Border Patrol Agent Tells Reporter That a Mountain in New Mexico is ‘Not Ours’ Anymore
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Border Patrol Agent Tells Reporter That a Mountain in New Mexico is ‘Not Ours’ Anymore

Border Patrol Agent Tells Reporter That a Mountain in New Mexico is ‘Not Ours’ Anymore

“‘It’s theirs.’ Referring to Cartels.”

Matt Finn is a reliable reporter for FOX News who has been covering the border crisis. In a tweet on Friday afternoon, Finn claimed that he was told by a Border Patrol agent that a mountain in Sunland Park, New Mexico no longer belongs to the United States, and that the cartels have taken it over.

Finn’s tweet includes a video of some illegals crossing over just moments later.

See below:

This is disturbing.

Allow me to ask a very scary question. What would prevent the Mexican cartels from carrying out an October 7th style attack on the United States, and if they did, how would we respond?

The New York Post Editorial Board knows exactly what I am talking about:

Biden’s open borders have created a terror threat — and the ‘what ifs’ are chilling

How many terrorists has the Biden administration let slip over our border? Nobody knows.

On Tuesday, Republican lawmakers demanded Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas answer why a known Somalian terrorist, “a confirmed member of al Shabaab,” was allowed to roam free in the United States for nearly a year.

The Border Patrol picked up the man, 27, in California in March 2023, but screwed up the terror watchlist screening and let him go. He eventually found his way to Minnesota, where (after the feds clocked the mistake) Immigration and Customs Enforcement nabbed him in January.

But the “what ifs” are chilling…

Last week, the NYPD busted a group of Venezuelan migrant squatters in the Bronx, finding drugs, ammo and firearms, including a “ghost gun,” in their basement hideout.

If a criminal gang can get that far, a high-end terrorist cell can surely get set up to pull off an attack at least as awful as the recent Moscow slaughter, as one federal official told The Post.

This report from KOAT News is about the same area as the tweets above. Sunland Park, NM:

Migrants found hiding in southern New Mexico middle school

A group of undocumented migrants walked into Santa Teresa Middle School, putting the school on lockdown.

The latest incident happened last week.

According to the Gadsden Independent School District, there was another incident that occurred on March 20.

“Being that those schools are so close to the border. The proximity of the border, these types of events happen weekly,” said Refugio Socorro, a spokesperson with U.S. Border Patrol…

“At first, I was scared with every notification from the school that they’re on lockdown. As a parent, you’re going to get worried,” said the mom.

According to Border Patrol, they are seeing about 1,000 migrant encounters a day in the El Paso Sector, with the most happening near Santa Teresa and Sunland Park.

People who mean to do harm to the United States might be crossing our border in huge numbers every day, and all we hear from our leaders in Washington is how we must defend Ukraine. Nothing makes sense.

Featured image via Twitter video.


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How is this not an invasion?

Cartels and human traffickers are smiling.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to smooth. | April 6, 2024 at 11:03 am

    I’m sure that Joe is just fine with it as long as his 10% gets funneled through the Biden family’s front companies and is deposited in his closely guarded bank accounts.

    Concise in reply to smooth. | April 6, 2024 at 11:52 am

    It is but our betters in Congress don’t care They’re even eager to fund the invaders.

thalesofmiletus | April 6, 2024 at 10:24 am

Looking forward to reading the inevitable, “The Conservative Case for Reconquista,” article by David French or equivalent.

Of course, this is an invasion led by a derelict commander in chief who refuses to uphold US Immigration laws and defend our borders to secure our sovereignty.

This is a link to a timely and powerful article written by Wayne Allen Root:

    I don’t believe this invasion is being led by Joe Biden. Not directly, anyway.

    However, he and other Democrats are certainly going out of their way to avoid doing anything about it, to the invaders’ benefit. And several want to divert tax dollars to support them.

    What’s the line again? “… adhering to its enemies, giving them aid and comfort…”?

      Milhouse in reply to Archer. | April 6, 2024 at 4:15 pm

      “Adhering” is key to that phrase. Even an overt act giving an enemy aid and comfort is not treason unless it’s motivated by adhesion to the enemy.

        diver64 in reply to Milhouse. | April 7, 2024 at 6:13 am

        Again a selective reading of something in order to prove how smart you are not to everyone. Pay attention to the comma.

        “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title…:”

          Milhouse in reply to diver64. | April 7, 2024 at 6:51 am

          Look, this is not controversial. The law is very clear about this. You are the one misreading it.

          There are two and only two acts of treason:

          1. Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them.

          2. Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere.

          Levying war doesn’t require adhesion; by levying war you are an enemy.

