California Dreamin’: Steve Garvey Surges In Senate Bid, Can He Beat Adam Schiff?
“These findings represent a dramatic change in the standings when compared to earlier polls in the Senate race”

Rep. Adam Schiff (America Last D-CA) is making a bid for the Senate, but he’s got a fight on his hands against Republican Steve Garvey. The former Dodgers and Padres baseball star is going all-in in his an attempt to wrest the Senate seat long-held by retiring Sen. Diane Feinstein from Democrats, and he’s making a splash.
🧵& New Video: What @AdamSchiff, pundits, and insiders don't want to admit and will come up with a million excuses to explain away – my campaign has had momentum since I announced – and ONLY because of my 50-year relationship with Californians and that I care about their issues.
— Steve Garvey (@SteveyGarvey6) March 2, 2024
Garvey has surged in recent polls and the chance of a face-off with the Schiff lying liar who lies looks increasingly likely.
Shock Poll: Republican Steve Garvey Surges to Lead in US Senate race. The MLB legend joined @KMJNow's Ray Appleton just as the news broke. Listen here:
— KMJ NOW (@KMJNOW) March 2, 2024
USAToday reports (archive link):
Republican candidate for California’s open U.S. Senate seat Steve Garvey soared into a statistical tie with frontrunner Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff just days away from the March 5 primary, new polling indicates.
In new figures released March 1 from the UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies, former baseball star and political newcomer Steve Garvey is the choice of 27% of likely voters followed by Schiff’s 25%—within the margins of error effectively placing them neck-and-neck.
The numbers are the latest indication that Garvey has succeeded in consolidating California’s Republican voters, aided by name recognition and, political analysts speculate, Schiff’s controversial ad campaigns elevating the Republican’s profile. The polling shows 67% of likely Republican and conservative voters throw their support behind Garvey.
It’s hard to imagine California electing a Republican senator (there hasn’t been one since the early ’90s), but who knows, the voters still stuck in Gruesome Newsom’s dystopia and disgusted by Schiff’s many lies may be inspired to vote for change.
Hey, it could happen.
Garvey makes his case.
My campaign is about building consensus and working across the political spectrum to improve our country.
We need to find common ground and bring people together for compassionate solutions.
Adam Schiff's campaign only works to divide us for his benefit.
— Steve Garvey (@SteveyGarvey6) March 2, 2024
I have deeply appreciated the support I have received from Californians for decades, you are all truly the wind beneath my wings.
I hope you will consider joining me on this great journey.
Join Team Garvey at
and make sure to vote by/on March 5th!— Steve Garvey (@SteveyGarvey6) March 2, 2024
So yes, whether it's @ChrisCuomo on @NewsNation or @IngrahamAngle on @FoxNews, dozens of media outlets throughout the state, across the political spectrum, I will talk to almost anyone who will listen.
Our next US Senator should work for 100% of the people, not just their 50%.— Steve Garvey (@SteveyGarvey6) March 2, 2024
But in a surprising twist, Friday’s Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll taken just a week before the March 5 primary Election Day found 27% of likely voters supporting Garvey, 25% Schiff, 19% Porter and 8% Lee, with 12% split among 23 other candidates and 9% undecided.
“These findings represent a dramatic change in the standings when compared to earlier polls in the Senate race,” IGS said in an analysis of its findings, noting Garvey “is now in a statistical tie” with Schiff, the race’s longtime frontrunner. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points. It was conducted online in English and Spanish from Feb. 22-27 among 3,304 likely California voters.
The two candidates who receive the most votes in the primary will compete against each other for the seat in November.
Garvey, of Palm Desert, said Friday that he was “deeply humbled by the trust and support shown by Californians in the latest poll.”
It’s pretty remarkable to see a Republican doing so well in a Senate race in California.
📈🚨NEW POLL & NEW VIDEO🚨📈@latimes/@BerkeleyIGS:
Steve Garvey: 27% 📈
Adam Schiff: 25%
Katie Porter: 19%
Others: 12%
Undecided: 9%
Barbara Lee: 8%Join Team Garvey:
Vote Steve Garvey for US Senate on/by March 5th! #CASen— Steve Garvey (@SteveyGarvey6) March 1, 2024

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Well, the steal will not let that happen
We all know this
This is the way
Well, then tell all of your Trump supporters in California to just stay at home and not vote. Does that sound like a viable solution? Or maybe you are just one of those many Trump cowards who just gives up without a fight? You are beyond pitiable. Loser.
Trump told all of his supporters in Georgia not to vote in the Senate election, because their vote would not count, because it was all a steal. So we ended up with the Democrats controlling the Senate. And look at how that disaster ended up. And now you want to repeat this fiasco? Thank you gonzotx and all of your Donald Fucking Trump supporters. If the great American dream dies, you will be the reason.
