FDNY Rethinks Plan to Investigate Staffers Who Booed AG Letitia James
“FDNY leadership is having ongoing conversations with our members about decorum during department events to ensure we are upholding the core values that make the FDNY the greatest fire department in the world”

We recently pointed out that the FDNY was vowing to investigate staffers who booed Attorney General Letitia James at an event, followed by chants of ‘Trump.’ Backlash from the public over the reaction from FDNY leadership was fast and intensely negative.
Now the FDNY is backpedaling furiously.
FOX News reports:
FDNY reverses course on ‘hunt’ for firefighters who booed Letitia James, cheered Donald Trump
Leaders of the New York City Fire Department have extinguished prospects for a “hunt” for rank-and-file members who jeered the Empire State’s Attorney General Letitia James when she took the stage at a ceremony last week.
“At no point has there been an investigation into members booing,” an FDNY spokesperson told Fox News Wednesday, appearing to contradict reports of an internal email from brass that generated half a week of bad press for the department…
The FDNY has already downplayed reports it was hunting anyone to begin with.
“Nobody is hunting anyone down,” FDNY spokesman Jim Long told Fox News Digital in an email Sunday. “We’re looking into those who clearly broke department regulations. It has nothing to do with politics. It’s about professionalism at an official event held in a house of worship.”
The department further softened its language Wednesday.
“FDNY leadership is having ongoing conversations with our members about decorum during department events to ensure we are upholding the core values that make the FDNY the greatest fire department in the world,” a spokesperson told Fox News. “Being a NYC firefighter is an honor, and we will continue to impress upon our members that their actions impact everyone who wears the uniform.”
A pair of NYC lawyers had offered to represent any FDNY members who were targeted.
The New York Post reported:
NYC lawyers offer to rep firefighters for free if they’re disciplined for booing AG Letitia James
A pair of Staten Island lawyers offered Tuesday to represent any Big Apple firefighter for free if they get jammed up for booing state Attorney General Letitia James at last week’s raucous promotion ceremony.
Lawyers Mark Fonte and Louis Gelormino said the firefighters had the right to voice their support for Donald Trump and to lambast James, who has been prosecuting him — as FDNY Commissioner Laura Kavanaugh threatens to discipline the jeering Bravest.
“If you are being ‘hunted down’ by FDNY brass for exercising your freedom of speech contact our office at once,” the men’s firm, F&G Legal Group, wrote in a letter to the Fire Department’s rank-and-file.
“We always answer the call. We stand ready to assist New York’s Bravest,” the letter said.
The top brass at the FDNY clearly overreached on this.
BREAKING NOW: ⚠️ FDNY reverses course on 'HUNT' FOR FIREFIGHTERS who booed Letitia James, cheered Donald Trump..
Somebody realized LAWSUITS WERE COMING hard and fast..
New York City Fire Department officials have dismissed the idea of pursuing action against lower-ranking… pic.twitter.com/FKTSk6kfRv
— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) March 14, 2024

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to the full extent allowed by law.
The rank and file fire fighters should have a week of blue flu.
By all means. Let your neighbor’s house burn to the ground, and all the small businesses as well. Then see how well people think of you.
In NYC those neighbors were probably the same people that called the police on you when you went outside without a mask.
I don’t give a flying fig what people think about me, especially dickheads such as you.
You are merely an anonymous jumble of words on the screen, generally along the “every thing is racist, everyone is racist” mentality.
I don’t seek upvotes or approval.
If people believe that those who protect us are bastards, then I believe that they lose the right to seek assistance from those people. Paycheck or not, abuse firefighters or police, don’t bitch when your house burns to the ground.
I wouldn’t piss on someone like you if you were on fire. I might, maybe, have some level of feeling about your horrifying death…. But you would probably be long dead and your embers cold in the ground before that would happen.
Have the day you deserve JR.
You don’t care what he thinks of you, yet you can practically hear the spittle hitting your screen as you rage type elaborate fantasies about his death. Glad to know the highest ranking NCO in the AF is so easily unhinged by randos on the internet. 😅
“Nice house, Letitia. It is a shame that it burned to the ground”
Actually, Letitia has something like 7 houses.
Government service pays well …
Corruption pays even better.
Did she pay what they’re worth, or does she need to investigate herself?
Evidence, please. 7 houses? Please.
Do some research buttercup
How does someone who makes $220k a year amass a net worth $15 million…. With 7 homes?
You are an embarrassment.
You idiot. She wasn’t making $220K a year for most of her career. It’s like asking how Trump, who wasn’t even collecting his presidential salary, got to be so rich on it.
So, is Sharika a racist?
No, but, as one should expect from anyone writing on the Hoft brothers’ lie sheet, she’s a liar. Her representation of the shooting at Hoyt-Schemerhorn a few days ago is completely wrong.
If any of those homes are in a red city or state perhaps the local DA and/or AG should look into the transactions to make sure they are free of all fraudulent activity or misrepresentations.
Surely no one even a Democrat AG from NY is above the law.
There are no grounds to suspect any wrongdoing.
“… It has nothing to do with politics. It’s about professionalism at an official event held in a house of worship.”
Bull-feathers! You had a political event in a house of worship, Chief. If you were smart and knowing the various factions involved you could have seen this coming. Political? Yes… you were installing a “two-fer” in a ceremonial position for a non-firefighter.
Do you really care if the people who come to save your house from fire or a relative’s life vote the way you do or if they have abrasive personalities? You shouldn’t.
“It has nothing to do with politics.”
Uh, yeah sure.
My sentiments exactly.
You are making things up. It was not a political event.
The rethink is that it will be done quietly and out of the public view
so much this. It will be a quiet “banning” – as they said, they have video. They can identify who booed… and that firefighter will be denied promotions, transferred to the worst stations, etc.
