoy the inevitable arsons, assholes.
No problem. The state will just build them a couple of fancy new buildings.
Defund the university and shut it down.
Yup. As I stated in an earlier comment regarding Mao’s cultural revolution in the 1960s: “Mao ordered the party and the army not to suppress the movement.”
That is what’s happening here and now, except its focus is anti-zionist revolution.
Occupy Wall St., BLM, Antifa, covid, Hamas. Same energy. Nothing will happen to these ‘revolutionaries’ per usual.
They’re doing precisely what the deep sewer instructs them to do – and will only get worse between now and November 2024.
We are at war. Prepare accordingly.
The only realistick solution would be to have all of the protesters arrested, tried, and sentenced. Revoke the visas of foreign students, and ban them from reentry. Expel ALL of them from Columbia…
The city should bar NYPD from Columbia facilities, for any reason. Presumably Columbia has university law enforcement personnel, let them handle any issues which arise. FAFO seems to apply to this situation.
I don’t understand how alum could support this with donations to the endowment?
Shafik needs to be replaced yesterday.
The KKK and the anti-Semitic protestors have similar views. So can the KKK hold protest on campus?
Effectively, they are.
Well, if the NYPD can’t go in and oust them, then the obvious reply is to not let anyone or anything out or in.
Shut off the utilities.
Plug the sewer lines coming out of the University.
By “sewer lines” I presume you mean articles, books, and public lectures from the faculty. Yes, block.
Leftists are destroying civilization.
That’s what nihilists do.
I like how Columbia treats the NYPD as their own little security force … coming and going only at the whim of the Columbia royalty.
Most of Columbia’s so-called “campus” are municipal streets and sidewalks. Columbia only owns the buildings. While that one little lawn might be Columbia’s, there are still New York rules and regulations about living and eating that have to be followed. Just because someone owns an apartment doesn’t mean that he is allowed to let 37 people live in a two bedroom, whether he and they all agree or not. It would be a violation of 6,000 different city codes and would usually lead to massive fines (unless the landlord paid off the building inspectors like a good New Yorker).
But Columbia gets to direct the NYPD at their whim and Columbia and the hamas supporters are not bound by any city codes or laws …
Excellent point.
“I like how Columbia treats the NYPD as their own little security force … coming and going only at the whim of the Columbia royalty.”
It’s a dirty little secret that university regents often get a deal from their states’ legislatures for local control of their fiefdoms that beggars the deal Disney once had. In Arizona, for example, they are practically their own little local legislature, and they parcel out your constitutional rights like building permits.
Demonstrating for a cause that the university doesn’t like? For holding such a sign in one of their parking lots — or even for wearing your ball cap sideways* — you can and will be charged with “Interference with or disruption of an educational institution,” anything from a misdemeanor 1 to a felony 6, depending on how they frame it. And it doesn’t matter if classes aren’t even in session due to the time of year, the time of day, or the day of the week.
*”It is against school policy to wear hats sideways because it can be a sign of disrespect for authority, the police report said…”
Sideways ballcap lands Scottsdale teenager in jail
Emily Bittner, The Arizona Republic, Mar. 13, 2004
It’s one thing to be given essential jurisdiction over one’s property – for COlumbia to have their own cops (most universities do) and to carry out many of the functions of government for themselves … but it’s quite another to have all that AND to be able to order around the real municipal services on top of it, as if the NYPD were house servants servicing the crusty toenails of the putrid Columbia masters.
Oh, I had a little run-in last year with “campus police” asserting authoritah they didn’t have, off campus, while being both obnoxious and dishonest. Cop Cartman doesn’t even come close.
Whatever the uniform, the “defund” “protesters” hijacked an opportunity to maybe figure out how to do policing better. Not to be left out, the “law and order” idiots are doing the same in turn. It’s like they’d all rather have the issue than a solution.
Maybe start with “policing reform.” Whatever happens, it’s from authority and resources we delegate to them *doing* *policing.* What do we want done on our behalf, with our resources, for, and to us? What’s our scheme do to *policing* is a better lens than naming some bad guys, n getting some constituency all wee-wee’d up.
