Frustrated San Francisco Voters Get Mugged by Reality, Go Right on Crime
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Frustrated San Francisco Voters Get Mugged by Reality, Go Right on Crime

Frustrated San Francisco Voters Get Mugged by Reality, Go Right on Crime

SF Chronicle headline: “Voters make it clear: San Francisco can no longer be called a progressive city”

It’s official.

San Francisco has gone right, at least on the issue of crime.

The stories of the crime problems in the Democrat-run city that once boasted of defunding the police in the midst of the George Floyd riots are too numerous to mention in this post, but here is a brief lowlight reel:

Those issues, combined with the poop maps, widespread homelessness, and open-air drug use – which city and state Democratic so-called leaders have tried to hide, have been the cause of a mass exodus of businesses and residents alike. It’s become so problematic and embarrassing that even the city’s woke mayor, London Breed, seemingly had a change of heart on defunding the police some 18 months after she did it.

So, too, have a majority of San Franciscans who on Tuesday showed signs that they hadn’t just been mugged by repeat offenders but also by reality, approving by comfortable margins two Breed-backed anti-crime measures, including one that gave police more surveillance powers:

San Francisco voters passed a pair of law-and-order ballot measures on Tuesday night, including one that would require welfare recipients suspected of using drugs to undergo screenings to receive benefits.

It marks yet another rebuke of progressive policies in the famously liberal city, following the recall of far-left District Attorney Chesa Boudin in 2022.

The welfare requirement, called Proposition F, had 63 percent support as of Wednesday morning, according to the most recent election results online. Proposition E, which expanded some police surveillance powers and reined in some oversight, had support from 60 percent of voters. There are still votes to be counted but the measure’s proponents declared victory, while left-wing detractors grumbled about the results, saying they would backfire and reverse progress.

A spokesperson for Breed’s office even acknowledged that the city had gone too far left in recent years on crime:

“Our current public safety policies are outdated and make it difficult for police officers to chase suspects, even in a felony or violent misdemeanor,” [spox Joe Arellano] said. “Prop E makes common-sense changes to City rules to get more officers on the street fighting crime. It provides police with helpful new tools such as cameras and drones and expanded power to pursue criminals. Over the last few years, the City’s policies swung too far to the left. Now, it’s time to send a message that San Francisco is closed to criminals and brazen theft will not be tolerated.”

Several headlines in the aftermath of Tuesday’s vote spoke volumes about media fretting over whether San Francisco could still safely be called a “progressive” city:

The answer to NBC‘s question is, of course, no. But in these deep blue cities and states, conservatives have to take their victories where they can get them, and on combating crime, at least, there’s been an uneasy but clear convergence of views between the left and right in the City by the Bay, at least for now.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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Conservative Beaner | March 9, 2024 at 6:08 pm

Turd mines, businesses leaving, tax base shrinking and quality of life just plain bad if you’re not one of the elites. The people have had enough of this shit, literally and figuratively.

When you’ve gone full commie, any movement to the right is being more “conservative”.

LeftWingLock | March 9, 2024 at 6:36 pm

Yeah. Now all the need is a DA to prosecute these cases and a jury pool that will find criminals guilty and a judge that will sentence them properly.

    Olinser in reply to LeftWingLock. | March 9, 2024 at 6:55 pm

    And while we’re just wishing for ridiculous stuff, I’ll take the winning Powerball ticket, at least that’s something that has a chance of actually happening.

    PODKen in reply to LeftWingLock. | March 9, 2024 at 7:30 pm

    To quote Newt (Alien’s) … “It won’t make any difference”.

    SF will find some way not to follow through.

    Milhouse in reply to LeftWingLock. | March 11, 2024 at 8:56 am

    They already have a DA to prosecute these cases. Is Brooke Jenkins not doing a good job?

The necessary changes in attitude and philosophy could take a long time. It’s hard to admit that your fellow residents are comfortable feeding on each other and that someday you’ll be on the menu. Philosophy, meet reality.

Last time I looked at the senate primary results, the top three vote getters were all democrats and had 84% of the tally. So no, SF is hardly getting more conservative. No doubt more lessons from the school of hard knocks will be needed.

Subotai Bahadur | March 9, 2024 at 7:41 pm

Prosecutors will not charge or prosecute appropriately.
Judges/Juries will not convict.
Judges will not sentence appropriately.
Cops have learned that there is limited reason to risk life, safety, or legal harassment to catch criminals who face no sanctions.

No changes. San Francisco is getting what it really wants.

Subotai Bahadur

Its all performative. Homeless junkies in SF are now on the “honor system” to check a box that they aren’t substance abusers, in order to get free money from City of SF. There is no urine or blood testing or breathalyzer. This is no body search or property search. Nothing is really going to change. Except the mayor of SF can now claim they are more carefully monitoring the issue.

50 years ago my then wife and I stepped out of a downtown San Francisco restaurant just as a parade was occurring of men wearing only diapers, sporting nipple rings connected to a chain held by a male “partner”. It made a lasting impression. Somehow it didn’t seem possible at the time that things could degenerate but they have. What’s required to impose a semblance of civilized behavior won’t come quickly, just as the current problems aren’t of recent origin.

henrybowman | March 9, 2024 at 9:35 pm

“Boo hoo, we’re no longer a ‘progressive city.'”

Yeah, normal people aren’t interested in running out the clock all the way to the end of the suicide pact.

Except you, Chronicle — you’re more worried about your legacy in the Democrat first/most “record books” — your inevitably posthumous legacy, you clowns.

I’ve heard something about a Liberal becomes a Conservative after they are mugged. California’s best hope is praying to San Andreas.

In the “good old days” Horse Thieves and Cattle Rustlers were shot dead.
Card cheaters were shot dead or beat bloody and run out of town.’
The “law” was perverted when the people turned over law enforcement and personal protection to the paid “political/legal system”.
Only the people can reverse this by exercising their God given rights.