          The second form of treason depends on adhesion. If you adhere to the USA’s enemies, giving them aid and comfort, that is treason. If you do not adhere to them, but give them aid and comfort for some other reason, then that is not treason.

          This is the undisputed interpretation.

It is a invasion, enabled by the administration. The reason is the only thing debatable.

    thalesofmiletus in reply to Skip. | April 6, 2024 at 10:43 am

    It’s the same reason the Regime does anything — the accumulation of power.

      Lucifer Morningstar in reply to thalesofmiletus. | April 6, 2024 at 11:08 am

      The accumulation and retention of power. Because once he has it there’s no chance whatsoever that Biden or any other democrat will relinquish that power once they have it.

E Howard Hunt | April 6, 2024 at 10:43 am

I really don’t understand the question at all. Why would the cartels launch an October 7 style attack on such an accommodating host? Really stupid question.

    healthguyfsu in reply to E Howard Hunt. | April 6, 2024 at 1:31 pm

    Have to agree. Cartels like money…why would they jeopardize their lucrative operation that is getting near zero resistance from the US.

    The cartels most likely would not, for the reason you note. But Islamic fundamentalists that pay the cartels for coyote services… that’s a different story. Ditto sleeper-cell agents from hostile state actors.

      ^^ This ^^

      The cartels launching a 10/7 style attack isn’t what worries me; they’re unlikely to do that and jeopardize their highly-lucrative operation.

      But the Chinese nationals flooding over the border in recent months. Or the Islamists. Or even the Russians (though they almost certainly have other means to get their people here). Hell, at this point North Freakin’ Korea could be sending agents, and how would we even know?

      THAT’S what worries me. Not the cartels, per se, but other enemy groups taking advantage of the cartels’ land-grab to gain easy access to our lands and people.

    CincyJan in reply to E Howard Hunt. | April 6, 2024 at 3:52 pm

    Because they are psychopaths. And adherents of a blood cult, Santa Muerta. Why did they kidnap 49 Mexican students from a private academy and murder them seceral years ago? Why not? And it makes the rest of us so much more compliant.

Do air surveillance for a few weeks and when the most people are there, BOMB THE HELL out of that mountain or spray it with something lethal.

    CommoChief in reply to Jmaquis. | April 6, 2024 at 11:26 am

    Sunland Park is basically adjacent to El Paso TX and Santa Theresa NM and about 25 minutes South of Las Cruces NM so build that into your containment plan for blast radius and/or contamination depending upon wind and whatever lethal substance you want to spray onto the town of Sunland Park NM.

      DSHornet in reply to CommoChief. | April 6, 2024 at 2:16 pm

      USAF holds regular exercises in that part of the country. Wipe that mountain with a sonic boom every now and then. The F-15 and F-16 drivers should get a kick out of it. Let ’em have a little fun.

      Oh, for the days when an F-111 could sustain Mach 2.5+ a few hundred feet above ground level.

      Jmaquis in reply to CommoChief. | April 6, 2024 at 5:52 pm

      Without any expertise in this sort of an exercise, I would never be a help to carry this out. It’s just an idea to do combat with the vicious and unlawful cartels.

      Captive audiences are the BEST.

        CommoChief in reply to Jmaquis. | April 6, 2024 at 9:25 pm

        Looking at a map to discover the target area’s proximity to population centers doesn’t seem to take a high-level of expertise not too much to expect when someone is making a proposal to deploy chemical/biological weapons on US soil.

Send in the Army…

Not the Mexican Army, they are already there apparently

In a just world, JoeBama would already be in prison awaiting punishment for treason against the USA.

But we’re in clown world….

There better be a silent majority in this country come November.

nordic prince | April 6, 2024 at 2:30 pm

The only border that Pedo Pervert Joe and the feckless Rs want to “defend” is the Ukrainian border. As far as they’re concerned, the US can go straight to hell because that’s exactly where they’re leading us.

A country without borders is not a country. We lead such comfortable lives, ensconbed as we are in our high standard of living, that we have forgotten the harsh realities of life. I really doubt the abiklity of the Snowflake Geberations to defend themselves against the cartels, Islamic terrorist, or smiling Chinese competitors. These kids are toast.

I believe this will lead to a black swan even.. terrorest attack of some kind
Marshal law
Cancel the elections..
N the take over is complete Comrad.

    Milhouse in reply to jqusnr. | April 6, 2024 at 4:22 pm

    Martial law can only exist in the USA in areas where, due to some disaster, the civilian courts are unable to function. The moment a courthouse opens for business martial law becomes invalid. No terrorist attack could possibly lead to nationwide martial law; it’s hard to think of anything that could.