Don’t hold back-tell us how you really feel
You progressive fascists hate freedom and liberty so bad your so evil that your willing to persecute your political enemies. Your persecution of Trump is why we support him despite your lies.
“You are beyond pitiable. Loser.”
I hope you were looking in the mirror when you typed that.
Sorry, but the woke OWN California.
The standards for being a senator have not changed much since Biden was stealing classified docs. Honesty is no advantage.
This is an illusion. Garvey is not doing well. In 2022, when there were 4 or 5 Republicans competing for a spot in the general election, those 4 or 5 Republicans had a combined 37% of the vote. Garvey, running as the solo Republican, is only at 27%. See the problem?
The Democrats, ranging from far leftwing to full-on Commie, have a combined 73% support. Garvey is going to get crushed…which honestly is going to be a small improvement from 6-years ago when the General Election choice was between the Incumbent Democrat…or the other Democrat. Garvey might actually make it to the General.
“See the problem?”
It’s not a problem, it’s an advantage. Hardin below has it completely right.
It’s only an advantage in the primary…if you’re a Democrat…and your name is Schiff. As someone else points out, this is actually the best possible outcome for Schiff in the primary because it nukes the other Democrats. If things stand as they are right now, it will be Schiff vs. Garvey, which Schiff will win easily.
The democrat candidates split the democrat vote, making the largest easy to beat.
It is my understanding that the top two vote getters go on to the general, in which case Schiff’s 25% becomes 52+% if you add in the other Dem voters who will almost certainly coalesce around the Dem candidate on the ballot.
How is it even possible that “67% of likely Republican and conservative voters throw their support behind Garvey,” and not 95%.
Because he is a squish and even if he makes it to the general election, his outlook isn’t brilliant.
I’ll gamble on the possibility of an upset election of a squish republican. Why is that a hard choice.
I voted for the squish.
California Republicans are not Fly Over Republicans. They are farther to the left than average and will cross to vote for a non crazy Democrat or Libertarian.
I wish my earworm onto the voters of California. I will never again hear the name of Adam Schiff without immediately recalling his classic pwning by Elon Musk:
“Thankfully, you lose your chairmanship very soon. Your brain is too small.”
“A statistical tie.”
Is that with or without the cheat margin figured in?
Alas, Schiff is happy with this. He’d much rather face a Pub in November than either Lee or Porter. He’ll consolidate the party vote in the fall — remember as the Dems say, “you don’t have to fall in love, you just have to fall in line.”
He just needs to finish second.
Maybe it’s the plan. Garvey does talk like a Rino. That could be to get as many undecided votes as possible. Or it could be because he’s a wealthy man and inclined to Rino-ism and paving the way for Adam Schiff.
No. Schiff and Porter are each splitting the Dem vote in the primary, while Garvey is under 30%. That’s about the best Garvey can get.
The Dems will all vote for the Dem in the general.
Schiff is a lying scumbag who desperately needs the Hairy Reed exercise band treatment.
I’d like to meet some of the 8% who claim they are voting for Lee.
Orange County isn’t big enough to elect Garvey. However, if there are enough votes in the dystopian hell holes of Frisco and LA that want to give the finger to the California elitists, we’ll game on. If Garvey gets on the ballot for November he should run ads non -stop showing nothing but the streets in Frisco, LA and San Diego. Just use footage from 20 years ago vs today. Side by side. Constantly remind the voters what happens when you have a 1 party state controlling everything. If you’re happy with today’s situation vote for Schiff for brains. If you want it to change. Vote for me.
Polling, polling, polling. The problem with polling is that it never surveys the homeless or the dead.
This is good news to registered Republicans and any other thoughtful Californians who seek healthy change in our state’s governance. I voted (early by mail) in the primary, but now regret having chosen Eric Early, another respectable Republican. Should have waited to vote in person for Garvey, to add to his surprisingly strong poll showing. I wonder if others made the same mistake and now regret it. Nonetheless, we can hope that the polls are correct, that Garvey makes it to the November ballot, and—wonder of wonders—may even win in November to take over the vaunted Diane Feinstein Senate seat. Go Garvey !
Do Mexifornia Marxist Democrats still have Dominion Voting Systems in their camp?
Once Marxists gain power they’re very reluctant to give it up. Willingly.
This aint 1928 or 1932 America.
Its not the people who cast their ballots that matter. Its the people who count them. Joseph Stalin.
The Apparatus is plenty scared. Someone not on the team is making a possibly legit challenge for Governor of Cali. Some years back Lee Zeldin came scary close in NY State. They “lost” Virginia, the lock.
I live in California. Charles Manson (D, Dead) wins statewide. In fairness to the voters intelligence only by ten points as opposed to the usual 20 to 30.
I reluctantly voted for Garvey in the primary. His being a good baseball player is no particular recommendation and he is an at least borderline gun grabber. OTOH, having a GOP on the ballot might be interesting.
He will lose the general by 30 points. I will probably leave it blank.