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Google’s Gemini AI Is Just The Tip Of The ‘Discrimination By Algorithm’ Bias Problem

Google’s Gemini AI Is Just The Tip Of The ‘Discrimination By Algorithm’ Bias Problem

Our Op-Ed in The NY Post: “Discrimination by algorithm has the potential to manipulate every major detail of our lives in order to obtain group results and group quotas. These algorithms are designed to take the scourge of DEI and secretly bring it into every facet of life and the economy.”

You may remember our online event in July 2023, regarding Discrimination By Algorithm – the “ultimate showdown between equity and equality is going to take place at a technological level” IVIDEO at link], where we explored the brave new world of supposedly bias-free testing of algorithms based on results, so that bias was built in to achieve de facto racial and other quotas.

We always intended to follow up on that issue, but time slipped by, and particularly October 7 and the fallout became a new and unexpected focus (and still is).

The recent fiasco with the Google Gemini AI rollout spotlighted the racial and ethnic manipulation of image searches, as we wrote in Google Vows to ‘Improve’ Gemini AI After Users Discover It’s a Hot Woke Mess That Erases White People.

The uproar led us to revisit the issue of Discrimination by Algorithm with an Op-Ed in The New York Post, Beware: Gemini’s insanity is actually what ‘bias-free’ AI is all about. It’s in today’s online edition, with nice placemen on the homepage, and will be in Monday’s print edition.

Everyone is laughing at the Google Gemini AI rollout. But it’s no joke.

The problem is more nefarious than historically inaccurate generated images.

The manipulation of AI is just one aspect of broader “discrimination by algorithm” being built into corporate America, and it could cost you job opportunities and more.

When Gemini was asked to produce pictures of white people, it refused, saying it couldn’t fulfill the request because it “reinforces harmful stereotypes and generalizations about people based on their race.”

But it had no trouble generating pictures of a female pope, non-white Vikings and a black George Washington.

Microsoft’s AI Imaging tool has its own problems, generating sexually explicit and violent images.

Clearly AI imaging has gone off the rails.

While Google’s CEO admitted Gemini’s results were “biased” and “unacceptable,” that’s not a bug but a feature — much as “anti-racism” theory gave rise to openly racist diversity, equity and inclusion practices.

As one of us (William) recently explained to The Post: “In the name of anti-bias, actual bias is being built into the systems. This is a concern not just for search results, but real-world applications where ‘bias free’ algorithm testing actually is building bias into the system by targeting end results that amount to quotas.”

Our Equal Protection Project ( sounded the alarm almost a year ago, when we exposed the use of algorithms to manipulate pools of job applicants in LinkedIn’s “Diversity in Recruiting’’ function.

LinkedIn justified the racial and other identity-group manipulation as necessary “to make sure people have equal access” to job opportunities, but what it meant by “equal access” was actually preferential treatment.

Such bias operates in the shadows. Job candidates don’t see how the algorithms affect their prospects.

Algorithms can be — and are — used to elevate certain groups over others.

But it’s not limited to LinkedIn.

The Biden administration has issued an executive order to require bias-free algorithms, but under the progressive DEI rubric built into this policy, the lack of bias is demonstrated not on equal treatment, but on “equity.”

Equity is a codeword for quotas.

In the world of “bias-free” algorithm testing, bias is built-in to achieve equity.

What happened with Gemini is an example of such programming.

It’s one thing to get a bad search result; it’s quite another thing to lose a job opportunity.

As attorney Stewart Baker, an expert on such deck-stacking, explained at an EPP event, “preventing bias . . . in artificial intelligence is almost always going to be code for imposing stealth quotas.”

The insidious reach of “bias-free” bias will grow.

Discrimination by algorithm has the potential to manipulate every major detail of our lives in order to obtain group results and group quotas.

These algorithms are designed to take the scourge of DEI and secretly bring it into every facet of life and the economy.

People are purposely “teaching” AI that images of black Vikings are a more equitable result than the truth.

Because Big Tech already knows a lot about you, including your race and ethnicity, it’s not hard to imagine discrimination by algorithm manipulating access to a host of goods and services.

Get turned down for a job, a loan, an apartment, or college admission? Could be a “bias free” algorithm at work.

But you’ll almost never be able to prove it, because the algorithms operate out of sight and undercover, certified as “bias free” because they build bias into the system to achieve quotas.

You get the picture.

Discrimination by algorithm is a threat to equality and must be stopped.

In many ways, manipulatoin of altorithms may turn out to be the most pernicious implementatoin of the CRT/DEI agenda. Now that Discrimination by Algoritm is back in our focus, we’re going to be pursuing this more in the coming weeks and months.