    And canceling elections wouldn’t achieve anything; Congress’s term would still end on Jan 3, and the president’s and VP’s on Jan 20. The only remaining elected officials would be the 66-67 senators who are not up this year. So I guess the president pro tem of that reduced senate would become temporary president until a new one could be elected.

      Subotai Bahadur in reply to Milhouse. | April 6, 2024 at 6:28 pm

      You are making the assumption that those in power [regardless of party] are loyal to and will preserve, protect, and defend them and the Constitution of the United States. You may believe that, but the last couple of decades have convinced a significant portion of the people that such is far from a certainty.

      Subotai Bahadur


        BierceAmbrose in reply to Subotai Bahadur. | April 6, 2024 at 11:41 pm

        “…the last couple of decades have convinced a significant portion of the people that such is far from a certainty.”

        Demonstrates that some people can still be convinced by demonstration.

        Milhouse in reply to Subotai Bahadur. | April 7, 2024 at 7:15 am

        Listen to yourself. What is the point of declaring something called “martial law”? Why not just assume dictatorship and be done with it? Obviously because they can’t do that. The military will not obey illegal orders. If that’s not the case then they won’t bother with formalities at all. But if it is the case, if the military, or each unit and member thereof, will be taking legal advice and following it, so that they have to do things like declaring martial law, well, they can’t. Because so long as a courthouse is open there is simply no such thing. If anyone is arrested under an invalid “martial law”, the courts will immediately order them released. If they are charged, the courts will dismiss the charges. So this is simply not an option for them.

        Likewise, if there is no election and Biden tries staying on beyond noon on Jan-20, at 12:01 the Secret Service will evict him from the White House, just as they would have done to Trump in 2021 had he tried staying on.

          Subotai Bahadur in reply to Milhouse. | April 7, 2024 at 8:52 pm

          Actually, I am listening to myself, or at least my own experience. Without bragging because it was nothing I did myself; I qualified for Mensa in elementary school. I read at high school level while in lower elementary school grades and have continued. My interests were history and politics.

          One of the people I read in the mid-1960’s was the American political scientist Edward Luttwak. In those days [1960’s] between Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia, it seemed like there was a government overturned by coup d’etat almost on a weekly basis.

          Luttwak wrote the first serious study of the mechanisms of a coup d’etat since Machiavelli, and I glommed on to it. I believe it is still in print, titled COUP D’ETAT, Luttwak is still well known for it, and I commend it to your attention.

          Abridging considerably, most of those who participate in a Coup are operating at the misdirection of those who are the actual leaders and those participants believe that the orders that they are obeying are in fact legitimate. It helps if there are deep fault lines in the society . . . like now. Imagine, people involved in power politics lying for their own benefit. Most of the people involved will only find out that they are part of a Coup after the fact and after they are committed irrevocably.

          A declaration of “martial law”, depending on the Social Contract in force in the polity, can be a real thing, and an expected thing. It is a fairly constant theme in American political discussions. The matter of “assuming a dictatorship” is exactly what the ringleaders are doing, and the military will believe that they are obeying legitimate orders until it is too late to change their mind. And history shows that for a significant fraction of the time the military will follow orders.

          Courthouses only have power in reality as long as people believe in them and that the “justice” that they produce for their society is legitimate. If it comes down to a gavel -v- an M-16, do not bet against the M-16. And once the process is going, the Social Contract will never be the same. If the visible product of the legal system is not believed to be either good Law or Justice, it will not be depended upon. Look at our society now. Absent extraordinary strength of character by the Judiciary, it cannot be forgotten that “War is politics by other means.”. You cannot depend on the Judiciary to save you or to resist the application of force. That level of strength of character is not the norm here by any means.

          There may be resistance, either localized or general over time, but those throwing the Coup have at least a temporary advantage if they can hold for say 24 hours, with the advantage growing over time.

          If there is a suspension of an election, depending on how credibly it is sold, the same applies. To depend on the Secret Service to evict a sitting president, especially this Secret Service, just is not believable. They have been caught repeatedly involving themselves in activities of questionable legitimacy to protect the political power of the Left, of refusing to produce subpoenaed materials, and flat lying.

          To be honest for the last couple of generations the integrity, honesty, and legitimacy of actions of those in power in the political, economic, and media Nomenklatura have been questionable at best and frankly distrusted by a sufficiently large fraction of the body politic due to the Nomenklatura’s own actions to make the stability of our society and culture shaky.

          YMMV, and I do not expect to convince you here. I hope other readers and perhaps Professor Jacobson or some of his colleagues may choose to comment.