To start, how about we move away from “law enforcement” through “policing” to maybe “peace officers?” The measure of success is something like our peaceful enjoyment of our little lives. We delegate some authority to “keep the peace” because some people can’t mind their business, or leave well enough alone. Ironically, mutating through “police” to “law enforcement” these utilities to maintain our peaceful being left along become, well, meddlesome, invasive, and confiscatory.
Not working out so well, it seems.
I wonder what the penalty is for failing to capitalize “black” when writing?
As far as I know Columbia does not have its own police, but only a “Public Safety” department, so that is not relevant here.
Code violations are not NYPD’s concern; call the relevant city department. The only NYPD concern is actual crimes, including trespassing. As far as I can tell Columbia is being treated like any other property owner; it can call NYPD to evict trespassers, but it doesn’t have to.
I have a solution… Arrest the faculty allowing the “protests” to happen…
What’s next for Columbia U., hiring Dylan Mulvaney as its spokeswhatever?
Can I speak for them if I identify as their spokes thing?
So long as it’s not government deciding. Columbia owns the consequences.
It is incomprehensible to me that the Columbia “community” doesn’t understand it is encouraging chaos and allowing itself to be destroyed. No matter what, Columbia’s reputatiom is being desroyed. Jewish faculty and students will be filing suits. Even. non-Jewish students might be suing for tuition reimbursement, given the anarchy on campus. And students will find their new degrees do not have the expected cache to HR departments. Assinine. Simply assisine.
Students involved in these pogroms will find themselves in high demand as corporate DEI officers and federal bureaucrats.
Allowing students to violate the code of student conduct in the name of “policital activism” or whatever they want to call it is a problem. When Columbia eventually has to shutter it’s doors due to a lack of enrollment, they will only have their board of directors to blame.
Keep it going. Show the country the Hitler Youth League that George Soros, AOC/Omar/the Squad, Palestinian haters, and the Democrats, among others, have turned loose.
Sunlight is the BEST disinfectant.
Especially when combined with stakes, anthills, and honey.
Or a small, personal sized metal box.
As an alum of Columbia College, I have been in “negotiation” with the Columbia administration to protect the Jewish students from harassment and intimidation. I have been as successful getting them to do that as they have been with removing the Hamas-supporting student demonstrators from campus. I would withhold my contributions to the university, but I can’t withhold what I have not been giving. Columbia has been a cesspool of antisemitism for as long as I can remember and they have refused to do anything about it.
The difference is that you are trying to get them to protect Jewish students. They are not trying to remove the encampment. They have it there on purpose, otherwise it would be gone.
“…that to bring back the NYPD at this time would be counterproductive, further inflaming what is happening on campus, and drawing thousands to our doorstep who would threaten our community,” the email reads.”
Soooo as long as it’s only the Jews who are getting the thousands at their doorsteps, threatening; that’s A okay.
So, they’ve seceded from the city?
Well, no need to send them power, water, or sewage hookups any more, so there’s that.
Huh? No, they haven’t seceded from the city! What kind of nonsense is that? In what way have they done that? It’s entirely up to any property owner whether to call the police to evict trespassers, or to deal with them privately.
Decision Day is May 1. Admitted students decide on that day where to go to college. Apparently the administration wants Hamas supporters to choose Columbia, and Jews to go somewhere else.
This may not be sustainable forever, supporting terrorists in the center of their campus even after the recent election of an Israeli Jewish student as next year’s student body president, but they’re doing everything possible to hold on until May 1 and appeal to the Hamas supporters and to repel the Jews and, frankly, anyone else who is decent.
The “conversation” should be NYPD in full riot gear, complete with water cannons and other non-lethal riot dispersement equipment, clearing the campus. This followed by rounding up the rioters and dumping them into the nearest jail for processing without bail. Let ‘em rot, Sherriff Joe style, in pink underwear and out in camps or in sleeping bags in one of those big, unused office spaces with Port-a-potties and doing manual labor until their trial dates. Go slowly on the latter. Give ‘em a taste to what they’re doing to the campus and the neighborhoods.
Or a designated “free speech” area, like they do to conservatives.
That said, do we even have water cannons in the U.S.? I only see them in Europe.
If the “protestors” occupy the school for 30 days, do they acquire the property under NY’s adverse possession rules?
Now THAT is hilarious!!
I think they do!
No state’s adverse possession rules kick in after 30 days.