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I’m in IT and many in the industry act and think as if AI walks on water and that it is the “wave of the future”. However, this is a growing number of us who have been leery and who are aware of the limits and bias of AI like Gemini. The positive aspect of these controversies is that the confidence in AI begins to chip away at the credibility of the corporations that develop and foster their AI as nothing more than an extension of company DEI Policy.

As for DEI it must DIE so it can be DOA!

    UnCivilServant in reply to natdj. | March 10, 2024 at 8:21 pm

    Also in IT, but I’m the curmudgeon who’s trying to warn people about the downsides of these newest toys they try not to think about.

    Some people have come around to my warnings about cloud computing, but still dismiss my warnings on the newer toys.

      Good for you! I attended a Cyber Security Conference and an attorney spoke about the dangers of AI. She brought up the real life story of an attorney using AI to write a legal brief to submit to a judge for a case. Well, the judge questioned the footnotes because the attorney who submitted the brief put in cases that were fiction and the attorney realized that AI made up cases as legitimate. AI is not the savior many think it is but the warnings within IT/Cyber are increasingly expressing concern on the reliance of AI as “the answer” of all issues from curing cancer to Boeing make a quality airplane.

      Also, I work for an MSP and I too am aware of Cloud Computing as well as what we who are in IT and Cyber Security know. For instance, the joke in Cyber is that we don’t say good night to our Guardian Angel but our Guardian Agent!

    Andy in reply to natdj. | March 11, 2024 at 12:28 pm

    I do “something” in IT.

    A couple of thoughts:
    – Most of IT is run by very outdated tools that are homespun and not compatible with other stuff.
    – Workday is the tool I would be very concerned about, though I do worry about tools like Teams, spying and doing thought police.

    ConradCA in reply to natdj. | March 12, 2024 at 8:03 pm

    What people need to realize is that just because the program is”AI”doesn’t mean that progressive fascists can’t turn it into propaganda.

Said it before, and I’ll say it again: Equality rejects racism, while “equity” requires it.

That’s why the left loves it so; they can play different races against each other. That’s what “diversity” means today: conflict, not harmony.

That said, the rush to introduce AI to, well, everything, will be a complete disaster. Deepfake images and videos are becoming increasingly commonplace, to the point where virtually nothing on the internet is reliable. And this is just the beginning.

Watch. Like everything else, the left will have to pass laws to regulate the monster they created, and in doing so, will further degrade our freedoms.

I am so thankful I grew up before the internet and social media bastardized society.

    DaveGinOly in reply to Dimsdale. | March 10, 2024 at 8:37 pm

    “Race relations” training in the work place (as I experienced it in the Army in the mid-1970s) has always been about differences between people, a point I raised in objection to the training as “divisive” and asked “Why isn’t this training about what we have in common?” There was no answer for my question.

A black woman pope? Not even in the fever-swamp mind of the current Dope Francis…..

Despite the ridicule and notoriety obtained by the Google AI which was so silly even Google had to admit it I noticed one thing in particular. No one was disciplined or fired for that hot, racist mess.

    CommoChief in reply to diver64. | March 11, 2024 at 7:32 am

    Nope and no one will be. The ideology underlying DEI of oppressors v oppressed is part and parcel of the leftists who are in positions of power in corporations, academia and gov’t. The bureaucracy of these institutions has adopted and implemented policies demanding it. During the growth stage white women had incentives to join in to receive their ‘share’ of the spoils. Many did so.

    Now that DEI principles have triumphed and are commonplace white women are no longer necessary so they being shut out due to being part of the oppressors. After all they are white, middle-class, part of the ownership culture, and adhere to oppressive norms like being on time, diligence and so on. Merely being a female is no longer enough to qualify under DEI so they gotta add trans or lesbian or another category in the diversity Olympics to remain competitive.

E Howard Hunt | March 11, 2024 at 8:35 am

There will have to be a secret carve out allowing high achieving whites to interbreed and thrive. Otherwise planes will fall from the skies, hospitals will become funeral parlors and courtrooms will become cage fighting arenas.

    “…Otherwise planes will fall from the skies, hospitals will become funeral parlors and courtrooms will become cage fighting arenas.” As in the movie Idiocracy.

    Or the short story, The Marching Morons.

    artichoke in reply to E Howard Hunt. | March 11, 2024 at 8:28 pm

    Haven’t all those things begun to happen already? Planes (parts falling off planes, fuselages spouting holes, etc.) and hospitals (the Covid protocol of breathing suppression and toxic drugs leading to ventilation and death, while avoiding and preventing the use of things known to work), obviously.

    But courtrooms too. The crap that passes for justice in the J6 trials and others, I don’t think that would have been possible 20 years ago. It would have been too extreme, too obviously wrong. Now it’s the norm in all the big trials reported in the news.

14 days ago

META: Our partnership with Google and commitment to socially responsible AI

Discrimination by algorithm is a feature, not a bug.