Firefighters should sue them for the the threat, which has create a hostile work environment.
It’s a sad state of things when you expect firefighters to kiss your butt.
wait a sec…. it’s the FD of a leftist city.
Aren’t the majority of these diversity hires anyway?
There are literally only 4-5 Black leaders of any kind that I don’t cringe when I see or hear them
She is not one of them
For the most part all they want is everything we have and to murder us
They all want South Africa
They literally are getting away with murdering whites like it’s Christmas
“The top brass at the FDNY clearly overreached on this”. They want South Africa or maybe the former East Germany.
Please, gontox, you are not being racist enough. Try harder.
Name a few that haven’t been a total disgrace. Mayor, Police Chief, AG, DA….I’m waiting.
Oh not at all. In fact the Air Force chief NCO will be here shortly to point out what a “dickhead” you are for having the audacity to think “all they want is everything we have and to murder us” is racist and obnoxious. It’s true, you know! That’s how THEY are.
Who cares if such idiotic attitudes give fuel to the jackasses on the Left to paint everyone on the right as ignorant, redneck racists! As long as the “true conservatives” and Trump humpers can circle the wagons and have a Muslim killing fantasy circle jerk and put the little “e” after “GOP” in their comments, it’s all good. They can always spend the next three years wetting their pants over “stolen elections.”
Statistically, they are murdering their own at a double digit rate higher than they are mudering whites. Case in point, during the DC sniper spree 20 years ago we heard about maybe a dozen white people who were murdered, while at the same time in DC and Baltimore about 100 blacks were murdered by other blacks, including a mom and her 6 kids who were burned alive by drug dealers that she reported. Those stories don’t make the news because it goes against the narrative, and might possible lead to someone fixing it.
“all they want is everything we have and to murder us
They all want South Africa”
Not unhinged at all. And hey you got your up-votes from your barking seal fan club here. Maybe the Sarge will propose and you can get in on his military pension and you two can devote your lives to fighting the Negro menace.
OK. So now we need to investigate the people who wanted to investigate the firemen.
Can someone identify a single FDNY regulation these firefighters “clearly broke?” Of course not; recall their proposal remedy from the start was “education.” In other words they already gave the game away; it is political.
Using jazz hands instead of clapping would spare the old flippers if being the first to stop clapping becomes problematic.
Fat black affirmative hire Chief zero’s in on fat black AG affirmative hire critics. What is with these black diversity hire women in position’s of authority? They are all disasters.
What is it with the common use of apostrophe-s now for plural instead of possessive?!
Geez, the poor grammar is really getting to me. Also, when Matt drudge used the word “concerning“ instead of worrisome in the late 90s, he introduced the misuse of that word, and it is so glaring to me it grates.
If a strange spellcheck that popped up on a post made from a phone is the only thing sticking in your craw you are doing pretty good. Get a hobby and let off some steam before you get a coronary. It’s just not that big of a deal.
An old boss at Hopkins used to remind to always make sure that our cure wasn’t worse than the disease itself. Every single one of these people who was hired to “fix” a broken system has made that system (even if not broken in the first place) way way way way way worse. One one hand I think carmen Ambar should be fired at Oberlin, but on the other hand, keeping her there will make it go down the tubes much much faster. Putting incompetent people in power has never ever worked out in the long run. It is the ultimate expression of feelings over facts.
This is not the same as the snowflake protesters on college campuses. These people had no choice but to stand there and be subjected to this garbage as part of their job. If NFL players can “take a knee” then the firefighters are free to protest as well.
Ooh, interesting observation! If the firefighters had literally taken a knee to Letitia, the fat commie would have been checkmated by her own religious symbolism.
Subjected to what garbage? They weren’t being subjected to anything.
If her home is on fire Leititia can call 911 and leave message at the tone, FDNY has been instructed to speak through their lawyer.
“We’re looking into those who clearly broke department regulations.
It has nothing to do with politics.
If it had nothing to do with politics why was she even giving a speech? She’s a poltician, nothing she says publicly isn’t political.
That’s bullshit. She’s a public official. Most of her speeches are not political. Or would you claim that every time Trump as president opened his mouth it was political?
“It’s about professionalism at an official event held in a house of worship.”
Yeah, about that choice to conduct an official event in a house of worship… WTF was that all about? The State doesn’t have any conference rooms suitable for official events? Or was this even more of a political event than it originally seemed by their choice to have the AG as a speaker?
Another idiot heard from. It was the installation of a departmental chaplain; where else would you have that, if not in a house of worship?
Sincere THANK YOUs to those NYC lawyers who stepped up. and offered their services pro bono to represent firefighters.
Near as I can tell, they stood up, and then Letitia and her myrmidons stood down.
Not a great look when your flex gets stifled.
Worse, AG James showed UPenn Prezzy-level skill dealing with the situation. Seriously. “Settle down.”(!?!) “Get it out of your systems.”(!?!)
The move is to declare the common ground you’re there for, and explicitly leave the other stuff outside. “I’m here to help install a Chaplain for the FDNY, which is so very important for an organization that risks their lives, to save lives. Can you join me in that, just for right now?”
Of course, after that you can’t flog the themes of the unique, special, first-ness of this person — not the role, being installed for the first-ness — not the job they’ll do, because it matters in the grand scheme of progress — not doing a hard and dangerous job, because the path has been set, the vision proclaimed elsewhere — not part off a team taking care of each other.
It’s just another location in the carcass, to be worn like a skin suit, as the respected institution is killed, and gutted. Everything she said; and the department did later, doubled, tripled, quadrupled down on the flex. Shut up, and be good props. Suck it up, minions.