Tenant rights have nothing to do with adverse possession. And in this case the campers can’t possibly claim to have a lease on the property!
One of the attachments says “Student protesters have taken steps to make the encampment welcome for all …”
So will they welcome Jewish students coming back and sitting with them? Why is the Jewish professor banned from campus and the encampment where he too should be welcomed?
Or welcome plain clothes NYPD patrols or Uniformed Campus Police (assuming they exist at Columbia) or random Citizens who show up and decide to video the encampment and its occupants or journalists who want to conduct interviews or a whole host of others which may not receive the same welcoming embrace as fellow travelers?
Of course they will. They may even let them use their special new ‘showers.’
That’s what it says. That’s what they agreed to. Of course the reality is likely to be different.
NYPD can declare the encampment dangerous and close off the campus for the safety of those outside. Lock the gates from the outside, nobody allowed to leave campus.
“Escape from Columbia!”
Did Snake Plisskin have kids?
Can Snake rescue the president of Columbia U.?
The “president of what”.
I don’t see how Columbia deserves to have either US backed student loans or any federal grant money since they allow anti-Semitic terrorist supporters to run rampant throughout the school.
Since Columbia collects up to 50% of grant money for ‘administrative fees’ I think even a discussion of this at the Dept Education would have intriguing results.
Of course they’re going to keep being supported. They may even get a bonus for early success. This is what the DoE has been pushing for for decades, The new Red (Green?) Guard. The fellow-travelers at the several universities are working to the same goals.
Shafik has failed a very real world test of leadership. Resign.
Those diversity hires never work out, do they?
Admittedly from halfway across the country, it looks a bit different perhaps. Columbia is a Leftist entity that hates this country and all that it stands for. While I worry about a pogrom that will harm Jewish students and staff [note please that I am neither Jewish nor Christian], the institution of Columbia University to me is just another Leftist academy. And I note that it is in the Leftist polity of New York City, which is in Leftist New York State. If they burn down, it does not harm me.
I do have sympathy and empathy for New York cops, having worn a badge myself for 28 years. I do not see it as being worth the risk to them, to save Columbia from the pillagers welcomed by the Columbia administration.
So, pull back and let the Hamas troops destroy whatever they want inside Columbia’s grounds so long as the students that they attack are kept safe. And, to be honest, any non-Hamas students should be beating feet out of there as quickly as they can. Let Hamas and their sympathizers in the faculty and administration destroy the place. If they burn it down, seriously, what damage does it do to America? It does do the good of giving a blatant example of what happens when those in power cooperate with the enemies of our country and Social Contract. Those who are responsible for this, and who enabled it from positions of power can reap the rewards of a destroyed university.
Subotai Bahadur
That’s what I said earlier: nobody in or out. Cut the utilities.
Let ’em rot.
The bulk of the leftists are in NYC and Albany. Much of the rest of NY State is conservative. Just not enough. And it’s a big, fairly rural state.
Those who ask why the authorities are not doing what they should be doing and those who charge the authorities with incompetence need to realize that things are going according to plan.
If there are credible allegations of criminal activity, or indeed obvious and open displays of it, the college does not have the right to deny the police access to do its duty.
If a pedophile is reported to be torturing children in his basement, his compliant wife does not get to say that she was reached out to stakeholders, outside experts and the community and sees no reason to call in the authorities at this time.
Of course not. Nobody claims it does. But in this instance the only crime involved is trespass, which is up to the property owner. Last week Columbia called NYPD to remove trespassers; now it’s saying it won’t do that again. That is all.
“…ensure non-Columbia agitators would leave, would “comply” with the FDNY, and make the encampment a more welcoming environment for all voices…”
That sure sounds like admission of non-Columbia agitators present, interference with FDNY, and an unwelcoming environment.
It doesn’t imply interference with FDNY, because there’s no report that FDNY was ever called. There were concerns that the camp was not compliant with the fire code, so the “agreement” says the campers will bring it into compliance.
The headline is misleading. It says “NYPD Not Permitted To Oust Anti-Israel Illegal Occupiers”, but there’s nothing in the article to support that claim. All the article says is that the university will no longer request NYPD to evict trespassers. Of course without such a request NYPD has no reason, grounds, or desire to evict them, so “permitting” it is not an issue.