          Subotai Bahadur

What would prevent the Mexican cartels from carrying out an October 7th style attack on the United States

Why would they want to? The real question is what would prevent ISIS, al Qaeda, Hizballah, or some Red-Guards-type group from doing so? They definitely want to, and can easily pay the cartels for access.

If Republicans are lucky enough to hold both Congress and the White House next January, they’re going to have to carve-out an exception to Posse Comitatus for border enforcement; perhaps an exclusion zone measuring 20-50 miles of the border itself. We simply do not have enough federal agents to secure an area as immense as our southern border. It’s going to take a couple divisions, at least.

    CommoChief in reply to TargaGTS. | April 6, 2024 at 5:37 pm

    Or just do the following:
    1. Tell Mexico we want/expect their assistance. No waffling. If requested help doesn’t immediately materialize then:
    A. Shut down all ports of entry along the TX, NM, AZ and CA border with Mexico to all traffic, personal or commercial, vehicle or pedestrian.
    B. Bar all flights to/from Mexico or that connect w Mexico.
    C. Bar all rail and sea traffic to/from Mexico.
    2. Build temporary fence along S border while resuming construction of permanent wall.
    3. Slap a 25% withholding on all US to foreign wire transfers or other transfers outside the US. All taxpayers with valid Social Security # (not tax ID #) who file will receive 100% of the withholding + interest upon filing their return.
    4. Deny all Visa requests, foreign aid, commercial ties to any Nation who refuses to accept deported Citizens of that Nation. If that doesn’t motivate them after 6 months to begin accepting their deported Citizens back then blockade (not embargo) their Nation; stop all traffic in/out by destroying the aircraft or ship or ground traffic as necessary to effect their isolation.

    Milhouse in reply to TargaGTS. | April 7, 2024 at 7:19 am

    If you want to class the current situation as an invasion, then you don’t need to change Posse Comitatus. Repelling an invasion is the defense forces’ job.

    But if you want to change Posse Comitatus I see no reason why anyone should object. It’s not some constitutional principle, or anything. It’s just a post-Reconstruction gesture to the South. It’s probably not necessary any more anyway.

Subotai Bahadur | April 6, 2024 at 6:23 pm

As things stand in reality right now, we are not a sovereign nation. We have no control of our national borders nor who crosses, with what, going either way. Our laws are de facto ignored by foreign nationals both at and within our borders [I am reminded by our foreign invaders of the Western Powers in China from the 1840’s to 1943 (when the US was the last country to give up the status) when Westerners regardless of what they did were above and outside Chinese law inside China due to “extraterritorial status”.]. And US nationals inside the country are not protected by the US government from attacks and crimes by foreign nationals.

Subotai Bahadur

    BierceAmbrose in reply to Subotai Bahadur. | April 6, 2024 at 11:55 pm

    Our national government has also ceded various aspects of its sovereignty to extra-national entities: “accords”, “commissions”, “courts”, “authorities”, n etc. and actually other nation-states working through the UN. Military and trade policy. Health and health care. Food production and IP — why does pan-national wrangling of food production make me think of IP, I wonder?(*) Fiscal policy. It goes on.

    In practice, they’ve been running the US government, citizenry and interior, for the benefit of various mostly pan-national external cabals, for a good, long time.

    The notion of the US as a sovereign nation of citizens governing themselves for their own advantage has eroded on several, perhaps all fronts. Would that we merely had Illuminati, or Reptilian Alien Shape Shifters to contend with.

    (*) An heirloom seed vendor I was looking at yesterday was going on, and on, and on about a variety they removed from their catalog. The gyrations they took to ensure it didn’t contain any *engineered, patented genetic content* were remarkable. The implicit consequences if they did were likewise. Being culpable, regardless of how that happened was scary. Net, it seems like you’re at a potentially massive IP risk if you open pollinate anything within a couple miles of anybody growing a patented plant variety. You grow something that picked up that signature and you’ve done theft of some kind.

henrybowman | April 6, 2024 at 6:43 pm

“What would prevent the Mexican cartels from carrying out an October 7th style attack on the United States”

You mean, like Pancho Villa’s raid into Columbus NM, a mere half hour west of this mountain? Up until Joe Biden, at least, this was recognized as the last time the continental USA was invaded. Historical irony: despite being chased deep into Mexico by Patton, Villa was never apprehended or brought to justice either.

What would prevent the Mexican cartels from carrying out an October 7th style attack on the United States, and if they did, how would we respond?
Hmmmm, has no one else read Kurt Schlicter’s The Attack?

Also, with the right support, the hill could be easily retaken – without involving the Feds, at all. How about Americans simply assert their authority over our homeland? It is a government of and by the people, right?